Last Man Standing 2023/24 | 327 competitors. Tony Banta is the Last Man Standing. Competition over.

As if Everton screwed me by getting beat to Luton :lol: They deserve relegating just for that
Week 8 predictions
Week 8 predictions

(0) Luton Town v Tottenham (18)
(0) Burnley v Chelsea (0)
(9) Everton v Bournemouth (0)
(17) Fulham v Sheffield Utd (0)
(10) Man Utd v Brentford (0)
(7) Crystal Palace v Nott Forest (0)
(0) Brighton v Liverpool (1)
(0) West Ham v Newcastle (0)
(0) Wolves v Aston Villa (2)
(1) Arsenal v Man City (1)

Eliminated due to three autopicks: 7

Down to 65.
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Anyone who picked United should be eliminated out of principle. We should not be rewarding luck.