Gaming Life Is Strange


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
What's the deal with this game? What's it about? Bought it for the missus and now I can't get her off my PS4...
Come on... let's not front like some of you haven't played this game. Especially some of you metros and emos....

I'm gonna have a go once I can prize her hands off the controller...
It's like Telltale games meeets Juno meets Butterfly Effect. Well worth playing if you're into these kinda games, it gets progressively better as it goes along, some big twists and shocks. The hipsterism will annoy some people a tad. Looking forward to the last couple of episodes.
No there's two more to come and they've tended to come out a couple of months apart. I find the downside to these episodic games is that they are spaced too far apart and you end up forgetting some details from previous episodes. Yet by the same token it's too hard to wait months to play the whole thing when you know you can play 20/40/60% of it now haha.

:lol: FFS.

Saw it in the store, but didn't purchase it. Did you play it yet?
Not yet.... you thinking of getting it?
Just finished the first episode of Life is Strange. Pretty damn good. Top notch choice of music, terrible lip syncing. I mean way off. Would def recommend it to those who like the Telltale games.
Fair enough.
I've not bought it due to the backlog I've mentioned in the other thread but stuff I've read about it sounds good as it seems to contain elements of lots of things I like. Did you try asking her what its about? :p
Erm... is everything alright Mocks?

I've not bought it due to the backlog I've mentioned in the other thread but stuff I've read about it sounds good as it seems to contain elements of lots of things I like. Did you try asking her what its about? :p
I've been glimpsing over as she plays, I like the vibe of it but I'm trying not to spoil it in case I do get around to playing. She's hooked but I've booted her off for a few days... it's made me reassess my attempts to involve her in my gaming.
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Just played the latest episode and i really like it. Gameplay does that backseat in some cases but the story and voice acting is top notch.
I love this game. Can't remember when was the last time I was so emotionally invested in a game (probably Walking Dead s1).

Well worth the money even if it's as short as it is.
Finished the first episode of this. Don't know what to make of it.

Some of the dialogue is cringey as feck ("Go feck your selfie" and "I should sneak in here and watch Final Fantasy: Spirits Within" being particular low points) but the mystery has me intrigued. Other plus points are the music is quality and it looks lovely and runs perfectly when compared with similar games like Telltale's stuff.

Also, only 33% of people made fun of Victoria? Why? She's a cnut.
Up to halfway through episode 4 and any doubts I had are seriously gone. Fecking hell, this is seriously good.

I'm not usually one to judge books by their cover but when I initially saw this, I dismissed it as teenage nonsense. But I had nothing to play so I gave it a go and have not regretted it.

Have sped through the the episodes and the storytelling is top notch. Sci-fi apocalyptic foreshadowing mixed with time travel and some Veronica Mars style teenage detective mysteries is a weird premise but it works so well.

Also, some serious themes like suicide and euthanasia are explored and are handled extremely well. The suicide one from a gameplay perspective was nerve-wrecking and the euthanasia incident had me sitting in front of the TV for a good 10-15 minutes not knowing what decision to make.

For me, it surpasses anything Telltale has done and that includes Walking Dead season 1. Can't wait for episode 5 and the finale.
Up to halfway through episode 4 and any doubts I had are seriously gone. Fecking hell, this is seriously good.

I'm not usually one to judge books by their cover but when I initially saw this, I dismissed it as teenage nonsense. But I had nothing to play so I gave it a go and have not regretted it.

Have sped through the the episodes and the storytelling is top notch. Sci-fi apocalyptic foreshadowing mixed with time travel and some Veronica Mars style teenage detective mysteries is a weird premise but it works so well.

Also, some serious themes like suicide and euthanasia are explored and are handled extremely well. The suicide one from a gameplay perspective was nerve-wrecking and the euthanasia incident had me sitting in front of the TV for a good 10-15 minutes not knowing what decision to make.

For me, it surpasses anything Telltale has done and that includes Walking Dead season 1. Can't wait for episode 5 and the finale.
Hmm, might have to try this some time then. I liked the look of the game but gave it a miss thinking it was going to suck.
Just an FYI, not being a bitch doesn't make you a wimp.

Yeah I also really liked the game, above S1 Walking Dead for me too.

Personally I liked The Wolf Among Us better than Life is Strange. Don't know why but I really got involved in the TWAU universe with fables and stuff. Best 4.75$ I have ever spent. This game is better though and Telltales can learn from them.
Just an FYI, not being a bitch doesn't make you a wimp.

Yeah I also really liked the game, above S1 Walking Dead for me too.

Personally I liked The Wolf Among Us better than Life is Strange. Don't know why but I really got involved in the TWAU universe with fables and stuff. Best 4.75$ I have ever spent. This game is better though and Telltales can learn from them.
That is true but still, she deserved a taste of her own medicine.

TWAU actually slipped my mind. That's my favourite Telltale game but I'd still place LIS above it.
Just finished it. They knocked that ending out of the park, absolutely brilliant.

How long did it take you for episode 5?

I'm tempted to take the evening off and finish it if I can do it in a few hours like the previous ones.
That is true but still, she deserved a taste of her own medicine.

TWAU actually slipped my mind. That's my favourite Telltale game but I'd still place LIS above it.

Have you played Tales from the Borderlands yet? It's seriously Telltale's best effort yet along with TWAU and I wasn't expecting it to be since I'd never really played the Borderlands games. Just finished it now.

Going to finish off Life is Strange next. I'd played the first 3 episodes but got a new pc so going to have to play through it all again! Good to hear that it keeps the quality up towards the end.
Have you played Tales from the Borderlands yet? It's seriously Telltale's best effort yet along with TWAU and I wasn't expecting it to be since I'd never really played the Borderlands games. Just finished it now.

Going to finish off Life is Strange next. I'd played the first 3 episodes but got a new pc so going to have to play through it all again! Good to hear that it keeps the quality up towards the end.
Nope, I haven't played any of the Borderlands games so I'm guessing I'd be a bit lost with the Telltale game.
Nope, I haven't played any of the Borderlands games so I'm guessing I'd be a bit lost with the Telltale game.

Neither had I but you don't really need to, it soon draws you in. I'd highly recommend giving it a go when you get chance.
I thought episode 5 was the weakest. It didn't hit me on an emotional level as much as the other ones. Maybe it was the long wait, since I played the previous ones all in a row.

Still, overall it's a fantastic game and I'd recommend it to anyone.
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Tried to get into it but quit early. Couldn't get into the whole emo vibe. Maybe I should give it another go, since so many liked it.
I've never cried because of a game before but this brought me to tears a number of times. It's a flawed game in a number of ways but it's a n experience that can't be missed.
Tried to get into it but quit early. Couldn't get into the whole emo vibe. Maybe I should give it another go, since so many liked it.

How far into it did you go? It might be a bit boring at the very beginning, but when the story unveils a bit and decision making starts, is when it gets really good.
How far into it did you go? It might be a bit boring at the very beginning, but when the story unveils a bit and decision making starts, is when it gets really good.

I only played for about 30 minutes, so probably not enough at all.
Just played through the final episode in one go. The actual ending, or at least the one I chose, wasn't great, but it was a powerful experience. The emotional connection to the 2 main characters is far beyond what most other games manage (or even other types of media). Only The Last of Us can match it in that regard. I'm curious to see what Dontnod come up with next. I sort of liked Remember Me as well. I have high hopes for them.

I chose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay. There was just no way I was letting Chloe die. It's a little unconvincing because you basically kill Chloe's mother, but I'd rather ignore the details and focus on the two of them riding off into the sunset. I couldn't be satisfied with any ending that tears them apart.
Tried to get into it but quit early. Couldn't get into the whole emo vibe. Maybe I should give it another go, since so many liked it.
That's a common, and valid, complaint (although the vibe struck me as more hipster than emo!). I remember rolling my eyes on more than a few occasions during the first episode but there was enough there to intrigue me. I'd say give it another go and see if the second episode ropes you in.

Watched the sacrifice Chloe ending on Youtube to see what I missed out on. Thankful I didn't pick it as I would've been in bits! Foals' Spanish Sahara was a brilliant track to play over that ending.
I'm curious to see what Dontnod come up with next. I sort of liked Remember Me as well. I have high hopes for them.

It's already known. Looks quite interesting.

Finally finished it tonight. Quite a journey towards the end there, all went a bit David Lynch! Thoroughly enjoyed it though. I can't wait to see what the Dontnod team does next.

I loved the soundtrack in this game as well, it was almost like I'd hand picked it myself, especially when one of my favourite songs 'Spanish Sahara' played as the last track.

I sacrificed Chloe, it seemed clearly to be the intended and most fitting ending in my mind.