Maguire Swore at Shaw: F**king Switch On

Tbf to Shaw, I think the Sheffield United player came from outside the pitch and Shaw didn't know he came back on.
Cause he wasn't f**king switched on mate.

Yeah, it does happen often and at every level but a lot of blokes would never do it, to be fair.
It is standard stuff but it doesn't make it any less encouraging. Under LvG and Jose we had some right non-entities knocking about and none of them seemed to have any fight in them. It's why everyone seemed to focus on Herrera's tenacity and spirit - he was one of few who showed any.

I like it, especially coming from someone we've fairly recently signed and demanded to be a leader among a young team.
This can only be good for the team. Apart from raising the standard of everyone else, it also means Maguire will hold himself to a higher standard as well. He would look like a mug otherwise
I mean why is this a thread? Even at the lowest level of football you are berating each other.
Not always a fan of Maguire, but his leadership quality is truly important to our team. Over the past few years, we have lacked a real captain who has the character to motivate and stand out for the team. It's also not the first time Shaw was caught off guard due to his lack of concentration. Mourinho had openly criticized him on a few occassions and despite it might affect dressing room atmosphere, I think he was right in some sense.

Shaw was very careless at time’s...He certainly needed a rollicking....
I must be a hell of a leader if swearing at people I work with constitutes leadership

Swearing a customer service representative who made a mistake is poor leadership
swearing at a teammate/friend who has a momentary feckup in a very masculine environment is extremely common. In fact its the norm.
Maguire is a breath of fresh air regarding leadership in the squad. For a club like ours to have so few characters like him was abysmal. Bruno is another character who brings so much more than his football qualities.
You can't teach concentration. You are either able to or not. To go with his lack of brain power, Shaw is also a very average footballer. An absolute must to replace him in this transfer window.

You certainly can teach concentration.
If Maguire isn't removed as captain and dropped for next 2 games then Ole has lost it, he is just a yes man and should just resign.

I mean Maguire made a mistake against Spurs, so he has no right to shout at any of his teammates, he should just play game with his mouth shut. I mean he lost all the right to shout at his teammates to concentrate after he gave away the goal vs Spurs.
In case any one is struggling with sarcasm meter, this is one.
If Maguire isn't removed as captain and dropped for next 2 games then Ole has lost it, he is just a yes man and should just resign.

I mean Maguire made a mistake against Spurs, so he has no right to shout at any of his teammates, he should just play game with his mouth shut. I mean he lost all the right to shout at his teammates to concentrate after he gave away the goal vs Spurs.
In case any one is struggling with sarcasm meter, this is one.
If I was Maguire I’d punch Ole right in the face. I mean he managed a loss against Watford in dead last. Why would I listen to him?
That was exactly at what i was driving at

That Shaw should be willing to give some verbals out too when he sees something he doesn't like? I certainly agree with that, but what would giving back when he's just been at fault or even going over to create some kind of Bowyer-Dyer situation doing to help us? For me Shaw should stay quiet and focus on his game, but for sure if he sees catches Maguire half awake let him know.
Agree. Not sure if it's a manager's instruction or not but Shaw often played a safe back pass conservatively when he was high up the pitch against Sheffield. Would like to see more adventurous moves even though we were in a comfortable lead.

That's just what he does. He's also extremely reluctant to overlap etc. He hangs out there on the wing when a forward run is on as there is cover behind him and then passes it back inside.

He's been like this for years.
If I was Maguire I’d punch Ole right in the face. I mean he managed a loss against Watford in dead last. Why would I listen to him?

And Ole should tell SAF to do one as he lost few games as manager too. How can losing manager advise anyone.
That Shaw should be willing to give some verbals out too when he sees something he doesn't like? I certainly agree with that, but what would giving back when he's just been at fault or even going over to create some kind of Bowyer-Dyer situation doing to help us? For me Shaw should stay quiet and focus on his game, but for sure if he sees catches Maguire half awake let him know.

They should just say feck this and replicate this.

It is standard stuff but it doesn't make it any less encouraging. Under LvG and Jose we had some right non-entities knocking about and none of them seemed to have any fight in them. It's why everyone seemed to focus on Herrera's tenacity and spirit - he was one of few who showed any.

I like it, especially coming from someone we've fairly recently signed and demanded to be a leader among a young team.

I hated those United teams where everyone seemed too insecure and nice to upset anyone. Obviously nothing's then going to be achieved of note.
Medicine is one of those few jobs where it's not only acceptable to embarrass employees under you but sort of expected.
I hated those United teams where everyone seemed too insecure and nice to upset anyone. Obviously nothing's then going to be achieved of note.

Actually Fergies 2011 and 2013 squads were quite nice in general and still won a lot.
Tbf to Shaw, I think the Sheffield United player came from outside the pitch and Shaw didn't know he came back on.
He did. Ridiculous to allow him on at that point at all. All a little harsh on Shaw I think.
Mainly just the ability to remain unharmed.

When he is match sharp he is a top defender. People forget that because he hasn't had a run of games in years.

Yup. That’s basically my opinion too.

Although there comes a point when the player has to take some responsibility for his own safety. A lot of his injuries have come from pretty reckless lunges.
Agree with those saying it’s a) normal but still b) good to see someone at the back doing that.
Like others have said, this should be the norm across the whole team, but for years now we've been a timid team 'led' by quiet players like De Gea who look like they barely say a word to anyone on the pitch.
They should just say feck this and replicate this.

Well that's it, what does two players of the same team getting physical in public solve, help or prove? Nothing good can come of it.

For me I like that Maguire has settled at the club quickly to the point where he's been given the armband and he can give out bollockings as and when they're required. Shaw's conduct was by no means a cardinal sin give he was blindsided by a player returning from treatment off the pitch but yeah, a snappy reminder to stay focused from his captain is fine, and I'm sure other senior players do the same all the time.
Strange, I think concentration is one thing you can teach. You can't teach players to be like Messi - that requires pure talent, but mental attributes can be improved I think.
Absolutely. Ferdinand is the best example.
We can get away with Shaw whilst we have other transfer priorities but we do need to improve our left back. He's out of position a lot and if teams did target him they would find a lot more opportunities like Mourinho. Whilst the majority of teams are putting more emphasis to improve their right wings with Ziyech, Bernardo, Traore, Bergwijn, Pepe etc. he will get caught out by players who are simply smarter than him. Had he at least had some attacking capabilities to make up for it, that would at least pin the opposite flank but he doesn't really offer much on that front either. Unfortunately he's never looked like he wanted it enough.
Yeah he is a bit shite sadly. LB will need fixing in the summer.
When he's been away from the game awhile, Shaw takes absolutely ages to play himself back into form.
All of my streams have had that fake crowd noise nonsense. Id love to be able to hear this stuff