Marcos Rojo image 16

Marcos Rojo Argentina flag

2018-19 Performances

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4.5 Season Average Rating
Clean sheets
Yellow cards
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I keep reading/seeing people say he should have been sent off.

Are people actually mental? In no way shape or form was that tackle worthy of a red card.

Nah. It was a bit wild (and usual) and he's got form for it as we've seen before.
The world is upside down, Ekeke. We can't play football anymore. Our support is split into warring factions, spitting bile at each other, hailing either the grizzled, bitter, paranoid erstwhile Special One or the preening, pouting dropper of cryptic half-quotes in the mixed zone. I'm just saying in these dire times it is bracing to see a guy with the shit or bust attitude that Rojo has on the field. Points mean less than they used to. I'm just looking for something to stir my blood.

Personally I'd rather he plays Dalot, Pereira, Fred etc - the new players and the kids if we're going to do stuff thats potentially going to cost us for the sake of entertainment.
I dont have too much of a problem with him trying long balls. Or first time passes in the oppositions half which accelerated our attacks.

I do have a problem when he tries that stuff and risks losing the ball in his own half. Thats the part I just cant see him getting at this point.

He played 17 long passes, 4 reaching their target.

He played 55 passes total though so no, most of his incomplete passes were short ones.
I do have a problem when he is giving the ball away 13 times a game with meaningless long balls.

So, yes most of his incomplete passes were long ones, what kind of math are you doing? 13 of his incomplete passes were long balls. Making most of his incomplete passes long ones. 55 passes at a 69% completion is 38 completed and 17 incomplete. 13 of those 17 being long balls making 76.5% of his incomplete passes being long balls.

Even if you read passing stats wrong and think the 55 means complete passes, which it doesn't, then most are still long balls. 55 complete passes at a 69.1% rate would be 80 passes with 25 incomplete. 13 long and 12 short so still more long ones were incomplete.
I prefer to see central defenders take the responsibility for starting attacks rather than pass back to De Gea. In that respect, we benefit from having one of Rojo/Lindelof in the team as Bailly, Smalling and especially Jones, seem reluctant to take responsibility.

Shame about the terrible error for their 2nd goal. He could have avoided it by making a simple pass to Matic or playing a long ball initially.

From what I've seen since he joined, Rojo is a decent central defender when fully fit and given time to find his form (LVG's 1st season and Mourinho's 1st season).
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I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He has not played for a very long time. He has lot of pace and he can play football a bit instead of hoofing it up. He can tackle too. Yes he is always going to make a mistake but he is like Heinze in that respect. Very intense and obviously he likes to play for United. He needs to play in the back three and if we get an experienced and classy CB to play alongside Bailly and Rojo we will do well.
Also a better defensive midfield player instead of Matic.


Do you know what impregnable means?

It was parody. Very few actually picked up on it haha. Awkward actually. Unbelievable how some still hold stock in the shite that makes up our defense
I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He has not played for a very long time. He has lot of pace and he can play football a bit instead of hoofing it up. He can tackle too. Yes he is always going to make a mistake but he is like Heinze in that respect. Very intense and obviously he likes to play for United. He needs to play in the back three and if we get an experienced and classy CB to play alongside Bailly and Rojo we will do well.
Also a better defensive midfield player instead of Matic.
"Needs to play in a three" I don't disagree with that but it just means he isn't even a real CB. He can only play effectively between a left back and a CB, which means you then need one more CB and a defensive midfielder as cover as well, all to cover for Rojo because he himself is something in between a left back and a centre back. If we look past all the adjustments needed around the team to potentially make him look good, it becomes pretty clear he's just a LB not good enough offensively for that role, and too bad defensively to play CB. Also, he is 29 in 4 months and hasn't proved himself since he came like 4 years ago so not sure what he is still doing here. He is probably good enough for a club like Everton but when they could have bought him from us, they passed on him because of the price. I doubt any other club who might afford him have him on their wish list. Who plays with three at the back still? Spurs maybe?
The world is upside down, Ekeke. We can't play football anymore. Our support is split into warring factions, spitting bile at each other, hailing either the grizzled, bitter, paranoid erstwhile Special One or the preening, pouting dropper of cryptic half-quotes in the mixed zone. I'm just saying in these dire times it is bracing to see a guy with the shit or bust attitude that Rojo has on the field. Points mean less than they used to. I'm just looking for something to stir my blood.

Yes, at least a game where we play with Rojo and Bailly has the entertainment factor in it. We aren’t getting 4th in any case, so at least entertain us!
It was parody. Very few actually picked up on it haha. Awkward actually. Unbelievable how some still hold stock in the shite that makes up our defense

Fair enough mate, with the shite posted in these threads it's hard to tell at times.
I like Rojo's energy, but it's hard to understand why he can not learn how to tackle without killing the opponent. With him in the team, the red card is just a matter of time.

Thought he would have learned that lesson when he did not play for so long, but against Arsenal he was the same bulldozer he had been from the beginning.
Can't believe people still think his challenge was red card worthy. Standard yellow card yet it's being hyped up as some sort of killer tackle because its Rojo.
The problem is that he is playing with Bailly who is another unguided missile. I do not think Bailly ever speaks in the pitch. We need defenders who can organise themselves and it looks like Rojo is the only one who is doing it.
I think he miss kicked it and in that position one would expect one of your midfield players to be in that position. Where has the diagonal defending gone? There were no triangles either for him to pass.
The problem is that he is playing with Bailly who is another unguided missile. I do not think Bailly ever speaks in the pitch. We need defenders who can organise themselves and it looks like Rojo is the only one who is doing it.
I think he miss kicked it and in that position one would expect one of your midfield players to be in that position. Where has the diagonal defending gone? There were no triangles either for him to pass.
To be fair I think Matic stepped up to create a passing angle and beat the press. Rojo decided to go square and just miskicked it. Agreed with Bailly. Never really see him command much and he's out of position a hell of a lot. We saw it several times against Arsenal leaving Dalot exposed. Thankfully his pace bailed him out on 1v1s. It's one of my main gripes with Smalling as well. He's been here how many years yet he's never really developed into a leader at the back leaving players like Rojo and Lindelof to marshal the backline.
Does anyone have a GIF of his 1st long ball at start of game to Rashford ?
Can't believe people still think his challenge was red card worthy. Standard yellow card yet it's being hyped up as some sort of killer tackle because its Rojo.
He went two footed. Siccisor tackle .
I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He has not played for a very long time. He has lot of pace and he can play football a bit instead of hoofing it up. He can tackle too. Yes he is always going to make a mistake but he is like Heinze in that respect. Very intense and obviously he likes to play for United. He needs to play in the back three and if we get an experienced and classy CB to play alongside Bailly and Rojo we will do well.
Also a better defensive midfield player instead of Matic.
That is one thing that Rojo sorely lacks
Not a fan of Rojo, but for all his flaws he does play with some presence and personality, which after watching Lindelof for a couple of months stands out massively. You have to be careful not to confuse that with competence though. Rojo is reckless, in all the ways he plays. Constantly thumping the ball long, diving into tackles, getting drawn out of position. In one v one battles he can be quite impressive but that is only one part of defending.

At this point in his Utd career, this is his 5th year, has he even had 50 decent games for the club?
I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He has not played for a very long time. He has lot of pace and he can play football a bit instead of hoofing it up. He can tackle too. Yes he is always going to make a mistake but he is like Heinze in that respect. Very intense and obviously he likes to play for United. He needs to play in the back three and if we get an experienced and classy CB to play alongside Bailly and Rojo we will do well.
Also a better defensive midfield player instead of Matic.
Massively disagree with both parts of this sentence - literally every pass he played midweek was airborne and he's guilty of doing the same with panic clearances.
Feck me people are rating this fella? How many game changing mistakes does he need to commit? It's like people rating Jones after his 50th time on the treatment table and his 30th game costing mistake, they just erase games out of their mind.
Massively disagree with both parts of this sentence - literally every pass he played midweek was airborne and he's guilty of doing the same with panic clearances.

Nothing wrong with aerial balls if done right. Rojo almost always aims the down the channels instead of aimlessly hoofing like some of our players. Its a good way of quickly putting the opponent under pressure.

He does it a bit too often for my liking but there's such a huge gap between our defence and attack he often has little choice.
Squad player at best, walking red card waiting to happen. You couldn't plan your defence with him anywhere near so needs binning.
Man Utd 4:1 Fulham
Forgetting discussion of his defensive abilities, it makes such a difference having a player who can play accurate, fast balls first time to the feet of our midfielders and wingers.
He is instrumental in our play out from the back. He might get caught at times but more often than not, the attack will start with him. That’s why he should be starting every game for me.
Is it just me or my TV or has he been on the Lukaku-diet? He has always been fit and ripped but today he looked like he had one too many doughnuts. Maybe it was the weather and that the players probably wore more underarmour than usually. But he still looked heavy.
I have always been a fan of his. He always gives his 100% on the pitch. His passing range is very good and is a treat at set pieces as well.
I remember he and Blind were literally like a wall for a while under LVG. Shows there is a good defender in there but like a lot of defenders, has his share of brain fart moments.
Is it just me or my TV or has he been on the Lukaku-diet? He has always been fit and ripped but today he looked like he had one too many doughnuts. Maybe it was the weather and that the players probably wore more underarmour than usually. But he still looked heavy.


I noticed that too. I like Rojo, I'm in the minority here but I genuinely believe that pre ACL, he was put best CB. Loved it when we played him and Bailly together.
Is it just me or my TV or has he been on the Lukaku-diet? He has always been fit and ripped but today he looked like he had one too many doughnuts. Maybe it was the weather and that the players probably wore more underarmour than usually. But he still looked heavy.

Burnt toast is not as healthy as he thinks it is!
Massively underrated... yes is prone to clangers but so are Smalling and Jones. At least he plays with heart and can pick a pass.
Is it just me or my TV or has he been on the Lukaku-diet? He has always been fit and ripped but today he looked like he had one too many doughnuts. Maybe it was the weather and that the players probably wore more underarmour than usually. But he still looked heavy.

Think it's fair to say the conditioners within the JM mouriniho camp are well embarrassed. This hasn't been an overnight issue, why the funk haven't they spotted his new found love for quarter pounders?
So much want this player to take away the rashness out of his game and become more composed. He's got so much to offer imo and would be a waste if we can't find a place for him. A big challenge for the coaching staff to get him sorted.
Valencia 2:1 Man Utd
He is a spectacularly poor full back. How he has been Argentina's LB in the last few tournaments is a strange one, because for Utd he is usually a disaster in that position, and was again tonight. He was so poor it is almost inconceivable that the same player could even be a decent CB.
He is a spectacularly poor full back. How he has been Argentina's LB in the last few tournaments is a strange one, because for Utd he is usually a disaster in that position, and was again tonight. He was so poor it is almost inconceivable that the same player could even be a decent CB.

He's not a decent CB

He's probably the only CB at a "top club" in the premier league who cant tackle without launching himself into the air and hoping the opponent doesnt move the ball
Why are we still experiencing with him as full back after it has been proven thousands of times he's shite in it ?
Why are we still experiencing with him as full back after it has been proven thousands of times he's shite in it ?

Spot on. He is not a good full back though he has played there. He is a much CB than a full back and he is not that good a CB either. But he is better than Jones most of the time.
If Rojo is still at the club when the next manager arrives, we should include a provision to automatically sack the manager if he plays a single minute at fullback. How many examples do we need of him being absolutely atrocious there for it to sink in?
I don't know why we persist with him at full back. Other than for Argentina he doesn't play there and never really has. He's a reasonably good centre back and that should be where he stays.
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