Film Mary Poppins is Crap

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Some folk have said it's "undeniably charming". Well, it is deniable. Undeniably deniable, in fact, because I deny it. It's as charming as a used car salesman and if you fall for its tricks then that's your own fault.

It's not that it's just another Disney cash cow which has as much to say about family and society as the back of a crisp packet. The songwriters probably just walked down a road and wrote something for everything they saw. "Oh look, there's some bird feeding birds, there's some twat flying a kite, there's a child suffocating in a chimney. How magical."


Cor Blimey Guvnor innit

It's also because it's so fecking phoney. From Penis Transit Lesbian's, or whatever his name is, accent to the fecking birds flying about cleaning the house. Fantasy is one thing, fine, but that's not what the fans will have you believe. They'll tell you that the film is a reflection of family life and strife. They'll say it's about love and loss. Or because Mary Poppins says "no" a few times she's somehow a feminist icon. Or the child actors are actually any good. It's just not any of those things. It's a Disney movie with songs in it and that's all it says.

Folk who say that the new one somehow missed the spark of the original are wearing their rose tinted glasses firmly on top of their ears and nose. It's the exact same fecking film, stop pretending it's any less of an exercise in making money. People get incredibly protective of their beloved Mary Poppins if you say a bad word about it, probably in the hope that they will somehow be rewarded one day for rimming Mickey Mouse's crusty arsehole like @Rooney in Paris at a back alley cottage fest.

Well to them I say one simple thing; Feck Mary Poppins.


"Thank god Pidgy had the balls to say what we've all wanted to say for years" - everyone, and don't deny it.
Cor blimey, Mr Pigeon.
Mary Droppings would've voted for Brexit.
Totally irresponsible in my view. A couple too idle to look after their own bratty kids, pass the care onto a weirdo nanny, if that's not bad enough the mother hands them over to a stranger not just any stranger, but a fecking chimney sweep! So she can go and chain herself to railings and other suffragette shenanigans. Where were social services? What sort of example for young families??
Come on Disney:nono:
'It's analogous to the flawed relationship between the working class and posh twits generally.'
(Lord Byron)
I take issue with you looking down on the car salesman being used. Facking bigot.
'It's analogous to the flawed relationship between the working class and posh twits generally.'
(Lord Byron)
Did you know that Lord Byron died in 1824? I didn't, which is why I searched for "Lord Byron Mary Poppins" on Google.
This is exactly how Nazi Britain started. Mary Poppins = Thatch.
What's this doing on the Entertainment board? It should be in the CE forum at the very least.

It's yet another film (see also Chitty Chitty Bang Bang etc) in which we plebs are effectively told: even if you're worth about 10p and your pants are held up by sellotape, fawn and genuflect appropriately & you might get shagged by a bossy wannabe-posh twat with control issues and germophobic mania. Of course, in real life, you'd be lucky to get a Christmas bonus from Mary Pooppins let alone marriage - she'd be more interested in invading Poland.

I may be reading too much into this.
It's yet another film (see also Chitty Chitty Bang Bang etc) in which we plebs are effectively told: even if you're worth about 10p and your pants are held up by sellotape, fawn and genuflect appropriately & you might get shagged by a bossy wannabe-posh twat with control issues and germophobic mania. Of course, in real life, you'd be lucky to get a Christmas bonus from Mary Pooppins let alone marriage - she'd be more interested in invading Poland.

I may be reading too much into this.
Personally I don't think you're reading enough into it. For our benefit you should do more research.
Hang on, chief, I'll throw my meds in the bin & I'll be right on it.
Are we we talking about the original or the other one?

Both in my opinion. :lol:
I always hated Mary Poppin as a kid. Never understood why anyone liked that story. I refused to have it anywhere near my kids.
Billy makes a good point - DVD is great. However, Mary Poppins is a Nazi.

I rest my case.
Tarantino is bound to make Nazi Poppins v the Space Ceiling Dinosaurs some day.
She'd be too busy making me tidy the bedroom, mate.