Memphis Depay 2.0 as no. 9

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aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
There are some strong sounds overhere in the Needlelands that our beloved Memphis is Ronnie’s replacement in January. There are hot things happening, God only knows what the future holds and my barrels are moving.
What sounds are that? I haven't picked up on a thing suggesting that
Nah. I remember him here, and he just didn't have the tools to take on his man (pace, dribbling etc).

It's still the case to this day. Martial and Rashford were miles, and miles better than him even back then and they were younger.
There only noises at the moment, but usually these type of noises tend to be true in NL. Undoubtedly this is very realistic possibility. To be fair he has become a much better player then when he was first at OT and as a no.9
I mean, I'd be underwhelmed, but if he can link up play and basically be a version of Martial who can stay fit I think I'd be happy enough with that in the medium term.
Against the grain. Yes.
Yea could see him have a good understanding with our forwards, wouldn't hurt to have in the squad with Martials fitness woes this season.

If the manager is on board then I won't doubt him, all his signings/targets so far have justified themselves
Would be a very smart signing.

He offers similar qualities to Martial and would have no problem gelling with the squad as he knows many of them. Fits the role we need. Would be ok rotating with Martial. Would be a short term deal likely. He's actually a good player as a link up #9, very good technically and while he's not much of a dribbler (why he struggled on the wing), he's a smart player, makes good decisions, a very good passer, has a good shot on him and a very good touch.
I mean, I'd be underwhelmed, but if he can link up play and basically be a version of Martial who can stay fit I think I'd be happy enough with that in the medium term.

I doubt he can in the PL, his ability to keep the ball is just very weak.

He also hasn't been able to stay fit since his move to Barca.
He’s a decent player and has done well as a striker.

Playing as 9 is different than as a winger so he could do well here the second time around
I doubt he can in the PL, his ability to keep the ball is just very weak.

He also hasn't been able to stay fit since his move to Barca.
It has been well established that something is wrong with barcelona in terms of physical training or something. Read that somewhere, the thread was explaining why Dembele was having so many injury issues after he moved to Barca.
Needlelands is full of Oompa Loompas. I dont know if I trust them.
on a short term deal? sure. We need depth.

We literally have 1 striker who's injury prone.
It has been well established that something is wrong with barcelona in terms of physical training or something. Read that somewhere, the thread was explaining why Dembele was having so many injury issues after he moved to Barca.

Depay is having his fitness problems under Xavi who supposedly fixed those problems with their training.
If it’s on an 18 month or 2 year contract, like Barcelona initially signed him on. If he flops again we can get rid of him quite easily.
Feckinghell, not again with this lad. He isn’t good enough, let it go. He can’t even get up to speed with the Spanish league, he has no chance here.
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