Gaming Monster Hunter World

Oh ffs :lol:

I'm going to have another crack at it tonight, events reset on Friday and I want it done so I can do investigations again without relying on the rotation.
I’m sure the game is rigged, as I was doing the forest version of those quests and I killed the biggest Tobi I have ever seen and this giant Rathalos, bigger than the one I fought earlier and neither got crowns.
I did however get all the crowns for the Wildfire Bolero so as soon as I get my giant Tobi I can move on to coral then elders recess. These quests are quite handy if you combine them with your bounties. Been clearing loads of them and getting a tonne of armour spheres.
I’ve been grinding today... in the process my HR went from 194 I think to 206.
All crowns for
Deep green blues.
Wildspire Bolero.
Coral waltz
Done. All I needed was the damn giant Tizi and the Kadachi. It’s taken fecking ages. I’ve got to get both crowns for Girros in Effuvil Opera and that’s that one done. Rock and roll Recess is just Dodogamma and Laviasloth and that is that one done. However I can’t be arsed playing anymore and it resets tomorrow is it. Pain in the ass. I got to get back to stream stone farming pronto.
I’ve been grinding today... in the process my HR went from 194 I think to 206.
All crowns for
Deep green blues.
Wildspire Bolero.
Coral waltz
Done. All I needed was the damn giant Tizi and the Kadachi. It’s taken fecking ages. I’ve got to get both crowns for Girros in Effuvil Opera and that’s that one done. Rock and roll Recess is just Dodogamma and Laviasloth and that is that one done. However I can’t be arsed playing anymore and it resets tomorrow is it. Pain in the ass. I got to get back to stream stone farming pronto.

I've done around 25 runs on Deep Green Blues since we last spoke - still no large Rathalos.

In a way I'm glad the event is over as I can farm Elders and stones without feeling guilty. At this rate I'll end up with all their crowns before I get this damned Rathalos...
I've done around 25 runs on Deep Green Blues since we last spoke - still no large Rathalos.

In a way I'm glad the event is over as I can farm Elders and stones without feeling guilty. At this rate I'll end up with all their crowns before I get this damned Rathalos...
Jeez that’s a lot I don’t think mine was that bad. Might have been close. Are you doing them solo or in a group? And if group is it a mission you posted?

I still need to get Black Diablos giant and both D-Jo which I imagine is going to be a pain in the ass.
Jeez that’s a lot I don’t think mine was that bad. Might have been close. Are you doing them solo or in a group? And if group is it a mission you posted?

I still need to get Black Diablos giant and both D-Jo which I imagine is going to be a pain in the ass.

Solo as I find it quicker to run through Great Jagras and Pukei to spawn the Rathalos, have a look at it, and kill it if it's big and return from quest if it's a tiddler. In a group the added health, and the way they seem adamant to leave the rathalos till last adds 20m to each run

Good news - you don't need crowns for 'added' monsters (Lunestra/Deviljho or whoever else gets added), not for the achievement/trophy at least - they patched it so that only the base monsters are required.
Solo as I find it quicker to run through Great Jagras and Pukei to spawn the Rathalos, have a look at it, and kill it if it's big and return from quest if it's a tiddler. In a group the added health, and the way they seem adamant to leave the rathalos till last adds 20m to each run

Good news - you don't need crowns for 'added' monsters (Lunestra/Deviljho or whoever else gets added), not for the achievement/trophy at least - they patched it so that only the base monsters are required.

See I imagine the trophy size for that quest works off of some sort of counter like the gem stone lottery thing. So I imagine completing it moves the counter along. I did consider doing it the way you suggested but I didn’t want to take the risk. I normally go into the quest fire an sos and by the time anyone has answered it, I’ve taken out the Jag and Puki and was either after the Tobi or Ajnath had showed up while taking on Puki. So roughly was coming in around 15 mins. I would often leave them to fight Ajnath or Tobi and i’d go off after the Rathalos.

Came across some intresting characters yesterday. A great sword user rage quit on me. We had injured a monster, followed it back, set a bomb, set affinity booster so he could do the big hit thing and he missed it twice, so I shot the fecker with the Devil May Cry double gun gesture. He posted a ? sticker then left.

Hammer dude that wouldn’t take the big hit if we slept a monster or trapped it. Didn’t go to the head, just kept doing that whirly thing constantly, then Bow people that spam that rocks falling from the ceiling thing which is annoying as feck. Trying to get off combos and keep getting flinched.
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Another anticlimactic Great Sword incident..

Contains an end game monster, so if you ain’t over HR14 could be spoilerish.

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Have to say I'm struggling to be arsed playing anymore, it's starting to feel a bit like a chore though the odd time India enough hammering a monster... I duno
Have to say I'm struggling to be arsed playing anymore, it's starting to feel a bit like a chore though the odd time India enough hammering a monster... I duno
Yeah I get that, last couple of weeks it was more intresting because there was something to work towards with the daily bounties and trying to get crowns so it had my intrest again. Now I’ve already completed the limited bounty so probably won’t play it as much. Well not till the 2nd of August.
I’ve had one crack at the main Behemoth mission and we lasted 9 minutes. You do need that crew of 4 and preferably one having a shield so they can get it’s attention, but then you need a healer for them.

He has some sort of attack that leaves you crawling on the deck and whilst you’re doing that he is lining you up for something else, and he has a plethora of attacks to choose from. The fecking hurricanes like Kushala are annoying as folk tho.

Edit: just saw Arch Tempered Kushala and Teostra are going to come out and some sort of extreme version of Behemoth.
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I can't even be bothered, trying to get a team who've actually read the mechanics is hell lol

You can flash him when he's blue to stop that stuff or use crystal burst's on his head

I believe flashing cause his agro to reset tho
I can't even be bothered, trying to get a team who've actually read the mechanics is hell lol

You can flash him when he's blue to stop that stuff or use crystal burst's on his head

I believe flashing cause his agro to reset tho

Yeah, this is the problem, if you had a group of mates that played it would be easy. I just can’t be hooped, I might go at it over the weekend if I’ve got time. The armour you get looks pretty damn good. Clearly designed for Glaive, you get a cool kinsect as well.

I might practice with lance again then go after him with sleep and become the tank.

Anyone on here have this game on Xbox and fancies going after Behemoth?
On Xbox but don't know how free I am this weekend
Also I've seen a few saying that the role thing isn't that important (but might be more so for tempered)

They've been running whatever they want and just playing like regular mhw. Said you just have to be aware of the mechanics, they've been putting in 15 minute clears
Yeah I’ve had another 3-4 goes at it, I’ve pretty much got him dialled in but people keep dying on me. And since I’m in support mode I’m burning through mega potions and the like at a furious rate. 3x got him to his final room and then he has shafted us. I just hate those fecking hurricanes, as soon as I see him up to something just flat the fecker.
So slayed him sort of. Got him to the final room he summoned his epocaliptic thing but he had unfortunately smashed all the meteors in the room so we all died, but somehow because he died also it counted in the limited bounties even tho we didn’t get to carve him.
I've taken to just running a lbg with part breaker and sleep ammo and plunder blade to farm parts in the first area
I've taken to just running a lbg with part breaker and sleep ammo and plunder blade to farm parts in the first area
Yeah I suck with LBG and HBG, but I did try something similar but just used my Switch Axe. People absolutely suck at this. How hard is it to flash him when it comes up with the casting Chylardis or whatever it is. I keep running out of flash pods and I have them on auto craft. It’s annoying as fooook. Switch axe is all about the evade movement and you’re trying to get away move in to position them roll in to a hurricane.

I’ve switched to a Switch axe with 470 para on it, works pretty well, but I’ve ran out of SA hero stones so running it without healthregen is horrible. It’s pissing me off tho that I can’t slay him. Tried solo, got to 30 minutes but was only in the 3rd room so gave up.

Imagine how awful extreme version is going to be...
It's wild, it's fun enough with a group that knows the score even if you can't beat it but I think I'll just focus on getting the parts and making all the stuff before going back to trying to kill it
It's wild, it's fun enough with a group that knows the score even if you can't beat it but I think I'll just focus on getting the parts and making all the stuff before going back to trying to kill it
I just had 3 cracks at him since I last posted, and again people just keep dying on me. I’ve had 1 really good group and unfortunately we had all the comets destroyed so failed. Although Ihad seen someone say you need to hide behind a rock, you can die in camp, but I’ve managed to just run from a room and survive it. The last one I just did the feckers had planted the hurricanes on the rocks...

I’m going to go with your way, wait till people get decent at it then go again. Tried to craft the HBW Lunastra Styx but when I went to upgrade it I need Xeno horns so will have to do that. I’ve made so many weapons, armour and upgraded stuff it’s cost me a fortune so I’ll need to whip out the bandit mantel at some point.

I’m glad it’s challenging and all but feck me it’s annoying.
Got a run with people who knew the score and a boss healer beat him, unfortunately it was someone's optional so I haven't cleared the special event ha

I need four claws and whatever the mats are for the upgrade on the glaive
I need me a boss healer, I run SA like a DPS especially with Para to build up the effects so ain’t go no time for healing or having to run out to flash the fecker. I’ve been mounting him loads 2-3 times in a fight and on quite a few I get to do the finishing blow thing twice. You had that happen?
I noticed there seems to be a higher quality of player the later you play, so if it comes to it I’ll play this till like 3-4am in the morning one night:lol:

As for Mats I pretty much need everything, got a few tails and horns, bone but need his mane. I want the armour due to all that attack and crit eye, sure some intresting sets can be made with that. I think I need a little break from him so will go back to some tempered elder slaying as I need hero stones.
I need me a boss healer, I run SA like a DPS especially with Para to build up the effects so ain’t go no time for healing or having to run out to flash the fecker. I’ve been mounting him loads 2-3 times in a fight and on quite a few I get to do the finishing blow thing twice. You had that happen?
I noticed there seems to be a higher quality of player the later you play, so if it comes to it I’ll play this till like 3-4am in the morning one night:lol:

As for Mats I pretty much need everything, got a few tails and horns, bone but need his mane. I want the armour due to all that attack and crit eye, sure some intresting sets can be made with that. I think I need a little break from him so will go back to some tempered elder slaying as I need hero stones.

Yeah I noticed this actually, though I imagined it

When I mount I don't attack it and hope the rest of them know to get stuck in since he doesn't attack that much while mounted

I'm all over the flashing but it's a pain when no one else does and I'm stuck behind him with no shot at the face

When he has his blue face on during casts this apparently weakens his armour and makes it easier to get the aggro on him

The claws are a pain despite being a middle of the range rarity, I've had far more horns and tails despite one or both being rarer, damn you rng. I've switched out some def for part breaker level 3 and go flat out on front claws but they won't budge

The other thing I hate is people not bringing him to the boulder drops in area 1 and not luring him away from comets or fighting him too far from them

It's not actually that tough a fight, healer, flasher (yeo) secondary flasher, any other none idiot, you don't need a tank in all honesty
Yeah I noticed this actually, though I imagined it

When I mount I don't attack it and hope the rest of them know to get stuck in since he doesn't attack that much while mounted

I'm all over the flashing but it's a pain when no one else does and I'm stuck behind him with no shot at the face

When he has his blue face on during casts this apparently weakens his armour and makes it easier to get the aggro on him

The claws are a pain despite being a middle of the range rarity, I've had far more horns and tails despite one or both being rarer, damn you rng. I've switched out some def for part breaker level 3 and go flat out on front claws but they won't budge

The other thing I hate is people not bringing him to the boulder drops in area 1 and not luring him away from comets or fighting him too far from them

It's not actually that tough a fight, healer, flasher (yeo) secondary flasher, any other none idiot, you don't need a tank in all honesty

I’ve had it happen occasionally on other monsters but seems to be pretty common with Behemoth.

This fight is just a pain in the ass. Occasionally land in a quest and people are flashing him, luring him to those boulders to drop and all is going well. Move it to the 2nd room then all starts going to crap. People dying, just fighting him around the comets so they get smashed, not getting to the comets when it drops just annoying. He’s not even really that hard of a boss, It’s just learning the tells, and you’re right you don’t need a tank at all. If only people wouldn’t scatter far and wide so he ain’t jumping all over the shop. It’s always the fecking Bow users :lol: they should just be spamming sleep ammo.

I need to find a session that is just hitting it repeatedly so hopefully we pull it all together and get it done, I just keep doing SOS’s and get a total miss mash of levels.
Just tried again but I actually got 2 mounts in it, one over 2 kill blows but on the last one I delivered 2 but I parra shocked him so I had a mount whilst he was paralysed and was able just to do this single blows till he dropped. Was in a good group as well on that one but the fecking bow user again :lol: died twice, so my hopes were dashed but we pulled it together in the 3rd room, had 3 comets fairly close together but the fecker hid on the side facing the fecking comet :(
@Grib Got em...

It was close and the new Sleep build came through right at the end as we just lost 2. Managed to sleep him, blow him up and that triggered his suicide whilst the other two were safe in the camp.
I got 7 claws from the fight but I’m short on Bone and Manes.
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Nice I just wasted two hours last night, neared two maned it with hammer and Lance, but I had to rush over to put down some heals as he was in trouble tanking it and he collapsed on us and smashed our only two comets sighs
Yea, this guy is solid. Finally killed him with some randoms last night after days of watching people cart one after the other because they refuse to hide behind the comets.

I also got a small Nerg crown this week :O Just 11 more to get!
Yea, this guy is solid. Finally killed him with some randoms last night after days of watching people cart one after the other because they refuse to hide behind the comets.

I also got a small Nerg crown this week :O Just 11 more to get!
I’ve had people make it to the stone, then for whatever reason position themselves to the side of it so they aren’t in cover. It can be tough if you get stuck in an animation just as he pulls up to drop it but there are some who don’t seem to make any effort. (All bow users) I got caught yesterday as the SA has an attack where it mounts a monster, so just as I did that he pulled up and by the time i’d managed to get off him it was too late, sprinting and rolling for my life :lol:

Good work on the Nerg crown I got a miniature Dodogama one yesterday so only lavasloth then a collection of elders to go. It’s going to be a long slog for that achievement.
I’ve had people make it to the stone, then for whatever reason position themselves to the side of it so they aren’t in cover. It can be tough if you get stuck in an animation just as he pulls up to drop it but there are some who don’t seem to make any effort. (All bow users) I got caught yesterday as the SA has an attack where it mounts a monster, so just as I did that he pulled up and by the time i’d managed to get off him it was too late, sprinting and rolling for my life :lol:

Good work on the Nerg crown I got a miniature Dodogama one yesterday so only lavasloth then a collection of elders to go. It’s going to be a long slog for that achievement.

Tell me about it, farming these crowns take forever.

The wall of shame for what's remaining looks like this for me:

Rathalos L
Kirin S L
Black Diablos S L
Nergigante L
Kush S L
Teostra S
Vaal Hazak S L

It's so close I can almost taste it etc :lol:
Uuugh what a pointless annoying shit fight
It fecking is, it’s horrible with his stupid skin hardening so you can’t hit the fecker, hate it.

I saw a vid of a guy with LBW or HBW beat Behemoth solo in 11 minutes just using cluster bomb on him. He would use rocksteady and plant a health booster sit on it and just keep firing. He fainted twice but I think he was using fortify as he seemed to accept the faints.

I’m going to go after Behemoth again later, hopefully get most of the mats needed. So many Glaive users now in full Dragoon. Just wish they would understand that when you sleep him don’t use your fecking Insect to farm the fecker whilst others are setting up bombs.
Tell me about it, farming these crowns take forever.

The wall of shame for what's remaining looks like this for me:

Rathalos L
Kirin S L
Black Diablos S L
Nergigante L
Kush S L
Teostra S
Vaal Hazak S L

It's so close I can almost taste it etc :lol:

I just checked and mines is quite similar except I forgot about Girros

So you all know about the gestures and stuff? Like the devil may cry guns, or disco or the various street fighter ones you can set up in the radial menu. Well apparently the final fantasy one you get can be used to jump the ecliptic meteor. So I’ve armed it in my menu to give it a bash if there aren’t any comets lying around. Who wants to be the first to try it? :smirk:
I've tried but it's not easy lol

Think it can be used as an attack too
I've tried but it's not easy lol

Think it can be used as an attack too
I just tried, yeah didn’t work. Got him to the final room someone called Mary with a bow (new hatred for bow users. Fecking useless...) had fainted twice and then in the Nerg cave he destroyed all the comets so thought i’d Give it a try. I thought it had worked but from where I jumped there was a roof so either I hit that or went too early.

Is there anything worse than seeing him summon that move in the final room and knowing it’s hopeless as your team can’t stay away from the comets so he smashed them.
I just tried, yeah didn’t work. Got him to the final room someone called Mary with a bow (new hatred for bow users. Fecking useless...) had fainted twice and then in the Nerg cave he destroyed all the comets so thought i’d Give it a try. I thought it had worked but from where I jumped there was a roof so either I hit that or went too early.

Is there anything worse than seeing him summon that move in the final room and knowing it’s hopeless as your team can’t stay away from the comets so he smashed them.
I'll be honest I'm quitting after two faints unless the teams shown it's not completely useless, the waste of mats and time isn't on

Infact I quit when I got into a lobby last night as someone took all the max pots from the chest, was like yeah this is going to be a waste of time if someones doing that
I'll be honest I'm quitting after two faints unless the teams shown it's not completely useless, the waste of mats and time isn't on

Infact I quit when I got into a lobby last night as someone took all the max pots from the chest, was like yeah this is going to be a waste of time if someones doing that
Yeah the material use is insane. I was sure the other day I had something like 360 flash bugs today I was down to 3, so I’m trying to farm them up.
I never really use the stuff provided in the box, never actually check it but if it’s throwing out max potions I might give it a look. I might start doing that as well, if they’ve fainted twice before moving to the 3rd stage then it’s a no.

Im in quite a good session now and the guy I completed it with yesterday is in it and a load of fully dragoon armoured Glaive people so they must be competent enough. I’ve got horns and tails galore, now I need the other stuff.