More little kids gunned down in America by the Well Regulated Militia (Nashville)

Sadly I think this particularly shooting is just going to help rile up the republican base, being a trans person involved. We already know nothing sadly will actually be done about core issue.

It’s simple, we just need stronger side door control…

Glad they finally worked out the true cause of all these school shootings. Just remove the doors, and the shootings should all stop now.

GOP Congressman, Andy Ogles, from Nashville district ‘heartbroken’ by shooting.

Also, his family portrait from Xmas

cnuts, all of them.

Wherevre those sick fecks go, they must be hounded with people chanting "MURDERERS! MURDERERS!" time and time again. As for the gun problem itself, better find a way to go HARD on the issue. I personally wipe my fat ass with the Second Amendment until there is only a moist and brown stain on it. That's how mad I am as a sane person in front of this self-inflicted tragedy, self-inflicted by choices made by sick people in positions of power.
cnuts, all of them.

Wherevre those sick fecks go, they must be hounded with people chanting "MURDERERS! MURDERERS!" time and time again. As for the gun problem itself, better find a way to go HARD on the issue. I personally wipe my fat ass with the Second Amendment until there is only a moist and brown stain on it. That's how mad I am as a sane person in front of this self-inflicted tragedy, self-inflicted by choices made by sick people in positions of power.
In Tennessee? Ya right.
It’s going to take a generational shift, where the old guard literally die off, before we can do anything. The younger generation are more progressive, and will eventually outnumber the gun nuts. Georgia is purple. Texas will one day go blue, that will be when we break the back of the NRA. Until then, more tragedy.
cnuts, all of them.

Wherevre those sick fecks go, they must be hounded with people chanting "MURDERERS! MURDERERS!" time and time again. As for the gun problem itself, better find a way to go HARD on the issue. I personally wipe my fat ass with the Second Amendment until there is only a moist and brown stain on it. That's how mad I am as a sane person in front of this self-inflicted tragedy, self-inflicted by choices made by sick people in positions of power.
This. They should just keep calling them out - murderer mtg on tv and even in congress. Their FA allows them to do it so might as well drive it home
why oh why does everyone in america have a gun? such a poorly run country.
But, it wasn't even a trans person... Marj needs to lay off 4chan
When you have a bias that blinds you from the truth and you become what you are criticising people about.

Please do some fact checking before going on the offensive.
It’s going to take a generational shift, where the old guard literally die off, before we can do anything. The younger generation are more progressive, and will eventually outnumber the gun nuts. Georgia is purple. Texas will one day go blue, that will be when we break the back of the NRA. Until then, more tragedy.

So what's so good about democracy then?
It’s going to take a generational shift, where the old guard literally die off, before we can do anything. The younger generation are more progressive, and will eventually outnumber the gun nuts. Georgia is purple. Texas will one day go blue, that will be when we break the back of the NRA. Until then, more tragedy.

people shift right as they age though which balances that out

the current old guard were probably mostly liberal in the 60s and 70s
people shift right as they age though which balances that out

the current old guard were probably mostly liberal in the 60s and 70s
This isn’t true. The old guard grew up in WW2 or the Cold War. Millennials and later are perfectly comfortable with gay marriage, equality for women, trans rights, they are environmentally conscious and refuse to accept soul-sucking jobs like their grandparents did. They are different.
This isn’t true. The old guard grew up in WW2 or the Cold War. Millennials and later are perfectly comfortable with gay marriage, equality for women, trans rights, they are environmentally conscious and refuse to accept soul-sucking jobs like their grandparents did. They are different.

Sorry what isn't true? I know the world has become more liberal over the years. But people shift right as they age, you don't disagree with that surely?

Edit: nevermind, I googled it and apparently it's not true or at least not that true so you were right. Apologies.
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So what's so good about democracy then?
Democracy guarantees the laws that govern us are representative of their time. We don’t have a cadre of elites telling us the laws, we don’t have royalty, we don’t take our orders from religious leaders: we elect our leaders and are governed by a system of laws created by people (not gods, not monarchs) that theoretically exist to help everyone. Majority rule while preserving minority rights.

In terms of passing legislation it requires a majority or a super majority in the Senate. When enough people feel a certain way, the laws will change. Guns are on their way out.

Not really sure what you’re asking but I’m willing to give an honest effort at answering.
We had a new exec join at work - he's American and was in the UK to meet our department. One of the staff joked if the next team meeting could be in the US and he raised his eyebrows and asked "do you Really wanna go?" like as if he'd asked for a team bonding session in Afghanistan.

He then went on to tell some annecdotes about how dangerous it is in some parts.

We were all surprised and just left thinking - how can you let it get so bad that your own citizens are advicing others against travelling there.
Similarly, there's mention at my workplace that some of us BAs may have opportunities to work a few months from Florida if we win certain contracts. A decade, or more, ago I would be all over that. The US is an absolutely beautiful place geologically speaking.

But now I will probably look to deflect. Cops are still my biggest fear, followed by mass shootings, followed by an actual aggressive armed mugger. I can't believe I'm putting an armed mugger 3rd. :wenger:
Nearly 10,000 in 3 months? For the other six G7 countries, it’s probably less than 100.

Yeah, but in those countries people are just stabbed or clubbed to death instead. At least that's what you will hear on Fox News.
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom"
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom"

to be honest, i'm genuinely surprised the republicans haven't moved on to "at least they are better off in heaven" comments to defend gun massacres. It's basically their last line of bat-shittery.
What was shooters motivation anyway? Attended the school and got bullied there?
Don't think anything been announced. They did leave a manifesto of sorts in their home. We'll undoubtedly will hear something out of that.
Sorry what isn't true? I know the world has become more liberal over the years. But people shift right as they age, you don't disagree with that surely?

Edit: nevermind, I googled it and apparently it's not true or at least not that true so you were right. Apologies.

It's still kinda true, I'm pretty sure, but only in limited terms. Though I don't think it should apply to opinions about guns, since that's not really a right or left thing. Obviously it kinda is in the US, but there's nothing inherently conservative about gun ownership. Actually, one quite gun friendly group in the US are those furthest to the left.
When you have a bias that blinds you from the truth and you become what you are criticising people about.

Please do some fact checking before going on the offensive.

Blinds who from the truth? me? Are you actually sticking up for this vile woman? Fair enough it's a trans woman but this post is confusing and comes across Trumper like

The answer is that to gun owners those 6 people’s deaths are a price worth paying. As long as the price isn’t paid by them or (in most cases) their loved ones it is a price they are willing to let others pay.