Mourinho press conference - Arsenal - 10:30 GMT

I hope the players have a discussion together and decide to ignore all antics, "tactics" and "coaching" of Mourinho and play for top 4 by themselves. It's one year of their career as well, we definitely won't be selling the top players and their CL position is on the line as well. We can get rid off Mourinho at the end of the season. I hope the players piss off Mourinho so much that he quits instead of us having to fire him.

Agree. But we always get three man down in our matches, Pogba, Lukaku and Matic :(
I hope the players have a discussion together and decide to ignore all antics, "tactics" and "coaching" of Mourinho and play for top 4 by themselves. It's one year of their career as well, we definitely won't be selling the top players and their CL position is on the line as well. We can get rid off Mourinho at the end of the season. I hope the players piss off Mourinho so much that he quits instead of us having to fire him.
Getting into top 4 means one more year with Mou, so I doubt the players want another season of his shiteness. Moreover, it is impossible to piss Mou off these days. If the team win, he will have his three fingers out, if lose he will continue to blame anyone bar himself.
I hope the players have a discussion together and decide to ignore all antics, "tactics" and "coaching" of Mourinho and play for top 4 by themselves. It's one year of their career as well, we definitely won't be selling the top players and their CL position is on the line as well. We can get rid off Mourinho at the end of the season. I hope the players piss off Mourinho so much that he quits instead of us having to fire him.

How are they going to build play from the back when they cant do it. How are they going to use width when there is no width. They cant do anything by themselves.
How are they going to build play from the back when they cant do it. How are they going to use width when there is no width. They cant do anything by themselves.

At least players won't be told to play without ball.
In addition to technical expertise, our next manager should display a sense of pride, a strong love for the badge.
I don't mind if we have to rebuild our style of play and our football suffers a bit for it, but for the love of god, please, at least make the fans believe this is the greatest club on earth.
This guy speaks like we belong in mid table. Even if we suck, at least talk tough, be bullish.
Can't be 100% certain but I think the mood is starting to turn against the manager.
How are they going to build play from the back when they cant do it. How are they going to use width when there is no width. They cant do anything by themselves.
They can actually when they are asked to. It's Mourinho's moronic tactic to hoof it downfield in order to counter quickly that's causing trouble.
This is me moaning about the people that are moaning about his moaning. Carry on.
If I wasn't so far removed from this whole thing I would be inclined to think that even the people moaning at those who're moaning at YOU for moaning about the people that are moaning about Mourinho's moaning is in the wrong on this. But this is me walking away from this a long time ago, so carry on.
They can actually when they are asked to. It's Mourinho's moronic tactic to hoof it downfield in order to counter quickly that's causing trouble.

Yeah ok. Smalling can build play and Young offers quality width. Delusion.

At least players won't be told to play without ball.

They cant do enough with it. Everyone says to play more attacking but we have zero width and cannot build play. You can't just put together consistent cohesive attacking play without these things.
They cant do enough with it. Everyone says to play more attacking but we have zero width and cannot build play. You can't just put together consistent cohesive attacking play without these things

everyone knows the reason for it.
Yeah ok. Smalling can build play and Young offers quality width. Delusion.

They cant do enough with it. Everyone says to play more attacking but we have zero width and cannot build play. You can't just put together consistent cohesive attacking play without these things.
Shaw and Young can actually create width, may be not against Manchester City but they are more than capable of doing so against the likes of Crystal Palace and Southampton. And again Smalling, Jones, Rojo are more than capable of passing out from the back against such opposition. You want to believe that they are pub level footballers so you can protect Mourinho by saying Woodward didn't buy Perisic, Willian and a CB. Your obsession to make Mourinho look better or to defend him is what is making you delusional, not me or others.
If I wasn't so far removed from this whole thing I would be inclined to think that even the people moaning at those who're moaning at YOU for moaning about the people that are moaning about Mourinho's moaning is in the wrong on this. But this is me walking away from this a long time ago, so carry on.

It is blatantly clear that he himself wants out so he is using all excuses under the sun before he gets sacked.

If only our CEO wasnt a dickless wonder.
Can you imagine how those quotes would sound like if we'd sold Fellaini :lol:

"Every team either signed good players or retained their best players but we lost one of our best player"

Could've went with his old United overachieved and added in Spurs underachieved last season, therefore Spurs improved to stay up there.

Obviously the toys went out the pram, he soured the team and would like a payoff.
Didnt we keep the players we already had too and then make our 4 marque signings?? Ok half of them may be s*ite but we still kept Valencia, Young, Jones, Rojo, Darmian. Gotta count for something. Tbh Jose is looking for any excuse he can find. Imagine you have all these teams above you, some have spent a lot, some havent spent at all, but the one thing is for certain they all play a better style of football than the dross we are served with.
Can you imagine how those quotes would sound like if we'd sold Fellaini :lol:
“When you lose your best player, the main part of your must change tactics blah blah blah”
Man needs a restraining order against his mouth.
Just when you think you have heard the most lame excuses possible, he comes out with more. Unreal. It's fecking December and we are behind Bournemouth and 1 point ahead of Brighton.

This man needs serious help. Everyone is laughing at this club and he don't give a feck. I hate Moyes, but at least he cared a little.
Last time he was preparing expectations for finishing 6th. Perhaps today he'll prepare us for finishing mid table if we lose to Arsenal
He signed Fred that is an improvement on Fellaini for example we did imrpove.
I'm certain he's trying to get fired now, those comments are just moronic.

It's like he said it, was about to go on a rant about spending again and then remembered 'oh shit, Spurs didn't buy can I spin this'

In any other club he would have been fired long ago - publically embarassing the club, embarassing players (who he F'ing bought!), frankly wasting millions of pounds on pointless signing who don't even play, causing rift after rift in the dressing room, not delivering a good style of football, being miles behind our rivals tactically and in the league table. I have grown to hate him so much.
I have a bad feeling.

If it goes by form, we should win. But it's still Old Trafford and Mourinho. Two things Arsenal doesn't like very much.

They also convinced against Liverpool a few weeks ago and still fortunately drew against Wolves in the game after that.