Newcastle United now owned by the PIF | PL receives "legally binding assurances that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not control NUFC" ;)

I don't necessarily disagree with the white text there...however, he does often speak well, or at least he speaks out, about these sorts of things. I thought he spoke quite well the other day regarding players not being vaccinated. Hurts to say it, but he is often the one talking about these sorts of issues when others shy away from it.
Yeah agreed. I wish more managers did the same.
I like how Klopp managed to get in the "owned by a country" bit in there.

Which is kinda important in the context of sportswashing.

He also - actually - mentioned human rights issues.

I think that's about as good as it gets in this context. So - well done, I guess.

(Better than Ole, one has to admit - who ultimately opted for the "don't want to get political" option. Albeit after saying that he didn't think it would've gone through - which one could interpret in different ways, I suppose).
Refreshing to hear Klopp speaking some truth about it.
I like how Klopp managed to get in the "owned by a country" bit in there.

Which is kinda important in the context of sportswashing.

He also - actually - mentioned human rights issues.

I think that's about as good as it gets in this context. So - well done, I guess.

(Better than Ole, one has to admit - who ultimately opted for the "don't want to get political" option. Albeit after saying that he didn't think it would've gone through - which one could interpret in different ways, I suppose).

This is the part that doesn't seem to be getting enough attention. No actual country should be allowed to own and control a football club. And that's without even getting into Saudi Arabia's deplorable human rights record.

If rumours are true MBS put pressure on Boris and said the relations between the countries would be damaged if he didn't tell the PL to force the takeover through. That's government interference in association football for a start which I thought was against fifa rules. But you also have to wonder how often the Saudis will play this card to get their way in other football matters.
Klopp says a lot of things. He also said he wouldn’t spend huge money on players and then went and brought Keita, Van Dijk, Fabinho.

I like the man but if he was 45 and Newcastle wanted him he’d be right in there, human condition.

Yes they are awful in terms of human rights but if they paid any manager handsomely they could go there and spin it like Joshua has, “they’ve done wrong let’s help then see the light”. Which to be honest you can’t argue with.

Our own prime Minister started a war for no reason in turn causing humongous human rights violations. The taliban were terrorists now we negotiate with them because it’s easier. The UK ignored Saudis Arabia’s atrocities in exchange for oil.

To be honest everyone does have a past with the UK being one of the worst in history, a lot of middle eastern countries are still stuck in the past however in 100 years we’ll move forward, probably best to include and influence rather than ignore.
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So if the other clubs are so against Newcastle United' takeover, and everybody unanimously agrees its a bad thing because of the human rights issues, why dont they put their money where their mouth is, and collectively refuse to engage in any transfers with Newcastle?

Because most of this is feigned outrage. When a 60M bid comes in for Martial, very few will have problems with doing business with human right abusers.
So if the other clubs are so against Newcastle United' takeover, and everybody unanimously agrees its a bad thing because of the human rights issues, why dont they put their money where their mouth is, and collectively refuse to engage in any transfers with Newcastle?

Because most of this is feigned outrage. When a 60M bid comes in for Martial, very few will have problems with doing business with human right abusers.
Agreed. Money talks. When Newcastle win the prem other teams will curse the KSA ownership. However, if a good offer comes from Newcastle, they will happily sell their player to them. Football will become less entertaining for some of us soon enough. It will be state owned clubs vs state owned clubs for major trophies in the next 3-5 years.
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This is the part that doesn't seem to be getting enough attention. No actual country should be allowed to own and control a football club. And that's without even getting into Saudi Arabia's deplorable human rights record.

If rumours are true MBS put pressure on Boris and said the relations between the countries would be damaged if he didn't tell the PL to force the takeover through. That's government interference in association football for a start which I thought was against fifa rules. But you also have to wonder how often the Saudis will play this card to get their way in other football matters.

I mean I agree with all of this. But the fight for that was a while ago when these countries started to buy the clubs. For me, at this point at least, it's just another one to add to the list. The fight for it was lost a while back. Unfortunate to say and feel that way though.
I don't necessarily disagree with the white text there...however, he does often speak well, or at least he speaks out, about these sorts of things. I thought he spoke quite well the other day regarding players not being vaccinated. Hurts to say it, but he is often the one talking about these sorts of issues when others shy away from it.
Agree. Never warmed to him at all since joining Liverpool, but good on him for calling it like it is and voicing his opinion. All of the other managers (ole, Tuchel, Pep, Viera) I’ve heard or read quotes on were all avoiding the heart of the issue.
So good on Klopp for not avoiding the difficult conversation.
This is the part that doesn't seem to be getting enough attention. No actual country should be allowed to own and control a football club. And that's without even getting into Saudi Arabia's deplorable human rights record.

If rumours are true MBS put pressure on Boris and said the relations between the countries would be damaged if he didn't tell the PL to force the takeover through. That's government interference in association football for a start which I thought was against fifa rules. But you also have to wonder how often the Saudis will play this card to get their way in other football matters.
According to The Guardian, the PM asked Lord Lister to check on the takeover status…. in April. And have since confirmed they made no attempt to get involved, and that they had no sway in it anyway?
Agree. Never warmed to him at all since joining Liverpool, but good on him for calling it like it is and voicing his opinion. All of the other managers (ole, Tuchel, Pep, Viera) I’ve heard or read quotes on were all avoiding the heart of the issue.
So good on Klopp for not avoiding the difficult conversation.

Has he ever said anything about UAE human Rights Violations?
Tuchel said he is concerned about the human rights issue, he didnt go into detail.
I mean I agree with all of this. But the fight for that was a while ago when these countries started to buy the clubs. For me, at this point at least, it's just another one to add to the list. The fight for it was lost a while back. Unfortunate to say and feel that way though.

Well to be honest before this takeover it was only City in England owned by a nation state, that should have been a wake-up call for football back in 2008. Yeah the PL should have never allowed it but we all know they will let anyone buy a club even people who can't afford it. They literally don't give a feck, Shiniwatra, Dr Fahim etc. were signed off by the PL's fit and proper persons test.

It should have been UEFA/FIFA having rules in place to forbid countries being able to buy clubs. Allowing this mixes football and politics and probably creates many conflicts of interest.
Well to be honest before this takeover it was only City in England owned by a nation state, that should have been a wake-up call for football back in 2008. Yeah the PL should have never allowed it but we all know they will let anyone buy a club even people who can't afford it. They literally don't give a feck, Shiniwatra, Dr Fahim etc. were signed off by the PL's fit and proper persons test.

It should have been UEFA/FIFA having rules in place to forbid countries being able to buy clubs. Allowing this mixes football and politics and probably creates many conflicts of interest.

Definitely. One would also think the whole point of national teams was to let, you know, nations and states compete against each other.

Pretty good article here if you want to understand more about why the emirates and Saudis investment in football.
According to The Guardian, the PM asked Lord Lister to check on the takeover status…. in April. And have since confirmed they made no attempt to get involved, and that they had no sway in it anyway?

Do you believe that?

Not sure I do to be honest. Also according to the Guardian two weeks before the takeover all the clubs met and the Newcastle takeover wasn't even on the agenda, a week before the takeover at a tribunal meeting the PL said there wouldn't be a decision on the takeover until January. Yet a few days later the takeover was rushed through with no fuss and the rest of the 19 PL clubs who were opposed to it were left in the dark.

That doesn't seem a bit fishy to you? Like how did all the red tape suddenly disappear and the deal get rushed through in secret so quickly? Call me cynical but it seems almost like the PL were told by someone to just get it done.

The subject was not on the agenda at the most recent shareholders’ meeting two weeks ago. The league effectively blocked the deal last year and it was said last week at a competition appeals tribunal (CAT) involving Ashley and the league that arbitration proceedings to decide the matter were scheduled to begin on 3 January.
Definitely. One would also think the whole point of national teams was to let, you know, nations and states compete against each other.

Pretty good article here if you want to understand more about why the emirates and Saudis investment in football.

Exactly and these countries know they will never have national teams that could compete on the world stage. So what do Ultra wealthy Oligarchs who are used to getting what they want do when they can't buy a top national team?

Well they just buy clubs and then they can assemble World Class sides and use them as proxies. There are of course other reasons why they are buying these clubs, but make no mistake them all having a pissing contest against each other in European football is a part of it.

Also thanks for the link, truly awful stuff.
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Do you believe that?

Not sure I do to be honest. Also according to the Guardian two weeks before the takeover all the clubs met and the Newcastle takeover wasn't even on the agenda, a week before the takeover at a tribunal meeting the PL said there wouldn't be a decision on the takeover until January. Yet a few days later the takeover was rushed through with no fuss and the rest of the 19 PL clubs who were opposed to it were left in the dark.

That doesn't seem a bit fishy to you? Like how did all the red tape suddenly disappear and the deal get rushed through in secret so quickly? Call me cynical but it seems almost like the PL were told by someone to just get it done.
If they were a Govt Dept or indebted to one, maybe. But no, I just think it was the PL being useless
You don't think a member of the government could lean on the PL and get them to force this takeover through?
The PL “fit and proper” test isn’t fit for purpose.

Mainly yes and no questions on things like … do they have enough money? (sustainable) have they been banned from being a Director? outstanding convictions? any influence on other clubs? any sanctions in place?…. that sort of stuff.

From what I’ve read, that’s why they sorted the Bein dispute out and lifted the ban in Saudi Arabia (they used to allow pirate streams/viewing and were on the USs piracy list).. ticked another box for the PL test.

Now if there were questions like “are you objectively controlled by a country” or “do you allow huge human rights violations in your country?” and they’d STILL got past the test, then there’d be a question mark on Govt influence.

Every media has reported on the subject of Newcastle ownership and basically laughed at the PL… “can you confirm the PIF and Saudi Arabia heads are two independent things?” … “yes, here’s a piece of paper written by our lawyers saying so”. “Ok”.

Do I know if the Govt did anything… no. Do I think the Govt did anything… doubt it, they don’t need to because the Premier League (and their rules) are so useless. We’ve known that for years?
Agreed. Money talks. When Newcastle win the prem other teams will curse the KSA ownership. However, if a good offer from Newcastle, they will happily sell their player to them. Football will become less entertaining for some of us soon enough. It will be state owned clubs vs state owned clubs for major trophies in the next 3-5 years.
Grim. We are already at a point where the top 2 favourites for the Champions League are in this category. The competition will be completely dead for me the moment it becomes a race between Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia (+ eventual other states). I wonder how long FFP will be able to halt their progress.
It’s alright, Jonathan Woodgate says no decent player. wants to play in the North East, no worries
The real top players nowadays make more from advertising than from playing. So considering that a players image is really important and playing for Saudi Arabia is going to taint it they probably will only get left-overs anyway?
Has he ever said anything about UAE human Rights Violations?
Klopp said: “I was waiting for some official statements about it from Richard Masters or someone. We all know there are obviously some concerns over human rights issues. That’s clear. We all think the same there. It [a statement] didn’t happen.
It's clear we can't mount a challenge after a billion spent so might as well wave in another oil club who will probably get there in 5 years. PL has had some dour years like last season and 2018 when we're a distant second when other teams transition. PL can have another top team battling for the title more often than not and have a decent showing in the CL. Try and spend as we might I just can't see the Glazers hiring correctly to compete and turn us into a serious club, our fans and spending power will dwindle over time with no success or even anything good to watch.

We could've been a very strong club in the last ten years and a huge hurdle to oust out the top 4, money coming in from success and CL appearances, stadium updates, more fans around the world.
If we don’t get it together soon these cnuts will be signing players and even possibly a manager we should be getting which would be bloody infuriating.
The PL “fit and proper” test isn’t fit for purpose.

Mainly yes and no questions on things like … do they have enough money? (sustainable) have they been banned from being a Director? outstanding convictions? any influence on other clubs? any sanctions in place?…. that sort of stuff.

From what I’ve read, that’s why they sorted the Bein dispute out and lifted the ban in Saudi Arabia (they used to allow pirate streams/viewing and were on the USs piracy list).. ticked another box for the PL test.

Now if there were questions like “are you objectively controlled by a country” or “do you allow huge human rights violations in your country?” and they’d STILL got past the test, then there’d be a question mark on Govt influence.

Every media has reported on the subject of Newcastle ownership and basically laughed at the PL… “can you confirm the PIF and Saudi Arabia heads are two independent things?” … “yes, here’s a piece of paper written by our lawyers saying so”. “Ok”.

Do I know if the Govt did anything… no. Do I think the Govt did anything… doubt it, they don’t need to because the Premier League (and their rules) are so useless. We’ve known that for years?

I'm not doubting the Premier Leagues incompetence mate just the speed and circumstances of the deal being off and then completed so quickly and quietly.

We'll never know for sure if the government were involved but the PL purposely keeping the other 19 clubs in the dark while the deal was being pushed through. When just a week before they said they wouldn't make a decision on it until January still smells fishy to me.
The real top players nowadays make more from advertising than from playing. So considering that a players image is really important and playing for Saudi Arabia is going to taint it they probably will only get left-overs anyway?
I hope so, they will probably go through a 2 to 3 years period trying to build a squad with players from midtable. We may see 1 or 2 good signings but no top player will join without a much stronger base.
The real top players nowadays make more from advertising than from playing. So considering that a players image is really important and playing for Saudi Arabia is going to taint it they probably will only get left-overs anyway?
It's all about branding it the right way. No one seems to be bothered about joining PSG or City, or even Chelsea back in the day. With success and attractive football, it'll all just normalise.

Invest a ton in the club and it's facilities, and also the community. Most locals would be happy. Start aggressively marketing yourself (through the press and social media), sign good players and win things. You'll get a global fanbase. In 5 years, it'll all be forgotten. The world will watch the 90+ points race between City and Newcastle in awe.
Klopp does say it like it is on certain things, he doesn't hide which is admirable.

But he's still a bin dipping cnut

He said some sensible stuff about Brexit as well if I remember correctly. He usually comes across quite well when discussing non directly football related things where he’s forced to sip on the Liverpool Kool aid.
Agreed. Money talks. When Newcastle win the prem other teams will curse the KSA ownership. However, if a good offer comes from Newcastle, they will happily sell their player to them. Football will become less entertaining for some of us soon enough. It will be state owned clubs vs state owned clubs for major trophies in the next 3-5 years.
And happy to be sponsored by said government organisations to fund the transfers.
Interesting to see them interview some of the Newcastle players today now that the new owners are at the stadium for the first time. You gotta wonder how many of them know that their days are numbered there.
Interesting to see them interview some of the Newcastle players today now that the new owners are at the stadium for the first time. You gotta wonder how many of them know that their days are numbered there.
How long until non of todays 11 will be starting? 3 years?