Gaming Nintendo Switch

Anywhere between £200-£250 and I'm in day 1. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Gamecube (I have a 3DS but that's not the same) so I'm looking forward to this especially games I missed like Splatoon and the latest Mario Kart's. I mainly game on PC but this thing should be great for casual play around the house be it on the living room tv or even in bed at night using the handheld part of the device it seems ideal for me.

The one thing I never understood with Nintendo is the lack of third party support, if they released all their exclusive franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc) but also catered to a wider audience I see no reason why they wouldn't win every 'console war' going people would have the best of both worlds. Can you imagine if this launched with a new Mario, Zelda and then the likes of Battlefield 1, Doom, Fifa and Final Fantasy it would fly off the shelves.

Numerous reasons for the lack of third party, chiefly the fees and the much (much) stricter quality control. Which in turn hurts sales, which in turn puts off more third party publishers.
Apparently visuals and framerate drop significantly when it is not docked. So big cross platform games might struggle a lot
That's a bit worrying. I knew it's overclocked when in docked mode... the screen on it is 720p so I assumed they'd be going for 1080p30 when in docked mode and 720p30 when not docked (or 60 fps for 2d games).

This is a strange thing
I'm being quite negative about it, but if does sell really well on the promise of pokemon on the tele and Zelda being awesome, and picking up Splatoon and Mario Kart 8... then developers will make new titles exclusively for it, the idea being competition on PS4/Xbox is fierce but Switch is crying for them.

Who knows.
Wii U is still £250 on argos and amazon.

Because they don't care about it and its manufacturing costs are/were high. Their sales projections for this year were 800,000 units in the world and they don't even manufacture them anymore, do they?

I'd be surprised if Switch was more than £199.
I dont think this console will fail or succeed because of cross platform games. But I suppose they have to be seen to be trying initially

Apparently visuals and framerate drop significantly when it is not docked. So big cross platform games might struggle a lot

I have no idea how it will take off, but its so hard to predict anymore what will succeed or not. It might have one little key element and the world will go nuts about it and buy them in bucketloads

Why would they? The actual machine is the table, the dock station is not supposed to add any power.
Why would they? The actual machine is the table, the dock station is not supposed to add any power.

Allegedly :-

The dock is a simple fan + USB C port. It doesn't add do anything clever, but as there is less strain on the battery and there is an extra fan for cooling - so less heat in the system - it can run at a higher clock speed.
Looking back, the Wii launched at a £180 price point, and people complained :lol:
Can't say I'm too excited for this. Got burned buying the Wii U.
If they put Pokemon Star on this, it will sell millions easy this year.
Surely they should have a new gen of Pokémon on it? I guess every other system was backwards compatible a couple of gens, but still
Surely they should have a new gen of Pokémon on it? I guess every other system was backwards compatible a couple of gens, but still
Strong rumour that the third game to Sun & Moon will be exclusive on this and will change things up a bit. It may be a little strange for fans of the games for the last 10 years where it's been on the DS and made some good leaps utilizing two screens, going back to one. There is an App on the 3DS called Pokémon Bank (lets you store up to 3000 Pokémon from any game you plug in) and through a bit of fiddling with GameBoy Advance games, the original DS / DS Lite models, and this App, it is possible even now to have your Pokémon from Ruby/Sapphire from 2003~ (FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald a little later) in the current games. It is strongly rumoured that an updated version of Pokémon Bank will be available on the Switch, but it will act as more of a one-way system to transfer Pokémon to this next game. At the moment (well come later this month), you can send Pokémon from previous games to Sun & Moon (even including from Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the Virtual Console downloads). You can even send them back to previous games provided they do not have any newly released moves, abilities etc (or aren't a new species entirely).

I don't think this game will be announced this weekend though. They won't want to deter people from buying Sun & Moon already, so will probably wait until at least e3, if not give it its own Nintendo Direct presentation like last time. My expectation for release would be around October/November this year.
Yeah. I played one of the latest a while back, but I didn't get the same enjoyment out of it compared with when i was a kid.

Still, Pokémon on the tele has been seen since 1995.
Cant sleep, tempted to watch the presentation.

Already rumblings that its going to cost $299 which is a about £240, probably closer to £260 with uk rip off tax.

Anyway hope its wrong
Honestly this looks fun so far. $299 too high though. They will struggle
$299, paid for online, and 2-6 hour battery life? RIP.
$299, paid for online, and 2-6 hour battery life? RIP.

$299 is the trouble.

Paid for online is the norm (and not used much on nintendo) and 2-6 is normal for a portable.
$299 is the trouble.

Paid for online is the norm (and not used much on nintendo) and 2-6 is normal for a portable.

I thought a subscription model for Sony's latest console was a joke given how bad PSN is (well, was), but this? Nintendo are absolutely useless when it comes to online, and anything over 0p a month is ridiculous UNLESS they improve majorly & fast... And I can't see that happening.
Can't see it being a success any more than the Wii U was. Probably a good machine, but every bit as muddled and just as over priced.

I can't believe that they still can't release a system with more than 32gb of storage. Surely they could have easily doubled the Wii U amount. My save and update data for one game has eaten up most of that, but at least this one actually lets you use the SD card slot for a practical reason.
DOA from Nintendo again.

I was hyped for this but the conference killed the system for me. The £279 price point is way too high and a complete lack of any launch titles is crazy, there's feck all there outside of Zelda, what have Nintendo been doing for 2 years?

Paid online play, completely crap battery life (2.5 hours while playing Zelda...) and accessories that are massively overpriced is a real killer. How awkward was the third party support? people just like 'yeah we will bring games to Switch' with feck all too show...really weird. Voice chat support seems to come by a app for smart devices which seems really fekin outdated especially when customers are now expected to pay a subscription for online services.

At the rumoured £200 I was interested but not now, the Switch with Zelda and pro controller will be £400 it's ridiculous.
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Yeah DOA.

Paid online? I'm not sure I can even justify PS Plus.

£280? The PS4 is £150 sometimes
The price is going to mean poor launch sales, which will frighten off 3rd party developers.

I can't justify spending £400 (console, Zelda and a controller) for only one game (Zelda) and then having to wait months and months for other titles to be released.

A really poor launch line up.
Was expecting a far stronger launch line up for some reason. Just Zelda for me

Will the virtual console be up and running from day 1?

Any word on trophies/achievements?
Might be worth getting 18-24 months after launch
Paid service could be worth it if they gave you like 3-4 different games each months from different generations. Not one game
The 'joycon' is £75 and the pro controller £60 :lol: Zelda and i guess all of their triple A games are priced at £60 too....absolutely crazy. The system also comes with 32gb of memory making it a must for a 128gb card minimum what a disaster.
The 'joycon' is £75 and the pro controller £60 :lol: Zelda and i guess all of their triple A games are priced at £60 too....absolutely crazy. The system also comes with 32gb of memory making it a must for a 128gb card minimum what a disaster.

Why is it crazy when the price is the same as the competition?

Everybody likes to shit on Nintendo, but then complain when the same COD and FIFA is released every year. It's ironic.
I've been scouring the internet this morning for fan reactions and it appears as though most people's excitement has turned to indifference.
The 'joycon' is £75 and the pro controller £60 :lol: Zelda and i guess all of their triple A games are priced at £60 too....absolutely crazy. The system also comes with 32gb of memory making it a must for a 128gb card minimum what a disaster.
To be fair, the memory thing isn't so bad, as the games won't be written to disc (although if they intend on offering any sort of download service, then it's going to be a problem).
Why is it crazy when the price is the same as the competition?

Everybody likes to shit on Nintendo, but then complain when the same COD and FIFA is released every year. It's ironic.
PS4 keeps popping up at £150. Thats the absolute lowest, but £130 cheaper.