Northern Ireland Thread

So are we all getting £200 for Christmas?

As much as I’d like the money it seems a little crazy.

How does it work what qualifies as a household?

Doubt it will be ready for Christmas. Looks like mid January at the earliest and will be a pre paid card to use in local retail outlets.

As for households I'm not sure I have heard rumours it will be one card per household that pay rates.
Keeping the pubs closed. Grinches.

Jobs are overrated. Little surprise to see huge chains collapsing with tens of thousands of job losses after they have been through all this. Il miss Debenhams, it was probably my favourite shop in Belfast. Was great for shirts etc
Jobs are overrated. Little surprise to see huge chains collapsing with tens of thousands of job losses after they have been through all this. Il miss Debenhams, it was probably my favourite shop in Belfast. Was great for shirts etc

Don't worry man just more room for another Poundland!
6 more weeks of this shite coming from 28th. Disgraceful that they are trying to blame the images of people being treated in ambulances on covid and not decades of under investment in the health service.
6 more weeks of this shite coming from 28th. Disgraceful that they are trying to blame the images of people being treated in ambulances on covid and not decades of under investment in the health service.

Just a coincidence that decades of underinvestment in the health service has only just now ended up with long lines of ambulances full of people who all happen to be sick with the same illness?
6 more weeks of this shite coming from 28th. Disgraceful that they are trying to blame the images of people being treated in ambulances on covid and not decades of under investment in the health service.

Do you really think this is all rubbish?
Is it guaranteed there is a six week lockdown after Christmas?

I thought it was just a suggestion at the minute.
What exactly are you suggesting? Spit it out.

I just find it difficult to understand those who either deny it or just moan that being asked to be responsible is taking away their human rights
No girlfriend's mother died with it and I know others where I am from too.
Just an overreaction. Sure.

More lives lost in the first ten days of this month than all the the troubles.

This graph makes me ashamed of my country. ROI are basically a Democrat state and we're Republican filled with MAGA/QAnon arseholes who are too dumb/selfish to grasp the reality of the situation.

The announcement tonight has been a botch. Michelle O’Neill saying you can still bubble over the Christmas period and others suggesting you can’t.
Just knew who bumped this when I seen it

I know some retailers will suffer as well as others financially and that's tough but they need to understand when they are complaining that death is worse than what they are going through.

Dying is worse than losing trade or rent money I don't get how they can't accept this

Doesn’t say anything about bubbles over Christmas so I take it everything is still the same.
It’s been bad but that’s just not right.

Saw that mentioned here but you're right, it doesn't add up. I picked it up wrong and thought he was taking about NI. Brainfart.

Doesn’t say anything about bubbles over Christmas so I take it everything is still the same.

A BBC article says as they understand it the three household bubble is still going ahead from 23rd-28th.
Complete and utter overreaction for what the virus is, yes.
You are wrong, I can assure you there is utter panic in the local health trusts at the moment. The next few weeks are going to be utterly horrendous. Something has to be done or many people will die here. They will die in their homes or in the carpark outside the hospital because there will be no beds.
So has anyone in NI read up on what's involved in the "Norther Ireland Protocol" as they're calling it?
  • No household mixing except in an emergency
  • No outdoor mixing with other households
  • People will be asked to stay at home after 8pm for the first week of the lockdown
  • Outdoor exercise will have to be undertaken alone or with members of your household
Some of the guidelines by the executive it’s going to be a bleak few weeks over Christmas no Boxing Day, no New Years Eve, I live by myself so this is going to be a tough time.
  • No household mixing except in an emergency
  • No outdoor mixing with other households
  • People will be asked to stay at home after 8pm for the first week of the lockdown
  • Outdoor exercise will have to be undertaken alone or with members of your household
Some of the guidelines by the executive it’s going to be a bleak few weeks over Christmas no Boxing Day, no New Years Eve, I live by myself so this is going to be a tough time.
Console up, movies and extra sleep. What’s not to love?
  • No household mixing except in an emergency
  • No outdoor mixing with other households
  • People will be asked to stay at home after 8pm for the first week of the lockdown
  • Outdoor exercise will have to be undertaken alone or with members of your household
Some of the guidelines by the executive it’s going to be a bleak few weeks over Christmas no Boxing Day, no New Years Eve, I live by myself so this is going to be a tough time.

The biggest trouble I have with it is living with a split family. I've been away from Belfast for most of the last decade, and now that I'm here for the longest period in years, I have to choose which family to spend my time with exclusively. Petty jealousy layered on top of what are already some deep emotional struggles on different sides of the family make it a pretty painful experience all round. Rational discussions aren't really on the table at this point. I would honestly find it much easier to spend Christmas alone than be forced to deal with the aftermath of those choices.

People talk a lot about how the temporary economic pain doesn't stack up against the tragic human losses, but I do think people underestimate how some of the experiences brought about during the pandemic can create long-lasting damages in many ways, including personal relationships. It may sound silly that choices during these exceptional moments will be held against each other in the long run, but most grudges are silly, and many deep fissures come from tiny cracks. In situations that were already quite fragile it can be very serious. And while a life lost is clearly more important than a connection lost, I don't think it's dramatic to suggest that there's human tragedy worth recognising in those severed relationships too. Not all of the things that are lost are things that you can make back, and I don't think it's right to say that because we place the highest value on life, we should just disregard the value of all other losses.
That’s the plan GB, but Christmas time can be depressing enough without even seeing a soul suppose I’ll just make the most of it as you say..
I know everyone is different but I’ve been in a bubble with only my wife and 2 young kids since March, 24/7. What I’d give to get a week to myself
The biggest trouble I have with it is living with a split family. I've been away from Belfast for most of the last decade, and now that I'm here for the longest period in years, I have to choose which family to spend my time with exclusively. Petty jealousy layered on top of what are already some deep emotional struggles on different sides of the family make it a pretty painful experience all round. Rational discussions aren't really on the table at this point. I would honestly find it much easier to spend Christmas alone than be forced to deal with the aftermath of those choices.

People talk a lot about how the temporary economic pain doesn't stack up against the tragic human losses, but I do think people underestimate how some of the experiences brought about during the pandemic can create long-lasting damages in personal relationships. It may sound silly that choices during these exceptional moments will be held against each other in the long run, but most grudges are silly, and many deep fissures come from tiny cracks. In situations that were already quite fragile it can be very serious. And while a life lost is clearly more important than a connection lost, I don't think it's dramatic to suggest that there's human tragedy worth recognising in those severed relationships too. Not all of the things that are lost are things that you can make back, and I don't think it's right to say that because we place the highest value on life, we should just disregard the value of all other losses.
Most definitely, that’s going to be a tough choice I have a sister in a similar type situation and I know the pettiness that can occur from the smallest situation. It’s going to break her heart giving up her son over the festive period.
I know everyone is different but I’ve been in a bubble with only my wife and 2 young kids since March, 24/7. What I’d give to get a week to myself
I’m totally the opposite I’ve rarely seen anyone since March and was looking forward to spending it with family.

Pity you can’t even get to the pub to get your head showered for a few hours.