Ole Gunnar Solskjær needs more time and respect at Manchester United

Rusholme Ruffian

Full Member
Apr 30, 2017
Cooking MCs like a pound of bacon
But.....there are tens of thousands of clubs in this world, and therefore tens of thousands of managers. With what Ole has achieved at Molde, he has achieved more than to 97/98% of all the football managers around now will ever achieve. In short, see the big picture of football clubs and management, get down from your fecking ivory tower, and promptly remove your head from your arse. Thank you.
Jesus christ, you really have a chip on your shoulder don't you? Why don't you feck off back to a Hartlepool forum?


New Member
Jan 20, 2015
Ive seen some pretty ridiculous comments in a few threads here now about Ole - its fair to criticise his managerial record but there is a lot of personal bile being posted against him which I was surprised by considering his history with the club and the mess he inherited
I’ve not seen that. You’re just creating a different narrative to get away from the fact he’s a Shite manager who needs to go ASAP


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
He absolutely deserves more respect. The manner in which he is being spoken about at times is unbelievable.
Parts of the online fan base especially twitter, instagram and youtube have become very toxic; it's a very fertile ground for entitled individuals; another aspect is that negativity tends to attract a lot more attention then anything else and some "personalities" in the social media environment are taking advantage and thus exacerbating the phenomenon more and more.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
I seen a stat this morning where Ole’s first 29 games with Utd is better than Klopp’s 29 with Liverpool. Granted it’s only a 2 point difference but still maybe a tiny little bit of optimism.
Points only, does it mention how Klopps style was like x10 better than what Ole is dishing out?


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
Points only, does it mention how Klopps style was like x10 better than what Ole is dishing out?
No, but it also doesn't state that United has the best defense in the league in terms of chances created against. We started our work with the defense and that is not sexy for most of us.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
No, but it also doesn't state that United has the best defense in the league in terms of chances created against. We started our work with the defense and that is not sexy for most of us.
Fair point, yet fans want to see one of those defenders sold...

There are other areas of the pitch we need to improve before tinkering with the defence.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2016
Kami's Lookout
Ralf Rangnick.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
The rainbow's end
Respect, absolutely. But then again, so does everybody. From Lukaku and Sanchez to Lingard, Pogba and Young, to... Mourinho and Moyes. Unless we choose to show our sensitivities only when the inappropriate adjectives and characterizations are directed toward ex-club legends while we're fine when they're being used against people we don't like.

Time, no. Time has to be earned with tangible evidence on the line of work. He could get sacked in the evening and it would still be a decision that makes perfect sense based on what he's showing on the pitch over the last 10 months. The only things in his favour are Woodward's incompetence (but Woodward isn't going anywhere) and some blind faith in a vague vision for the future where grey-haired students of SAF lead the new classes of *insert date* and a bunch of talented Brits into glory.

I guess the latter is kind of expected, especially in times of crises. If it was such a struggle to sell the vision of a better future that will look exactly like the past, career politicians would be out of a job. As for Woodward's role in all this mess, it's kind of funny to watch the very same people who abhor him because he's is a banker and doesn't understand football standing by his most crucial decision (for the lack of a DoF) regarding the football department which is to appoint and still support Solskjaer. Or maybe he's not doing such a bad job, after all?


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Why is that a scandinavian thing? It's a norwegian thing. Don't drag us danes into that.
:lol: Sadly, achievements in the other Scandinavian leagues wouldn't count for much either I imagine, as the attitude Smyth is talking about extends to all three.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
Fair point, yet fans want to see one of those defenders sold...

There are other areas of the pitch we need to improve before tinkering with the defence.
I agree and that's what i suspect we will do. Midfield and attack is next imo and then squad depth. It's a process this and for whatever reason the club/ Ole decided to start with the least sexy area of the pitch, the one that fans get exited about the least. Had we started with the mid or attack and lost games 2-3 or 3-4 i think a lot more of us would have "seen" the improvement. Defensive stats are just not very exiting.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
When Klopp started he fixed forwards first but they were leaking goals every week. Our weakness is in the forward and midfield area and we can fix this with 4/5 players.
2 of these in January, hopefully.


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
If the next SAF took over UTD next season and had a start that Ole had this season, or even like SAF did in 1989-1990, nothing would be different here.
People would still be calling for his head etcetc. People seem to be blind to how much of a steaming hot mess we actually are and how much Ole has done since he has taken over.
Bring a new manager in, we would still lose and be back to step 1 when people start calling for his head.

Rinse and repeat.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
Bollocking about fluently.
Points only, does it mention how Klopps style was like x10 better than what Ole is dishing out?
Solskjaer' style isn't so bad it just breaks down in the final third - everything beyond that has been improved since last season. Our stats put us in the top-five in terms of generating space and opportunities - and the only reason we're impotent in terms of creating and scoring is down to our players. They weren't great at it even during Jose's tenure when we had Fellaini, Herrera, Lukaku and Sanchez - and losing them without replacing has damaged us even further. Our defense is solid this year and our buildup is decent enough - statistics don't lie in that regard - we just lack that finishing touch and it's not down to our tactics or "style" it's down to those individuals on the pitch being blind, stupid and jittery. They don't see or simply choose to ignore the the opportunities when they do present themselves - making all kinds of silly decisions instead of shipping the ball or themselves off to where they need to be - and even when they do make a run into those spaces or pass the ball to someone who's positioned themselves there - they can't even be trusted to put the ball on an open net or score a penalty. In short - our play is decent and warrants far more than this attacking lineup is able to make of it. Our "style" is not the issue - our structures are all there - it's the pieces that won't fit.

The biggest criticism that can be had against our club at present isn't down to tactics it's down to recruitment - and perhaps also coaching. And I say perhaps here because there's always the possibility that this is as good as these players can get - that they've peaked and no coaching in the world would change that. I mean they didn't exactly impress up front during previous regimes either - so I'm focusing on the constants here and leaning towards that explanation.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
Appointing him was a poor decision based on emotion and a leap of faith that he was a much better manager than his career suggested. He’s nowhere near good enough, looks totally out of his depth and I cannot understand this idea of persisting with him because we now have a long term approach.

I respect him and don’t have any worse an opinion of him as he’s doing his best. But we didn’t appoint a good manager and he isn’t going to magically become one. By all means stick with a long term approach but find a better manager to do it.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2014
Whether he deserves more time or not is almost irrelevant. The club made a call to go with Ole and tasked him with a long term rebuild and establishing a better culture at the club.

So, they sell some of the more expensive senior players for the greater good of culture and replace them with young players and 18 year olds from the academy. Doing that, they decimate the depth of the squad and go into the season with a squad that is criminally thin and completely lacking experience. An injury crisis later and people are surprised that the results are crap?

If they sack him now the club will look utterly clueless. They spent just under £150m on his players in the summer. One hundred and fifty million pounds. If history is any indicator, if he is replaced, the first thing his successor will do is look to offload all 3 of his signings, most likely for a considerable loss.

He deserves a chance to have a run of games with a reasonable number of his first 11 available and the club needs to decide on a direction and follow through on it, no matter how idiotic it might seem.


In perfect harmony
Oct 2, 2016
I much prefer respect and constructive criticism of Ole over hate and bile, and Symth is right to condemn personal nastiness against him. But most of that article reads to me like mitigation for mitigation's sake; pointing to parallels with Fergie, pointing to injuries, pointing to the shite situation at executive level. Smyth covers the poor results and performances we've had this season in two sentences, then it's on to more mitigation:

There is no point denying that United’s attacking play in recent matches has been dreadful. The team look like they have forgotten how to shoot, never mind score, and it’s hard to reconcile some of Solskjær’s recent decisions and demeanour with the shiny, happy manager who took over at the end of last year. But the fact he won 14 of his first 17 games counts for something.
If 14 wins from 17 count for something, does the dreadful end to last season count for something too? I tend to agree with @Rood 's opinion on the podcast that both the good and bad from last season should be put to bed and we should focus on what we've produced this year, but if we do that the fact remains (in very difficult circumstances, fully granted) results have been bad, performances have been average at best, mostly bad and there are very few players we can point to as having improved under Ole. I have no interest in personal, nasty comments about a United legend and there are critical factors outside of Ole's control at play but if anyone can say with a straight face they're happy with the fruits of Ole's labours with this team I'll be their booking agent.

Whether you're grudgingly willing to give him more time as we rebuild and worry about changing another manager mid-season is another matter.

Ehh, what?
I'm not sure what that means either. For me people being less than impressed about Ole's success at Molde is the same as the likes of Neil Lennon not being seen as some top class manager because he succeeded in Scotland (granted there are differences between Celtic's cakewalk and what Molde did in 2011 and 2012). It's purely based on the strength of the league versus the PL, not a slight specifically on Norwegian football.

Red Star One

Full Member
Jan 4, 2017
"The choice is simple: potential long-term success under Solskjær or guaranteed long-term failure under a load of different managers"
Already the headline is ridiculous. First of all, what suggests we could achieve a "long-term success under Ole"? What are the indicators? Second, why would we assume that anyone comes after Ole would be fired shortly and not achieve any success? If we continue doing our model of business, yes, but we're far from being destined to do so.


Wants players fined for winning away.
Jan 25, 2015
You're right, it's not the 1990s, things have completely taken a turn for the worse and the increasingly illogical. And it's true that some managers make an impact quickly, but other, also successful managers take a lot longer - depending on whether they need evolution, or revolution with the squad and club as a whole. And it's clear that United needs the latter.

Honestly, if I was a United fan, I would be worried but give Ole more time if I saw better football than I do, even with the same scorelines. Like I say, you need a revolution and it simply is not going to happen without pain and a little regression. Your outfield players are what your players are - they are either well past their peak, not very good, or shamefully inconsistent (Pogba/Martial).

But even with far inferior players to the players you have, there not much leeway for the football played combined with the terrible results. I get functional football for better results at the expense of flair and creativity, in fact I even appreciate it at times. Yet if these results are the best United can do with results-friendly football, that's worrying. Ole should get more time, but either the results have to be better, and/or preferably, there needs to be a hell of a lot more creativity and attacking intent. I'd personally take one or the other this season.
This is a good post and I do not disagree with anything you've written there.

Without the proper structure above him and proper investment, Ole does not appear to be able to squeeze more out of his players than they're worth (compared to someone like Benitez, for example). The football's also poor and awful to watch with no obvious direction.

If anything he's underperforming even with this substandard squad. This is why I think he should go but I know it won't happen before the end of the season.

It's also slightly pointless for it to happen before a proper DoF is appointed which appears to be a pipe dream at this point, so I really don't know what's happening to this business football club.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
Great read this. I'd want to give him more time atleast till we get our main players back from injury and then judge onwards


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
He has all the respect in the world. He is a lovely guy and is Man United to the core.

BUT that doesn't mean he is the right man for the long haul, by any means. That is what the majority are saying. He talks a very good game, about exciting and attacking football - on the pitch says a different story, playing worse than we have done with an even weaker squad than before. Is he able to be a good coach? We all know what way we would like to play, it's another to train players so it becomes second nature to them.

People are justifiably questioning his credentials. We are in a really bad place, there is zero time for people learning their trade here, no room for error. He is really up against it, as he really has no help from above.
Everyone was shouting to give him the job full time after 14 games here now these same people want to hang him out to dry. I would love to see us get back to the way we played those first 14 games, but injuries and not replacing some players has been a big reason. Just give Ole the chance of another window and see what he does from there. He deserves that much at least.

fergies coat

Full Member
May 10, 2013
Wythenshawe, Manchester
Ahh Rob Smyth the journo who though Fergie was done in 2006, didn't rate Rio, thought we had turned Ronaldo into a run-of-the-mill winger.

'Liverpool's Spice Boys were bad, but they have nothing on Merk Berks like Ferdinand, Richardson and Wes Brown.'

'Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham have all made shrewd, cheap signings and are going in one direction. United are going the other way: they are hugely dependent on Ferdinand and Rooney, but no number of Carling Cup medals is going to sate their ambition.'

https://www.theguardian.com/football/2006/jul/31/sport.comment (It actually makes for a great read in this dark times)

If he says give Ole time, we need to get rid sharpish.
This is brilliant. He gets everything wrong. We were just entering our most successful period ever. I wouldn’t listen to a word he says.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
No, but it also doesn't state that United has the best defense in the league in terms of chances created against. We started our work with the defense and that is not sexy for most of us.
To be fair though teams aren’t attacking us, they haven’t needed to. Just sit back and pick us off so I don’t think this defence is anything like as good as the stats suggest.

We need to forget the Klopp comparisons, he is a top class manager and Ole isn’t so it’s a worthless comparison.

There’s no point in being toxic towards Ole, it should be directed at the owners and Woodward but we can’t pretend we have a great manager.


Massive Snowflake
Dec 5, 2013
The media are a curious bunch. When they crucify someone it’s nothing personal even when there clearly is an agenda.

But the minute football fans, the ones who make the game worth billions and billions decide a friend of the media and pundits is not good enough. Then suddenly, it’s “hate and disrespect” because clearly football fans do not have intelligence and cannot understand the game logically. Remember same thing was used when fans realised Moyes wasn’t upto it.

Also, look at how “twitter” is mocked to suggest that any opinion coming from twitter must be bs. Well how are fans supposed to voice their opinion? Most journos post on twitter themselves.

I know opinions vary and love that about the game. But I really detest arrogant articles like this. That try to make out that opposing voices are nothing more then impatient cry babies.
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2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
I think he needs a couple of transfer windows. Binning him off just to watch Allegri park the bus every week isn’t going to make the fans happy either. I think we just need to accept that we’re going to be gash for a while yet.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
To be fair though teams aren’t attacking us, they haven’t needed to. Just sit back and pick us off so I don’t think this defence is anything like as good as the stats suggest.

We need to forget the Klopp comparisons, he is a top class manager and Ole isn’t so it’s a worthless comparison.

There’s no point in being toxic towards Ole, it should be directed at the owners and Woodward but we can’t pretend we have a great manager.
I disagree. They try but the attacks break down fairly fast. City has more chances created against them then us and they are a much better team and possession based. Teams defend against us because they know how good the defense is and also that we can't create many chances when trying to break low defenses. The teams that try to play "normal" get undone, like Chelsea.

There are major positives in this season for the team but they are not evident to us the fans; we conceded wonder goals from Neves and headers from 2m tall Lindegard and that is seen in the results (also Tuanzebe bad pass vs Arsenal). The defense is genuinely good right now, something i have not seen with United since the days of Ferdinand and Vidic. The mid and attack are complete crap though, especially without Pogba and Martial.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2013

nah he doesn't. Time he doesn't deserve, he got plenty of it. Midtable and relegation fight is the only thing he will achieve, we are not a side that is consistently in the bottom table where everything is shit and he needs to improve slowly. He should be comfortably around the Europa league places right now, but then again, he is obviously out of his depth. Time wont make him better, you are great or you arent. Ole is bang average. He may or may not improve, but not to the extent where we will challenge for anything. We would see the genius here and there if there was one by now.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2016
Fred | 2019/20 Performances
More time?
Yes if you think that he got the ability as a coach and manager to make this rebuild successful.
No, if you think that this rebuild is based on the wrong foundation i.e. the style of play and the players bought in are not going to be successful in the long term.

For his manners, behaviour and borderline naive positivism? Maybe.
For the changes, improvements, ideas etc? Depends on your viewpoint regarding this rebuild.


Hercule Poirot of the scouting world
May 10, 2009
Ahh Rob Smyth the journo who though Fergie was done in 2006, didn't rate Rio, thought we had turned Ronaldo into a run-of-the-mill winger.

'Liverpool's Spice Boys were bad, but they have nothing on Merk Berks like Ferdinand, Richardson and Wes Brown.'

'Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham have all made shrewd, cheap signings and are going in one direction. United are going the other way: they are hugely dependent on Ferdinand and Rooney, but no number of Carling Cup medals is going to sate their ambition.'

https://www.theguardian.com/football/2006/jul/31/sport.comment (It actually makes for a great read in this dark times)

If he says give Ole time, we need to get rid sharpish.
The best part of that article was, he managed to get everything wrong. Must be a new record.

Almost everything about the club reeks of disarray. Owned by the Glazers, who push buttons from a remote hideaway like Dr Evil; run by a manager who shreds his legacy at every turn; almost exclusively represented by the inadequate (Darren Fletcher and Kieran Richardson) and the odious (Rio Ferdinand); unable to close a deal for West Brom's reserve keeper, never mind the new Roy Keane. The signing of Michael Carrick, a Pirlo when a Gattuso was needed, is a band aid for a bullet wound, and a ludicrously expensive one at that.
. No matter how many people they move in for - and if reports are to be believed, United have made offers for dozens of players - nobody wants to go near them. And the one person who surely would, Damien Duff, was allowed to slip into the arms of Newcastle for less than United paid for Patrice Evra. You couldn't make it up. You don't have to.
Once upon a time Ferguson could play 'who blinks first' with fate and win every time, his iron will shaping his destiny exactly as he wanted. Now he is reduced to uttering garbage like "it's like having a new signing" of Paul Scholes, Ole Solskjaer, Gabriel Heinze and Alan Smith, the irrational if-I-say-it-enough-it-might-happen gibberish you'd associate with a serial loser like Kevin Keegan. These days, the man they call The Hairdryer is full of nothing but hot air.

It makes it all the more vicious an irony that, 10 years later, he should knock United off the perch he had made for them through increasingly rank mismanagement.

Liverpool's Spice Boys were bad, but they have nothing on Merk Berks like Ferdinand, Richardson and Wes Brown.

a coaching set-up that had Wayne Rooney playing wide for a season and turned Ronaldo from the world's most thrilling off-the-wall talent into a run-of-the-mill winger when he plays for United, as was confirmed by his liberated displays for Portugal at the World Cup.

Everywhere, principles are being sacrificed. In years gone by Ferdinand - who for all his irrefutable ability is the type of character whose presence in a United shirt symbolises much of what has gone wrong with the club - would've been out the door faster than Paul Ince could say 'big-time Charlie', but now Ferguson can't afford to lose his only world-class defender.

And the thing is, it is only going to get worse: Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham have all made shrewd, cheap signings and are going in one direction. United are going the other way: they are hugely dependent on Ferdinand and Rooney, but no number of Carling Cup medals is going to sate their ambition.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
I agree and that's what i suspect we will do. Midfield and attack is next imo and then squad depth. It's a process this and for whatever reason the club/ Ole decided to start with the least sexy area of the pitch, the one that fans get exited about the least. Had we started with the mid or attack and lost games 2-3 or 3-4 i think a lot more of us would have "seen" the improvement. Defensive stats are just not very exiting.
I think the reason for starting with defense is that we were quite bad in that department and leaking goals left right and center. Also in our attack we have some with good potential, youth and existing players in attack and mid and we might have wanted to see how many of them were ready to grab a spot before us going into the market. We came across Rashford due to lack of personnel and him grabbing the chance. We may have wanted to see if there are any other Rashford's we could unearth.


In perfect harmony
Oct 2, 2016
Ahh Rob Smyth the journo who though Fergie was done in 2006, didn't rate Rio, thought we had turned Ronaldo into a run-of-the-mill winger.

'Liverpool's Spice Boys were bad, but they have nothing on Merk Berks like Ferdinand, Richardson and Wes Brown.'

'Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham have all made shrewd, cheap signings and are going in one direction. United are going the other way: they are hugely dependent on Ferdinand and Rooney, but no number of Carling Cup medals is going to sate their ambition.'

https://www.theguardian.com/football/2006/jul/31/sport.comment (It actually makes for a great read in this dark times)

If he says give Ole time, we need to get rid sharpish.
That is an hilarious article, thanks for posting. To be fair his final sentence is bang on:

"Then there is the Glazer factor, the full, inevitable horror of which is only just beginning to emerge. United fans think this season is going to be bad. It hasn't even started."

but the fact it's preceded by this, less than two years before we won a PL CL double:

"And the thing is, it is only going to get worse: Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham have all made shrewd, cheap signings and are going in one direction. United are going the other way: they are hugely dependent on Ferdinand and Rooney, but no number of Carling Cup medals is going to sate their ambition."

makes it completely laughable. People passing off their reading of the runes and predictions for the future as gospel truth is always fun.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
I think the reason for starting with defense is that we were quite bad in that department and leaking goals left right and center. Also in our attack we have some with good potential, youth and existing players in attack and mid and we might have wanted to see how many of them were ready to grab a spot before us going into the market. We came across Rashford due to lack of personnel and him grabbing the chance. We may have wanted to see if there are any other Rashford's we could unearth.
I completely agree. Our problem is that the few good players we have in mid and attack got injured and that has decimated our attack play. It's really bad luck in that sense.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
I disagree. They try but the attacks break down fairly fast. City has more chances created against them then us and they are a much better team and possession based. Teams defend against us because they know how good the defense is and also that we can't create many chances when trying to break low defenses. The teams that try to play "normal" get undone, like Chelsea.

There are major positives in this season for the team but they are not evident to us the fans; we conceded wonder goals from Neves and headers from 2m tall Lindegard and that is seen in the results (also Tuanzebe bad pass vs Arsenal). The defense is genuinely good right now, something i have not seen with United since the days of Ferdinand and Vidic. The mid and attack are complete crap though, especially without Pogba and Martial.
Your Right, I agree.