Out of control dogs/dog attacks


Kind Moderator (with a bit of a mean streak)
May 1, 2012
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Yeah does seem to be an alarming amount of times where someone has fallen over and the dog has just started attacking them. Quite a few people getting killed by their dogs after having seizures as well.
This is why these aggressive dogs attack little kids (apart from their size). Little kids move in unexpected ways and the dog is triggered. I had a sweet tiny girl sit with me yesterday when I was out with our tiny Chihuahua (3kg), who loves the attention of children. She was stroking the dog the whole time.

When she left, she kind of danced off in a jerky way doing odd things with her hands (you know, like small children do). I said to my friend that an aggressive dog might see that as threatening.


Everything is fair game in capitalism!
Jan 8, 2014
Dragon of Dojima
It should be law that all dogs are on leashes in public spaces.


Everything is fair game in capitalism!
Jan 8, 2014
Dragon of Dojima
It’s genuinely scary. As a recent dad of a baby girl i’m always on edge with dogs in parks that aren’t leashed up. There’s been too many horror stories in too short a time to not be.
And you should be, dogs are unpredictable and there are some terrible and arrogant owners out there with the 'he's a friendly dog' attitude which doesn't help the situation .


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
And you should be, dogs are unpredictable and there are some terrible and arrogant owners out there with the 'he's a friendly dog' attitude which doesn't help the situation .
I ran a doggy day care / overnight facility in Atlanta years back. Our overnight services were contingent upon at least one day care session so we could assess the new dog & see of any issues might arise.

We would get bully parents heading to the airport trying to drop their dog off for overnights at the last possible minute. The attitude some of the owners would show when we informed them of our rule was hilariously predictable; they were absolute caricatures. The dogs would also exude similar traits.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015
Dogs have been selectively bred since the first wolf was domesticated for various purposes. That breed was crafted to fight to the death in dog fights. Nothing else. May as well have a pet hyena and take that for a walk.
Yep. The whole ‘nanny dog’ thing is literally a myth that just perpetuated over time.


New Member
Aug 5, 2021
Oslo, Norway
Not only should pitbulls be illegal, but the police should actively look for them and put them down. They're a constant threat to the public, and it's inevitable that many more people and children will die a painful death because of them.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015
Not only should pitbulls be illegal, but the police should actively look for them and put them down. They're a constant threat to the public, and it's inevitable that many more people and children will die a painful death because of them.
Pitbulls are actually already illegal in the UK but I believe this is only for pure Pitbulls so people circumvent this law by mix breeding.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
I actually believe that dog ownership is a wonderful way to assess the overall level of understanding and respect people have for animals. Which is in many cases next to nonexistent.
It isn’t just that many people still love dangerous breeds because they serve as a nice penis enlargement for them. It’s also the huge amount of breeds that basically shouldn’t exist. What kind of cruel person buys an animal bred without the ability of breathing normally, because that very defect is a direct consequence of them looking cute? „Oh look that cute dog I got. It can’t breathe properly and will probably die if it runs more than three metres, but I like how his face looks. So that makes it ok.“
Or people who keep a solitary husky they walk twice a day for 30 minutes, ideally living in an area where the temperatures cross 30 degrees in the summer.
The amount of people who absolutely give no shit whatsoever about the dogs well-being, as long as they like it’s cuteness, aggressiveness or whatsoever is incredible. And these are people who often enough will tell you with a straight face how much they love animals.


Jun 24, 2015
Not only should pitbulls be illegal, but the police should actively look for them and put them down. They're a constant threat to the public, and it's inevitable that many more people and children will die a painful death because of them.
It's not only pitbulls that are a threat, they're probably just the most lethal. It's always someone else's dog, that's the trouble with dog owners.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
If the little dogs were allowed to carry guns, it would be safer all round.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
All muzzled? Why torture all dogs to protect from a few breeds?
If someone can accurately distinguish which dogs are absolutely “safe” then good luck

I remember when I was a kid, one of the neighbours had a Labrador which was as vicious a dog as I’ve ever seen. Whenever it got out of their backyard it would go for anything. My mum used to walk a small dog for a pensioner and one day this big monster lab attacked the small one which was happily enjoying its walk on the lead. My mum had to put herself between them and she got bitten on the arm.

but labs are friendly family dogs normally, so how do you distinguish?


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015
That’s excessive. Although I guess it’s tricky to accurately categorise the dangerous ones.
Errrr let’s see…deaths by American Bully XL and other such breeds in UK recent years: Multiple. In fact, mostly them.

Deaths by Labs, Chihuahuas, St. Bernard’s, Corgis, Jack Russells, Shih Tzus, Retrievers etc. (take your pick): ZERO. Maybe one or two.

There, categorised for you.

ETA: even if we are generous and categorise danger just by attacks and not necessarily deaths I bet bully type dogs and the like will still outnumber anything else by a landslide
Last edited:


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
If someone can accurately distinguish which dogs are absolutely “safe” then good luck

I remember when I was a kid, one of the neighbours had a Labrador which was as vicious a dog as I’ve ever seen. Whenever it got out of their backyard it would go for anything. My mum used to walk a small dog for a pensioner and one day this big monster lab attacked the small one which was happily enjoying its walk on the lead. My mum had to put herself between them and she got bitten on the arm.

but labs are friendly family dogs normally, so how do you distinguish?
You can probably make almost any dog badly behaved if you try hard enough. Not a good reason to treat all dogs so badly.

It can't be that hard to ban the truly dangerous breeds.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Errrr let’s see…deaths by American Bully XL and other such breeds in UK recent years: Multiple. In fact, mostly them.

Deaths by Labs, Chihuahuas, St. Bernard’s, Corgis, Jack Russells, Shih Tzus, Retrievers etc. (take your pick): ZERO. Maybe one or two.

There, categorised for you.

ETA: even if we are generous and categorise danger just by attacks and not necessarily deaths I bet bully type dogs and the like will still outnumber anything else by a landslide
Yep, anyone that has a dog with jaws bigger than most folks neck should be aware that their dog is dangerous. Don't leave any dog off a leash, period, but be extra vigilant with the bigger ones (or even outright ban them).

We've got a staffie, a proper one. Not one of the snarling, bull mastiff cross breeds or American Pitbull ones that they unfairly get compared to. He's the dumbest, most gentle, friendly dog I've ever met. He's amazing with people, kids, small dogs, cats. A sparrow hopped past him the other week when he was lounging in the back garden. He just sniffed it and flopped his head back down on the grass. Then one of the cats swiped at him because she's an arsehole. Still doesn't do anything.

But bigger dogs? He used to try and dominate them. He wouldn't bite or snarl or anything but he would try and tower over them, so he never got out of his harness when we were out in case he saw a German shepherd that he wanted to argue with. Even if it was just small dogs or other people nearby he would still be on the leash until we found clear fields. Same thing applied at home. Spend time around the kids, absolutely, but not alone with the youngest. Now that he's an old boy he mostly spends his days eating food and farting, but you still just need to take extra precaution because you never know what can happen. It's really not difficult.

I love the daft bastard. He's one of my best friends. But, if I'm being honest, even staffies shouldn't be a breed that's available in the UK, let alone pitbulls. Once he's left us to go chase (or sniff) rabbits and birds in doggo heaven we're not getting another breed like him because our odds of getting another one like him are low.


Kind Moderator (with a bit of a mean streak)
May 1, 2012
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
I actually believe that dog ownership is a wonderful way to assess the overall level of understanding and respect people have for animals. Which is in many cases next to nonexistent.
It isn’t just that many people still love dangerous breeds because they serve as a nice penis enlargement for them. It’s also the huge amount of breeds that basically shouldn’t exist. What kind of cruel person buys an animal bred without the ability of breathing normally, because that very defect is a direct consequence of them looking cute? „Oh look that cute dog I got. It can’t breathe properly and will probably die if it runs more than three metres, but I like how his face looks. So that makes it ok.“
Or people who keep a solitary husky they walk twice a day for 30 minutes, ideally living in an area where the temperatures cross 30 degrees in the summer.
The amount of people who absolutely give no shit whatsoever about the dogs well-being, as long as they like it’s cuteness, aggressiveness or whatsoever is incredible. And these are people who often enough will tell you with a straight face how much they love animals.
Our next-door neighbour has 2 huskies, they are almost always in their pen or in the paved area in front of his house. We get temps up to 38/39C on a regular basis in the summer. I know they love the dogs, but they are just clueless about the breed.

Our most recent dog acquisition is a mutt, a cross-breed who'd lived in no-kill kennels for 8 years. Black Lab with other things added in which make him smaller. He's 10 now, he's absolutely healthy and easy to look after. Mongrels are so often healthier than pedigrees.

Scandi Red

Hates Music.
Sep 25, 2022
I'm pretty sure that most pitbulls are chill and that if you buy from a reputable breeder and do just an average job training it, then the chances of it biting someone is 1 in 1000.

The problem is that people can't be trusted. And even if we could, 1 in 1000 is still too dangerous when the bite is deadly. There is a reason for why pitbulls are illegal in many countries. An aggressive but harmless breed is ultimately better for society than a teddy bear that suddenly murders.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
The XL bully and all cross breeds of it need deleted.

People often confuse Pitbulls with Staffies but Staffies are literally half the size of an XL and have much better temperaments. Though they’ve still been too long overbred by criminal breeders and puppy farms.

Scandi Red

Hates Music.
Sep 25, 2022
We've got a staffie, a proper one. Not one of the snarling, bull mastiff cross breeds or American Pitbull ones that they unfairly get compared to. He's the dumbest, most gentle, friendly dog I've ever met. He's amazing with people, kids, small dogs, cats. A sparrow hopped past him the other week when he was lounging in the back garden. He just sniffed it and flopped his head back down on the grass. Then one of the cats swiped at him because she's an arsehole. Still doesn't do anything.
Staffies are great. Love them.

Maybe I got hit by a propaganda piece, but I think Staffies are the only breed that has something resembling human empathy. The way they tested it was by checking which breeds would console a crying stranger even when their owner was present. Most breeds don't care (especially if their owner is present). Some breeds get curious. Some breeds feel stressed out. The Staffy jumps up on their lap and lick their face. That is also why Staffies are terrible watchdogs. They'd probably help the burglar if they could :lol:

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Staffies are great. Love them.

Maybe I got hit by a propaganda piece, but I think Staffies are the only breed that has something resembling human empathy. The way they tested it was by checking which breeds would console a crying stranger even when their owner was present. Most breeds don't care (especially if their owner is present). Some breeds get curious. Some breeds feel stressed out. The Staffy jumps up on their lap and lick their face. That is also why Staffies are terrible watchdogs. They'd probably help the burglar if they could :lol:
I'm not sure either about the empathy part but we've always said that if we were ever burgled, and he was home, he would probably just welcome them in and happily follow them when they left :lol:


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
Tonnes of misinformed and outdated cliché posts in here. "Pitbulls" are old news in such circles who choose to weaponise dogs; there are arguably stronger, bigger more lethal breeds about now who you could eliminate every pitbull on the planet and not have dealt with the issue of lethal breeds in society.

Punishments for owners of dogs who attack should be as severe as those humans receive.

By the way, this discussion is an infinite loop. Not sure how many times it's been done on the caf itself, but I've encountered it countless times across Internet fora. The discussion is practically word for word the same. Have to wonder if this will ever be resolved, well, you don't; it won't.

Scandi Red

Hates Music.
Sep 25, 2022
Have to wonder if this will ever be resolved, well, you don't; it won't.
There are definitely some parallels between this debate and the US gun debate. And if you can't get Americans to agree on guns, then good luck trying to convince people to end a highly popular dog breed. A breed that is incredibly affectionate and also quite healthy. If pitbulls had the temper of a chihuahua and the breathing issues of a pug then it would have been a lot easier to convince people. But even then it would be hard.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2014
One of those things in society when its clear common sense says certain dogs e.g. xl bullys etc should be banned, there should be bigger repercussions for owners of dog attacks, fines for dogs being off leashes and probably should be some licence for owning dogs. As usual nothing will be done.


Full Member
Oct 23, 2010
One of those things in society when its clear common sense says certain dogs e.g. xl bullys etc should be banned, there should be bigger repercussions for owners of dog attacks, fines for dogs being off leashes and probably should be some licence for owning dogs. As usual nothing will be done.
All dogs should be registered to an owner, those kind of dogs should require a muzzle and leash whilst out of the owners property. If people can follow those rules whilst owning a Greyhound, then anyone can. But yeah there's such a reluctance to legislate for responsible dog ownership.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to learn that most of these folk who can't even be arsed putting their dog on a leash don't bother with the simplest levels of training either. They're usually the twats you see coming along the road you're walking your own dog, shouting "he's fine, he's dog friendly". Well, my dog isn't dog friendly when it comes to bigger dogs, because he was once attacked by one, so he'll be very nervous hence why I've got him on a fecking leash. And if your dog is just running up to him what am I meant to do at that point?

My dog doesn't go for other dogs, he doesn't go for people, he's incredibly friendly. Guess what? He still stays on the fecking leash.


The worst "V"
Jan 3, 2009
Saw the biggest dog I've ever seen the other week out on a run. Looked like a pit but absolutely massive. Certainly bigger than an XL. It was friendly but feck me, I wouldn't want to be on the end of it losing its shit. Absolute tank of pure muscle.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2017
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to learn that most of these folk who can't even be arsed putting their dog on a leash don't bother with the simplest levels of training either. They're usually the twats you see coming along the road you're walking your own dog, shouting "he's fine, he's dog friendly". Well, my dog isn't dog friendly when it comes to bigger dogs, because he was once attacked by one, so he'll be very nervous hence why I've got him on a fecking leash. And if your dog is just running up to him what am I meant to do at that point?

My dog doesn't go for other dogs, he doesn't go for people, he's incredibly friendly. Guess what? He still stays on the fecking leash.
Completely agree. It really pisses me off when I am walking with my dog on a leash and you have some one walking and sometimes running with a dog without a leash. It is so arrogant that they think the dog is so well trained etc. Perhaps that is the case but where I live dogs have to be on leashes!


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to learn that most of these folk who can't even be arsed putting their dog on a leash don't bother with the simplest levels of training either. They're usually the twats you see coming along the road you're walking your own dog, shouting "he's fine, he's dog friendly". Well, my dog isn't dog friendly when it comes to bigger dogs, because he was once attacked by one, so he'll be very nervous hence why I've got him on a fecking leash. And if your dog is just running up to him what am I meant to do at that point?

My dog doesn't go for other dogs, he doesn't go for people, he's incredibly friendly. Guess what? He still stays on the fecking leash.
Me neither. I hike a lot. The amount of times some dogs jumped at me and the owners just laughed it off is staggering. The shock when I don’t laugh back but actually react angry is always baffling. These idiots can’t even comprehend that I don’t want to be jumped by their dogs. Apparently it’s something everybody should enjoy.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Me neither. I hike a lot. The amount of times some dogs jumped at me and the owners just laughed it off is staggering. The shock when I don’t laugh back but actually react angry is always baffling. These idiots can’t even comprehend that I don’t want to be jumped by their dogs. Apparently it’s something everybody should enjoy.
Oh yeah the laughing owners are just as annoying. I'll always remember one who was giggling as their dog kept trying to jump over my dog to get to me, and when their dog suddenly started growling the owner's giggles turned into an angry "He doesn't have this problem with other dogs" like my one was the problem.