Peterson, Harris, etc....

Incredible shout. Where are you getting that from? You're suggest it's embarrassing or factually incorrect for me to find a person funny. It's bizarre.

No, that you splurted out his sub count like that matters (justifies his shite).
I think he's extremely funny. Along with the other 1.9 million subs!

Comedy is subjective y'know?

As for the Shapiro thing, horrific statement! Was it an isolated tweet or was it part of a chain? In any case, I hope he's wised up since he wrote that 8 years ago!
I don't find Crowder funny at all personally. A left wing college student saying something stupid might be funny. But him showing that on the internet doesn't make him personally funny IMO. It has nothing to do with him. When his comedy requires any input from him, or when he adds his own commentary, I find it falls flat on its face. To each their own I guess. Different people laugh at different things.
No, that you splurted out his sub count like that matters (justifies his shite).
Well you made it sound like its ludicrous to enjoy his stuff, bringing up his huge popularity is just one way of saying of course it isn't.

Anyway, go on, elaborate on my YouTube bubble that I'm living in or whatever.

I don't find Crowder funny at all personally. A left wing college student saying something stupid might be funny. But him showing that on the internet doesn't make him personally funny IMO. It has nothing to do with him. When his comedy requires any input from him, or when he adds his own commentary, I find it falls flat on its face. To each their own I guess. Different people laugh at different things.
I think his additional commentary adds to it massively!

I shouldn't have used those choice of words, but stating that I'm "admitting" to liking his stuff is an implication in that direction and at the very least is very obnoxious and unnecessary.
God right-wingers are sensitive snowflakes.

FYI, PewDiePie and Zoella wouldn't be known by 80-90% of people asked on the street, so not sure what subscriber count matters beyond a decent bit of YouTube cash.
Slightly related, I hate how so many people online will support an intelligent person (like Peterson) and then act as though his intelligence is their intelligence. Agreeing with or having the same political stance as a smart person doesn't make you smart
Yes, a lot of this ultimately boils down to identity. One outcome is youtube vids of the "xyz DESTROYS radical feminist" kind, made for those fans to bask in the supposed "win" of their identification figure. The WWE version of intellectual engagement.

All of which isn't really surprising, as I think a lot (most?) of today's culture is based on identity, way beyond that particular group.
1.9m can't be wrong in a world of 7.6 billion people.
God right-wingers are sensitive snowflakes.

FYI, PewDiePie and Zoella wouldn't be known by 80-90% of people asked on the street, so not sure what subscriber count matters beyond a decent bit of YouTube cash.
Don't know who the above are.

Also disagree with Crowder and Shapiro on pretty much everything other than their disapproval of the mentality largely displayed on the left.

So yeah, the right wing thing is wrong. I'm also not offended by anything. Although admittedly I'm not as left as I used to be, but I think it's normal for political views to make shape differently when one transitions from college to the real world. Different environment, different people etc. Fun intellectual journey figuring it out

Don't know who the above are.

Also disagree with Crowder and Shapiro on pretty much everything other than their disapproval of the mentality largely displayed on the left.

So yeah, the right wing thing is wrong. I'm also not offended by anything. Although admittedly I'm not as left as I used to be, but I think it's normal for political views to make shape differently when one transitions from college to the real world. Different environment, different people etc. Fun intellectual journey figuring it out

Thanks for assisting my point.
Article about the likes of Harris, Shapiro, Peterson et al. Expecting Glenn Greenwald and his posse to be in full on drama queenish meltdown over this at some point.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: this is the greatest photoshoot ever



you know your article sucks when even paul krugman is going in on it

*posts a stupid article*
*article gets called stupid*

"hehe, ive proved my point. triggered the lefties"

You may not like the article but its entirely appropriate to this thread. You're just going to have to deal with the reality that this narrative is going to get national attention, and rightfully so.
I'm dealing with it by pointing out how stupid it is.

That's not dealing with it, that's dismissing it. But give it about 24 hours and maybe the Guardian will do a similar piece on the plight of Glenn Greenwald, his Brazilian lover and their 50 dogs who reside in the Brazilian rain forrest.
That's not dealing with it, that's dismissing it. But give it about 24 hours and maybe the Guardian will do a similar piece on the plight of Glenn Greenwald, his Brazilian lover and their 50 dogs who reside in the Brazilian rain forrest.

It's how people deal with articles that are incredibly stupid.
That's obviously subjective. The broader topic is very relevant to this thread and is receiving the sort of coverage it deserves.

Give us your interpretation of the broader subject then. Because my interpretation is that anyone claiming their ideas are marginalized and suppressed whilst writing an op ed for the most influential paper in the world is incredibly stupid.
Give us your interpretation of the broader subject then. Because my interpretation is that anyone claiming their ideas are marginalized and suppressed whilst writing an op ed for the most influential paper in the world is incredibly stupid.

Its exactly what its always been - an attempt to shut down speech related to controversial topics we don't want to address in public. These can be issues related to everything from race, gender, culture, and politics etc. And by in public, I mean on major news networks and in major publications like the NY Times. These are ideas that need to be debated in the mainstream media and not in compartmentalized twitter feuds between the likes of Harris and Greenwald.
"this idea is fecking moronic, it completely ignores the historical context and promotes an extreme ethnocentric ideology that is dangerous"

"yeah, well, it's not literally illegal to say it so stop treading on my free speech"

"what the feck are you talking about, you're constantly on major news outlets no one is treading on your free speech"

"but someone was mean to me on the internet which is worse than literal stalinism"
Its exactly what its always been - an attempt to shut down speech related to controversial topics we don't want to address in public. These can be issues related to everything from race, gender, culture, and politics etc. And by in public, I mean on major news networks and in major publications like the NY Times. These are ideas that need to be debated in the mainstream media and not in compartmentalized twitter feuds between the likes of Harris and Greenwald.

these people are always on tv and in major publications. they arent being shut down in any way
these people are always on tv and in major publications. they arent being shut down in any way

They aren't on very often. But they should be, and they should be debating their critics like Greenwald, Hasan, and friends. Competing ideas need to be fleshed in the broadest public domain possible out and that process should be publicized in the mainstream media.
"this idea is fecking moronic, it completely ignores the historical context and promotes an extreme ethnocentric ideology that is dangerous"

"yeah, well, it's not literally illegal to say it so stop treading on my free speech"

"what the feck are you talking about, you're constantly on major news outlets no one is treading on your free speech"

"but someone was mean to me on the internet which is worse than literal stalinism"
Pretty much
I like that, mostly because it will upset all the right people.

It will no doubt upset Team Greenwald, but it shouldn't. Weiss should also do a follow on piece that delves more into the counterargument to the "Intellectual Dark Web", which broadly would be to debate/answer criticisms of enabling intolerance.
They aren't on very often. But they should be, and they should be debating their critics like Greenwald, Hasan, and friends. Competing ideas need to be fleshed in the broadest public domain possible out and that process should be publicized in the mainstream media.

they are on all the time. bari weiss was on morning joe literally an hour ago. jordan peterson was on nbc news last week. shapiro is constantly on fox news. bill maher regularly has sam harris on to reassure him that its okay to hate muslims. theres a nyt article titled "Ben Shapiro, A Provocative Gladiator". Sommers is on Tucker Carlson all the time. these people are the establishment. they arent oppressed.
they are on all the time. bari weiss was on morning joe literally an hour ago. jordan peterson was on nbc news last week. shapiro is constantly on fox news. bill maher regularly has sam harris on to reassure him that its okay to hate muslims. theres a nyt article titled "Ben Shapiro, A Provocative Gladiator". Sommers is on Tucker Carlson all the time. these people are the establishment. they arent oppressed.

That's a good thing, but over the past couple of years they haven't been so much. If they are starting to make more appearances that's a positive sign that their ideas are receiving more mainstream recognition.
if these people cared about speech and censorship at all they would be writing about the fact that texas (among other states) bars state money from going to anyone involved in BDS or the reporters who face jail time for reporting on the j20 protests
if these people cared about speech and censorship at all they would be writing about the fact that texas (among other states) bars state money from going to anyone involved in BDS or the reporters who face jail time for reporting on the j20 protests

Why should state money go to BDS promoters when the concept of BDS is completely contrary to US policy ?
Yeah, but criticising Israel isn't free speech, it's only a free speech issue when you're attempting to turn black and brown people into subhumans for an upcoming genocide.