Phil Foden - What Is His Potential?

That might be the most embarrassing fight I’ve ever seen for all concerned. There wasn’t one person there who knew how to throw a punch. Just as well for the guy seen hitting the mum.
Mum was in the room. Fodens partner screaming “someone called him a cnut” got her out.

They should have just closed the door (no excuses for any of the stuff that followed, either side)

Yeah that’s what I meant. She shouldn’t have come out again once they were in.
Foden actually handled himself extremely well in the circumstances given his mother had just got a slap. She has to be showing more restraint there though. I know your sons just been called a cnut but feck me you can't be goin around throwing slaps every time that happens and it's not the first time she's been in the news for getting into fights. Obviously terrible what then happened with her getting hit but that should have been avoided. Close the door and stay there
What's that fecking idiot with a fire extinguisher doing? If he connects at the end there then there's a high probability the other lad dies. A modern day Neanderthal.
Punching any woman is a disgrace and they were acting like dickheads. With that said Phil did the right thing in removing himself from the situation, his mother could have shown the same maturity and avoided the whole situation.

Can’t criticise her for showing parental instinct.

She was standing up for her Son who she no doubt loves dearly and is rightly immensely proud of.

He’s a media trained professional athlete, she isn’t. She showed courage imo, and also is quite the milf (or GILF even since Phil is a Dad) good on her I say.
Can’t criticise her for showing parental instinct.

She was standing up for her Son who she no doubt loves dearly and is rightly immensely proud of.

He’s a media trained professional athlete, she isn’t. She showed courage imo, and also is quite the milf (or GILF even since Phil is a Dad) good on her I say.
It was immature.
It was immature.

Easy to say when not in the heat of the moment.

She’s a young parent, from a tough working class background and a bunch of thugs are targeting her son who she loves…

Her Fight or Flight kicked in, and she went with ‘fight’, her actions her obviously noble, if not the wisest decision.

But this is the issue with everything recorded all the time combined with troll culture - people aren’t robots, they’re flawed, emotional beings. We can’t and shouldn’t all be expected to act like Zen masters 24/7.

This revolting culture of trying to get reactions out of people while filming them is fecking pathetic and one of the worst things that consumer technology has brought us.
That looks more like his mother hits few guys than she being hit by them. We don't know everything of course, and they shouldn't return to her like that, but she looks really agressive for some reason when he just goes about his business in that room, and she stays in the hole fighting with couple of men.

Seriously weird video.
Seriously weird post

you seem to be saying it’s ok to hit a woman because she’s been mouthy
Can’t criticise her for showing parental instinct.

She was standing up for her Son who she no doubt loves dearly and is rightly immensely proud of.

He’s a media trained professional athlete, she isn’t. She showed courage imo, and also is quite the milf (or GILF even since Phil is a Dad) good on her I say.

Making the important points!
Mum was in the room. Fodens partner screaming “someone called him a cnut” got her out.

They should have just closed the door (no excuses for any of the stuff that followed, either side)
They probably should have just stayed in the room but this is a rather stupid point. It makes it sound like they were equally to blame. Looks like the men filming it all were just harassing fodens group trying to goad them into something so they could show off to their mates. Fodens mum pushed one of them and their response was to try and punch them, absolute pricks
Seriously weird post

you seem to be saying it’s ok to hit a woman because she’s been mouthy

Yep, reading some of these posts there's a couple of disturbing attitudes on violence towards women.
Yep, reading some of these posts there's a couple of disturbing attitudes on violence towards women.

It seems like some of you want to make everything about discrimination about women when there isn't one. Maybe you are the one enjoying it?

If you seriously read that from my post then I am seriously thinking about reporting your post because it's accusing me of things I didn't say at all.
Easy to say when not in the heat of the moment.

She’s a young parent, from a tough working class background and a bunch of thugs are targeting her son who she loves…

Her Fight or Flight kicked in, and she went with ‘fight’, her actions her obviously noble, if not the wisest decision.

But this is the issue with everything recorded all the time combined with troll culture - people aren’t robots, they’re flawed, emotional beings. We can’t and shouldn’t all be expected to act like Zen masters 24/7.

This revolting culture of trying to get reactions out of people while filming them is fecking pathetic and one of the worst things that consumer technology has brought us.
Or maybe it's forcing people to think twice about their actions, because they might look bad, which is a good thing.
Can’t criticise her for showing parental instinct.

She was standing up for her Son who she no doubt loves dearly and is rightly immensely proud of.

He’s a media trained professional athlete, she isn’t. She showed courage imo, and also is quite the milf (or GILF even since Phil is a Dad) good on her I say.

Her Foden*
They probably should have just stayed in the room but this is a rather stupid point. It makes it sound like they were equally to blame. Looks like the men filming it all were just harassing fodens group trying to goad them into something so they could show off to their mates. Fodens mum pushed one of them and their response was to try and punch them, absolute pricks
I think you need to read it again (and maybe watch the video again).

I said stay in the room (as others have, presume they're next on your post agenda to call people stupid) and said no excuses, either side.

At no point did I say who started it, who was worse, they're both to blame/one to blame, both equal, etc. Re-read it and try replying without calling people stupid ... this site's a much better place then.

And re-read the post I replied to.

And if you're going to throw shit at the knobs giving abuse, that's fine. But maybe try and balance your post with the lad with the fire extinguisher.
They probably should have just stayed in the room but this is a rather stupid point. It makes it sound like they were equally to blame. Looks like the men filming it all were just harassing fodens group trying to goad them into something so they could show off to their mates. Fodens mum pushed one of them and their response was to try and punch them, absolute pricks

Yeah some blokes were mouthing off but It's Foden's Mum who turned things physical and it's one of Foden's gang who tried to crush someone's head in with a fire extinguisher.
Yeah some blokes were mouthing off but It's Foden's Mum who turned things physical and it's one of Foden's gang who tried to crush someone's head in with a fire extinguisher.

If you push someone in a football game you maybe get a yellow. If you smack them in the face you get a straight red no questions asked with at least a 3 match ban and likely much longer for that. "Turning it physical" is irrelevant as she didn't do anything he'd take any lasting harm from apart hopefully from the prison sentence the bloke should get.

As for the guy with the fire extinguisher he's clearly a fecking knob but if someone punched my aunty or whatever then I think I'd go a bit fecking mad as well.
Or maybe it's forcing people to think twice about their actions, because they might look bad, which is a good thing.

Is it though? That’s a genuine question btw, not a sarcastic rhetorical.

For me it’s a continuation of ‘click bait’ culture that is worthless imo.

I think the notion of authorities (Police etc) being filmed is definitely good, so that alone may make it worthwhile.

But I just think the banter / troll film everything side of it is so toxic and pathetic.
If you push someone in a football game you maybe get a yellow. If you smack them in the face you get a straight red no questions asked with at least a 3 match ban and likely much longer for that. "Turning it physical" is irrelevant as she didn't do anything he'd take any lasting harm from apart hopefully from the prison sentence the bloke should get.

As for the guy with the fire extinguisher he's clearly a fecking knob but if someone punched my aunty or whatever then I think I'd go a bit fecking mad as well.

I don't care what happens on a football pitch, she got all up in his face and shoved him into a wall, on another day maybe he cracks his head open and dies. No idea why this woman is being painted as the victim, she escalated the situation, the bloke retaliated and then the ape with the extinguisher went even further. Foden himself is about the only one there coming out of that not looking like a total lowlife.
I don't care what happens on a football pitch, she got all up in his face and shoved him into a wall, on another day maybe he cracks his head open and dies. No idea why this woman is being painted as the victim, she escalated the situation, the bloke retaliated and then the ape with the extinguisher went even further. Foden himself is about the only one there coming out of that not looking like a total lowlife.

Cracks open his head and dies feck me. If she'd had stun guns strapped to her hands she might have stopped his heart while she was at it too. Pathetic excuse for this scumbag's behaviour.
I was expecting a drunk Grealish showing up out of nowhere to fight, i'm disappointed
Is it though? That’s a genuine question btw, not a sarcastic rhetorical.

For me it’s a continuation of ‘click bait’ culture that is worthless imo.

I think the notion of authorities (Police etc) being filmed is definitely good, so that alone may make it worthwhile.

But I just think the banter / troll film everything side of it is so toxic and pathetic.
Obviously like with everything, ever, there are elements of extremism which can be loud, but in reality the vast majority of people are reasonable.

In the same sense the vast majority of people use it to access their reactions to things.
Truly laughable. She is a complete bell end, but at the end of the day, it was a push. A push. He comes back and punches her full in the face. A court of law is going to say, well you could have walked away.

Edit - this was in response to @Bale Bale Bale but for some reason the quote didn't attach.
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What's that fecking idiot with a fire extinguisher doing? If he connects at the end there then there's a high probability the other lad dies. A modern day Neanderthal.

This 100%

That was by far the worst part of the video. Made me wince when i saw the other guy wasnt looking, it really is unbelievable what goes through some people's heads. Hitting women and trying to kill someone, nice one. Waste of organs the lot of them.
Can’t criticise her for showing parental instinct.

She was standing up for her Son who she no doubt loves dearly and is rightly immensely proud of.

He’s a media trained professional athlete, she isn’t. She showed courage imo, and also is quite the milf (or GILF even since Phil is a Dad) good on her I say.

Her son was perfectly safe and handled the situation correctly. I am a lot younger than she is and know that if I can avoid a potentially violent situation it is the best choice, let alone escalating it by making first contact.

The lads were dickheads, she was childish and fed right into it. They still should not have punched her obviously but I am simply saying she would be better placed to take a page out of her son's book.
I don't care what happens on a football pitch, she got all up in his face and shoved him into a wall, on another day maybe he cracks his head open and dies. No idea why this woman is being painted as the victim, she escalated the situation, the bloke retaliated and then the ape with the extinguisher went even further. Foden himself is about the only one there coming out of that not looking like a total lowlife.
:lol: my god

Maybe those tramps shouldn’t be there trying to abuse foden and his family?!? just a thought.

They went looking for trouble and found it.

Clearly they’re scum of the earth types to retaliate and punch an old woman ffs. big men for sure!
Truly laughable. She is a complete bell end, but at the end of the day, it was a push. A push. He comes back and punches her full in the face. A court of law is going to say, well you could have walked away.

Edit - this was in response to @Bale Bale Bale but for some reason the quote didn't attach.
Exactly, saying she escalated the situation also ignores the fact it was clearly what the bell ends were looking for in the first place
Can’t criticise her for showing parental instinct.

She was standing up for her Son who she no doubt loves dearly and is rightly immensely proud of.

He’s a media trained professional athlete, she isn’t. She showed courage imo, and also is quite the milf (or GILF even since Phil is a Dad) good on her I say.
Said Stevie Wonder (and no one else, ever)
Can’t criticise her for showing parental instinct.

She was standing up for her Son who she no doubt loves dearly and is rightly immensely proud of.

He’s a media trained professional athlete, she isn’t. She showed courage imo, and also is quite the milf (or GILF even since Phil is a Dad) good on her I say.
Foden must be the most protected player in the world. There has been half a dozen "incidents" involving him since his debut for City.