Gaming PlayStation 4 (Console)

I jumped straight to the timestamp, I guess its the ending I haven't tried it. And no I'm not.
I am sooo hyped for this, after playing about 15 mins of the teaser and then looking at the ending of that twitch stream, this has jumped to the top of my list.

Hideo Kojima, Guillermo del Toro, Norman Reedus, graphics look immense :drool:
Silent Hill? What's this then?

Also, what were those 2 short teasers with snow and blood? I thought about silent hill instantly but nowhere seemed to think that. It's some other game anyway isnt it? But a new silent hill will be sweet.
Got to say I'm rather bored with my PS4.

A few annoying things about it too like a lack of decent apps. The fact that there is no 4oD app but we have a Channel 5 app sucks.

Using the internet browser is pretty useless as well when it comes to streaming things.

Probably gonna chuck it on eBay when I can be bothered.

You are making ridiculous comments, what is your agenda?

If I had an Xbone I'd keep it.

What is your problem?
What are you on about Weaste? Did I touch a nerve?

Not sure I appreciate the 'shill' comment either.

I don't have an Xbox One...I am not slating the PS4, I just expected it to be more of an all round home entertainment system rather than simply a gaming console.

So my question to you is, what is your problem?
Not sure why I was tagged in this, but I'd have thought a lack of decent games was worse than poxy apps.

There will be no lack of decent games in two months time when they start flowing out at incredible rate. There'll be about 10-12 games potentially rated over 80/100 between now and the end of year even though you'll hate every single one of them. ;)
What are you on about Weaste? Did I touch a nerve?

Not sure I appreciate the 'shill' comment either.

I don't have an Xbox One...I am not slating the PS4, I just expected it to be more of an all round home entertainment system rather than simply a gaming console.

So my question to you is, what is your problem?

It's first and foremost a gaming console. Other stuff is secondary, and as a gaming console it's done a decent job so far and will do far better than that in coming months.
What are you on about Weaste? Did I touch a nerve?

Not sure I appreciate the 'shill' comment either.

I don't have an Xbox One...I am not slating the PS4, I just expected it to be more of an all round home entertainment system rather than simply a gaming console.

So my question to you is, what is your problem?

What more do you need in it? I have my PS4 primarily for gaming (well FIFA, I can't be arsed with other games) + Blu Ray movies and I can also use it for Netflix. Got my Apple TV for iTunes movies, Netflix usa and Premier League. The perfect set up.
His loss, some people act before they think... maybe he shouldn't have bought it in the first place? Nothing more to see here...
Just for the record, I've been very happy with my PS4 so far. Plenty of games to play, gorgeous graphics in most of them with consistent frame rate. Good variety of games - three great sports games in FIFA, MLB The Show and NBA 2K14, some decent shooters in Killzone, COD and Battlefield, some cool action games with a story attached to them - AC, Watch Dogs, inFamous - and one of the best games ever made remastered with very good graphics - Last of Us. Also some hidden gems like Tomb Raider, Lego Marvel Heroes and a pretty decent for my taste Thief. Also plenty of interesting indie titles I have access to mainly thanks to brilliant PlayStation Plus. I am yet to finish most games I have bought and it's been a blast so far. I'm very much looking forward to the future too, between now and the end of year I'll probably get 10-12 games.

I am still using my PS3, moved it into my bedroom, pretty fun playing some cool games from my enormous back log before going to bed. I have 48 games on my HDD and some retail copies, a total of around 70-75 including the ones that I cannot download because of no space on my hard drive, and I've probably finished no more than 50% of them so far. PS Plus again.
I think I'm going to get that PSTV for my bedroom, what was it though? 99 Euros?
I think I'm going to get that PSTV for my bedroom, what was it though? 99 Euros?

Yep. I'm getting it day one too, I'll stick it in my bedroom and take it with me when I travel somewhere. Value.

That's why I'd actually in a way prefer digital games for PS4 rather than retail copies although I've bought every single one aside from MLB in retail. There's a novelty of having the box... I think they should make it so that all retail copies you buy are accessible without the BR disc, only make a rule that you have to enter it once a week to check in that you still own it and have not sold it to someone to have a game for free etc.
There will be no lack of decent games in two months time when they start flowing out at incredible rate. There'll be about 10-12 games potentially rated over 80/100 between now and the end of year even though you'll hate every single one of them. ;)

That wasn't my point at all mate :lol:

He said it's lack of apps, I eas merely pointing out surely lack of games eould be the only factor worth considering selling it for?

Even then I don't see the point, though I've never sold a console (bar a psp) in my life ;)

As for games coming out, meh. Watchdogs seems alright though and I've just finally got around to Wolfenstein, though for the 20-odd minutes I've played it seems little different to RtCW, not that that's maybe such a bad thing.
That wasn't my point at all mate :lol:

He said it's lack of apps, I eas merely pointing out surely lack of games eould be the only factor worth considering selling it for?

Even then I don't see the point, though I've never sold a console (bar a psp) in my life ;)

As for games coming out, meh. Watchdogs seems alright though and I've just finally got around to Wolfenstein, though for the 20-odd minutes I've played it seems little different to RtCW, not that that's maybe such a bad thing.

Yeah, I just pointed out that there are games out there.

Plenty of stuff for me to be fair, inFamous is decent when I finally got down to it properly. Story is a bit meh and mechanics are somewhat chaotic (I still cannot remember what button does what, having completed half of the game) but it's still fun to play and visually absolutely downright gorgeous with consistent frame rate.
It's the early days, so hope (and promises) are obviously still there, but there is way too little focus on the old classic rpgs in my opinion.
Final Fantasy went from turn-based to ATB, to a fecked up ATB wanna be action rpg.
You don't find games like FF5-10, Shadowheart (1-2), Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Trigger/Cross & Suikoden series.
On the PS3 there was barely any memorable roleplaying-games as those above, i never got to play Ni No Kuni but i'll take the reviews as it being one of those memorable and really enjoyable rpg's, but besides that the best the PS3 had to offer was really Final Fantasy X in HD and possibly the Tales of series.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is promising, Final Fantasy XV looks like they are going more back to the roots about how the game should feel, so that's my last go without great reviews from square-enix, Dragon Age 3 and Witcher 3 looks good both, but all these have one thing in common - they aren't really turn-based or like the old-school atb games. All but FFXV never were meant to so none of the others are bad games, they are simply not that kind of game. Depressing how the turn-based rpg's have just silently disappeared into the emulator world.
Diablo 3 coming out in less than a week. Is it worth getting it on a PS4? I've never played Diablo before but it looks plenty of fun...
Diablo 3 coming out in less than a week. Is it worth getting it on a PS4? I've never played Diablo before but it looks plenty of fun...
Played the xb360 version and its good, so I'd say have a look at it
Anyone know any good offers for bundles floating around lately? Ideally something that includes Destiny and the Last of us.

The best one I've found is Destiny + TLOU for £415. There are better offers than that surely?
Anyone know any good offers for bundles floating around lately? Ideally something that includes Destiny and the Last of us.

The best one I've found is Destiny + TLOU for £415. There are better offers than that surely?

Where about did you see that mate?
Anyone know any good offers for bundles floating around lately? Ideally something that includes Destiny and the Last of us.

The best one I've found is Destiny + TLOU for £415. There are better offers than that surely?
Get Watchdogs and The Last of Us.
Sorry to annoy anyone by asking but what's the best deal you've seen for a PS4 with The Last of Us? I never played it on PS3 and i'm looking to upgrade to the next gen with a PS4 so figured i may as well see what all the hype was about!
Has anyone tried the P.T. demo?

Played it a bit and it creeped me out!! Currently watching a stream of someone playing it...
Has anyone tried the P.T. demo?

Played it a bit and it creeped me out!! Currently watching a stream of someone playing it...

I couldn't last more than 10 minutes, it freaked me out properly. If the whole Silent Hill game is like that I can't see myself playing it to be fair, it's a bit too much.

Over halfway through inFamous after getting down to it properly this week. I must say it has got somewhat boring after a while, there's only so much fun you can have using your special powers to fight, fight, fight. Technically it's still incredible obviously but it isn't much fun to play anymore.
I'm going to buy one today, I can get a pack with Killzone, Battlefield and Injustice or one with Battlefield and Infamous. What do we recommend?

Injustice isn't good.

I'd go for BF and infamous. Unless you want two shooters. Plus Killzone online is dead.
Battlefield and Infamous definitely.
Has anyone tried the P.T. demo?

Played it a bit and it creeped me out!! Currently watching a stream of someone playing it...
Tried it yesterday. I made it out of the bathroom but managed to get killed. I couldn't be bothered playing it through again.