Gaming PlayStation 5

Some of you will hate me, but the inevitable has happened - my PS5 is already gathering dust. I played Demon Souls and some Miles Morales, only to go back to World of Warcraft of all things :lol:

This happens with pretty much every new console for me. Oh well, just have to wait for the next must have exclusive whenever that arrives.
Some of you will hate me, but the inevitable has happened - my PS5 is already gathering dust. I played Demon Souls and some Miles Morales, only to go back to World of Warcraft of all things :lol:

This happens with pretty much every new console for me. Oh well, just have to wait for the next must have exclusive whenever that arrives.

Inb4 @VeevaVee
Some of you will hate me, but the inevitable has happened - my PS5 is already gathering dust. I played Demon Souls and some Miles Morales, only to go back to World of Warcraft of all things :lol:

This happens with pretty much every new console for me. Oh well, just have to wait for the next must have exclusive whenever that arrives.
Fair enough pal! Is there nothing on the ps plus collection you’d want to try?
Fair enough pal! Is there nothing on the ps plus collection you’d want to try?
Not particularly. Tbh I'm primarily a PC gamer but I bought the console because I really wanted to play the Demon Souls remaster, and as a huge souls fan - I wasn't disappointed. Thoroughly enjoyed it despite it being on the short side. I don't regret the purchase at all since I was always eventually going to end up with next-gen console, Demon Souls just forced my hand earlier than usual.
Not particularly. Tbh I'm primarily a PC gamer but I bought the console because I really wanted to play the Demon Souls remaster, and as a huge souls fan - I wasn't disappointed. Thoroughly enjoyed it despite it being on the short side. I don't regret the purchase at all since I was always eventually going to end up with next-gen console, Demon Souls just forced my hand earlier than usual.
Fair enough, surprised God of War isn’t your cup of tea. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it.

I’ve moved onto Days Gone now which I’m enjoying more than I expected.
Fair enough, surprised God of War isn’t your cup of tea. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it.

I’ve moved onto Days Gone now which I’m enjoying more than I expected.
I played God of War on PS4 when it was initially released. It wasn't really my thing.

In all honesty a playstation is mostly a JRPG/sports game machine for me. I.e. games I can't/don't particularly want to play on PC. I'm sure the PS5 will serve that purpose fine. I'm also not as arsed or motivated anymore with keeping my pc updated, not with scalpers ruining the graphics card market, so this gen might actually compel me to make the full switch to being a full time console gamer. It seems the technical chasm that's always existed between PCs and consoles has gotten even more narrow this gen anyway.
I played God of War on PS4 when it was initially released. It wasn't really my thing.

In all honesty a playstation is mostly a JRPG/sports game machine for me. I.e. games I can't/don't particularly want to play on PC. I'm sure the PS5 will serve that purpose fine. I'm also not as arsed or motivated anymore with keeping my pc updated, not with scalpers ruining the graphics card market, so this gen might actually compel me to make the full switch to being a full time console gamer. It seems the technical chasm that's always existed between PCs and consoles has gotten even more narrow this gen anyway.

I mean, I have some bad news for you on both those points...
Getting mine tomorrow. Can't be arsed to wait anymore, so getting a unopened one from a private seller in my town. Overpaying by 800 euros but oh well, I want some from software time. :angel:
Some of you will hate me, but the inevitable has happened - my PS5 is already gathering dust. I played Demon Souls and some Miles Morales, only to go back to World of Warcraft of all things :lol:

This happens with pretty much every new console for me. Oh well, just have to wait for the next must have exclusive whenever that arrives.

Similar but i bought an RTX 3080 and a new PC so the ps5 will strictly be a Sony exclusive machine now.
Getting mine tomorrow. Can't be arsed to wait anymore, so getting a unopened one from a private seller in my town. Overpaying by 800 euros but oh well, I want some from software time. :angel:

Surely this just makes the problem worse though. If scalpers couldn't sell them, they wouldn't buy them.
What's the end game here for these scalpers/bots? Eventually there will be plenty of supply and they'll be stuck with tons of PS5s?

They'll make money off of them. Worst case scenario a huge shipment of stock comes in and most people get them for the normal price and the 'scalpers' have to lower their prices around the normal price. They'll probably continue to make a bit more money for the next month though as the demand is so high and the stock isn't there to fill the demand.

Today is a good example. John Lewis dropped and sold out within 30 seconds. Sure, only 100+ or so. Game dropped and went within about 4-5 minutes, thankfully they did it where the consoles were in loads of different bundles which gave normal people an actual chance. The thing is, most of the normal people that got one today were people following twitter, discords, stock alerts etc. We aren't even taking into account the average person who ain't going to be doing any of that stuff, they're the type of people that will likely give in and pay the mental prices that the feckers are selling them at. Just hoping more stock starts to come quicker for people to get their hands on and stop the scalpers making much more profit.

I managed to get one from Game this morning. Digital bundle with 50 quid wallet and extra controller. I've been following all stock alerts, twitter etc and was trying every half hour or so this morning while at work :lol: literally clicked the bundle on the dot of ten and it loaded. Got my details in just in time.

Now it's just the worry of no cancellation, then the bastard delivery drivers not stealing it :lol: paid the 20 quid for priority delivery which means if it disappears I get a replacement plus 50 pound. For anybody still on the hunt I'd expect a drop from Argos at any point, probably a small drop from Game, Currys at any point over the next few days too. Argos is probably the next big one, surely can't be worst than the John Lewis stock.
I want a ps5 as much as the next guy but I'd never be stupid enough to spend that amount on a console. I'd rather not bother having one.

Why anyone would want to line scalpers pockets with that sort of cash I honestly don't know.
The scalping on the consoles has been every bit as bad, if not worse (look at what happened today), and the power level is no different to any recent gen. They are powerful, but they are already being left behind same as ever.

Plus, I'm also messing a bit too ;)
Oh, I was lucky enough to pick up a PS5 for its normal RRP, so no scalpers to contend with :D

And yeah I accept there will always be that divide in technical fidelity, but lets face it - developers are doing absolute feck all with the PC's power, and most PC releases are poorly optimised console ports these days anyway. Cyberpunk was pretty much the only game I was looking forward to on the PC, nothing in the near or distant future remotely entices me to consider upgrading my rig.
Paying 1.3k ish, but it's local so I get to actually have the console before paying, see it working etc. I'd rather pay extra for that safety.

1.3k euros? I spend money on stupid shit, so do a lot of people on here. No way I could overpay by 800 on the RRP.

@Pexbo you are doing it wrong.
1.3k euros? I spend money on stupid shit, so do a lot of people on here. No way I could overpay by 800 on the RRP.

@Pexbo you are doing it wrong.

I let mine go for RRP so I’m definitely doing it wrong
Oh, I was lucky enough to pick up a PS5 for its normal RRP, so no scalpers to contend with :D

And yeah I accept there will always be that divide in technical fidelity, but lets face it - developers are doing absolute feck all with the PC's power, and most PC releases are poorly optimised console ports these days anyway. Cyberpunk was pretty much the only game I was looking forward to on the PC, nothing in the near or distant future remotely entices me to consider upgrading my rig.
Not the thread for it but that's bollox mate. The example you gave is a game that was built for PCs and had an awful console port ffs :lol:
Not the thread for it but that's bollox mate. The example you gave is a game that was built for PCs and had an awful console port ffs :lol:
Cyberpunk wasn't an example I gave, merely that it was the last game that encouraged me to upgrade my rig.

And I wish I were wrong but unfortunately I still stand by my point - the majority of PC games (multiplatform ones that is) are mostly an afterthought and are lazily ported over from the consoles. There are obviously a few exceptions, but for the most part outside of modding and more graphics settings, there isn't a huge incentive for PCs. You think back to the 90s and noughties, and certain games could only ever be possible on PC - the likes of Deus Ex, Half Life, EverQuest, etc. Nowadays most games are essentially their console counterparts, capped at 60ps with few anti-alias and FOV sliders.
Cyberpunk wasn't an example I gave, merely that it was the last game that encouraged me to upgrade my rig.

And I wish I were wrong but unfortunately I still stand by my point - the majority of PC games (multiplatform ones that is) are mostly an afterthought and are lazily ported over from the consoles. There are obviously a few exceptions, but for the most part outside of modding and more graphics settings, there isn't a huge incentive for PCs. You think back to the 90s and noughties, and certain games could only ever be possible on PC - the likes of Deus Ex, Half Life, EverQuest, etc. Nowadays most games are essentially their console counterparts, capped at 60ps with few anti-alias and FOV sliders.
Well I totally disagree. Plenty games I've played lately run way better on PC. You've conveniently left out the main benefits of a PC which are high refresh rates and response times in monitors. A gaming PC that can do.. say.. 1440p 144hz well still shits all over the new consoles when running pretty much any game.
Cyberpunk wasn't an example I gave, merely that it was the last game that encouraged me to upgrade my rig.

And I wish I were wrong but unfortunately I still stand by my point - the majority of PC games (multiplatform ones that is) are mostly an afterthought and are lazily ported over from the consoles. There are obviously a few exceptions, but for the most part outside of modding and more graphics settings, there isn't a huge incentive for PCs. You think back to the 90s and noughties, and certain games could only ever be possible on PC - the likes of Deus Ex, Half Life, EverQuest, etc. Nowadays most games are essentially their console counterparts, capped at 60ps with few anti-alias and FOV sliders.
Well I totally disagree. Plenty games I've played lately run way better on PC. You've conveniently left out the main benefits of a PC which are high refresh rates and response times in monitors. A gaming PC that can do.. say.. 1440p 144hz well still shits all over the new consoles when running pretty much any game.

Yeah, the "most games are capped at 60fps" comment shows how out of touch you are Kaos my boomer friend :lol:

And I know you have a PS5, that doesn't make your scalping point valid. I have a PS5, X and a 3070 and I didn't over pay for any of them via scalpers.