Premier League Gameweek 14-16

We’ve had so many late winners this season that I don’t think this comment is even real.
If this stays the same and we win tomorrow then Arsenal will have one more win thus far this season than we would have!
Another Cyberman classic.

And Rice. The guy that 'holds them back' :lol:
This is not ok. Time is up and they score. This is on referees and it is not first time Arsenal is getting helped.
I guess you missed the referee very clearly stopping his watch while the Luton player deliberately took an age to come across for a throw-in. There's no conspiracy, son.
Worth every penny.

Now Raya's feck ups will be swept under the rug and forgotten as has been all season.
That was very hard work. David Raya, mate, we need to have a little chat...
It's like groundhog day with arsenal, draw against a shitty team and get the result on the 90+ minute.
These crazy long injury times, along with 5 subs, are killing possible PL upsets.
There's such an inevitably when you're watching Liverpool and Arsenal that they will score later on... You're almost surprised when they don't.

It's an incredibly enviable trait
Rather have Arsenal winning the league than City or Liverpool, but still think we will get a repeat of last season were City get serious in January and win like 16 in a row to haul them in.
Arteta going to cry that the ref played too much stoppage time?

Oh right, he doesn’t say a word when it benefits his squad
Just play on til they score eh.

Let’s face it, it’s between Arsenal, City and Liverpool for the title. Arsenal the lesser of three evils. Still have the wankiest fanbase though.
Don't forget the elegant no. 10, Minanda.
Oh man… Espimas in midfield, with his tidy left foot, Burchet coming on as a sub to use his speed on the counter.

I think I’m gonna my old PS2 and launch a new Master League and forget about United for a bit
We should have gone for Rice. So obvious yet we pass on such a player again. Some posters were screaming for us to sign him and they were right.
This is how it must have felt for oppo fans having to ensure all those Fergie time winners.