Progressive Restrictions Draft

That's disappointing. Why would you consider dropping him after so much research and love. This is @harms and Finney all over again from the last draft. Lost my vote already.
Because under these restrictions nationality also counts when you plan forward. Some harder sacrifices on that basis may open up future reinforcements you need.

The moronic thing however is that Eusebio's nationality somehow matches that of a certain right winger we already have... :wenger: :D
That’s such an obvious cock up that I’m sure people would be okay with you repicking.
Well, Alberto stays of course. I think one can repick, but I'll look it up.
Drop Matthaus, pick Lahm
Drop Djalma, pick Zito

Making both picks as Zito can't be picked after CAT
Only thing I found was for undetected illegal players after a match has started. In other drafts you could just repick ineligible players after detection iirc, the snake moving on in the meantime.

But since I'm just the AM and the boss is asleep we won't pick now in any case. We were dithering over the second reinforcement anyway, so no harm in waiting.

@GodShaveTheQueen go ahead

@Edgar Allan Pillow

You should be. This has dredged up a long-suppressed memory of @Šjor Bepo and I managing to pick Vidic and RVN in the the same team in a no mates draft :(


not sure it was me, dont think i would pick ruud even in a van nistelrooy draft
Even ignoring Figo, Eusebio would have been an invalid pick. Prued'homme played for Benfica if I am not wrong.
Sorry been busy today but also was mulling over the idea of Cristiano / Messi / Garrincha trio, but went with the safe route at the end

I’m shocked you didn’t do that actually. But this community has become a real echo-chamber around things like work-rate that I’m kinda not surprised at the same time. Still think you’ve made a mistake though.

There’s no chance in reality that a proper manager, whether it’s Fergie or Pep or whoever, would ever turn down the chance of adding peak-Messi to their team.

ManagerPick 1Pick 2Pick 3Pick 4Pick 5Pick 6Pick 7Pick 8Pick 9Pick 10Pick 11Pick12Pick 13Pick 14Pick 15Pick 16Pick 17
EnigmaF. BeckenbauerF. RijkaardC. RonaldoN. SantosG. BergomiA. ShesternyovD. SilvaB. BremnerG. BanksK. MbappeS. KocsisD. DrogbaM. OlsenGarrinchaM. BossisG. SounessJ. Masopust
SjorZicoO. BlokhinJ. ZanettiP. ElkjaerA. CostacurtaV. VasovicA. ColeB. SchweinsteigerR. DasayevB. MurdochM. SennaD. HolcerM. FazlagicJ. TiganaA. IniestaF. BaresiL. Yashin
GSTQE. FigueroaD. DzajicD. LawT. FinneyD. SantosJ. NeeskensS. MarzoliniK. H. ForsterGermanoZ. ZidaneJ. MartinezI. ViktorP. MaldiniL. MatthausP. LahmZito
Physiocrat/SyncoM. PlatiniA. NestaV. van DijkU. SeelerL. FigoA. DemyanenkoM. KempesD. EdwardsDungaO. BergmarkM. Preud'hommePenisulaV. VoroninB. RobsonC. AlbertoR. Krol


ManagerPick 1Pick 2Pick 3Pick 4Pick 5Pick 6Pick 7Pick 8Pick 9Pick 10Pick 11Pick12Pick 13Pick 14Pick 15
Harms/EAPL. MessiK-H. RummeniggeJ. MasopustP. McgrathL. ModricE. GeretsT. AdamsL. JuniorD. DeschampsG. SignoriG. GrosicsH. ChumpitazG. Best
General EleganciaA. Di StefanoR. FerdinandM. Van BastenA. BrehmeG. SounessJairzinhoL. ThuramI. NettoJ. ChilavertF. JusufiSonB. KosticA. AnchetaB. MooreR. Giggs
GioEusebioR.KeaneP.R.FalcaoH.VogtsF.RedondoR.RensenbrinkA.CabriniD.GodinM.TresorP.CechS.MatthewsA.RobertsonW.Van MoerF.PuskasD.Passarella
Big DunkG. MüllerG. ScireaM. DesaillyC. AlbertoG. BatistutaD. IrwinW. Van HanegemPirriN. GonçalvesK. DeynaM. KhurtsilavaJ. CuelemansP. ShiltonJ. CruyffJ. Bozsik


ManagerPick 1Pick 2Pick 3Pick 4Pick 5Pick 6Pick 7Pick 8Pick 9Pick 10Pick 11Pick12Pick 13
Lord SinisterB. MooreA. IniestaG. FacchettiP. LahmJ. StamN. KanteGersonG. BaleF. AlbertE. StreltsovJ. OblakE. HaalandL. Artime
PatG. BestV. VoroninK. De BruyneM. AmorosM. BelodediciD. McGrainR. LewandowskiF. CannavaroN. SouthallT. CerezoK. KeeganP. KeizerG. Hanappi
MichaelfRonaldoR. KrolZ. BoniekJ. TiganaR. BratsethR. DzodzuashviliL. RivaD. MackayP. LittbarskiF. ArceE. LovchevJ-A. IribarB. Gustavsson
Himannv/Red BearJ. CruyffJ. KohlerD. PassarellaCafuP. ScholesK. BenzemaM. VerattiR. PavoniB. SilvaF. BeneL. MazurkiewiczS. ManeW. Zmuda
SirScholesL. MatthausGarrinchaH. StoichkovR. GullitA. ShearerJ. SantamariaJ. PintoP. EvraD . De RossiV. KompanyC. RoaG. AntognoniK. Dalglish
P-NutP. MaldiniXaviP. NedvedN. HidegkutiM. SammerR. GiggsM. SalahMarceloS. CampbellP. ZabaletaR. HiguitaA. Haan
MalucoF. BaresiF. PuskasRomarioB. RobsonB. LizarazuW. SuurbierM. ColunaD. BlanchflowerA. HansenG. LatoR. HellströmL. NovakT. Cubillas
ChesterR. CharltonH. ChumpitazJ. BozsikL. YashinA. SpencerP. BreitnerJ. JohnstoneZitoV. BezsonovM. BossisE. DavidsF. TottiC. Valderrama
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@Enigma_87 , have sent a short write up to Edgar.

I would prefer if we can kick off on or before Friday. If that doesn't work for you, feel free to choose a date per your convenience and notify me.

Good luck, was hoping this would be the final and was preparing something special for that but not to be.
I’m shocked you didn’t do that actually. But this community has become a real echo-chamber around things like work-rate that I’m kinda not surprised at the same time. Still think you’ve made a mistake though.

There’s no chance in reality that a proper manager, whether it’s Fergie or Pep or whoever, would ever turn down the chance of adding peak-Messi to their team.
Tbf I was on the fence for some time, but then midfield was the more critical area to upgrade considering last game decided to go with the more practical approach. Still pretty happy with how the round turned out to be as I still was able to improve on 2 positions considering all the restrictions and first time able to pick Masopust which is nice and slots right in to the team whilst significant upgrade with some big credentials to boot.

Swings and roundabouts I guess. We will see how it turns out at the end :)
@Enigma_87 , have sent a short write up to Edgar.

I would prefer if we can kick off on or before Friday. If that doesn't work for you, feel free to choose a date per your convenience and notify me.

Good luck, was hoping this would be the final and was preparing something special for that but not to be.
I'll try to get something done today mate. Would have been fitting final indeed.
Sent you my tactics(and to Physio too.)

Monday on works for me as I think neither wants us to go on the weekend.

Have a busy work week the next one, so would prefer if we can wrap up today or tomorrow if you don't mind.