Television Racist comedian fired from SNL

Ah see, what he should have done is make some off colour jokes about child abuse. That's acceptable comedy.

Or an off colour joke about Muslims, the Conservative party would end up making him PM.
So "chink" is racist. What's a good racist white slur? All I can really think of is "cracker" :lol:
You pasty vanilla ass cousin fecking mayonnaise sandwich eating motherfecker who has no rhythm or original style.

Edit: white devil is a fairly common one among the black communities.
You pasty vanilla ass cousin fecking mayonnaise sandwich eating motherfecker who has no rhythm or original style.

Edit: white devil is a fairly common one among the black communities.


White Devil is a good one, probably the one with the most negative connotations. Honkey is another one I've heard, not offensive enough.

White men are more likely to be insulted via the word "incel, ****, school shooter" so at least there's that. It's white women getting off scotfree (as usual) lol x

White Devil is a good one, probably the one with the most negative connotations. Honkey is another one I've heard, not offensive enough.

White men are more likely to be insulted via the word "incel, ****, school shooter" so at least there's that. It's white women getting off scotfree (as usual) lol x
School shooter :lol: I can see that catching on.

I’ve also realized that the most offensive term would actually be privileged. They’ll get more wound up than the caf did after some posters congratulated Liverpool.
School shooter :lol: I can see that catching on.

I’ve also realized that the most offensive term would actually be privileged. They’ll get more wound up than the caf did after some posters congratulated Liverpool.

...Don't bring that up, just dont:lol: feck Liverpool

You're right, that's the term most likely to piss me off too hahaha
In his last special he did a caricature Chinese accent and gratituously used the word "faggot". Mostly to flex his indifference to the putative "PC culture".

There's far worse things a comedian could do than what this bloke apparently did, really, although it deserves to be called out. It sounds like he tried to push the boundaries in a way that was a bit meta and a bit ironic and it wasn't done very well.

True, but Chapelle's special didn't air on network television. NBC will be very careful about what their employees are doing. CBS and ABC would do the same (Fox, probably not).

Furthermore, none of that was even remotely funny so you can add gross incompetence to the list of offences for his profession.
Leaving aside the "racism or no racism" part for a minute, Americans making fun of one of the most famous cuisines in the world when the only food they are famous for is garbage like burgers, marshmallows, eggs with bacon and Hot Dogs is quite ... ironic.
I'm totally ignorant on this subject but are there fine dining dishes America is famous for?
Leaving aside the "racism or no racism" part for a minute, Americans making fun of one of the most famous cuisines in the world when the only food they are famous for is garbage like burgers, marshmallows, eggs with bacon and Hot Dogs is quite ... ironic.
Would eggs and bacon (they're called rashers, yanks...) not be an Irish/English thing? As parts of a full Irish/English breakfast.
I'm totally ignorant on this subject but are there fine dining dishes America is famous for?
American fine dining is really a fusion of different cultures but has a foundation in French cuisine. They tend to be found only in the bigger metropolitan areas like NYC, DC, SF. If you consider it fine dining however, I’d say we’re best known for steakhouses. We’ve got a famous one here in Tampa called Berns.
Look, guys, I'm a Conservative, yeah? I hate the poor as much as anyone. They're awful. Ha! fecking losers... Anyway, I also believe that government overreach is the worst kind of evil there is, because it prohibits the natural market driven forces from diving the true and right God-given order of things... Such as the ability of private companies to do whatever they want to their employees in order to maximise their profits and brand popularity, because trickle down, yadayadayada, kill the poor, whatever, you get it....

That said... for a promising up and coming white comedian, such as Shane, getting employed on the most famous comedy programme in the world is essentially a human right, isn't it? ... It's outrageous that they can just fire him for saying something completely awful and damaging to their business brand, isn't it? I mean, even if it's not, it's such a liberal show in general that a racist conservative comedian should probably be forced onto it anyway, in the interests of fairness? Because Conservatism is all about insisting there be a fair representation of ideas regardless of merit, isn't it?

So sure, this guy is now infinitely more famous than he ever would've been making 4 appearances in the background of some terrible classroom sketches and dying horribly once on Weekend Update, but that isn't the point....The point is that cancel culture (and being really racist, but whatevs) has robbed this saintly inbred melon looking motherfecker of his God-given right to perform live weekly on the biggest and most renowned comedy platform in the western world... and we should be really angry that the people who gave him that opportunity, took it away again, because when big corporations can sack Conservatives for eminently sackable offences, and average white men can be stopped from leaping out of literally nowhere to the very top of their profession, then we're basically letting Obama win, aren't we!?!
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It would've been a bigger punishment to let him keep the SNL gig.
It would've been a bigger punishment to let him keep the SNL gig.

It says a lot about the grudging longevity of SNL, that when I googled how long he actually lasted, it turns out he's still only the 3rd shortest lived cast member!

:lol: at @Mockney

I don't know anyone who stays up and in to watch SNL. It's painful to watch at length.

As someone with a bugbear about nostalgia, and its ever increasing influence on everything! .. SNL is near about the perfect litmus test..

Everyone thinks its shit now, but consensus of when it was last actually any good depends entirely on when they/you were between 15-25ish... Almost any "classic" sketch from outside that period is nye unwatchable (and they're all on Youtube) but it doesn't stop people reliably insisting it "hasn't been funny since X" - *where X= when I was in college
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I loved that line from an episode of Spitting Image:

'Spitting Image was first broadcast in 1984...and even then it wasn't as good as it used to be.'
I loved that line from an episode of Spitting Image:

'Spitting Image was first broadcast in 1984...and even then it wasn't as good as it used to be.'

Comedy dates more and quicker than any other genre. Which is why it's also harder than any other genre. And why comedy actors who shift to drama are near unanimously better than drama actors who try their hand at comedy.

Though it's also why you get a glut of middle aged comedians every generation whose entire shtick devolves into a big long whinge about how it isn't like it was back in their day.... 'Cos back in my day, I tell ye...In my day, right... my Mother in law... She was really fat, right?.. You can't say that these days though.

no one under 30 cares about snl

The entire enterprise is aimed at college kids. Hence the continued employment of Pete Davidson.

Though they're desperately in need of another Lonely Island.

You stay up for the one good joke.
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its incredible how they manage to be so unfunny in times like these
Baldwin's uber-Republican character in 30 Rock is apparently Tina Fey's version of Lorne Michaels.
Living in the states, the far better Saturday night option is on ABC. Wipeout starts at midnight and I laugh my arse off watching that.
How many people who think SJW PC snowflakes are ruining humour, do you reckon also think this was the peak era of SNL...?

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People should be more concerned about structural racism, profiling bias, racially motivated justice system and straight out plain racist violence more than a stupid bland joke.

He's stupid, he probably is a racist, but firing a person and destroying his livelihood for this sort of offence is too much. I'm worried that this sort of over the top pc punishment actually cultivated more innate hate which could blow up in a more violent way than a simple joke.

Race tolerance should be about education, enlightment, upbringing, collective effort to go deeper than simply punishing those stupid enough to get caught on camera. All this does is telling them it's ok to be racist, just dont get caught. Prevention is better than actually punishing.

We've gone a long way as a society as a whole on the surface, but beyond that surface we never really know. Just because people are pc enough not to say things on public doesnt mean racism is gone.

A couple of badlines is fire worthy, but a selective and bias media reporting on a more wider scene goes unnoticed.

Plus. Chapelle is ok because he's funny and this blokes not ok because he's not is a rather double standard.

As a chinese, i take this stuff with a pinch of salt. Joke all you want, take it as a banter. What's most important for me is that when it actually matters (employment, equal opportunity, policing, government paperworks etc are being done in fair manner) I'm not being discriminated.
He's stupid, he probably is a racist, but firing a person and destroying his livelihood for this sort of offence is too much.

Not getting employed on the biggest comedy show in the world isn't some illegal violation of his comedian rights, is it? SNL isn't a publicly funded government outreach program for racist comedians. In what reality has his livelihood been destroyed?

If anything he's now stratospherically more famous and marketable than he was a mere week ago, when he was a complete unknown. If anything, this is the absolute best thing that could possible have happened to him. He's now gonna make bank from the kind of idiots that think he's been hard done by, and probably get a Netflix special called "Triggered" or "Too Hot for TV" or some weakly unimaginative variation on that...

SNL once fired Damon Wayans because he went a bit OTT in a sketch ... Shall we start a Kickstarter for his podcast?
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Not getting employed on the biggest comedy show in the world isn't some illegal violation of his comedian rights, is it? SNL isn't a publicly funded government outreach program for racist comedians. In what reality has his livelihood been destroyed?

If anything he's now stratospherically more famous and marketable than he was a mere week ago, when he was a complete unknown. If anything, this is the absolute best thing that could possible have happened to him. He's now gonna make bank from the kind of idiots that think he's been hard done by, and probably get a Netflix special called "Triggered" or "Too Hot for TV" or some weakly unimaginative variation on that...

so ironically we're the fuel for more racist jokes :(
How many people who think SJW PC snowflakes are ruining humour, do you reckon also think this was the peak era of SNL...?

Race has always got laughs on SNL, but Ching Chang was pretty bad. Garret Morris did my favourite.

Out of boredom and sheer curiosity, I watched a Dana Carvey special a couple of years ago. I felt bad for him because without the race based caricatures he only had George Bush and a lot of unfunny jokes.

Eddie Murphy had a good one, too.

Murphy’s White Like Me bit holds up... ‘cos as others have said earlier, race stuff still works if you’re punching up...or making a point.

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White Like is Me is one of the best pieces of television ever. It should have become a spin off series. :lol:
Leaving aside the "racism or no racism" part for a minute, Americans making fun of one of the most famous cuisines in the world when the only food they are famous for is garbage like burgers, marshmallows, eggs with bacon and Hot Dogs is quite ... ironic.

Its hilarious given Chinese cuisine is so complex particularly in south china and only topped by Indian cuisine.
There's a fair bit of disrespect for barbecue in here and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.