Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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That's just nonsense. You can find many reasons to blame our board. Lack of vision, no overarching plan, wrong people in decisive positions, Mates FC and so on, but a reluctance to spend big is certainly not one. Even though it gets mentioned time and time again.
OK its nonsense fine
We're not going to make the same mistake as with Ole and throw a permanent contract at him before the end of the season at least. To be considered I imagine he would need to produce results all the way to the end of the season and not just till March like Ole did.

Hopefully not but based on their consistently awful decision making over the past 10+ years I have little faith in them. And this isn't revisionist or hindsight, this is just looking at the decisions from a logical point of view. Logically the profile of the next manager should fit with the current philosophy of RR. Pressing football. We should be looking to bring in a CM this window to give ourselves a better chance of getting top 4. Even if they turn out to be someone the next manager doesn't want, we won't lose that much if we were to re-sell and the cost of losing CL football is far larger.

We should also be waiting until the end of the season before making a final decision. I know that we can't/shouldn't wait until June to find a new manager and these sort of things take some time and planning but either we think RR might be the man and we still prepare for things not going quite to plan i.e. talk to ETH/Poch or we decide that hes not the guy and we go all out on getting another manager ready for the start of the summer.

That's just nonsense. You can find many reasons to blame our board. Lack of vision, no overarching plan, wrong people in decisive positions, Mates FC and so on, but a reluctance to spend big is certainly not one. Even though it gets mentioned time and time again.

Yeah, its a really weird criticism that we don't spend big. We just spend badly in many case. We overpay in many cases. Currently the only player in recent memory who has proved to be a great value buy has a been Fernandes.
I'd be happy to see him stay longer to be honest.

All depends on results.

If we rack up the points and wins, easily finish in the top four, win a trophy. Then okay, yes. Another year wouldn't be the worst thing.

If we finish 8th and get dicked by Atleti then, obviously, it's not something you'd want to see carry on.

Either way there's no need to rush to a decision. Let's see what happens and go from there.
All depends on results.

If we rack up the points and wins, easily finish in the top four, win a trophy. Then okay, yes. Another year wouldn't be the worst thing.

If we finish 8th and get dicked by Atleti then, obviously, it's not something you'd want to see carry on.

Either way there's no need to rush to a decision. Let's see what happens and go from there.

This is the key. I like Rangnick a lot, but there’s no need to rush the decison - like last time.
This is the key. I like Rangnick a lot, but there’s no need to rush the decison - like last time.
Agreed. Although it would be a bit annoying if we paused any incomings for Jan because we didn't know who the next manager was, only to then hire Rangnick anyway :lol:
I want to think that the board would have learnt from the past and stuck with the plan they laid out before which is getting Rangnick into the role he is best at, which is more of a DOF type role to steer the entire club. However, I would really not be surprised if they end up appointing him on a permanent basis just because it’s an easier option for them.
Agreed. Although it would be a bit annoying if we paused any incomings for Jan because we didn't know who the next manager was, only to then hire Rangnick anyway :lol:

If our Football Director actually has any influence, and isn't just a human shield for the owners, we should not need to pause any plans on signings.

At most clubs it's the Football Director who picks the coach and picks the signings to suit the style of play he wants the club to deliver.

If Murtough is more than a puppet he should have a clear idea of who he wants to coach United and what kind of players will work well with that type of coach. Let's see...
All depends on results.

If we rack up the points and wins, easily finish in the top four, win a trophy. Then okay, yes. Another year wouldn't be the worst thing.

If we finish 8th and get dicked by Atleti then, obviously, it's not something you'd want to see carry on.

Either way there's no need to rush to a decision. Let's see what happens and go from there.
Results undoubtedly are crucial but don't forget about the work that will be going on behind the scenes that we are not aware of.
Sorting out competing factions and unrest in the dressing room, motivating the squad, clearing out the snakes, coaching setups, scouting arrangements, etc etc etc... The list of things will be endless really.

Apart from the application on field and results, unfortunately the only other insight we have is what the club or media spin.

I'm more than happy with what I'm seeing so far. Wasn't particularly happy with our tactics and formation in the first games but I think we're beginning to see progress on and off the field.

Martial is out, we're clearly trying to move on Jesse and Donny. Pogba probably next. 3 out of those 4 are clearly negative influences to have around your dressing room.
I want to think that the board would have learnt from the past and stuck with the plan they laid out before which is getting Rangnick into the role he is best at, which is more of a DOF type role to steer the entire club. However, I would really not be surprised if they end up appointing him on a permanent basis just because it’s an easier option for them.
I agree. You can see their logical money saving minds thinking we will only have to pay one salary instead of two.
This top 4 shite again. Ffs top 4 is a financial goal not a football one. Stop using it as a benchmark for anything not accounting related.

To be fair, under the circumstances, fourth place is the best we can hope for this season so it can be seen as a football target as well.
To be fair, under the circumstances, fourth place is the best we can hope for this season so it can be seen as a football target as well.

This sort of thinking has been our downfall for many years now. We seem to set a baseline target, and think that once that’s met everything is going okay and we should continue as is. We need to stop looking at the baseline and start looking at if we seem like we’re going to be able to achieve more or not.
This sort of thinking has been our downfall for many years now. We seem to set a baseline target, and think that once that’s met everything is going okay and we should continue as is. We need to stop looking at the baseline and start looking at if we seem like we’re going to be able to achieve more or not.

That's not true. After last season, coming into the season most fans said we should challenge for the title, so top 4 has not really been the baseline target.

Ole was sacked too, if top 4 was target we would not be annoyed at Ole and would have continued with him.

Just because we find ourselves in a situation where top 4 is the only real achievable goal this season, does not mean that is the target every season.
This sort of thinking has been our downfall for many years now. We seem to set a baseline target, and think that once that’s met everything is going okay and we should continue as is. We need to stop looking at the baseline and start looking at if we seem like we’re going to be able to achieve more or not.

I agree, the style is more important to me than the result, which is why I never saw the point of Solskjaer in all the years he's been with us - because I didn't think that style would take us to the top.

But still, to say that top 4 is just a financial target or is setting the bar low is wrong. It's just the reality for the next four months.
That's not true. After last season, coming into the season most fans said we should challenge for the title, so top 4 has not really been the baseline target.

Ole was sacked too, if top 4 was target we would not be annoyed at Ole and would have continued with him.

Just because we find ourselves in a situation where top 4 is the only real achievable goal this season, does not mean that is the target every season.

I should have clarified. I’m not really talking about the fans, I’m more talking about the club hierarchy. It’s all assumption that we’re operating on anyway, but their judgements seem to be that once we’re in the top 4 that things are okay, and we shouldn’t be on the lookout for significant improvements. Even this season, had Ole not gone into meltdown and the team kept chugging along at let’s say 4-5th place, I’m almost sure he would not have been fired, despite not looking like a manager that could lead us to a title at any point.
I hope we keep him (providing he produces the results, which I think he will) as I am not particularly excited by any of the names we are linked with and more good coaches will be available after the World Cup. Plus it seems daft to bring a manager with such a style of play for only six months, by the time the players fully understand it the season will be over and a new style implemented. I’m sure the new manager would bring some continuity of style rather than the 180 turn we have done after every previous manager change but I’d rather see Ralf given the chance to finish what he started, at least for one full season.
I should have clarified. I’m not really talking about the fans, I’m more talking about the club hierarchy. It’s all assumption that we’re operating on anyway, but their judgements seem to be that once we’re in the top 4 that things are okay, and we shouldn’t be on the lookout for significant improvements. Even this season, had Ole not gone into meltdown and the team kept chugging along at let’s say 4-5th place, I’m almost sure he would not have been fired, despite not looking like a manager that could lead us to a title at any point.

Oh okay, I agree with that then. I agree, if we were in the top 4 shout he would have been here. I mean although I liked Ole and wasn't like totally against him like some fans, if the club decided at the end of last season that they want to go for the league and Ole is not the guy, I don't think there would be one fan, even Ole supporters that would complain as such.

It was clear he was not tactically good enough but from the clubs point why spend time for a new manager who will ask ask ask ? Ole was there making excuses for the Glazers, it was a perfect marriage that.
I want Ten Hag, but if he's not availible or willing then I'd rather keep Ralf - at least there seems to be a plan with him, something I missed for long.
I agree, the style is more important to me than the result, which is why I never saw the point of Solskjaer in all the years he's been with us - because I didn't think that style would take us to the top.

But still, to say that top 4 is just a financial target or is setting the bar low is wrong. It's just the reality for the next four months.
did you not see the report in that tweet that said they would consider him beyond the next four months if he achieved top 4? Why are we deviating course over top 4? If true this isn't the time to be defending this small time mentality. It has hampered the club enough. Enough is enough, they need to stop using it as a basis to decide our future. They wouldn't be changing course because they suddenly decided he could win us the CL, they'd be doing so because of how well he's chasing top 4.
did you not see the report in that tweet that said they would consider him beyond the next four months if he achieved top 4? Why are we deviating course over top 4? If true this isn't the time to be defending this small time mentality. It has hampered the club enough. Enough is enough, they need to stop using it as a basis to decide our future. They wouldn't be changing course because they suddenly decided he could win us the CL, they'd be doing so because of how well he's chasing top 4.
Key part. Everyone is assuming he will just get the job if we finish top 4. It depends on how it's done. Were seeing good progress on and off the pitch right now. Let's just wait and see before jumping to conclusions.
did you not see the report in that tweet that said they would consider him beyond the next four months if he achieved top 4? Why are we deviating course over top 4? If true this isn't the time to be defending this small time mentality. It has hampered the club enough. Enough is enough, they need to stop using it as a basis to decide our future. They wouldn't be changing course because they suddenly decided he could win us the CL, they'd be doing so because of how well he's chasing top 4.

Because we're probably only going to finish top 4 if for the rest of the season we take points at about the same rate that Liverpool has so far. And if we do that, that means Rangnick has elevated us to a top 2-3 team during his tenure. Which would be pretty good. We'd still finish fourth, for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with his performance.
4th place and the FA cup minimum then maybe. The point is he already seems like someone who won’t rock the boat as a manager and with Fletcher the inside man looking over his shoulder, it all just stinks of keeping someone who will tow the line. I think he might be more vocal in his advisory role but as the manager he is cheap and would love the job, so he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise it.

If the club are even thinking about this possibility they would be letting him sign a player he needs in this window to help get that top 4.

He needs to go upstairs as planned and let a new manager with his own coaching team come in and start fresh…this club though!
If he stayed on longer as the manager you would run the risk of losing him all together if the results went sour in season 2.

I think it better to have Ralf select the next manager and move upstairs and sort that mess out.
If he stayed on longer as the manager you would run the risk of losing him all together if the results went sour in season 2.

I think it better to have Ralf select the next manager and move upstairs and sort that mess out.
100% would prefer this. You can hire managers but it's hard to find someone who can step into that position. He can win the CL and I'd still want him to step up. Let's have someone who knows football upstairs for once. It's better for the long term.
I'd be happy to see him stay longer to be honest.

Doubt this is true. Ornstein (far more reputable) reports on Monday that we've stepped up our pursuit of managers and then what on Thursday we've decided against that? I know we seem to be incompetent, but I doubt we're that quick to flip-flop.
Doubt this is true. Ornstein (far more reputable) reports on Monday that we've stepped up our pursuit of managers and then what on Thursday we've decided against that? I know we seem to be incompetent, but I doubt we're that quick to flip-flop.
Maybe it is becoming clear durin the pursuit that the preferred next permanent solution is not available in the summer, so Rangnick gets the job for that gap year. That could be the way these news fit together.
I don't think we should be the chase on hold, but if we fail to secure a top top manager (not too many available anyway), I wouldn't be against extending his contract for another 6-12 months.
Custis said we were signing Trippier “in days”. He said we were sacking Ole about 30 times before we did. He said we were hiring Rodgers. The majority of the time he knows feck all. Ornstein two days ago said we were starting the process in the next few weeks and named 4 very likely candidates - RR wasn’t one of them. I’d go with him over Custis.
Maybe it is becoming clear durin the pursuit that the preferred next permanent solution is not available in the summer, so Rangnick gets the job for that gap year. That could be the way these news fit together.
In three days? I think it’s more likely Custis is telling porkies.
In three days? I think it’s more likely Custis is telling porkies.
Probably. And I'm sure that nothing is definite yet. But I guess it is possible that they at least know that this could become a possible scenario
Custis is hit and miss on these kind of things. Probably the majority of his scoops dont materialise but does have a track record of being the first to get the scoop, like Lukaku joining Utd after everyone else said he was joining Chelsea in 2017.

I‘d like the squad to have the illusion that Ralf might stay, so they don’t drop their performances levels when we could potentially end up being in the Top 4 come the end of the season. I get the feeling that if it’s leaked that a new manager has been decided then they’ll drop their level because Ralf isn’t going to be there come the summer and he’ll be upstairs etc.
I like Rangnick, but wouldn't want to lose out on the likes of ETH just to keep him
He can get top 4 and Champions league and still I wouldn’t want him as our future manager. You guys are deluded :lol:

Have you seen his team selection and football. Judge what you see not what you expect.
He can get top 4 and Champions league and still I wouldn’t want him as our future manager. You guys are deluded :lol:

Have you seen his team selection and football. Judge what you see not what you expect.
I don't want him given the permanent job but this is an unfair stick to beat him with. He can only pick from the squad available to him, and this transition to heavy metal high pressing football isn't going to happen without time and the right players who understand and comply with his methods. He'll need a couple of transfer windows to truly build a side in his vision. The same can also be said for the next manager. Ten Hag won't exactly have us playing like his Ajax side with our current batch of players.
Are we doing a warm weather training camp or something or have all the players gone home for a break? Seems beneficial to have a week or two of tactical training with the new manager.
Are we doing a warm weather training camp or something or have all the players gone home for a break? Seems beneficial to have a week or two of tactical training with the new manager.
He gave them five days off. Think it will probably then be solid training from Saturday - Thursday with our next game on Friday.
Custis said we were signing Trippier “in days”. He said we were sacking Ole about 30 times before we did. He said we were hiring Rodgers. The majority of the time he knows feck all. Ornstein two days ago said we were starting the process in the next few weeks and named 4 very likely candidates - RR wasn’t one of them. I’d go with him over Custis.

People on the 'caf weirdly defend Custis, even though he's been posting unmitigated bollock cheese for decades.
He gave them five days off. Think it will probably then be solid training from Saturday - Thursday with our next game on Friday.

Cheers! I see Arsenal are off to Dubai but I guess its safe not to travel now with high infection rates everywhere.
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