Ralf Rangnick's consultancy role has been scrapped

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I guess the writing on the wall was there for this one. Ralf's planned consultancy seemed a bit of a farce anyway. Guess United just decided it wasn't worth the bother of pretending it was a real role.
Probably didn’t like what he had to say because the club is happy to make money and be stuck in mediocrity.
He was never employed to consult for Ten Hag so I don't get the Ten Hag references.
I hope Murtough knows what he's doing because to me it looks like a club not willing do what is necessary.
It was pretty obvious this was going to happen months ago, I remember predicting it and having a few have a pop, but you could see it coming a mile off. Him taking the Austria job was the clear final sign he wasn't sticking around.
This feels like a huge red flag for me...I constantly try to see the positives in what we are doing but it would massively concern me if a) this was in any way, shape or form at the request of ETH and b) we're not planning to appoint someone else to help build out the backroom team.

Personally, I couldn't give a monkeys about RRs time as our "Head Coach", I was more interested in him helping to rebuild us a proper football club and not some marketers play-thing.

It would worry me if we think ETH can fix all of our structural issues on his own. That is not, or should not, be the role of the modern "manager".
I don't think EtH had any desire to work with him.

"2 year consultancy" did read a lot like "if you do well for the next 6 months you can have it for another 2 years"
Whether directly or indirectly, he's been involved in the big transitional changes that have happened in the last 6 months. Hopefully the new structure and ETH can change how the club is run from top to bottom. Also calling out some of the players has been great too given half of them stopped running in September.
i told you didnt i? all these "exposing" is just pure bollocks, aint no way a man who had alienated everyone at club will be allowed to consult his opinion again.

watch out for ralf's cult members, they might be on suicidal watch :lol:

Not sure how i feel about this.

Its so simple. Ralf has poisonous mouth the club is wise to step away from him. cant you imagine him clashing with ETH over tactic or recruitment or result? cause i do.
As average a coach as he was, it's not a good look for the new regime that they come up with what seems a good plan of having him as a consultant etc then ditch it so soon. Smacks of either knee jerk reaction to his poor management spell or same ol same ol of saying one thing and doing the other. I'm giving Richard Arnold time to see what he has got but this is the first potential step backwards for me and something along the lines of what woodward would do. It seemed like a sensible plan to keep him on so not sure why the need to not continue with that unless it was all a ruse to begin with.
This is something I suspected would happen. People were desperate to maintain this idea that the consultancy is this completely different role and it's fine to carry on. But I always thought that once he made such a hash of the management side, it put a dent in his credibility. I thought he would need moderate success. It's like having a manager in your organisation that completely fails and then moving him to a strategic role overseeing vast sums of money. It wouldn't really happen.

I think once he felt that and given he was only ever given a couple of days (how crucial can you really be) - it was logical to take the Austria job.
Here we go again. Worst run club on the planet.

What's the excuse for not getting Conte now??

I thought the reason we went for Rangnick over Conte was because the club had this grand vision to become a more modern institution with a team playing progressive football.
Rangnick was to move to a consultancy role and be replaced by a manager with the same footballing ideas as him.

What a load of bollocks!!!

What a waste of time that was. Shocking appointment. Anyone still defending it needs their head checking. Doesn't reflect well on Murtough either, considering Rangnick was his appointment.
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Has surely come from ten Hag.

yup has to be.ETH was cold on the RR subject in the pressers. Man knows what he wants. Fair enough. It’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that the club needs to be totally modernised and upgraded. I hope it’s just that ETH feels like he doesn’t need Ralfs take on the situation. I also feel like it’s an olive branch to the players who downed tools under Ralf (which is a balls really) Yet another fresh start for the snakes
Why was he appointed in first place? This fiasco confirms that the people running the club have no clue whatsoever what they want, where they are taking the club.

Good luck to ETH.
Would love to hear what he really thinks of the club & players now he’s not an employee.
So we chose Rangnick over Conte because of the German ability to build sides as DOF long only to let Rangnick go after few months. Sweet. I am sure its Woodward's fault. Murtough and Fletcher are flawless
We chose Ragnick over Conte because we didn’t want to hire Conte long term. He wasn’t coming in for 6 months. Now yes, you are correct in that RR was a monumentally shite appointment - quite possibly the worst I’ve ever seen a top club make - but the logic of someone for 6 months until you can get your number 1 target in the summer was sound.
So we chose Rangnick over Conte because of the German ability to build sides as DOF long only to let Rangnick go after few months. Sweet. I am sure its Woodward's fault. Murtough and Fletcher are flawless

It's really hard to say what's caused this, RR was sought by Murtough. Conte vs ETH? I'm glad we don't have Conte as our manager so I don't see that as a loss.
I doubt Ten Hag has anything to do with this. The manager's job would have sat way below Rangnick's supposed position. The consultancy was only ever going to be about hierarchy structure, not dressing room matters. Especially at only 6 days per month. They would have existed in two totally separate spheres.
We chose Rangnick over Conte because we didn’t want to hire Conte long term. He wasn’t coming in for 6 months. Now yes, you are correct in that RR was a monumentally shite appointment - quite possibly the worst I’ve ever seen a top club make - but the logic of someone for 6 months until you can get your number 1 target in the summer was sound.

Conte signed a short term contract with SPURS. That's how desperate he was. United wasted time retaining amateur then refused Conte because he is not a boy scout. Turned out that we signed a version of him but not as successful
I’m quiet happy about this, he has not shown anything of substance to be at United any longer than he has. The boss probably didn’t want him in the background anyway!
The club always finds new ways of being an embarrassment. No doubt his veiled criticism of the incompetent Glazer scum led to his sacking.
Now this is wild because surely this was the real reason behind hiring Ralf. Otherwise we just wasted half a year of everyone’s time.
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