Ralf Rangnick's consultancy role has been scrapped

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I actually don't think this has anything to do with his commitments to Austria. The club were looking for a way out after they saw how outspoken he had become.

Good luck Ralf but it did not work out for you here I'm afraid.
Poor decision for me. Ralf would have been an asset and one more sensible football person in the mix.
This club is so reactionary at times.
This is something I suspected would happen. People were desperate to maintain this idea that the consultancy is this completely different role and it's fine to carry on. But I always thought that once he made such a hash of the management side, it put a dent in his credibility. I thought he would need moderate success. It's like having a manager in your organisation that completely fails and then moving him to a strategic role overseeing vast sums of money. It wouldn't really happen.

I think once he felt that and given he was only ever given a couple of days (how crucial can you really be) - it was logical to take the Austria job.
Amazing how many people can’t see this. His credibility is absolutely shot and anybody he tries to order around will one it’s just say “what do you know, you got your arse handed to you by Brighton who were already on holiday”
Honestly don't care. He's won 1 German cup in his entire manager career and people on here think he's our saviour.

He didn't improve us one bit. Didn't get a new manager bounce and was basically a lame duck manager.
Tbf, Rangnick is a big personality and Erik ten Hag obviously is that himself. I think it’s better to got one man in charge. Erik ten Hag need to do things his way.
Just signify the power politics behind the scene and the lobby where the likes of Fletcher and Judge belongs to still is in charge.
Consultancy role was always going to be a bit stupid IMO. Ten Hag is the coach and should have authority on decisions. And if you wanna 'advise' the club, then apply for DoF or something like that.

ETH absolutely should not have authority on decisions

He should have input and possibly a veto but never "authority"

Every other top club learnt this 15 years ago. Managers interests and "the clubs" interests are too often not aligned and even if they were, it's too much for one person to take on.

We're still trying to operate like it's 1986 and one man can run a football club top-to-bottom.

meaning the club has learnt nothing in the last decade then. Managers should not dictate the bigger picture at the club!!! Fans who seem to think this is a positive step just because of another poor season are just abit odd.
Thank Christ! Now people can stop trying to use a fictional future job as justification for his appalling management abilities.

The consultancy gig was only ever an accounting trick, so that he wouldn't be walking away from a 3 year contract at Lokomotiv for a short term deal. He has another job now, so he doesn't need it anymore, although I'm sure he'll have gotten some sort of payoff anyway.
For 18 months. Not 6 months.


He would have taken the challenge at United as he's a winner and would have believed in his skills to turn things around and get the job permanently. Now Spurs are in the CL while we're back to square one.
It really is a strange one. Rangnick has long been mooted as wanting to work in the background and building clubs up, and you'd have to say has been exposed as a poor manager no matter how toxic our squad is currently, so what is there to achieve at Austria?

He can't impact the players at his disposal and build them up as if they were a club side, he'll get hardly any time on the training pitch to implement his favoured pressing style of play, plus you've got the fact the last 6 months of him analysing the squad in order to perform better in a consultancy role have just been wasted.

Be really interesting to hear his thoughts on the matter in the coming months.
This could be a reason, but it could also have literally nothing to do with it. Because based on his time and performances here, I can see why the club isn't particularly interested in more of his input.
Well, there are a few simple scenarios on why:
- his input will make the club cost a shitload of money
- his input is completely different than ETH's
- his input is totally shit (which, as opposed to his managerial skills, we know it ain't)

If it's the second one, the situation is very understandable. Anyway's Ragnick input in them 6 months would've been enough in terms of club's structure. If it's the first one, we're in for a treat.
Not surprised to be fair. Didn’t think he would have much of an input from the consultancy role anyway after what has happened in the final games of the season and Ten Hag for me comes across as a man who his strong in his convictions and plan, so wouldn’t necessarily entertain Ralf hanging around.
meaning the club has learnt nothing in the last decade then. Managers should not dictate the bigger picture at the club!!! Fans who seem to think this is a positive step just because of another poor season are just abit odd.
ETH does not do that! Nor would have ralf!

Murtough oversees all footballing matters.
In all of this I can’t help but spare a thought for @Hansi Fick who must be feeling quite vindicated after all of the arguments that they received, when pretty much everything they said about Ralf has turned out to be true.
Massive kick in the bollocks for the people who, for some bizarre reason, convinced themselves the consultancy was the main reason the club appointed him.
Why are people getting so upset over this? Did they really rationalise his appointment as some kind of Christ-like figure who'd sacrifice himself as manager only to rise again as United's saviour.

Rangnick was never the Messiah, he was a very naughty boy.
Ralf could have done so much for United had the board given him complete authority. Allowed him to appoint his style of manager. Taken Paul Mitchell onboard. But seems like the lobby doesn’t want to relinquish their authority and keep their incompetent insiders like Fletcher in power.
So...... what was the point of hiring after all? If the goal was simply interimship, there were far better managers out there.
Why was he appointed in first place? This fiasco confirms that the people running the club have no clue whatsoever what they want, where they are taking the club.

Good luck to ETH.
They just wanted to throw the season away as soon as it looked like we weren’t going anywhere with Ole. If they really wanted to save the season they would have hired someone like Conte and spent some money in January.

I don’t know how an important football club justdecides to throw a season away like that before January.
Makes sense. However much posters didn’t want to see it, ETH and Rangnick have very different footballing philosophies, and that’s the fault of the club, not them.

I don’t believe Rangnick would have been talking like he was in the last month if he was staying on. The cynic in me thinks he knew this was likely after top four had gone and did what he could to ruffle feathers and get out of the consultancy.
The feck. ETH isn't here to fix the management mess or recruitment mess. Thought Ralf would fix it. This is actually an embarrassment to Murtough who brought him in.
Funnily enough his talk on the areas of the pitch we needed to improve were one of the better parts of his tenure. Probably would've been quite useful in a back end role.

Instead the circus continues, on we go!

He would have taken the challenge at United as he's a winner and would have believed in his skills to turn things around and get the job permanently. Now Spurs are in the CL while we're back to square one.
We didn’t want to hire Conte. It’s that simple. We chose ETH over him not RR. If you have a problem with that then argue against that - RR wasn’t hired over Conte - ETH was. Any suggestion Conte would have accepted a 6 month interim role is nonsense no matter how often you capitalise SPURS.
That all being said I trust the vision that ETH has for us
We really are a joke.

We brought in a man famed for his ability to pull things together behind the scenes and have discontinued his longer term role on the basis that he failed at something completely separate to this.

I don’t actually care that he’s gone, in truth, but the level of ineptitude from the top is just breathtaking.
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