Rashford considering his future...

Drop a no effort stinker, get involved in an arguement with families waiting for autographs, PR team go into crisis management mode to preserve the personality they created for you, go on holiday while they work, have your team leak some bullshit to the press to enhance your personal reputation immediately after your club gets dumped out of the CL. Been a vintage Rashford week.

Why do people dislike him btw? Such a puzzler.

Dropping 'btw Liverpool are definitely interested too' might be a new low.
Liverpool :lol: what a load of horsesh*t!
"Despite the development, it is understood deep down Rashford does not want to leave United and the move could spur the club into opening discussions over a new long-term contract."

Just feck off.

Hard to disagree really I don’t get why he’s apologised. If fans give you abuse and you give a bit back it’s fair game I think, don’t give it if you can’t take it.
Shouting you're shit at our players or words that effect. Yeah what a brilliant idea. What fecking good is that ever going to do? Bet he feels a million times better now doesn't he?

Fans seem to think because they earn a lot of money they then are entitled to shout abuse at them. We are meant to be Utd fans and support our players in public. Be as critical as you like in private but I have never really understood booing your own players or shouting abuse.

The truth is a lot of Utd fans are very unhappy and some even borderline depressed and are taking it out on Rashford and Maguire.

The Glazers and Woodward are 100 times more guilty for our demise than either of those two players. It's time our fans realised that.
Absolutely this.

Mismanaged from the top down.

Some of these players should be squad players only, for development eg Rashford. Others should never have been signed and need replacing eg Maguire.

We also could've spent an additional £1bn on players since 2005 of we had not been lumbered with Glazer debt. That's before looking at Woodwards 8 years of gross mismanagement being accepted and rewarded by the owners.

Hard to disagree really I don’t get why he’s apologised. If fans give you abuse and you give a bit back it’s fair game I think, don’t give it if you can’t take it.

Very easy to disagree. It was a group of families, standing out in rainy 2c Manchester weather at 11PM waiting for the chance to get an autograph or a picture with their idols. After Rashford ignored them one person shouted 'after that performance, come on guys'.

That's not close to abuse, and the normal reaction to that isn't to offer one of the fans out back (knowing that security guards will never let that happen), call him a silly cnut, then have your PR team paint you as the victim online.

Hard to disagree really I don’t get why he’s apologised. If fans give you abuse and you give a bit back it’s fair game I think, don’t give it if you can’t take it.

100% feck them, on here and in the wider world. If anyone is entitled it's them....
feck me, if some posters and players class that as abuse....................... there are no words.
Very easy to disagree. It was a group of families, standing out in rainy 2c Manchester weather at 11PM waiting for the chance to get an autograph or a picture with their idols. After Rashford ignored them one person shouted 'after that performance, come on guys'.

That's not close to abuse, and the normal reaction to that isn't to offer one of the fans out back (knowing that security guards will never let that happen), call him a silly cnut, then have your PR team paint you as the victim online.
He started walking over, he hardly had that strong a reaction himself. Like I said, if you say something expect something back, don’t cry about it. You even hear a lad call him a bellend in the video, behind the same safety of the security guard.
Nobody is entitled to pictures or autographs.
I’d be fully behind Rashford if it had been racist abuse aimed at him or the level of abuse Beckham got after Word cup 98 (wishing death on his wife, cancer to his little boy etc).

But a few fans calling the team out for a shit performance? Terrible from Rashford to act like that. Once again Ian Wright looks like a numpty.
Nobody actually cares about the incident and half of us wouldn't have seen the video had team Rashford not come out with a cringe statement where they clearly lied about Rashford giving the middle finger(again not a big deal so need need to lie).

United fans don't want to see this rubbish from Rashford the night after our seasons's been effectively finished in mid March. Especially not after month upon month of bad performances and lack of effort. His mask has slipped and no amount of PR will change that. You can't kid the fans forever.
So that’s PSG, Barca, Liverpool first to be linked @AneRu . As I said, we won’t be selling him for £50m and if he leaves United he’ll go to one of the best teams in Europe for sure.
My god we got some serious snowflakes here. Get a grip of yourself lads. Absolute muppets thinking the evidence in the video is "abuse". :lol:

If Rashford is getting upset by that, then we are fecked going forwards because imagine what kind of mental breakdown he's going to have every time he goes to take a corner or hug the touchline near opposing fans. He's going to need rehab.

Not only was it not that abusive, but seemed to be frustration from fans waiting after the game to get autographs.

Whole situation seemed OTT and all high on emotions. Don't have any strong opinion on the matter, nor taking a side on this one
So that’s PSG, Barca, Liverpool first to be linked @AneRu . As I said, we won’t be selling him for £50m and if he leaves United he’ll go to one of the best teams in Europe for sure.
He just isn't good enough and this is the situation that has led to many of our problems we keep hanging on to these players and then can never move them on.

It would be a disaster to offer him a new contract, especially after the calamity of the Lingard, Jones and Pogba situations.
I know several people who regularly deal with the United and City players on a regular basis eg in airport lounges etc.

The feedback is the same throughout - the city players are polite, pleasant and engaging whereas the United players are - with a couple of exceptions - arrogant, unpleasant and standoffish. Far from being an exception, Rashford is often used as an example.

This is just another example. Too many of our players think they're too important to say please and thank you. They're too important to give the fans 30 seconds of their precious time. Hell, some of them are too important to even give their all for their manager.

I don't doubt Rashford is going through a tough time and I hope the club is helping him through it; but there's no excuse for this. Manners and courtesy cost nothing, and should be a prerequisite for anyone, let alone someone like Rashford who is living an incredibly privileged existence, paid for in part by the fans he was abusing.

The reaction by the PR team has made matters worse. His team sending press releases out linking him with our rivals has poured further fuel on the flames. It even seems like his political work is for himself rather than the disadvantaged in society nowadays.

I'm happy to keep supporting Rashford on the pitch - hard as it is to keep doing so given his performances - but he, and quite a few others need to take a good hard look in the mirror, and reacquaint themselves with some basic manners and courtesy.
They all must be in the most snowflake-esque work environments :lol: . Probably reported their managers to HR after being told to work a bit harder
I think you should lump then in with people getting their knickers in a twist over someone saying a few heated words and sticking up a finger no?

Even Liverpool mentioned, although that would never happen.
I think you should lump then in with people getting their knickers in a twist over someone saying a few heated words and sticking up a finger no?
Yes, also true. Everyone, Rashford and the bloke are a bunch of soft arsed tarts to be honest.

Even Liverpool mentioned, although that would never happen.

If Barca can stump up £60+m, we should take it. If they can stump up some cash and send Frenkie our way…even better!
If Barca can stump up £60+m, we should take it. If they can stump up some cash and send Frenkie our way…even better!

I’d probably swap anyone of our squad, except Sancho for Frenkie! Still, we should absolutely no way be accepting £60m for Rashford in this market. I’d be looking at £90m at the minimum personally.

Hard to disagree really I don’t get why he’s apologised. If fans give you abuse and you give a bit back it’s fair game I think, don’t give it if you can’t take it.

Wright’s just being a twat. A footballer has a duty to behave when employed by the club, not offering on fans looking for selfies. Seems like a sly dig at United fans, wonder would he be the same if Guendouzi did it to Arsenal fans?
Wright’s just being a twat. A footballer has a duty to behave when employed by the club, not offering on fans looking for selfies. Seems like a sly dig at United fans, wonder would he be the same if Guendouzi did it to Arsenal fans?
They are humans, some of you have expectations that are out of sync with reality.
Wright’s just being a twat. A footballer has a duty to behave when employed by the club, not offering on fans looking for selfies. Seems like a sly dig at United fans, wonder would he be the same if Guendouzi did it to Arsenal fans?
They gave him stick and he gave it back, it’s a nothing story, people getting upset about it are too soft.
He should be the first one to be shown the door in the the summer.
Dumb comment. Let's send off our homegrown guy who has scored more goals than anyone post Sir Alex, who is only 24, just had his first bad season after multiple good and promising years. Because keeping him as a fringe starter is definitely a bigger problem for us and our future than the non existent RW that we have, a 72 year old strikeforce, the lack of a defensive midfielder, whatever the feck you call our fullback situation...
I’d be fully behind Rashford if it had been racist abuse aimed at him or the level of abuse Beckham got after Word cup 98 (wishing death on his wife, cancer to his little boy etc).

But a few fans calling the team out for a shit performance? Terrible from Rashford to act like that. Once again Ian Wright looks like a numpty.

I forgot that Beckham actually got worse back then. He came out stronger though. Not sure Rashford is the same, if he got what Beckham's got back then i think he would leave England never to comeback i think.
I’d probably swap anyone of our squad, except Sancho for Frenkie! Still, we should absolutely no way be accepting £60m for Rashford in this market. I’d be looking at £90m at the minimum personally.
No way anyone is paying that amount on current form tbh.
The Liverpool thing confirms its bullshit
It may be but Barca we’re interested in him around 2019/2020 and £100m was being mooted at the time. We weren’t entertaining it though as he was playing so well.