Revolution in Iran

Are they serious? They are basically poisoning their own future on purpose.

It's one of those days when you can really hate religion as a whole for the fact they defend a number of inhumane things. On the day that country will find its freedom, I hope a large majority of clerics will meet a gruesome end at the hands of the angry masses because they have asked for it.
Are they serious? They are basically poisoning their own future on purpose.

It's one of those days when you can really hate religion as a whole for the fact they defend a number of inhumane things. On the day that country will find its freedom, I hope a large majority of clerics will meet a gruesome end at the hands of the angry masses because they have asked for it.
I too have those days. They end in in -y.
Are they serious? They are basically poisoning their own future on purpose.

It's one of those days when you can really hate religion as a whole for the fact they defend a number of inhumane things. On the day that country will find its freedom, I hope a large majority of clerics will meet a gruesome end at the hands of the angry masses because they have asked for it.

They had zero regards for well-being of Iran or Iranians, hence they don't care about "future". Hell, they don't even care about endangered species...

Pirooz, Iran's ONLY remaining Asiatic Cheetah cub, died yesterday in Tehran because of a lack of adequate medical facilities. They claim they didn't have the money/budget for to take care of him, yet they have unlimited funds to supply to their terrorist proxies in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. No wonder they have so many fans among non-Iranians of the MENA region.

btw more on intentional chemical attacks on schools, it's spreading:

F**** me, see how uncivilized IRGC/Basij treat a mother complaining about her daughter being poisoned at school....

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Crown Prince had a speech at the EU Parliament yesterday. Watched so many times and cried at some point.

Big crowd gathering in Brussels to watch his speech live yesterday....very high energy!

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Scum bastards. The problem with these oppressive regimes is the one thing they are good at is suppressing dissent and freedoms. The press and casuals get their attention shifted and momentum for change is hampered.
Scum bastards. The problem with these oppressive regimes is the one thing they are good at is suppressing dissent and freedoms. The press and casuals get their attention shifted and momentum for change is hampered.

And the Iranian regime is the absolute crème de la crème of oppressive regimes. Nothing is off limits when it comes to dehumanising their own population in order to insulate and protect the ruling elite.

The genie is out of the bottle in that country now, there is no turning off people's anger. But I think it'll be death by a thousand cuts for clerics, which will be incredibly attritional and horrible to watch from the outside.

Really hope Iran gets the revolution it truly deserves.
US & / or the Shah's fault most likely...

Exactly. The Mossadeq cult among Westerners is truly fascinating to see because, among a large % of Iranians, Shah is infinitely more popular than Mossadeq. Anyways, more popular than both of them, and probably the most popular Iranian politician since Cyrus the Great is Shah's father, Reza Shah...the Iranian Ataturk.

In every protest night, there is not a time you won't hear: "Reza Shah, Roohat Shad" , which means "God bless your soul, Reza Shah". Same in football stadiums.
What he did for Iran in just fewer than 2 decades can't be said enough. No wonder he and Ataturk were very good friends. Two great visionary men.

Anyways, I'm a bit blackpilled now with the ties with Saudi being repaired and Biden releasing 10 million dollars of frozen assets for the regime. I'm shit scared of the regime getting nukes and then I can forget ever returning to my homeland. Really hope Israel hits the nuclear facilities if push came to shove. IR can not have nukes. Hard to explain the evil they are capable of.

Despite signing a common solidarity and cooperation charter among main opposition figures (I didn't like the charter btw and have many disagreements with it), there is now online a rift between supporters of a democratic republic and those of constitutional monarchy.

My aunt just arrived here from Tehran two nights ago and she said in her inner circle and just living in Tehran, Pahlavi is by far and away the most popular figure and people want a return to constitutional monarchy. It goes to confirm a newer more recent poll that came out a week or so ago. (very interesting data)...some highlights:

- With only 495,000 loyal followers, Ayatollah Khamenei is NO LONGER the majority leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The Islamic Republic is a dictatorship of a 4.6% religious minority

- 60.4 % of Iranians support the return to a constitutional monarchy in Iran; 17.5 % are in favor of a democratic republic. 14.5 % are undecided.

- The assessment provides a clear indication that Iranian citizens are driven by a strong sense of freedom, patriotism, and human rights.

- More than two-thirds of those we surveyed indicated that Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, the most popular opposition leader.
Looks like U.S. is pounding IRGC bases in Eastern Syria. Well F**** done! finally Ayatollah Biden is doing something right.

Imagine the pain and suffering a 'compatriot national' group must have inflicted on you, that you cheer on their death and destruction by a so-called "foreign adversary".

Every one Sepahi (IRGC mercenary) and Basiji dead, the better for our cause. Obliterate those human scum for once and all.
Writing reply after a long time. The protests are sporadic these days and happen at least once or twice a month....the mood in the country is very volatile and there are rumours that price of diesel is set to double within the next couple of weeks, which could ignite a new round of mass protests.

Today there were protests in Tehran, as it was the birthday of Hamidreza Rouhi, a 19 year old fashion model, who was shot dead by regime forces a few months ago.

His father and Ali Karimi urged people to come out in his neighbourhood and looks like a decent # of people attended.

and this was Hamidreza :((((

And this was his last Instagram post:

In Persian, it translates to: "If they shut down internet for ever, I want this to be my last post: Long live women, Long live freedom, Long live Iran"

These young kids in Iran are so brave. Nothing but admiration for them.
Not sure what exactly he’s hoping to achieve with this trip, but if it’s to be taken more seriously as a potential figurehead for the opposition then I think it’s probably a mistake:

Not sure what exactly he’s hoping to achieve with this trip, but if it’s to be taken more seriously as a potential figurehead for the opposition then I think it’s probably a mistake:

Honestly, we're delighted. He IS the leader...His support has been consistently increasing (look at media likes, comments, polls, overall reaction) whereas those of other "opposition" like Alinejad and co have been dropping, basically causing a divorce in the "opposition coalition", since Iranian society is extremely patriotic and nationalistic after 44 years of IR.

I see this as a brave trip that has absolutely infuriated regime goons and their proxies abroad. Their meltdown on Twitter and Insta is hilarious, to the point that Khamenei out of nowhere invited King Salman of Saudi to Tehran today to take attention away from RP's visit to Israel.

Also, Israel has incredible intel and agents within IR and their infrastructure. Their recognizing RP as the opposition leader is significant and most likely will follow, since EU already did that in end of February.

Iran and Israel were long-time historical allies before that wretched revolution (since the time of Cyrus the great) and will be again after the cancer is gone. The Arab-Israelite conflict isn't our war and we should be a mediator, not an agitator.

I know this forum mostly hate Israel, but let me give you just a simple example of how it'd look from the Western perspective.

Imagine this Russo-Ukrainian war to last for decades and every year a significant amount of your country's taxes and natural resources go to Ukraine in hope of "winning" and "resistance" and this cycle continues year after year, decade after decade. As the dollar/pound/euro tanks and your purchasing power as a Western citizen goes down the drain and you get poorer and poorer every year. Trust me, you'll end up resenting Ukraine and calling them leeches. Hell, there are already factions who feel that in western societies and it's been 1.5 years of war and "assistance" !!

While the average monthly salary in Iran is around $250 or less, Hezbollah members and their families get $1400 a month from Islamic Republic. That's why one of the ever-present chants in the protests since 2017 has been:

"No to Gaza, No to Lebanon, My life is only for Iran." /// RP's visit to Israel is the embodiment of this chant from the heart of Iranian streets. we're not the ATM and Charity of Shi'a terrorist leeches and proxies.
Honestly, we're delighted. He IS the leader...His support has been consistently increasing (look at media likes, comments, polls, overall reaction) whereas those of other "opposition" like Alinejad and co have been dropping, basically causing a divorce in the "opposition coalition", since Iranian society is extremely patriotic and nationalistic after 44 years of IR.

I see this as a brave trip that has absolutely infuriated regime goons and their proxies abroad. Their meltdown on Twitter and Insta is hilarious, to the point that Khamenei out of nowhere invited King Salman of Saudi to Tehran today to take attention away from RP's visit to Israel.

Also, Israel has incredible intel and agents within IR and their infrastructure. Their recognizing RP as the opposition leader is significant and most likely will follow, since EU already did that in end of February.

Iran and Israel were long-time historical allies before that wretched revolution (since the time of Cyrus the great) and will be again after the cancer is gone. The Arab-Israelite conflict isn't our war and we should be a mediator, not an agitator.

I know this forum mostly hate Israel, but let me give you just a simple example of how it'd look from the Western perspective.

Imagine this Russo-Ukrainian war to last for decades and every year a significant amount of your country's taxes and natural resources go to Ukraine in hope of "winning" and "resistance" and this cycle continues year after year, decade after decade. As the dollar/pound/euro tanks and your purchasing power as a Western citizen goes down the drain and you get poorer and poorer every year. Trust me, you'll end up resenting Ukraine and calling them leeches. Hell, there are already factions who feel that in western societies and it's been 1.5 years of war and "assistance" !!

While the average monthly salary in Iran is around $250 or less, Hezbollah members and their families get $1400 a month from Islamic Republic. That's why one of the ever-present chants in the protests since 2017 has been:

"No to Gaza, No to Lebanon, My life is only for Iran." /// RP's visit to Israel is the embodiment of this chant from the heart of Iranian streets. we're not the ATM and Charity of Shi'a terrorist leeches and proxies.

There's a pretty sizable contingent of Iranian Jews here in LA who would be on board with this.