Richard Arnold leaving United

Probably a situation the Glazers have orchestrated to show they are willing to make change and that they aren't 'running everything'. All smoke and mirrors no doubt as it's yet another scapegoat they can throw out there for the wolves to try and distract from their complete and utter destruction of the club.
Probably. I don't know how good the guy is within CEO circle.
Doesn't matter, CEO's are like football managers, they fail at one place and immediately get another job somewhere else
I gave you that reason. You can criticize someone's job without having to imagine their role and I didn't suggest that Secco was a dufus in fact your paragraph about him tells you why he got a fair chance and wasn't quickly fired.

Basically based on your own assesment the person actually in charge of team construction including transfers and Football staff hiring wasn't a dufus and did a decent job in spite of a very difficult context. Blanc who was not a Football man but an administrator with a large experience in other sports namely Tennis, cyclism and motorsports did his job to a fairly high level.

And I will reiterate I don't have a clue about how well he would do at United, my issue is with the way you framed things. You know that he wasn't in charge of the areas you mentioned, you know who was in charge but somehow judge Blanc on those aspects, it makes no sense for at least two reasons, first because it wasn't his role and secondly because unless the man totally changed this year, it wouldn't be his role at United either.

I am giving my assessment based on decades of experience following the Serie A and the feedback I got from Juve fans (who know their club far more then we do) + Italian articles. They all pretty much said the same thing ie they praise his contribution in building the stadium but they also criticize how Juventus operated during his time in terms of staff (even among top brass, transfers and management recruitment). Ultimately you heard the fans themselves chanting against the guy and there was a level of toxicity at the club with Secco refusing to shake hands with Blanc which was captured on live TV. I am not making this stuff up

If you ask me, he seem to be a good business oriented guy but he lacks some serious knowledge about football. That means he's an upgrade on Arnold who, unlike Blanc, has no idea what sports is but might not be the man we need because ultimately he needs to know whether the DOF is doing a good job and act accordingly

I am interested on how Blanc acted at PSG. As you well know I am not versed in French football.
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I am giving my assessment based on decades of experience following the Serie A and the feedback I got from Juve fans (who know their club far more then we do) + Italian articles. They all pretty much said the same thing ie they praise his contribution in building the stadium but they also criticize how Juventus operated during his time in terms of staff (even among top brass, transfers and management recruitment). Ultimately you heard the fans themselves chanting against the guy and there was a level of toxicity at the club with Secco refusing to shake hands with Blanc which was captured on live TV. I am not making this stuff up

If you ask me, he seem to be a good business oriented guy but he lacks some serious knowledge about football. That means he's an upgrade on Arnold who, unlike Blanc, has no idea what sports is but might not be the man we need because ultimately he needs to know whether the DOF is doing a good job and act accordingly

I am interested on how Blanc acted at PSG. As you well know I am not versed in French football.

I don't care about what the fans may or may not have chanted. There is no consitency in the points you are making.

You can't in the same breath tell me that Secco didn't do that bad of job when you put it in context while also criticizing Blanc for things that were under Secco's responsibility. If Secco's job was good enough within the context of Juventus between 2006-2010 then you have the reason why he wasn't sacked earlier by the board and ultimately Blanc. If you think that Secco did a poor job regarding transfers and head coaches hirings, and that he should have been fired earlier then Blanc is one of the main culprit because he was the man with the most power outside of Agnelli and Elkann's representative.

And he acted the same way, he did at Juventus. He built a structure, managed the club infrastructure and finances and let Football people do their job. Again Blanc isn't a Football man and as far as I know he has never meddled or micromanaged Football people.
No idea how good he was at his job but he was one of Woodward’s university mates so I think he’s somewhat of a Glazer stooge, and the Glazers are running out of people who they trust in their seemingly insular circle of Manchester United operations, meaning they’re probably looking to phase themselves out slowly. Don’t forget these people have not hired any senior footballing official that sat higher than the First Team Head Coach in their almost 20 years here. At best it was some internal promotion like Murtough which they only did fairly recently.

I think this is a good sign that INEOS are serious about us if they’re looking to make this change. It wouldn’t have gone down well if nothing changed except INEOS now sit in at meetings.
The fact is that the club is entirely dysfunational at pretty much everything it does off the pitch, other than commerce. And that leads to dysfuntion on the pitch too. Granted he's relatively new in post, but I see little sign of positive change. While change brings its own risks, I'd still be happy if we swept away pretty much all the top team and rebooted.
I don't care about what the fans may or may not have chanted. There is no consitency in the points you are making.

You can't in the same breath tell me that Secco didn't do that bad of job when you put it in context while also criticizing Blanc for things that were under Secco's responsibility. If Secco's job was good enough within the context of Juventus between 2006-2010 then you have the reason why he wasn't sacked earlier by the board and ultimately Blanc. If you think that Secco did a poor job regarding transfers and head coaches hirings, and that he should have been fired earlier then Blanc is one of the main culprit because he was the man with the most power outside of Agnelli and Elkann's representative.

And he acted the same way, he did at Juventus. He built a structure, managed the club infrastructure and finances and let Football people do their job. Again Blanc isn't a Football man and as far as I know he has never meddled or micromanaged Football people.

A- I didn't criticize Blanc. I said that his tenure there was that of a mixed bag and it was inferior to that of his successor. That's not really a criticism considering that I value Marotta as one of the top CEOs in football. Its like saying ETH is not Pep. I also said that he was chanted out by fans and journalists alike which I brought proof to) and I specified why.
B- I said that Secco wasn't a dufus and I explained why. I listed his achievements and his mistakes as I did with Blanc
C- I finally gave my final view on Blanc based on what you and others said. The guy seems to be a decent administrator (and tbf to build a stadium in Italy with a club that had passed from its worse time in more then half a century is an achievement) but he has little idea of football which is a problem considering that everyone should have an overhead (including the DOF

I thank you for your review of Blanc's tenure at PSG.
I dont get the Arnold hate, I mean there might be credible reasons so please entertain me and list them here.
I think Arnold's biggest mistake is keeping Murtogh in the job. Otherwise he speaks sense and the commercial side which is he responsible for is good.

Our old Global Sponsorship Director Casper Stylsvig once said that the most important thing for United to fire up commercially is to simply win titles. He couldn't have said it better.

You probably can't fault Arnold for not doing everything he can on the commercial side - or can you? Could we've got better sponsorship deals? Maybe/Maybe not? Who's really to say unless you were in the negotiatingrooms.

The main take away is however that we're not winning enough titles, and therefore our commercial value simply goes down. So you can't separate Arnold and the commercial side from Murtough and simply say he's good on the commercial side. If Murtough was doing a fantastic job then that would greatly benefit our commercial side. It's such a big thing commercially that we're not well run staff/player wise.
Big advantage having a CEO that can read minds, our route back to the top is solidified.
fecking fantastic news. Get rid of that coward of a CEO. Only reason he is in a job is because he was uni mates with woodward and a glazer stooge.

Sorely underqualified, along with the rest of the uni of bristol gang.
I kind of feel sorry for him. Sure he wasn't suited for the job but he was the only CEO to actually sit with the fans and talk. Under his tenure he stayed away from football decisions as much as possible. The Greenwood situation should have been handled by the owners while its not his fault that he was saddled with Murtough as DOF
He'll not be missed. Seem things are s l o w l e y happening. I'm optimistic because, let's face it, we can't be run much worse than we currently are, but I can't see the two-owner model being one aped by the great clubs of the world!
Doesn’t mean a thing until we see who’s actually going to replace him.
Remember how excited we were when Arnold replaced woody?

means nothing until we see the plan for the club.
Doesn’t mean a thing until we see who’s actually going to replace him.
Remember how excited we were when Arnold replaced woody?

means nothing until we see the plan for the club.

its pretty evident that Blanc is going to be hired
I kind of feel sorry for him. Sure he wasn't suited for the job but he was the only CEO to actually sit with the fans and talk. Under his tenure he stayed away from football decisions as much as possible. The Greenwood situation should have been handled by the owners while its not his fault that he was saddled with Murtough as DOF
Yeah I feel terribly sorry he will probably get paid millions to cancel his contract, in a job he got because he was mates with ed
Be nice to Arnold you punks, he’s done as well as could be expected in the circumstances. No need for the personal vitriol. Thanks for your efforts, good luck in the future.

No need to take this personally Richard. You're not the first bloke to be completely out of their depth at United, certainly won't be the last.
Do we know who the CEO at Liverpool, Arsenal, Man City or Chelsea is?

A CEO of a publicly listed company should be there to answer to the shareholders. Us and our fans have made it a bit of a caricature of a role. We shouldn't care for who the CEO is as long as the clubs doing fine financially.
Yeah I feel terribly sorry he will probably get paid millions to cancel his contract, in a job he got because he was mates with ed

I've already said that the move was necessary and that Arnold was unsuited for the job. However its also fair to say that he came in at a time when the chess pieces were already set. The likes of Murtough was already hired for example. I do believe that if Arnold was CEO prior to Woodward then he would have done a slightly better job
He's leaving end of the year or end of the season? We should be cleaning house ASAP.

Patrick Stewart as interim CEO with Arnold providing transitional support until end of December whilst a search process is carried out to find a replacement.
Gave it billy big bollocks at the start only to prove to be as clueless as Woodward, adios
For what it's worth I preferred Arnold to Woodward (low bar obviously) and TBF to him he's hardly had much time to change anything, but didn't quite seem cut out for being the top dog at Man United

Massive delays in the Greenwood saga were his worst failure

Also had that weird interaction with some yobs from The 1958 who turned up at his local pub
Not as bad as Woodward but shite all the same . Totally fecked up the Greenwood situation , he should have been let go for that alone.
Not as bad as Woodward but shite all the same . Totally fecked up the Greenwood situation , he should have been let go for that alone.
Agreed made a total balls up of that.. got to watch though what I say be getting another warning ..