Roman Abramovich plans to sell Chelsea | SOLD for £4.25BN

You can't help feeling sorry for some of the players if this ends up with them stuck in limbo at a club that cannot invest or move on.

But then there's lukaku

These government sanctions are a good thing. Although, I suspect chelsea will be sold and be ok.

But the government should be doing a root and branch review of all the PL owners and come up with a proper fit and person test! Not the pathetic one that the PL have in place, currently
One normal day following Chelsea is all I ask. Just one.

Just your corrupt ownership's dealings coming home to roost finally. You had a good run but I hope they take all your trophies away from the club since this guy came into the club with his blood money.
Top 4 back on?

It'll probably be moved to next year if required. Additionally, I am not sure RA would've been stupid enough to have left Chelsea without cash on hand. Them losing a CL place would impact the sale even further; let's be honest he probably knew this was coming which is why he went from trying to make it a charity to publicly selling.
Good. And a long time coming. No one should be rewarded for looting the Russian economy and people and splashing the proceeds on football clubs.

Hopefully this ends up with Chelsea in some kind of fan ownership structure.
Just your corrupt ownership's dealings coming home to roost finally. You had a good run but I hope they take all your trophies away from the club since this guy came into the club with his blood money.

Won't happen.
So, he can sell it, provided he doesn't receive any income from it? That seems in practice to amount to something very similar to "can't sell it".
Roman is not giving away Chelsea for free. This could drag on and on. All of a sudden the 3b is worth a lot to him
what a good chelsea forum to visit? I need to know what their fans are saying in this time of crises for them!
We've been telling the world for years to be fair.

Chelseas success is fecking hollow. All that money they took from that big Russian crook and they'll never win three in a row.

Great day. feck off Chelsea FC.
It's not bollocks. Many people have a right to question by the country bombing innocent people in Yemen have ties to the people taking over Newcastle.

Of course. You miss the point, which is that this is not the FA revamping its ownership rules, its the UKG sanctioning Russia. Chelsea is not affected because someone is making a moral judgment on football ownership, it's affected because it happens to be an asset belonging to a Russian oligarch who is considered to contribute to Putin's regime. Whatever issues there are with other owners, that simply has nothing to do with this.
They won't get their trophies from the past taken away, but it's unlikely there'll be any trophies to worry about in the near future anyway.
Roman is not giving away Chelsea for free. This could drag on and on. All of a sudden the 3b is worth a lot to him
If the UK government own it, it doesn't matter what he wants. They'll just hand the club over to the FA and they'll sell to the highest bidder. Ain't war a bitch?
They should let the fans buy stakes in the club. Like they do in Germany
Bollocks. That's the essence of silly whataboutism, whether you ask to be forgiven for it or not. There are sanctions on Russia which doesn't become invalid because of every other problem in the world that hasn't been solved.

I have found that quite a few people using the term ''whataboutism'' on redcafe don't understand what it actually is. Whataboutism is an attempt to justify or to make wrongdoing appear less serious by pointing at others who are also involved in wrongdoing, or to argue that the person accusing you is just as bad. Being in full agreement with the sanctions on russia while questioning why the same standards aren't being applied elsewhere isn't whataboutism.
In spite of your loyalty you can’t complain too much. Been obvious from day one how dodgy Abramovich was. This is nothing. Should have all your titles stripped too

Trust me. I'm last the person to engage in any kind of defence for Abramovich but it is still my football club.
the government has no interest in damaging Chelsea football club, obviously

they'll be sold to the highest bidder within a few months
The license issued to them for continuing operations under this status is rather.. damaging. And as mentioned above could restrict them from travelling for Europe. There's also the inability to do transfers and renew contracts. Eventually someone will take over but during that time they could end up with quite a few issues and there's obviously a huge factor of who actually comes in. Roman throughout their time did a whole lot as an owner compared to most others. They could get bought by a bunch of bankers who come in as investors and rip all the profits away.
Exclusive: Chelsea CAN still be sold by Roman Abramovich provided none of the proceeds benefit the Russian oligarch, a government source has told
. Government will consider an application for a licence to sell. In dialogue with #CFC.

That'll be Nick Candy. Mark my words, he'll try and move Chelsea to Earl's Court on a long term lease (as the council need an anchor tenent to get the project off the ground) and he will try and redevelop the SB site.
It certainly could and in my opinion should happen.
It clearly won’t, the issues with the ownership don’t extend to questions over the legitimacy of their sporting successes.

Trophies aren’t a part of the conversation.
That'll be Nick Candy. Mark my words, he'll try and move Chelsea to Earl's Court on a long term lease (as the council need an anchor tenent to get the project off the ground) and he will try and redevelop the SB site.

He's a Chelsea fan. Got a ST I think. So we could go from being temporarily run by a charity to being a fan owned club?
I remember the first Russian player Chelsea signed under Abramovich was Smertin, whose name means "death" in Russian
These government sanctions are a good thing. Although, I suspect chelsea will be sold and be ok.

But the government should be doing a root and branch review of all the PL owners and come up with a proper fit and person test! Not the pathetic one that the PL have in place, currently

Not gonna happen

UK are selling weapons to Saudis to kill yemeni kids, they would have to ban themselves if they apply such review. :lol: :lol:
Genuine question - how's this sanctioning going to help improve the war situation? Just because the owner is Russian, how can he help to improve the situation at Ukraine?

I mean we talk about the innocent people being caught in between the war and countries. But that involves Russian people as well.
Trust me. I'm last the person to engage in any kind of defence for Abramovich but it is still my football club.

Yeah I understand that. As a fan of the club it must be a horrid situation to be in but I'm 100% sure Chelsea will bounce back (even though I dont want them to)
So the club gets sanctioned, then further punished because the club couldn't survive the sanctions? Seems fair.
Cry me a river. How many other clubs have paid a price for shitty owners running them into the ground, and then the club getting point deductions which lead them to relegation?

In your case you had an owner pump his blood money into your club to buy you success. Now you might actually face some consequences for that? It’s long overdue. fecking plastic club.

The entitlement of Chelsea fans. Womp
Forgive my Whataboutism.

The Uk government takes action on this, but let the mass murderers take over Newcastle. If you're going to make a stand against something then make a stand.
No one here will disagree but this isn't the place for it. Have it out In the Newcastle thread
Genuine question - how's this sanctioning going to help improve the war situation? Just because the owner is Russian, how can he help to improve the situation at Ukraine?

I mean we talk about the innocent people being caught in between the war and countries. But that involves Russian people as well.

Applying pressure on Putin.
The license issued to them for continuing operations under this status is rather.. damaging. And as mentioned above could restrict them from travelling for Europe. There's also the inability to do transfers and renew contracts. Eventually someone will take over but during that time they could end up with quite a few issues and there's obviously a huge factor of who actually comes in. Roman throughout their time did a whole lot as an owner compared to most others. They could get bought by a bunch of bankers who come in as investors and rip all the profits away.

well, fingers crossed eh! hopefully someone comes in and fecks them up :lol:
That'll be Nick Candy. Mark my words, he'll try and move Chelsea to Earl's Court on a long term lease (as the council need an anchor tenent to get the project off the ground) and he will try and redevelop the SB site.
That doesn't make sense. There isn't a stadium in Earls Court to play in. He'd have to build a stadium to move the club into temporarily to then redevelop a stadium. Sounds barmy.