Sheva not keen on Chelsea


New Member
Apr 2, 2004
Ukrainian striker Andrei Shevchenko has reiterated his loyalty to AC Milan.
Despite reports in the Italian press linking Chelsea with an €80m bid, the 28-year-old has distanced himself from these rumours.
Shevchenko admits personal admiration for Roman Abramovich after meeting him in Rome during a ceremony held by the Ukrainian press, but denies he wants a transfer to Chelsea.
"I'm happy that he (Roman Abramovich) is in Italy - he's an intelligent person who likes football a lot." commented Shevchenko.
"He made a really important investment at Chelsea, not only a financial one, but a personal one too.
"Am I a dream signing for Abramovich? You would have to ask him.
"Anyway I'm too attached to Milan, a club which feels like a family.
"It's here that I became the player I am and where I have won everything."
Next week the Rossoneri face a UEFA Champions League trip to Old Trafford, the venue of their 2003 triumph in the competition, and Shevchenko expects an exciting game.
"Old Trafford is a stadium that has happy memories for me and we are expecting another special match." admitted Shevchenko.
"It will be a really difficult period because, despite our tough league program, the Champions League will oblige us to expend further energy - I'm really keen on the Champions League."

good for us!!