Should Wenger be sacked?

Should Arsenal sack Wenger

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Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
Interested to hear the caf's thoughts on his current situation.

The fans seem to be split from what I know, with the anti Wenger's annoyed by the constant underachievement.

Others seem to take the G. Neville approach, that the club is limited in who they can buy and to remain in the top 4 whilst pretty much every other club has dropped out is great.

But then again, he has double the net spend of Liverpool and even beats Chelsea.

Chelsea went in transition twice and will win the league (again). Spurs have pretty much bridged the enormous gap between the two clubs and last season has to be one of their biggest failures given the open goal to win the league over Leicester whilst City/United/Chelsea all fell apart.

They can't seem to tie down Sanchez and are balancing precariously at 4th, 1pt over Liverpool and 2pts over ourselves. I wonder what will happen to Wenger by seasons end.

EDIT: Sadly I don't have a poll option, for some reason. If one can be added it would be great.
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Yes. Well, preferably resign.

Arsenal will never win the league again with that man in charge, and that much has been appparent for years.

If Arsenal want to win the league and compete for CL, he needs to go, quite simply.
Should have been after Leicester won the league, was blatantly obvious after last season that he will never again take them to the top of English football.

But I think he's benefitted from what has happened here since SAF retired, that has created a fear factor within the Arsenal board. Only a couple of season outside the top 4 will see him moved on.
I'd find it very uncomfortable to sack him with that kind of tenure and what he's done for Arsenal. I'd prefer it if he resigned or nudged into a different role. They need a change though.
His contract runs out this Summer doesn't it?

He should let it run out and leave then. Although of course from a Utd perspective I hope he signs a new deal and stays for as long as possible.
If they want to win the league any time soon he should go. That of course means taking the risk that things might also get worse.
It depends.

What are the board's objectives? If it's:

1- Top 4, Champions League Last 16, then Wenger is the best man out there.

2- Winning the league, then yeah he should be sacked.

Everyone keeps talking about Wenger needing to be sacked, but what if the board is the entire problem all along? If spending is capped and the status quo is the required, Arsenal could be in an extremely worse position by sacking Wenger and hiring someone else.
If they are happy with guaranteed top four every season but never winning the league then they should keep him. If they want a shot at winning the league, but perhaps also finishing 5th the odd season then they should get someone else in. I think players like Sanchez and Ozil are starting to realise that they won't win the league with Wenger at the helm and hence they aren't going to sign new deals.

He just hasn't got the right mentality and this seeps down to the rest of the team.
He should resign, not good enough for the level Arsenal fans want their club to be.
I'm glad it's not up to me to make that decision. He should have done better in some seasons, clearly. But who can they replace him with who will almost guarantee top 4 like he has done?
F365 said:
His last 22 away matches against the current top six have produced no wins, seven draws and 15 defeats. How long until a record of seven points from a possible 66 is deemed unacceptable? How many times does Arsenal’s soft underbelly have to be pierced before a change comes?
If Sanchez leaves then they're back to being fecked. He really should walk this summer to give them a breath of fresh air and their players some hope. I hope he stays though. :)
It depends.

What are the board's objectives? If it's:

1- Top 4, Champions League Last 16, then Wenger is the best man out there.

2- Winning the league, then yeah he should be sacked.

Everyone keeps talking about Wenger needing to be sacked, but what if the board is the entire problem all along? If spending is capped and the status quo is the required, Arsenal could be in an extremely worse position by sacking Wenger and hiring someone else.

Nah, too many excuses have been made for him. I think a different coach could have won a title or two with some of the squads he's had over the past 12 years. Last year for a start. He had the best squad. He's past it.
Should have been pushed out years ago if they had genuine ambitions of being a top club.
The Arsenal board aren't fixated on winning the league or Champions League glory, because if they were, Wenger would have been relieved of his duties years ago.

Wenger isn't up to it, his stubbornness known no bounds and he's surrounded himself with a group of pretty boys who present no challenge to his position as manager, thus allowing the mediocrity to continue.

It's embarrassing. Arsenal are embarrassing.
He won't survive much longer. In recent years, more of his top 4 finishes are owing a lot to other 'top 6' teams having poor seasons rather than Arsenal having great seasons. The time has come when all their rivals are playing fairly well and treading water won't get the job done any longer.
I honestly think they wouldn't sack Arsene even if the club were relegated.
End of the season he needs to go. Last Saturday's result and the manner of it was so predictable anybody could see it coming (accept for Ty). Last season would have been the final straw if i was an Arsenal director - a club like Arsenal failing to win the league when City, United, Liverpool and Chelsea for differing reasons couldn't challenge for the title would have left his position untenable. If they want to win the League, look like winning the Champions League, somebody else needs to manage Arsenal. The finances for buying players is there - they have spent good money on players in recent seasons and they're no closer to winning the league.
I honestly think they wouldn't sack Arsene even if the club were relegated.

By they do you mean the Arsenal board? Because they clearly would do. The problem the Arsenal board have is that Wenger always manages to meet the minimum required of success by finishing in the top 4. A new guy could come in and struggle and end up costing the club millions as has been the case with us. I think they've watched us and thought may as well stick with the steady eddie.
Of course not. If the club want to win the League they need to give him £150-200m to go out an buy a top class centre forward, a top class midfielder and probably a winger; in addition to upping their wage structure to allow them to keep Ozil/Sanchez. If the club are happy with top 4 then they have nothing to complain about.

If you give a manager the fourth best budget and the fourth highest wage bill, are you really in a position to complain when his last four finishes are above par: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th. He's also won 2 FA Cups in that period.

Using Leicester as a yardstick for who should be winning titles is like using Andy Carroll's Liverpool transfer as a yard stick for what transfers should cost.
By they do you mean the Arsenal board? Because they clearly would do. The problem the Arsenal board have is that Wenger always manages to meet the minimum required of success by finishing in the top 4. A new guy could come in and struggle and end up costing the club millions as has been the case with us. I think they've watched us and thought may as well stick with the steady eddie.
I meant that Arsene might be persuaded to leave (or make a decision to go, all by himself).

Over the years, we've seen Wenger's teams be utterly humiliated by their rivals (8-2, 6-0, 6-1 etc) - if they didn't fire him then, they sure as hell won't do so now.
Wont be sacked, got 5 more years of mediocrity from him yet.
I hope he doesn't sign a new contract, but I worry about the board being woefully under prepared in terms of a succession plan. This should have been worked out already.
its been over a decade of the same. Can anyone see Arsenal changing next year? no..
The fans want more, the board have to decide if delivering a shoestring budget and getting top 4 is satisfactory in spite of the fans unrest or if they want to go for more.

If they want to win the league/CL they're going to have to change managers, then again, at the same time, you need the right manager available to replace Wenger, it's all well and good screaming for his head but there must be a plan in place to actually get a better individual to take you forward.
I meant that Arsene might be persuaded to leave (or make a decision to go, all by himself).

Over the years, we've seen Wenger's teams be utterly humiliated by their rivals (8-2, 6-0, 6-1 etc) - if they didn't fire him then, they sure as hell won't do so now.

Not sure why any club would sack their manager after a hammering - thank feck the United board didn't sack Fergie after Chelsea beat us 5-0 in 99. My point is they're not going to sack Wenger if they feel he keeps meeting their minimum standard. Whether or not that's the right thing is another matter though, at some point if you keep giving 6 out of 10 performances, you probably should have your role questioned.
I'd think the board would be scared about who to replace him with, just like us & SAF. Get it wrong and they're out in the wilderness, just like we were/are. Chelsea & City are used to the turmoil of changing managers, plus have the financial muscle to recover quickly.

If it was up to their players, I say "No", since it seems a lot are really hooked on Arsene, but for the sake of their fans, I think the board will not offer a new contract. As it is, them not making Top 4/CL will probably clinch it for them.
I'd think the board would be scared about who to replace him with, just like us & SAF. Get it wrong and they're out in the wilderness, just like we were/are. Chelsea & City are used to the turmoil of changing managers, plus have the financial muscle to recover quickly.

Chelsea and City are have set up in a way the club is sustainable without having to have a constant manager. It is a credit to them in terms of the way they have set up the club to be run, obviously the financial muscle is a big help as well.
An Arsenal fan responds to Gary Neville's defence of Wenger:

F365 said:
So his basic message is "be careful what you wish for". I think most Arsenal fans are aware that if we get a new manager things could get worse, but they could get better if we hire a Conte or Pochettino.

Many Arsenal fans are fed up of this groundhog day scenario. When we turn up to Stamford Bridge we already know it's going to be a loss. We can be in the title race from the start of the season but we all know that by the time February or March rolls round we will collapse and at best be part of a top four battle.

Yes being in a top four battle isn't the worst thing ever, but when you pay basically the highest ticket prices in European (therefore the world) football you don't expect the top four to be the height of your clubs ambitions and ability. The austerity years are over and in terms of spending power we are now in a position in which we can afford to be competing for top players. The days of having to sell our best players and replace them with cheaper, inferior models are over.

If we're happy to perennially stay in the top four and never do better than that, then give Wenger a lifetime contract. If we want to progress as a club, we need some fresh ideas. Things might get worse before they get better, I'm willing to take that risk. At this point the only reason to keep Wenger is fear of the unknown, and that's no reason at all.

Without fail every Man Utd, Chelsea, Spurs, Liverpool fan I've come across want Wenger to carry on managing Arsenal because as long as he is we won't truly be a threat at the top of the table. For me that says a lot, in the first half of his reign fans of these clubs would have been ecstatic if Wenger had left.
One of the most overrated managers of all time. He's done basically nothing since 2005. Never won the CL, only has three league titles in 20-odd years and he's somehow got this status as an elder statesman of English football.
Its always a bad sign when opposing fans dont want a manager sacked.
As a United supporter? Hell no he shouldn't be sacked.

From an Arsenal perspective? Hell no - tell the bloke to resign and enjoy a nice send off.
He shouldn't be sacked but politely asked to resign. He has given to much to be sacked and has done exactly what the board has asked which is balance the books. As their chief accountant, he should not be sacked but moved upstairs.
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