Sir Jim Ratcliffe: I want to buy Manchester United | Will make a bid for the club [Telegraph]

I'll be honest, I will believe it when it happens. In general I am extremely pessimistic about our future
That's interesting. It's a suspect investment but it's not my money. :angel:
To quote the classic retro FIFA commentary "PUSH IT IN"
Oh baby now we're talking.

We have to seize this momentum.
He talked a good game a couple of times in the past when he 'tried' to buy Chelsea but that's all it was, just talk. I'd take it with a pinch of salt until he starts actually following through on what he says.
Mental time to be a United supporter at the moment, so much apparently going on.

Hope Jim’s interest is genuine.
He talked a good game a couple of times in the past when he 'tried' to buy Chelsea but that's all it was, just talk. I'd take it with a pinch of salt until he starts actually following through on what he says.

He was never really interested in Chelsea.

Why shop at Aldi when you can afford M&S :drool:
He talked a good game a couple of times in the past when he 'tried' to buy Chelsea but that's all it was, just talk. I'd take it with a pinch of salt until he starts actually following through on what he says.
Don't think he ever wanted Chelsea.
This is a thread that would deserve our best muppetry effort when you think about what kind of impact this would have for United
Hope something materialises but not holding my breath
ETH’s stubbornness over wanting FDJ is gonna end up in the Glazers selling the club. Genius.
Knowing our luck, he will be at his desk and he will do a "Chris feather" and keel over just before signing the contract for full control.
To have the words Football Club put back on out badge would be one of the greatest feelings ever as a Manchester united fan
I'd prefer them gone full stop to be honest. I can see them selling a minority stake to someone like him, using the money to invest in the stadium / placate some fans, and then just continue on the way they have been for another 5-10 years.

What actual power would he have?
Like I said in the other thread - this has been building. One week ago the very same journalist who got this exclusive did a puff piece about how he’d be a great owner. He got his name out there with the Chelsea bid which had zero chance of success and said the only reason he wasn’t buying us was due to us not being for sale. Fan momentum behind this is going to be huge - the time has come - they’ll take the money and go.
Like I said in the other thread - this has been building. One week ago the very same journalist who got this exclusive did a puff piece about how he’d be a great owner. He got his name out there with the Chelsea bid which has zero chance of success and said the only reason he wasn’t buying us was due to us not being for sale. Fan momentum behind this is going to be huge - the time has come - they’ll take the money and go.
I didn’t follow the Chelsea sale closely, why did he have zero chance of that going through?
Is he rich than the new chelsea owner?
Doesn't really have to be. Just clear the debt and stop taking money out of the club and we will be golden.