Straylan and Kiwi politics

Yep it has to happen, some modelling information released today is still pretty sobering.
New modelling prepared for the Government by Shaun Hendy suggests that New Zealand could see up to 5000 Covid-19 deaths a year even with a high proportion of the population jabbed.

The modelling from Te Punaha Matatini suggests that if 80 per cent of the 5+ population was full vaccinated - around 75 per cent of the entire country – Covid-19 would still cause a serious death toll without other restrictions.

Hendy projects it would cause 60,000 hospitalisations and 7000 deaths over a one-year period.

If 90 per cent of the 5+ population was reached however – around 85 per cent of the full population – then deaths would drop to around 50 over a year.

90% of the over 5's sounds like a plan to me. It might be hard but it isn't impossible. 80% of parents surveyed here said that they would vaccinate and in NSW 83% of people have now had at least 1 shot so we might just get there.
90% of the over 5's sounds like a plan to me. It might be hard but it isn't impossible. 80% of parents surveyed here said that they would vaccinate and in NSW 83% of people have now had at least 1 shot so we might just get there.
Its going to be interesting to see how well govts are going to do in terms of keeping up engagement in ongoing booster shots. There is a certain absence of fear in this virus, if it for example produced visible sores like smallpox Im sure we would see close to 100% vax rates.
Its going to be interesting to see how well govts are going to do in terms of keeping up engagement in ongoing booster shots. There is a certain absence of fear in this virus, if it for example produced visible sores like smallpox Im sure we would see close to 100% vax rates.

We start getting Pfizer that has been tweaked for delta early next year I believe. I'm presuming a third dose will be advised.
fecking geniuses out attacking vaccination hubs and transmitting Covid to each other, clogging up hospitals. How is this getting us out of lockdown any faster?
8 community cases today but one stat revealed to day was interesting although to most not surprising.
We have had 1185 cases in this outbreak in total. Of those eligible for vaccination 4% were fully vaccinated and none of those were hospitalised. A small sample I know but reasonably enough to show the value of vaccination.
NZ bit of a bump today, 45 new cases, 33 of them already isolating with family who have covid. The political battle over covid is heating up, its going to get ugly
How long do you think till the vaccination efforts start to help slow that down?
VIC (49%) is behind NSW (63%) mainly due to vaccinations being redirected to NSW when the latest outbreak started. So I guess it will peak fairly soon but if compliance isn't great it may take longer than expected. NSW are expected to hit 80% of over 16's fully vaxxed by 18th Oct and VIC a month later.

I was looking at the rates in my local postcodes (Inner West Sydney) and it looks like we are heading for very high vaccination rates with some areas already over 90% one dose or fully vaxxed.
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VIC (49%) is behind NSW (63%) mainly due to vaccinations being redirected to NSW when the latest outbreak started. So I guess it will peak fairly soon but if compliance isn't great it may take longer than expected. NSW are expected to hit 80% of over 16's fully vaxxed by 18th Oct and VIC a month later.

I was looking at the rates in my local postcodes (Inner West Sydney) and it looks like we are heading for very high vaccination rates with some areas already over 90% one dose or fully vaxxed.
Im looking at you guys to give me an indication of when the vaccine effect starts to kick in. Im expecting us to have new cases higher than 20 a day for at least 6 months and think we will be seeing high numbers (relative to us) over summer. We are someway behind you guys on vaccination numbers at this point.
Im looking at you guys to give me an indication of when the vaccine effect starts to kick in. Im expecting us to have new cases higher than 20 a day for at least 6 months and think we will be seeing high numbers (relative to us) over summer. We are someway behind you guys on vaccination numbers at this point.

I think NSW infections plateaued when we hit 50% ish fully vaccinated but also with reasonably severe lockdowns (by Australian standards). I think VIC may need a higher % fully vaxxed due to fatigue with restrictions.
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NZ bit of a bump today, 45 new cases, 33 of them already isolating with family who have covid. The political battle over covid is heating up, its going to get ugly

saw some headlines that NZ has changed its messaging from something like zero cases to acceptance of spread?
saw some headlines that NZ has changed its messaging from something like zero cases to acceptance of spread?
Yes, basically the pressure on Govt has got to the point where many commentators think we should give up. The Govt are insisting we can still get to elimination but I think they are losing the battle in people keeping the faith. The Govt havent really sent out the message of acceptance, its the opposition party and media from the right that are doing that. A decent number of our latest outbreak are down to people just ignoring the rules in place. I think the Govt are now trying to get as many vaccinated as possible so the coming flood of cases is going to be as minimal as possible.
Delta I think is just a bridge too far with how infectious it is. Im still on board with the elimination approach but I think there is a fatigue setting in among the general population. Also to be frank I think the public here have been spoilt with how free we had things and really dont understand how bad its been elsewhere, that whole abscence of fear psych thing.
NSW 864
VIC 1142 - down a bit
QLD 3 - NRL Grand Final may still happen
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Gladys is being investigated for corruption by ICAC.

She is holding a press conference in 5 mins time. Rumours is that she is going to quit.
The real question is, this is the second time this has happened to a sitting NSW Premier out of the last three and given the way in which casino mike left the building to a cushy job at NAB, one might think he left before getting investigated.

why the feck do we keep appointing these dickheads
The real question is, this is the second time this has happened to a sitting NSW Premier out of the last three and given the way in which casino mike left the building to a cushy job at NAB, one might think he left before getting investigated.

why the feck do we keep appointing these dickheads

Mike Baird was a weird one.
NSW 667
VIC 1220
QLD 0 - so the NRL Grand Final will go ahead.
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