Sweden 1948 VS EAP - NT peak draft

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Oct 4, 2012
-------------------Sweden 1948-58

Formation: 3-2-2-3 / WM
Manager: George Raynor
Ass. Manager: Putte Kock
Achievements: Olympic Gold '48, World Cup Bronze '50, Olympic Bronze '52, World Cup Silver '58


Voronin and Rijkaard are honest upgrades and two players who could play these roles to perfection while bringing some world class expertize to the table.

Valery Voronin
Replacing Sune Anderssons more offensive role as a left half we have Valery Voronin. With Desailly for Milan, Voronin stood for the best defensive midfield performances I've ever seen. There aren't many defensive midfielder or defenders who can dominate games and single handedly win games. Voronin is one of them and his impact couldn't be higher than marking out both Eusebio and Florian Albert while still being fantastic on the ball.

He had a great all around ability on the ball with a classy passing range and remained in a covering defensive midfield role most often even when his team was attacking. He is ideal for the role as he can replicate all phases of the Swedes defense, even the hard part of having to act inside his own box as the team falls down in to the area.

Great all-round display against Germany

Man-marking Eusebio out of the game

Nullifying Florian Albert
Frank Rijkaard
He played as a roaming centre back in '88 who would be found in the defennsive line, defensive midfield and at times he'd even extend further with a run forward. Here he replaces Birger Rosengren in the nearly all-out defensive role next to Voronin. He'd operate in the similar area as in 1988 of falling in and out of the box. Like in 1988 his runs forward would be highly limited to a few good occasions.

Together with Voronin they take the aerial dominance inside the own box to a whole new level. They also mean a safety net in case an opponent tries to break through behind the defense as they can snuff out the danger as they fall down.

"One thing was clear about Rijkaard. He was an extremely active stopper who well covered the zone a destroyer would cover."- Onenil

"This era of England (88-90) was arguably the best English selections since ‘66. They had a hard defense and a host of players who could hurt any defense. To me this match was run by Gullit and Rijkaard. Conducting a master class in the stopper role I felt Rijkaard was dominant in defense breaking up England’s tempo frequently. Gullit was all over the pitch, running at the defense, helping out in the midfield battle and continually offering a dangerous presence. This lead to the van Basten show this match. In his prime and displaying his full range of skills, van Basten was everything you could imagine from a striker.. From incredible close control in the box to clinical finish to intelligent and dangerous movement all match against the centre backs van Basten showed why he many call him the best classic no.9." - Onenil
This is a blend of the miraculous 1948 winners who scored 22 goals in 4 games and conceded just 3. The central core of Berggren, Andersson and Grenoli destroyed anything that stood in their path - expectedly, as they were three of the very best players in football at the time. With Berggren and Andersson replaced by two ideal all time greats in Rijkaard and Voronin.

Liedholm described it "The ball didn't touch the ground a single time. Gren played it to me, me straight to Nordahl who played it to Gren, who found me and then I found Nordahl who scored on the volley. That's how we played."

With massive improvements from the 1958 side where team of the tournament defenders Bergmark and Bengtsson steps in at the back. The only weakness of the '48 side were the wingers, and here we have replaced them with Hamrin and Skoglund who together scored 5 goals and assisted 6.

Two of the greater wingers of all time who both had legendary performances in 1958, with Skoglund being part of the team of the tournament and Hamrin challenging as one of the very best players of the tournament.


As the team lost the ball a sort of chaotic/individual press was established to force a longer pass. As the opponents made the pass it was up to the defenders to push forward aggressively and win the ball back or at least force a weak first touch to win the second ball back. Simple to say but hard to execute and Raynor must have done a great job to make it work so well with so many different players featuring over his years.

The rest of the team would help out in winning the second ball and if the opponents established an attack the midfield square would become almost flat, but centralized, at the edge of the box.

Against Soviet in '58 they did this to perfection as wave after wave of Soviet attacks were shut down in that simple way. The physical defenders managed to mix it with an excellent reading of the game to know the exact moment when to push forward.

With Rijkaard and Voronin now in the side the defense would be a labyrinth to get through with three perfectly synched defenders pushing up and Rijkaard and Voronin falling back to pick up runners the few occasions that the defenders doesn't win the ball back instantly.

Offensively the '48 team was led by Liedholm and Gren who in their peak stormed back and forth like an offensive box to box. Almost every single attack ended with both Gren and Liedholm inside the box next to Nordahl and the pace of the attacks were direct and electric. Hamrin and Skoglund are the ideal wingers to have next to them. Neither was a ball hogger and instead they were used to making off the ball runs to stay in the play when they didn't have the ball.

Skoglund was an entertaining flair player, but he combined that dribbling and pace with a love for inch perfect crosses and passes. Not only will "The Bison" Nordahl absolutely thrive on that, but so will Hamrin who was world class at finding space in the box as well and score goals.

With Liedholm and Gren entering the box as well, you realize why Grenoli scored ridiculous amounts. Liedholm and Gren weren't your typical central playmakers, they had a directness and dribbling of absolute world class. They received the ball and instantly challenged the defenders or midfielders just to breeze past them to force the defender to step up, with Nordahl making a run in to the space, and then either they found Nordahl or just beat another man for a goal.

Ruthlessly offensive with no regards to the scoreline and they wouldn't stop or go easy on you because they were 3-0 up. Which Serie A winners of 1949, Juventus, got to experience in a 6-0 demolision by the Grenoli trio. Milan scored 118 goals that season, 71 of those came at the hands of the Swedes alone, more than fourth placed Lazio did as a team. The two midfielders scored 18 each, together they averaged a goal every game and Nordahl did the same from upfront alone.

The fact that both Gren and Liedholm could play further back and their work rate meant they still just conceded 2 more than Juventus, the best defensive side that year.

But this came with a price like against Inter where they lost a 5-4 game after a big lead as their ruthless offensive could cost them as well.

Nordahl was his usual self as he was the top scorer of the '48 tournament and scored almost two goals per game in average. While Liedholm and Gren were the flawless dribbling playmakers who together scored a goal per game in average through the tournament. And the trio with dominance took Sweden through some of the top teams of the era like Austria 0-3 Sweden, Yugoslavia 1-3 and third place finisher Denmark (2-4) who beat Italy and Great Britain.

This team has everything, two world class playmakers in Gren and Liedholm, both excelling at penetrative shorter passes. While Liedholm and Voronin had a fantastic passing range and could switch the side or find the Bison on the run with ease over the defensive line.

Rijkaard will be the almost exclusively defensive destroyer/stopper of the team and the team captain just like he was in '88. While the defensive trio will remain purely defensive in supportive positions.

This game would go back and forth all night and that is exactly the style that this team excelled at playing.
Player profiles

Gunnar ''Il Bisonte" Nordahl
Height: 1.80m (5’11”)
Weight: 92 kg (209 lbs.)
NT Achievements:
Olympic gold & top scorer: 1948

Style of play

Top scorer with 7 goals in 4 matches and a dominant force of the 1948 Olympics side. Record holder as the top scorer in Serie A after being the top scorer 5 times in just 6 seasons, which should be impossible as he went to Milan aged 27.

Technically limited but he epitomized the role of a poacher with some of the best natural goalscoring instincts football has ever seen. Accustomed of working against a packed defense, heavily outnumbered, yet he always read the balls trajectory and managed to be at the end of it whether it took a bounce on a defender or his teammate along the way.

He combined that predatory instinct with being able to finish with his first touch with both feet with equal ease. Half chances wasn't part of his vocabulary as he was a true master of scoring ugly goals. He struck half volleys, tap ins, volleys and off balance shots with pin point precision and if a ball wasn't perfectly cleared he had a knack for getting a toe on it and turning it to a goal.

What he lacked technically he made up for with an electric acceleration and good pace which he used to constantly beat the defenders and break free towards goal. Rarely dropping deep or standing still and instead almost solely focused on being a nuisance centrally.

Weighing in at 92 kg, his physical game earned him the nickname "Il Bisonte". Once in a game against Napoli the defender grabbed his jersey, but Nordahl dragged him along for nearly two dozen feet and scored a goal.

Lennart ''Nacka" Skoglund
Left winger(Secondary position: Inside left)
Height: 1.70m
Weight: 68 kg
NT Achievements:
World Cup 1958 XI: Best left winger of the tournament

Style of play

He was beyond a world class dribbler, he was an artist, who entertained the entire audience with his tricks and plays. His crossing was pin point accurate and he was the heart of so many of the plays for Inter and Sweden. Many times outshining Hamrin in terms of pure skill and in the 1958 World Cup he was included in the all star XI as the tournaments best left winger. He was extremely explosive and could accelerate past most players and had great pace as well.

Superbly talented, he was described as a "soloist", a player who played to the gallery and had an array of tricks allied to a fierce shot. He did little to help out his team-mates on the field, but he was no mere show pony and helped Inter to two league titles during a playing career that catapulted him to international stardom.

Even the Brazilians were in awe of his dribbling and Ronnie Hellström said "He did stuff that nobody else could. I used to stand in goal while he'd take shots and ball after ball went in. And his passes, he'd set the teammates free on goal over and over through out the match."

He was a complete classic winger who would consistently beat his full back through out the game and set up his team mates as well as known for his great off the ball runs when cutting inside to score or find space behind the defensive line.

Kurt ''Il Uccellino" Hamrin
Position: Right Winger
Height: 1.69m
Weight: 69 kg
NT Achievements:
World Cup Runner up - 1958
One of the best players - 1958

Mexico vs Sweden 3-0 - Gets pulled down in the penalty area which leads to a penalty that Liedholm converts.
Sweden vs Hungary 2-1 - Hamrin scores both goals.
Sweden vs Wales 0-0
Sweden vs Soviet 2-0 - Hamrin scores first goal and has a great game in general.
Sweden vs West Germany 3-1 - Hamrin gets Juskowiak sent off, Hamrin assists the 2-1 goal and finishes the game with his 3-1 goal.
Sweden vs Brazil 4-2 - Kept rather quiet by Nilton Santos.

Style of play

Despite being a winger, Hamrin nearly always challenged for the title of Serie A capocannoniere. Ability wise had everything you could ask for from a winger, and on top of that he was a blessed with flair and individual brilliance that would decide the game in a moment.

It is said that his acceleration is among the best in Serie A history and his pace was great to boot. Combined with being one of the best two footed dribblers in history he had something else when it came to pure ability.

"His technical ability was always on show, illustrating his agile movement and speed on the wing before dribbling inside to unleash an inch-perfect shot in to the top corner."

He was known to receive a ball at his feet and slowly, and nonchalantly, walk towards his marker - just to burst past them with ease after a dribble and some acceleration.

He had great creativity, good passing and crossing as well but what stood out above the rest was his goalscoring. He was constantly challenging for the top scorer award, as a winger, more often than not outscoring John Charles.

He had a great shot on him and a lot of his goals came were long rangers from outside of the box. He was a player who didn't mind if the other winger got a lot of the ball as well and he was almost a modern winger who would then make his way towards goal.

Both him and Skoglund were great ball carrying wingers and they had a terrific and complementary wing partnership.

"However, on the eve of the 1958 Finals, this rule was relaxed by the Swedish FA - no doubt to improve Sweden’s chances on home soil. Hamrin emerged as one of the stars of that World Cup, coming into his own in the quarter-final against Russia and the semi-final against West Germany. Against the Russians he unleashed his full armoury of tricks, dummying both ways and accelerating past his markers. The Swedes won 2-0 with Hamrin heading the first and setting up the second, beating three men before cutting the ball back to the grateful Simonsson. One journalist describing this match said: "It was though Hamrin had launched a personal blitzkrieg."

Against the ruthless Germans he was once again Sweden’s danger man, tormenting his marker, full-back Juskowiak, time and time again. The defender became so wound up that when Hamrin - who, wrote the English journalist Brian Glanville, bore his way through the German defence "like an inspired mole" - fouled him 12 minutes into the second half, he lost his temper and retaliated, resulting in him being sent off. With the Germans down to 10 men Sweden won 3-1 with Hamrin scoring the third a minute from time. It was arguably the best individual goal of the competition. Receiving the ball he began to trundle with it towards the touchline "like a man stricken by temporary amnesia," wrote Glanville. Then he suddenly came alive, beating one man, then a second and a third before slipping the ball past German goalkeeper Herkenrath. Which meant Sweden were in the Final."

Sort of underrated for being a constant 2nd, in the top goal scorer awards, with his club and with the national team. But ability wise he's an absolute great.

Gunnar ''Il Profesore" Gren
Position: Inside right(secondary: Right half)
Weight: 75 kg
NT Achievements:
Olympic Gold - 1948
World Cup Silver - 1958
Team of the tournament - 1958

Style of play

Such an underrated part of the Grenoli. George Raynor said that Gren was the best player out of the Grenoli trio and a lot of people would agree. Some Swedish football experts lists Gren as the greatest Swedish player in history.

His skill with a football was apparent from an early age. While playing for boys' club BK Strix, Gren won a competition to find the best ball juggler against players from the top league, in Gothenburg and as part of his prize was paid to perform at half-time in a handball match.
For most of his career Gren was much more of a goal creator than a prolific scorer, always knowing the right ball to play at any given time. Yet still had a goal every other game average, just like Liedholm thanks to some fantastic finishing.

As a result of his flawless technique and dribbling Raymor remembers the first time he saw Gren play "He dribbled around three men, round the goalkeeper then turned around just to beat the goalkeeper again before and then back heeled the ball in to the net" which had Raynor hopping mad. For most of his career Gren was much more of a goal creator than a prolific scorer, always knowing the right ball to play at any given time and in Italy he was given the nickname 'Il Professore' for his intelligent style of play.

A fantastic blend of intelligent playmaking, excellent at retaining the ball and a showboating creativity and dribbling.

Both in terms of style and quality he was similar to Liedholm. He didn't have Liedholms world class passing range, but made up for it as the better technician and dribbler and with a much better drive and grit.

After a long unbeaten run, Sweden eventually lost in 1947, which marked an important turning point in the tricksters career as Raynor convinced him that he had to play for the team first.

Nordahl recalls that the Swedes were indebted to Gren for that final performance where "only he dared to keep the hold of the ball".

Defensively, as an inside right/left in the WM(3-2-2-3) the two "attacking midfielders" would fall back all the way in to the area to defend crosses. A narrow line of four formed just outside the area consisting of the inside right/half and the left/right half.

If the opponents had a deeper build up they'd push forward to regain the shape of the WM which means their job was that of a true box to box role. As they defended inside their area and ended up in the opponents area in nearly every attack.

The difference is that they didn't have any real responsibility to win the ball back through grit and tackling.

Nils "Il Conte" Liedholm
Inside left/right(Secondary: left/right half, left winger)
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 77 kg
NT Achievements:
Olympic Gold - 1948
World Cup Silver - 1958

His peak as an individual came in 48-51(26-30 yo), similar to Nordahl. Together they were key pieces in a Norrköping side that dominated Swedish football at the time. So the unbelievable magic they had came from playing together for so long.

They were well known greats nationally prior to the '48 Olympics, but it was there that they had their first chance to step up and face the best the other nations had to offer.

After a glorious Olympic from Grenoli they were all signed by Milan. Even if Milan as a team was struggling to find a common ground between the newly arrived Swedes neverending attacking samba football and the great tactical Italians - Nils arguably had one of his best seasons with a 6-1 trashing of the eventual winners Juventus as the highpoint of the season.

With 18 league goals he was playing exceptional football as Milan with the Swedes proved to be the most enchanting attacking side in the league. Milan scored 118 goals in the league that season with 36 coming from Gren and Liedholm and 35 from Nordahl.

In 50-51 he was also the stand out player of the year with Nordahl and Gren and won the league as well as the Latin Cup, the forerunner to the European Cup. While Nordahl was a bigger star while at Norrköping, Liedholm was now pushing Nordahl for his money and was as good if not better than the striker.

Style of play
Nils Liedholm gave rare meaning to the over-used description of football as "the beautiful game". A deeply thoughtful Swede who passed his playing pomp in Italy with AC Milan, he was tall and possed supreme fitness and was one of the most elegant, imaginative and productive midfield generals of his generation, and it was no surprise that he matured into a immensely successful coach in the adopted land he had come to embrace.

An absolute world class dribbler and playmaker with great stamina who would beat players with ease. He could go on dribbling raids and beat player after player to score on his own.

Or more commonly he'd beat his markers with ease. Just to strut towards the defender who had to take the challenge - for Liedholm to get a yard with his dribbling and find the free space that opened up behind the now out-of-position defender.

Together with Gren and Nordahl he led one of the most effective and entertaining attacks in history.

His speciality was passing the ball, intelligently and with remarkable accuracy, over long distances and short, and there is a story that it was two years before he first misplaced a dispatch in front of his home supporters. Their reaction to this stunning occurrence, the tale goes on, was a five-minute standing ovation to indicate their recognition that they had witnessed a mere blip in the maestro's customary excellence. Liedholm was close to perfect, after all he had been named “player of the millennium” by Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.

"I remember performances in which he didn't make a single mistake," said Silvio Berlusconi

The more impressive as Liedholm never played it safe, in fact quite the contrary. With a cool head he defied the law of space in football and as long as he received a pass to his feet he'd get away from his marker regardless. He never pointlessly recycled possession but rather tried to create something with every touch.

Liedholm was an early adopter of non-football related training methods. He ran the 500 and 3000 metre races as a youngster, threw shot put and even mastered the javelin, and as a result he was able to take some of the most remarkable throw-ins in history, from the halfway line directly into the heart of the box. They were unparalleled in their accuracy and deadliness.

Defensively, as an inside right/left in the WM(3-2-2-3) the two "attacking midfielders" would fall back all the way in to the area to defend crosses. A narrow line of four formed just outside the area consisting of the inside right/half and the left/right half.

If the opponents had a deeper build up they'd push forward to regain the shape of the WM which means their job was that of a true box to box role. As they defended inside their area and ended up in the opponents area in nearly every attack.

The difference is that they didn't have any real responsibility to win the ball back through grit and tackling.

Bengt "Julle" Gustavsson

Position: Defender(CB/SB/DM)
Height: 1.82m
Weight: 81kg
NT Achievements:
World Cup Silver - 1958
Fussballweltmeisterschaft 1958 "Best centre back of the tournament"

Career Statistics

Peak Statistics - 1958-61

By the end of the year, Dr. Becker had prepared his book on the 1958 World Cup called “Fussballweltmeisterschaft 1958” and taken from that book is the following excerpt which again tackles the best players of the tournament, based on his own opinion and that of various journalists he met in Sweden.

The best centre half of the tournament was according “Fussballweltmeisterschaft 1958” none other than Bengt Gustavsson.

In the Ballon d'Or the same year he was nomineed and had as many votes as Yashin, Suarez and settled himself as one of the very finest centre backs of the season.

Style of play

The Swedish defenders in George Raynors side played a simple game, but the beauty was in how perfect they played it. Their job was massive and they had nearly all defensive responsibility in the team. The two wingers and the strikers tried to force a long pass from the opponents and it was up to the defenders to make sure that turned to a won ball for the Swedes.

Gustavsson had decent technique and ball playing ability but it was as a pure stopper that he shined. As soon as the opponents played a longer ball towards the striker, Gustavsson would read the play before it happened and started bombarding forward to close down the space. And just as the opponent received the ball, 81 kg of steel at full speed put in a brutal tackle to force a weak first touch or to win the ball.

Against Soviet the Swedish defense with Gustavsson in the lead repeated this simple trick repeatedly and completely shut down the great Soviet attack completely over the course of the game.

A combination of reading when the pass would be played, fantastic pace and recovery pace and then a mighty strength and a well precision tackled was all he needed. The back three tended to all have this balance to their game combined with a great aerial ability to close down the chance for aerial balls leading to something.

Orvar Bergmark
Position: Defender(RCB, CB, RB)
Height: 1.80m
Weight: 75 kg
NT Achievements:
World Cup Silver - 1958
All star team - 1958 - Best RB of the tournament
World XI - 1960, 1961 - Best RB in the world
Style of play

With his great reading of the game he knew exactly when to push forward aggressively to win the ball back for the team before the forward got to touch it unchallenged. Simple, but he excelled at exactly that with a remarkable mix of strength, pace, acceleration and ability to recover back to his position after a tackle.

Orvars defensive game was described as modern as he loved to support the winger, he had a pace and stamina which allowed him to act over large areas. His positioning meant he was always in the right place and he had a way of contorting himself to make perfect tackles and it earned him a world reknowned ability of getting a toe on the most balls even when he ran behind them.

Against Soviet in '58 he put on a masterclass, with the Swedish defense, and won the ball back before they could establish an attack almost every time. It is fascinating that a relatively simple player was rated so highly and it is proof of how efficient and solid he was.

Erik Nilsson
Position: Defender(LCB, CB, LCB)
Height: 182
Weight: 84
Olympic Gold - 1948
Olympic Bronze - 1952
Swedish Footballer of the year 1950
World Cup Bronze - 1950
World Cup 4th - 1938
Team of the tournament - 1950 World Cup
Allsvenskan - 1943–44, 1948–49, 1949–50, 1950–51, 1952–53
Division 2 Södra - 1934–35, 1935–36
Swedish Cup - 1944, 1946, 1947, 1951, 1953

Included in the team of the tournament in the World Cup in 1950 as the best left back. And he was in his peak in 1948 even more remarkable. He was named the Swedish player of the year in 1950 for his achievements in the World Cup. To Raynor he was considered one of he big stars with Grenoli etc.

The best Swedish left centre back of all time and one of the very best of his time with the likes of Branko Stankovic.

Style of play

Nilsson was a very consistent left back and due to his impressive physique, which he got from wrestling, he straight up scared his opponents, some teams even threatened Malmö that they wouldn't play friendly games against them if Nilsson would be on the pitch. He was a real captain and a leader, with good positioning and tactical awareness but also decent ball control. He was part of Olympic gold in 1948 in London, World Championship bronze in 1950 and Olympic bronze in Helsinki 1952.

Witnesses of his games remembers "How we enjoyed when the opponents right winger got the ball at his feet and in panic got rid of it not to get hit by the train. How we laughed when Erik, with a smile on his face went for a tackle on the horrified winger and stole the ball from him like stealing candy from a disobedient kid."

In one game, Sweden were being obliterated until Erik Nilsson took command and started directing the entire Swedish defense on his own and leading by example, to pull the team up from the mud.

Kalle "Rio-Kalle" Svensson
Position: Goalkeeper
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 76 kg
NT Achievements:
Olympic Gold - 1948
Olympic Bronze - 1952
World Cup Bronze - 1950
World Cup 4th - 1938

Kalle Svensson is one of the greatest Swedish goalkeepers of all time and was a consistent part of the most successful period in Swedish football. Between 1948 to 1958 he was part of four campaigns that led to two Bronze, one silver and one gold.

Style of play

A great classical keeper known for his positioning, consistency and fantastic saves from the line. Funnily he got his nickname Rio-Kalle from a game in São Paulo where in the last minute he made a crucial and absolutely impossible save, but as São Paulo-Kalle would be too hard to pronounce they went with Rio-Kalle instead.

Did you miss the full story from last game? Click here.
---------------------------TEAM ANNAH--------------------------------------------------------TEAM EAP

Team EAP


The objective was to build a totalfootball'esque team around Cruyff which is tactically flexible to adapt to the flow of the game without require any format or personnel changes. The key aspect is the "free roles" that'll get the best out of Cruyff and Gullit.

Is it really a narrow formation?

It is a popular conception driven by the famous blueprint of Ancelotti's Milan which had classic #10's Rui Costa and Kaka in the slots behind the striker. A crucial distinction to this team is that we have significant upgrades to that duo in Cruyff and Gullit whose all out roaming gameplay will make this a far more dynamic team.

We have Cruyff and Gullit both of whom are comfortable out wide. So are Masopust and Nesskens. Then you have the incomparable Cafu and the machine Briegel manning the flanks with their immense stamina and ability to motor up and down the pitch all match along. The formation may have been presented as a 4-3-3 and perform equally as well.

The decision to go a 4-3-2-1 is to emphasize the "free roles" of Cruyff and Gullit who'll thrive in this match with Seeler's intelligence and movement ahead and Masopust/Neeskens driving from behind. A 4-3-3 kinda pushes them out wide as primary position stylistically which I wanted to avoid.

The Dutch Flair:

The core running to through this team is obviously the Dutch flair of Cruyff-Neeskens, both of whom had a spectacular tournament in 1974 making the all star team. Gullit is a perfect fit into this team/formation given his similarity of gameplay and style to that 1074 team. Going by NT peak performance, Masopust is in upgrade to WvH.

Attack and Defend as a Team:

The team is built to to function as a unit. The offensive power of Masopust and Neeskens needs no introduction. Stiles is the perfect pivot platform to get the best out of them. Both are dynamic midfielders with tireless workrate to contribute at both ends of the pitch. Their class on the ball and skills in attack are well known. Masopust slalom runs were incredible despite playing the role of a half-back which constrained most of his attacking instincts. Started as Left Half and then moved to Centre Half, it'll be a Balon d'Or winning performance from him. Nothing needs to said more on Neeskens-Cruyff.

The defensive solidity is not to be underrate here. Masopust was a old school half back and excelled in a defensive NT setup. Neeskens has the expertise of having operated as a Right Back himself. He was acknowledged as the crucial piece that bought the brilliant of the Bobbies together. A energetic whose stability ran far above and beyond the Eusebio hack-job he's famous for. A hard player who'll not be bullied off the ball with an impeccable understanding of the game and ability to close down routes and sniff out dangers and put them out before they can cause damage.

Nobby Stiles in brief
Masopust's contribution to defending against Garrincha is available here.

Solidity in Defence:

When one speaks about the 1986 World Cup, most people think about Diego Maradona, but Oscar Ruggeri was also a key piece to Argentina's team. He scored the third goal that gave Argentina a 3-1 victory against South Korea in the first match, and led Argentina to achieve the best defensive record in the tournament with only 5 goals conceded in 7 games. Most consider it a one-man show from Diego, but it was Ruggeri who provided that defensive solidity at the back and created the platform for Diego to shine.

Zoff-Collovati were part provided the winning team in Italy's 1982 World cup team and made the all star team. A complete defender, elegant, physically strong, and dynamic it's a perfect partnership with Rugger.

Briegel was a veritable machine who excelled in athletics before moving on to football. A physical player with excellent technical skills he's a solid full back who can contribute well in attack. No introductions needed for Cafu's 2002 incarnation.

Peak Tournaments:

Goalkeeper: Zoff (WC 1982)

Defence: Briegel (Euro 1980) | Ruggeri (WC 1986) | Collovati (WC 1982) | Cafu (WC 2002)
Centre/Defensive Midfield: Stiles (WC 1966) | Masopust (WC 1962) | Neeskens (WC 1974)
Attacking Midfield: Cruyff (WC 1974) | Gullit (Euro 1988)
Forward: Seeler (WC 1966)
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Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Sure. Good luck to you too.

Also, love the fact you highlighted the the question marks on Gren and Liedholm's ability on the ball in the formation picture ;)
:lol: My own frustration of not having available assist statistics from that era. :( The Swedes scored 22 and in general that would mean a lot more further assists coming from Liedholm/Gren and also Nordahl.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
As there are no Swedes who could make the first XI I went with trying to pick players who would do these classical roles the best. The left and right half would fall down in to the own box if the play was deep on the own half or out wide meaning that the most similar thing you could get from the more modern equivalents is a libero/defensive midfielder who also played as a centre back and had that in him.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012

Great all-round display against Germany

Man-marking Eusebio out of the game

Nullifying Florian Albert

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
Don't want to make it a issue, but Rijkaard DM is a bit tenuous. He was a CB in that tournament in a 4-4-2. Yeah, as a sweeper he regularly pushed upfront, but a DM is a fundamentally different role. You have Baresi who was regularly in the midfield in 1994, but rarely gets played as a DM. But with Rijkaard I feel the lines are a bit blurred. It'd be OK with a CB in back 4 or a Sweeper in Back 3 etc, but DM feels like stretching things a bit.

Moving on from that, I'd like to highlight my right flank of

Cafu > Neeskens > Gullit - Seeler.

It's a dream combination of class and performance. Talent, workrate, physicality...it's complete and dynamic. Annah's lack of width will hamper him a lot esp when Gullit drifts wide and Neeskens moves up with Cafu overlapping. Unstoppable.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Don't want to make it a issue, but Rijkaard DM is a bit tenuous. He was a CB in that tournament in a 4-4-2. Yeah, as a sweeper he regularly pushed upfront, but a DM is a fundamentally different role. You have Baresi who was regularly in the midfield in 1994, but rarely gets played as a DM. But with Rijkaard I feel the lines are a bit blurred. It'd be OK with a CB in back 4 or a Sweeper in Back 3 etc, but DM feels like stretching things a bit.

Moving on from that, I'd like to highlight my right flank of

Cafu > Neeskens > Gullit - Seeler.

It's a dream combination of class and performance. Talent, workrate, physicality...it's complete and dynamic. Annah's lack of width will hamper him a lot esp when Gullit drifts wide and Neeskens moves up with Cafu overlapping. Unstoppable.
He's not a defensive midfielder though. That's a modern term and he's meant to replicate Bian Rosengrens defensive role from the position which included operating inside his own area and primarily being a defensive stopper. More aching to a libero/roaming CB as he played than a defensive midfielder. Voronin will have the playmaking role when in possesion but he also remained very deep when his team attacked so the back five will be sturdy at the back all game long.

A defensive midfielder doesn't enter his own area regularly and sit just a meter from the defensive line.

Rijkaard will operate at this part of the pitch, just in front of the defense, while then also falling back in to the box if the opponent is attacking deep out wide.

------Opponent has the ball down a wing or deep in my half.

Front three forces the opponents to make a long pass down the flank
The defender who covers that area pushes up aggressively to intercept/put in a tackle to force a weak first touch with the team ready to win the second ball.
2. As they step up, Rijkaard and Voronin will fall down as a safety net in case they get through.
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Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
EAP how do you want your full backs to operate here as they have the wings free to bomb up on?

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
EAP how do you want your full backs to operate here as they have the wings free to bomb up on?
Nothing really mental. Cafu will reprise his 2002 effort accounting for the Back 4 instead of Back 3 (well awful Roque Junior notwithstanding). He has freedom to go forward as he usually does. Having two players in Neeskens and Gullit will elevate that wing and I think they'll deliver more than your defence could possible stop. Cafu being Cafu, I doubt you'll have any space behind him to exploit. He's not a defensively weak player. Briegel is also a workhorse but more of a pure defender than Cafu. He also has liberty to push forward and will do so. There is no special emphasis on uber-attack of anything...but your team's lack of width will be exploited in full.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Nothing really mental. Cafu will reprise his 2002 effort accounting for the Back 4 instead of Back 3 (well awful Roque Junior notwithstanding). He has freedom to go forward as he usually does. Having two players in Neeskens and Gullit will elevate that wing and I think they'll deliver more than your defence could possible stop. Cafu being Cafu, I doubt you'll have any space behind him to exploit. He's not a defensively weak player. Briegel is also a workhorse but more of a pure defender than Cafu. He also has liberty to push forward and will do so. There is no special emphasis on uber-attack of anything...but your team's lack of width will be exploited in full.
It is hard to stop those classical wingers who are waiting by the half line ready to counter attack. Both Hamrin and Skoglund will be behind him per default any time he moves forward. Which doesn't mean he can't get back in time here and there or that the centre backs won't step in. I do think Hamrin will cause troubles for Breigel over a game and he was a real match winner who'd create or score a goal in almost every game.

On the left Skoglund will be mixing it up more with early crosses and trying to beat Cafu to then set up a cross with Nordahl, Liedholm, Gren and Hamrin all rushing in to the box. Through the centre Liedholm and Gren will look to counter--attack behind Masopust/Neeskens when they push forward. Leaving the impeccable Stiles with two players to deal with.
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Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
It is hard to stop those classical wingers who are waiting by the half line ready to counter attack. Both Hamrin and Skoglund will be behind him per default any time he moves forward. Which doesn't mean he can't get back in time here and there or that the centre backs won't step in. I do think Hamrin will cause troubles for Cafu over a game and he was a real match winner who'd create or score a goal in almost every game.

On the left Skoglund will be mixing it up more with early crosses and trying to beat Breigel to then set up a cross with Nordahl, Liedholm, Gren and Hamrin all rushing in to the box. Through the centre Liedholm and Gren will look to counter--attack behind Masopust/Neeskens when they push forward. Leaving the impeccable Stiles with two players to deal with.
I think there is a gulf in class between my attackers vs your defenders. Be it Gullit vs Nilsson or Neeskens vs Voronin, I think my players have a better peak performance in the said tournaments. I'd extend the same to Seeler vs Gustavsson.

Josef Masopust: Integral part of WB 1962. Made all star team. Won the Balon d'Or for this performances beating Eusebio for the top slot.
Cruyff - Neeskens: All star team and dominant performers in one of the all time greatest team. Cruyff finished 1st and Neeskens finished 5th in that year's Balon d'Or.
Gullit - Team of the Tournament in 1988 and finished ahead of Rijkaard in 1988 Balon d'Or!

Nilsson in was good in 1958, but that Swedish defence wasn't really that great. They shipped in 4 goals in 2 matches (joint top) in Group stages and an let in an incredible 11 goals in 3 matches in Final Round including a 7-1 drubbing at hands of Brazil.

Voronin/Nilsson will certainly by overwhelmed by Neeskens/Gullit and that's not counting the impact of Cafu.

Rijkaard vs Cruyff will be one to watch with mouth open. Good as Rijkaard is, Cruyff is better.
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Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
I think there is a gulf in class between my attackers vs your defenders. Be it Cruyff vs Nilsson or Masopust vs Voronin, I think my players have a better peak performance in the said tournaments. I'd extend the same to Seeler vs Gustavsson.

Josef Masopust: Integral part of WB 1962. Made all star team. Won the Balon d'Or for this performances beating Eusebio for the top slot.
Cruyff - Neeskens: All star team and dominant performers in one of the all time greatest team. Cruyff finished 1st and Neeskens finished 5th in that year's Balon d'Or.
Gullit - Team of the Tournament in 1988 and finished ahead of Rijkaard in 1988 Balon d'Or!

Nilsson in was good in 1958, but that Swedish defence wasn't really that great. They shipped in 4 goals in 2 matches (joint top) in Group stages and an let in an incredible 11 goals in 3 matches in Final Round including a 7-1 drubbing at hands of Brazil. Voronin/Nilsson will certainly by overwhelmed by Masopust/Cruyff and that's not counting the impact of Briegel.

Rijkaard vs Gullit will be one to watch with mouth open, but the supporting cast tilts this in my favour. Neeskens-Cafu elevate this flank to perfection what will definitely not be matched by your defence.
I don't necessarily agree in terms of what they did at their tournaments bar Cruyff/Neeskens. Erik Nilsson made team of the tournament as the best left back of 1950 and single handedly carried the team to a World Cup Bronze, with a young Nacka Skoglund being the only other great player in the team.

Bengt Gustavsson was considered the best centre back/stopper in 1958 according to Dr. Becker, and the Swedes fielded a weak side with an already retired Gunnar Gren and an almost 40 year old Liedholm. "Gustavsson: weak in the final, but on average the best stopper of the tournament"

They overperformed to the extremes thanks to Gustavsson/Bergmark and the wingers. Hamrin had one of the best performances of any players in a star packed 1958 and he scored 4 and assisted 3, again for a weak side who fought against the odds. Bergmark was the best right back in 1958 and the teams issues elsewhere can't discount for these brilliant performances.

Följande lag röstades fram av 750 journalister:

Harry GreggOrvar Bergmark, Nílton SantosJurij Vojnov, Bellini, Horst SzymaniakGarrincha, Didí, Raymond Kopa, Pelé, Nacka Skoglund

On the other side Nacka Skoglund was named the best left winger of the tournament. He combined dribbling and perfect crosses and assisted 3 and scored 1 himself and he formed a great complementary partnership with Hamrin, the goalscoring wizard.

Voronin marked out Eusebio(And Albert), not like Stiles in a team effort, but single handedly and still had time to influence his team going forward. Voronin is my defensively best left/right half, and the other one is named Rijkaard.

Then you have Grenoli who were the best players in the world at the time and scored 22 goals and conceded just 3 with this blue print. The Swedes in '58 had nothing in terms of the defensive stability that this side has.

Instead of Reino Börjesson behind Liedholm/Gren we have Rijkaard and Voronin. Not to mention they are in their peak here and not at the retirement stage.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Seeler scored 2 goals in 1966, Cruyff 3 and Gullit 1, with Neeskens being your best scorer with 5. On the other hand Grenoli scored 12, Hamrin 4 and Skoglund 1.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
It is hard to stop those classical wingers who are waiting by the half line ready to counter attack. Both Hamrin and Skoglund will be behind him per default any time he moves forward. Which doesn't mean he can't get back in time here and there or that the centre backs won't step in. I do think Hamrin will cause troubles for Cafu over a game and he was a real match winner who'd create or score a goal in almost every game.

On the left Skoglund will be mixing it up more with early crosses and trying to beat Breigel
to then set up a cross with Nordahl, Liedholm, Gren and Hamrin all rushing in to the box. Through the centre Liedholm and Gren will look to counter--attack behind Masopust/Neeskens when they push forward. Leaving the impeccable Stiles with two players to deal with.
You've got your sides the wrong way around. Cafú vs. Skoglund and Hamrin vs. Briegel.

Oh boy... seems you drilled your team back in February and forgot to prepare them properly for this specific game. lolzy


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Voronin/Nilsson will certainly by overwhelmed by Masopust/Cruyff and that's not counting the impact of Briegel.

Rijkaard vs Gullit will be one to watch with mouth open, but the supporting cast tilts this in my favour. Neeskens-Cafu elevate this flank to perfection what will definitely not be matched by your defence.
Et tu EAP?

The players must be confused as feck.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
You've got your sides the wrong way around. Cafú vs. Skoglund and Hamrin vs. Briegel.

Oh boy... seems you drilled your team back in February and forgot to prepare them properly for this specific game. lolzy
Edited. :lol: Watching the games to make some gifs.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Seeler scored 2 goals in 1966, Cruyff 3 and Gullit 1, with Neeskens being your best scorer with 5. On the other hand Grenoli scored 12, Hamrin 4 and Skoglund 1.
Means feck all. Strength of opposition aside, you can't translate goalscoring in different setups as-is.

Seeler scored few but worked a charm setting up others, and he does have great players to set up here.

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
Distinct lack of neutral comments!

@Annahnomoss Hamrin is against Briegel here. A more pure defender who'll be more than a match for Hamrin. As I said earlier, Cafu will be the main attacking fullback, so there'll even less space for hamrin to exploit out here.

Briegel has enough pace to not let Hamrin blitz him and there still is Ruggeri who is capable of playing right CB. Additionally there is also Masopust who'd defensive contribution against Garrincha evidenced here.

If you have nothing else to do, here's a 30 minute compilation of Masopust's actions in 1962 World Cup

Someone actually made a compilation of his final performance, which would've been useful to know beforehand, but here it is, if you don't have time or patience to watch the full version, here is his outstanding performance against reigning champions in the final (and his dedication to limit Garrincha's influence is remarkable, albeit hopeless).
I doubt Hamrin will have that big as game as you think.

Bengt Gustavsson was considered the best centre back/stopper in 1958 according to Dr. Becker, and the Swedes fielded a weak side with an already retired Gunnar Gren and an almost 40 year old Liedholm. "Gustavsson: weak in the final, but on average the best stopper of the tournament"
I don't want to downplay their efforts, but you are pitting them against the likes of Masopust, Cruyff and Gullit who have top Balon d'Or credentials in the years of the tournaments chosen.

Ruggeri was the star of that Argentina defence and achieved the best defensive record in the tournament with only 5 goals conceded in 7 games! Collovati was a rock in that Italian defence that won the WC.

And then there is Zoff vs Svenson. I can understand you trying to stick to your theme, but Zoff is levels ahead here.

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
Cruyff will beat Bergmark repeatedly and pull Rijkaard out of position. Masopust moving in with his slalom runs will cause havoc in front of your box and Seeler/Gullit will capitalize.

Gullit's peak is monstrous and I expect him to beat Voronin. Gullit has the advantage in height and physicality here. With Cafu and Neeskens behind it, I don't see you stopping us at all.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Distinct lack of neutral comments!

@Annahnomoss Hamrin is against Briegel here. A more pure defender who'll be more than a match for Hamrin. As I said earlier, Cafu will be the main attacking fullback, so there'll even less space for hamrin to exploit out here.

Briegel has enough pace to not let Hamrin blitz him and there still is Ruggeri who is capable of playing right CB. Additionally there is also Masopust who'd defensive contribution against Garrincha evidenced here.

I doubt Hamrin will have that big as game as you think.

I don't want to downplay their efforts, but you are pitting them against the likes of Masopust, Cruyff and Gullit who have top Balon d'Or credentials in the years of the tournaments chosen.

Ruggeri was the star of that Argentina defence and achieved the best defensive record in the tournament with only 5 goals conceded in 7 games! Collovati was a rock in that Italian defence that won the WC.

And then there is Zoff vs Svenson. I can understand you trying to stick to your theme, but Zoff is levels ahead here.
If football always was as easy as having the 11 best individuals then there would be no point in playing at all. My side has one of the best partnerships in football history in Grenoli. Liedholm described it "The ball didn't touch the ground a single time. Gren played it to me, me straight to Nordahl who played it to Gren, who found me and then I found Nordahl who scored on the volley. That's how we played." The back three also played under Raynor with the same tactics being applied.

As well as a complementary wing duo that proved themselves together and(with Liedholm/Gren) as they carried Sweden to a final in 1958. Also if anybody were to blitz anybody it would have to be Hamrin! One of the best accelerations of all time. Left his markers behind which is a major reason of his goalscoring prowess.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Cruyff will beat Bergmark repeatedly and pull Rijkaard out of position. Masopust moving in with his slalom runs will cause havoc in front of your box and Seeler/Gullit will capitalize.

Gullit's peak is monstrous and I expect him to beat Voronin. Gullit has the advantage in height and physicality here. With Cafu and Neeskens behind it, I don't see you stopping us at all.
Cruyff won't be beating Bergmark very often as their main defensive maneuvre is to push forward aggressively and put in a tackle so he can't receive the ball in the first place. When he does find a way through which he would, then he has Rijkaard tracking him and Erik Nilsson, Voronin and Bengt Gustavsson still in the game. That back five are all defensively positioned even when I have the ball, so that is a wall to break through.

With Rijkaard/Voronin/Nilsson/Bengtsson/Bergmark all being excellent in the air, and inside the box as the crosses comes in.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
On the other hand Nordahl, Liedholm and Gren scored for fun together. Both in Serie A where they averaged two goals per game just themselves and in the Olympics where they did even better. They also set up an enormous amount of goals for their wingers who scored 5 each and they were a weakness of the side. Here Hamrin and Nordahl will have everything server on a silver platter with Skoglunds crosses and Gren/Liedholm just behind them.

I'm not saying I would definitely win. But it seems like you don't think it wouldn't be a game at all while I think this game would end up like all Grenoli sides, an absolute spectacle with countless goals for both sides. They played extremely direct and Gren, Liedholm and Nordhal exploded in to the area either with combinations/dribbles or just to attack a cross. That's why they conceded a lot as well.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012

Gunnar ''Il Bisonte" Nordahl
Height: 1.80m (5’11”)
Weight: 92 kg (209 lbs.)
Achievements: 9x Top scorer of the league
Allsvenskan - 1943, 1945, 1946, 1948
Serie A - 1950, 1951, 1953, 1954 1955
Olympic Gold & Top scorer 1948
Swedish Footballer of the year 1947
Serie A - 1950-51, 1954-55
Latin Cup - 1950-51, 1955-56
Record holder as Serie A Top scorer (x5)

Career Statistics

Peak Statistics - 1947-51
Team--------Matches-------Goals-------Goals per game
Club------------121-----------109-------- 0.90

In his peak between 47-51(26-31 yo) Nordahl was maybe the greatest player in football, arguably the player of the year in '48 with the Olympics gold win as the top scorer, after just having won the Swedish league as the top scorer.

Just to move to Milan and score 16 goals in 15 league games to set the bar for his legendary Milan career.

49-50 - Again, the top scorer in Serie A with his 35 goals in 37 matches. Which had some of the best players in the world. One of the best players in the world as an individual but they failed to win anything as it was the first season for Grenoli to gel together with Milan.

In 50-51 he was also the stand out player of the year with Liedholm/Gren as he for the second consecutive time was the top scorer in Serie A with 34 goals in 37 matches and Milan won the league as well as the Latin Cup, the forerunner to the European Cup, in a historically domininant fashion.

After a 4-1 win against the Spanish champions they faced the French in the final where Nordahl with a hat-trick showed his brilliance, in what would be a 5-0 win to Milan. Certainly deserving of the Ballon with Liedholm had it existed that year.

Style of play

Record holder as the top scorer in Serie A after being the top scorer 5 times in just 6 seasons, which should be impossible as he went to Milan aged 27.

Technically limited but he epitomized the role of a poacher with some of the best natural goalscoring instincts football has ever seen. Accustomed of working against a packed defense, heavily outnumbered, yet he always read the balls trajectory and managed to be at the end of it whether it took a bounce on a defender or his teammate along the way.

He combined that predatory instinct with being able to finish with his first touch with both feet with equal ease. Half chances wasn't part of his vocabulary as he was a true master of scoring ugly goals. He struck half volleys, tap ins, volleys and off balance shots with pin point precision and if a ball wasn't perfectly cleared he had a knack for getting a toe on it and turning it to a goal.

What he lacked technically he made up for with an electric acceleration and good pace which he used to constantly beat the defenders and break free towards goal. Rarely dropping deep or standing still and instead almost solely focused on being a nuisance centrally.

Weighing in at 92 kg, his physical game earned him the nickname "Il Bisonte". Once in a game against Napoli the defender grabbed his jersey, but Nordahl dragged him along for nearly two dozen feet and scored a goal.

Inside the area he was a one man army battering ram and dominated the aerial duels and bullied the most fierce defenders with his strength. He didn't play ugly or foul but he made sure to enter every challenge at full intensity with all 92 kg of his body. Often knocking down the defenders to the ground as he won the 50-50 duels.

But he wasn't just a six-yard box poacher, he also packed a powerful shot for just outside the box that would punch a hole in the air as it rippled the net. He also had an understanding with Gren and Liedholm that surpassed their individual abilities.

With "Il Bisonte" inside the area and Gren and Liedholm making runs in to it the opponents defenders were often left short. Which meant he also played a major part in the 36 goals that Liedholm and Gren scored in one season in 49-50. Either from bullying his defenders with his strengths to set up a storming Gren/Liedholm.

Or from occupying several defenders on his own to create space for Liedholm and Gren. He was also more than capable of linking up with the two or lead the attack through carrying the ball forward at full speed.

Defensively as the team lost the ball his job under Raynor in particular was to press the defender in to making a long pass. Something far from the later tactical pressing and more like individual pressing from the wingers and forward.

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
On the other hand Nordahl, Liedholm and Gren scored for fun together. Both in Serie A where they averaged two goals per game just themselves and in the Olympics where they did even better. They also set up an enormous amount of goals for their wingers who scored 5 each and they were a weakness of the side. Here Hamrin and Nordahl will have everything server on a silver platter with Skoglunds crosses and Gren/Liedholm just behind them.

I'm not saying I would definitely win. But it seems like you don't think it wouldn't be a game at all while I think this game would end up like all Grenoli sides, an absolute spectacle with countless goals for both sides. They played extremely direct and Gren, Liedholm and Nordhal exploded in to the area either with combinations/dribbles or just to attack a cross. That's why they conceded a lot as well.
Those stats in Olympics need to be taken in context. For example 4 of 7 Nordahl's goals were against South Korea in a 12-0 demolition. No wonder the stats were that great. Their other opponents were Austria, Denmark and Yugoslavia...none of them were in anywhere near the caliber of Gre-No-Li.

I'm not saying this is a cakewalk, but that that I rate Cruyff-Neeskens-Gullit better than Gre-No-Li.

Cruyff won't be beating Bergmark very often as their main defensive maneuvre is to push forward aggressively and put in a tackle so he can't receive the ball in the first place.
You do realize we are talking about Cruyff here right? I can't think of a worse strategy than getting Bergmark step out to cover Cruyff and stop him from getting passes. He'll just get dragged all over the place leading to gaps in your defence. Also Cruyff is a far better player to let Bergmark cut him off all game. I do expect Cruyff to get the upper hand in this battle.

My side has one of the best partnerships in football history in Grenoli. Liedholm described it "The ball didn't touch the ground a single time. Gren played it to me, me straight to Nordahl who played it to Gren, who found me and then I found Nordahl who scored on the volley. That's how we played." The back three also played under Raynor with the same tactics being applied.
The side is modelled on Dutch 1974 total football'esque style. Cruyff and Gullit will be moving all over the attack making it hard for you to track or get hold of them. Cruyf-Neeskens (and Gullit will fit in seamlessly) and Collovati-Zoff are cracking partnerships on their own. Masopust is a upgrade on WvH.

Edgar Allan Pillow

Dec 7, 2010
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
I'm in two minds here tbh. @Edgar Allan Pillow can you sell me your CB pairing and how they would deal with Nordahl?
Ruggeri was the star defender of Argentina 1986 and Argentina had the best defensive record in that tournament. Miserly performance from that unit. He's fantastic aerially and knows as king of the skies for his dominance against aerial balls. Collovati was a classic italian stopper who played with Scirea in Italy's WC winning squad. Neither of my team lacks pace or strength to deal with Nordahl.

I believe the peak Gre-No-Li was with AC Milan. Their major tournament together was 1948 Olympics against far weaker opponents imo. Banged in 4 goals against South Korea, had 1 penalty and scored 2 against Denmark and Yugoslavia iirc which should be factored in here.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Ruggeri was the star defender of Argentina 1986 and Argentina had the best defensive record in that tournament. Miserly performance from that unit. He's fantastic aerially and knows as king of the skies for his dominance against aerial balls. Collovati was a classic italian stopper who played with Scirea in Italy's WC winning squad. Neither of my team lacks pace or strength to deal with Nordahl.

I believe the peak Gre-No-Li was with AC Milan. Their major tournament together was 1948 Olympics against far weaker opponents imo. Banged in 4 goals against South Korea, had 1 penalty and scored 2 against Denmark and Yugoslavia iirc which should be factored in here.
Not true by any means. Nordahl was 27 and Gren 28 in the Olympics and had already dominated the Swedish league for years playing for an unstoppable IFK Norrköping with Liedholm. Their dominance of that Olympics is how Milan sought to get them which shows how important of a tournament it was. They were far better together offensively in 49-50 before the Italian tactics had changed their style. Nordahl was arguably the best player in the world in 1948 with the Olympics gold as the top scorer. Winning the Swedish league also as the top scorer and then moving to Milan and scoring 16 in 15 games.

48-51 where their peak years.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
@Raees perhaps you need to consider Cruyff, Gullit and Seeler against that back 3.
The way I see it is Rijkaard and Voronin are the two who will handle that battle but I must admit I don't really think Annah has sold me the fact he can deal with Seeler whose one of my favourite strikers ever and hence why I am in two minds


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
The way I see it is Rijkaard and Voronin are the two who will handle that battle but I must admit I don't really think Annah has sold me the fact he can deal with Seeler whose one of my favourite strikers ever and hence why I am in two minds
And I am not going to try and sell that on you either. Seeler is great and would cause troubles in the game while I am less worried about Gullit/Cruyff myself. But that is the Swedish style from the period, Grenoli beat league winning Juventus with 1-7 at their own stadium. They were the best defensive side in the league, so this team is not here to keep a clean sheet. They are all about scoring 5-6 and nobody these days would be ready for such madness.

The game would go back and forth and they wouldn't stop because they were up with 5.
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