The Africa Thread

Funny you say that, I'm thinking of buying land in Cape Coast and possibly Accra for the same reason - like you said the currency conversion is crazy. Also next time I go i'm going to open an account with Barclays because the interest rate in Ghana is 13%! With a £10k yearly transfer limit.
Luckily my mum has already built some houses and collects rent so long term i'd love to just manage a decent property portfolio
The interest is similar in Nigeria. Four years ago. The £ to ₦ was 250 thereabouts. Now it's ₦460/470. And another thing is even with all the challenges, the cities are rapidly developing so there's nowhere property isn't appreciating at a decent rate. Would have gotten into it earlier but had to help with my sister tuition and American unis are extortionists.
I'm lucky to have come to the UK but I'm not confident I'll settle here. My dad worked for a UK company all his adult life in both the UK and Nigeria. Going by his experiences, I think it's important to have something you're doing for yourself.
I know right. My dad is retired and my mum is a university lecturer on peanuts. I send about £500 to them every month and it usually covers most of their expenses for the entire month. She even gives some of it out. A big load of bread is the equivalent of 15p.
Fascinating. My dad is also a university lecturer. Have you heard of "leaving a "legacy" by anyone in your family. My parents told me, that if I don't have something to show for living in England, i.e. property in Ghana then people in Ghana will look down on not just me, but also my family. Just like they, and by implication myself, will be looked down upon, if they don't leave property behind which is something they're in the process of.

Having properties in Ghana is definitely something I'd like to have. One for myself, which will be rented out when I'm away. I can picture the walls already, filled with pictures of myself, paintings from black artists, and adinkra symbols. The other for the poor, sick, needy, and suffering, particularly in the Northern region as I've heard things from my family about the Northern region which makes my heart weep. I'm young, so some years from that. What would you say would be the type of ideal courses/jobs to pursue if one is interested in having properties in the foreseeable future? Or would you say, any job and it's just a case of using money intelligently? Basically, I don't know where to start. Any books, videos, you've found very useful?

Every time I think about the currency conversion rates with African countries i'm brought back to this video

Thanks, I'll check this out later. Any others? Or books, websites, audiobooks perhaps?
Gonna tag along on my mum's next Ghana trip if I can too. Heard so many good things!
Oh most definitely, when I get my shit sorted :nervous:

A good question. Dunno mate.... You'll be one of the first to know.
Sounds great man. Looking forward to it. :drool:

That pesky Pool fan @RobinLFC is coming to visit. So I'll see him when he's down. I might just cancel if Pool wins the league though. Take a trip to India, like another oppo fan here I know. :lol:

Jokes Robin. Looking forward to it.
Sounds great man. Looking forward to it. :drool:

That pesky Pool fan @RobinLFC is coming to visit. So I'll see him when he's down. I might just cancel if Pool wins the league though. Take a trip to India, like another oppo fan here I know. :lol:

Jokes Robin. Looking forward to it.
So am I man :drool:

Just read the other day that a diver in Port Elizabeth was swallowed by a fecking whale, just the kind of adventure I'm looking for!
Sounds great man. Looking forward to it. :drool:

That pesky Pool fan @RobinLFC is coming to visit. So I'll see him when he's down. I might just cancel if Pool wins the league though. Take a trip to India, like another oppo fan here I know. :lol:

Jokes Robin. Looking forward to it.
Hide your silverware! Them scousers....

Next stop:
Ghana 2020 (hopefully)
Then Morocco, Cape Town, Egypt
So am I man :drool:

Just read the other day that a diver in Port Elizabeth was swallowed by a fecking whale, just the kind of adventure I'm looking for!
FFS, I shuoldn't be laughing but :lol: Haven't heard of, or read about that story yet. I guess we have too much real "crime" to contend with here, that we hardly bat an eyelid when them pesky foreigners looking for adventures are eaten by whales :lol:

*am joking of course mate....doubt the fella/lass was even foreign. May they RIP*
Hide your silverware! Them scousers....

On it already afro. My house will resemble a primitive hut by the time Robin comes, just to ensure there's no temptation for the scouser :lol:

I've forgotten what it looks like anyway :lol::(
:lol: long may that continue ;)
I was born there, but moved when I was 5 - why would I get ‘chewed and spat out by locals’ for emigrating?
I'm just a bit bitter at the moment, I made an investment with people I thought I trusted in my parents country and I got royally shafted. Turns out they didn't see me as a person they grew up with but rather just a rich westerner who didn't know the rules of the game.
I'm just a bit bitter at the moment, I made an investment with people I thought I trusted in my parents country and I got royally shafted. Turns out they didn't see me as a person they grew up with but rather just a rich westerner who didn't know the rules of the game.

Ah I'm sorry to hear that! Unfortunately when it comes to money, if you're dealing with people you don't know it's always best to minimise risk as best as you can and theft can happen anywhere in the world.
When my mum was building her houses she made sure to visit often because she would send money for building materials and within a few days they'd ask for more - so she made the decision to oversee things for herself to make sure she didn't get ripped off, and she recognised that the workers were wanting other provisions like toilet paper, rice, cheap clothes etc so she would take those type of things with her every time she went - and that helped gain trust and build better relationships, too.

Understandably this isn't going to make you feel better, but if in the future you do decide to invest again, that may be of some help or you may want to think about ways to build better relationships with anyone who is handling your money. That's not to say everything has gone to plan for us, we've been robbed on two occasions by people who my parents suspect had been to the house before (they knew which rooms to go in, and didn't leave a mess looking for valuables & the robberies took place when my parents had new gadgets with them)
But I am sorry that, that happened to you.

The interest is similar in Nigeria. Four years ago. The £ to ₦ was 250 thereabouts. Now it's ₦460/470. And another thing is even with all the challenges, the cities are rapidly developing so there's nowhere property isn't appreciating at a decent rate. Would have gotten into it earlier but had to help with my sister tuition and American unis are extortionists.

Yeah that sounds similar to Ghana, apartment blocks are being built everywhere and a huge new mall is being built too the infrastructure is changing rapidly and there's a lot of money to be made by renting out property. It seems like there's a generation of young adults who are looking to move out of their parents houses and rent, whereas previously people would stay with their families pretty much until marriage & beyond sometimes.
I just wish they'd fix the roads and fix the ways in which people drive on the roads, but it would be very difficult, if not impossible to do that democratically right now.

Thanks, I'll check this out later. Any others? Or books, websites, audiobooks perhaps?

That is a very good question, it's something I haven't had time to look into despite wanting to.
Perhaps look up the Ted Speakers' work, and maybe she has published articles/books or something which will reference other resources.
That is a very good question, it's something I haven't had time to look into despite wanting to.
Perhaps look up the Ted Speakers' work, and maybe she has published articles/books or something which will reference other resources.
Good idea.

At least eight children have died and many more are feared trapped after a building containing a school collapsed in the Nigerian city of Lagos.

The school, which was on the top floor of the three-storey building in Ita Faji on Lagos Island, had more than 100 pupils, a rescue official told the BBC.

Mohammed Muftau, a local resident who witnessed the collapse, told the BBC that the building had been cracking for long time and that complaints had been raised about it.

Crazy story. These things can happen anywhere but seem to happen to often on our continent. Why was the school still in use if people had noted that the building was in poor condition. There should be a special place in hell for people who knowingly construct poorly in order to increase profit. RIP to all those lost.
Poverty and especially the ignorance of one's rights has a lot of consequences. I'm sure some of the parents didn't think they had the right to raise the issue with the authorities.
Both Lagos and Ibadan. Ibadan is a big town not too far from Lagos. That's where I'm from.
I'm starting a business over there so I'll be going often over the next year.

Are the infra projects completed there now? I remember they were expanding the airport (was badly in need of an expansion), they were connecting Lagos and Victoria Island by another bridge (they had built one and I think there was talk of another bridge being built there that would open up on the VI side near Lekki) and so on
Are the infra projects completed there now? I remember they were expanding the airport (was badly in need of an expansion), they were connecting Lagos and Victoria Island by another bridge (they had built one and I think there was talk of another bridge being built there that would open up on the VI side near Lekki) and so on
The airport expansion had not been comcomple the last time I was there (late last year). Theyve also fixed the air conditioning :D. I'm not sure of the bridge you're talking about. The new bridge I know connecting VI and Lekki has been completed for a while.
The airport expansion had not been comcomple the last time I was there (late last year). Theyve also fixed the air conditioning :D. I'm not sure of the bridge you're talking about. The new bridge I know connecting VI and Lekki has been completed for a while.
I think there was 1 of the bridges that looked sexy af, that one was completed. I think there was another bridge they planned on opening (I'm not sure whether it was just planning phase or they had actually started implementation) that would come up past lagoon restaurant there
What are some of your favourite African recipes/dishes? Those that live in England, is there a particular African restaurant you like?
Am not from Africa. Have never been to Africa. Don't know any Africans. :(

....but Ethiopian restaurants are generally brilliant!
You don't know any Africans? Where do you live? :) I plan on going to an Ethiopian restaurant next month :devil:
You don't know any Africans? Where do you live? :) I plan on going to an Ethiopian restaurant next month :devil:

Yes, strangely enough, since my father lived there half his life! Live in Norway at the moment, it's not like there aren't Africans around, but just haven't had the opportunity to befriend one.
Yes, strangely enough, since my father lived there half his life! Live in Norway at the moment, it's not like there aren't Africans around, but just haven't had the opportunity to befriend one.
Gotcha. I can assure you, we don't bite
Bump. What is new on the continent?

Tunisia just elected a new president.

Guinea protests are picking up as Alpha Condé tries to change the constitution to get a third term. Lots of problems over there in Guinea so a change in leadership is probably needed.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister won the Nobel Peace Prize. Well deserved as well after he helped bring an end to a long standong conflict with Eritrea and for democratic reforms within Ethiopia. Hopefully we'll see some African scientists win some scientific nobel prizes some day soon.

Going to DRC to see the in laws next month then its off to Mozambique and Tanzania for holidays. Anyone from there or ever been? Any recommendations of places to visit outside of the usual touristic spots?
@freeurmind never been to DRC, but interested in visiting more African countries - let us know how it is!

I’m currently in the airport waiting to board a flight to Ghana - my 3rd time in 12 months and I’m going again in December, so it’s time for new scenery on the continent :lol:
@freeurmind never been to DRC, but interested in visiting more African countries - let us know how it is!

I’m currently in the airport waiting to board a flight to Ghana - my 3rd time in 12 months and I’m going again in December, so it’s time for new scenery on the continent :lol:
Will do.

:lol: Its the same for us. We decided this year to try and see more of the continent. I jave quite a few European friends who live in Europe but have been to far more African countries than I have.
Don't really understand why Abiy won it this year and not last year. The political turn had all been done in 2018 but last year no one seemed to consider him. But I'm not really into nobel price logic, maybe they always wait a bit until the tide settles or something.
I’m currently in the airport waiting to board a flight to Ghana - my 3rd time in 12 months and I’m going again in December, so it’s time for new scenery on the continent
Don't know what it is about Africans and our lack of interest in visiting other African countries. That said, see you in December. Ghana's going to be fun this year!:devil:
Heading to South Africa for 18 nights in a few weeks and can't wait. A bit nervous about driving around there but hopefully it'll be OK.
Bump. What is new on the continent?

Tunisia just elected a new president.

Guinea protests are picking up as Alpha Condé tries to change the constitution to get a third term. Lots of problems over there in Guinea so a change in leadership is probably needed.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister won the Nobel Peace Prize. Well deserved as well after he helped bring an end to a long standong conflict with Eritrea and for democratic reforms within Ethiopia. Hopefully we'll see some African scientists win some scientific nobel prizes some day soon.

Going to DRC to see the in laws next month then its off to Mozambique and Tanzania for holidays. Anyone from there or ever been? Any recommendations of places to visit outside of the usual touristic spots?

I was going to create a thread about the xenophobic attacks in SA against foreigners, which at the time coincided with massive protests against rape triggered by the brutal rape and murder of an SA woman. That was the big story from the continent about a month, month and a half though.

Don't know what it is about Africans and our lack of interest in visiting other African countries. That said, see you in December. Ghana's going to be fun this year!:devil:

For the past 2, 3 years I've been doing a December hop around several countries in Africa. I can't recommend it enough.

I'm gonna be in Ghana for that big weekend. Hopefully my excursions prior to that don't leave me insolvent
Heading to South Africa for 18 nights in a few weeks and can't wait. A bit nervous about driving around there but hopefully it'll be OK.

You'll have a blast. Driving around takes some getting used to, as long as you're extremely attentive and reserve an automatic you should be good.