The Guardian

The Guardian's next article will be entitled: "Does Jeremy Corbyn Give You Cancer?"
A partial list of the tidal wave of Grauniad anti-Corbyn hysteria, in one week in July.
A partial list of the tidal wave of Grauniad anti-Corbyn hysteria, in one week in July.
Would you rather they stopped posting articles about the Labour leadership contest? They've also been posting positive ones, there just aren't that many commentators who're overly positive about the prospect.
Would you rather they stopped posting articles about the Labour leadership contest? They've also been posting positive ones, there just aren't that many commentators who're overly positive about the prospect.
They're siding with the Tory-lite!
white text
I just read an article about EODM's new album, except it didn't mention any of the music and just focused on the cover (which is clearly taking the piss) and whether it's relevant due to the emergence of 4th wave feminism and clit rock.

I'm not sure what to make of it all.
I just read an article about EODM's new album, except it didn't mention any of the music and just focused on the cover (which is clearly taking the piss) and whether it's relevant due to the emergence of 4th wave feminism and clit rock.

I'm not sure what to make of it all.
What? :lol: Its just a more graphic Sticky Fingers album cover.
I just read an article about EODM's new album, except it didn't mention any of the music and just focused on the cover (which is clearly taking the piss) and whether it's relevant due to the emergence of 4th wave feminism and clit rock.

I'm not sure what to make of it all.

Typical misogynist response from someone who doesn't understand what music is all about. I bet you prefer to listen to the CD rather than buying an old record player to use as a coffee table and a nu-post-renaissance-modern-chic-fem-cliterati-nouveau-post-wave-feminist statement against the patriarchy, you misogynist bastard. Just kidding, luv u
Typical misogynist response from someone who doesn't understand what music is all about. I get you prefer to listen to the CD rather than buying an old record player to use as a coffee table and a nu-post-renaissance-modern-chic-fem-cliterati-nouveau-post-wave-feminist statement against the patriarchy, you misogynist bastard. Just kidding, luv u
Eboue said:
Mitch really hates Jessica Valenti. It's a weird obsession.

According to the Guardian, it isn't an obsession: it's homage to the voyeuristic art of Felix Trutat.
They've just endorsed Yvette Cooper for the Labour leadership. Meltdown on their forums and facebook post :lol:
I was taken aback when that popped up on facebook. They really don't know their audience do they?

Nor do the Labour Party, it seems.
I was taken aback when that popped up on facebook. They really don't know their audience do they?

Not for at least 5 years. I get the impression that they're trying to ramp up hits from the States, certainly explains why they've morphed into a poor Buzzfeed clone.
For the love of everything... Just marry her.
It is a bit.

The Mail is more honest in its deception (a bit like the Tory party, you know what you're getting, and it's nasty, but you don't expect anything else) -- but both are terrible papers. The Snowden story was the only worthwhile thing they've done in years.
Err no.
The Mail is actually entertaining if you approach it like a Goebbels satire act, The Guardian however now is nothing more than a shit clickbait site that poorly masquerades as a bonafide left-wing paper.
My mother, who hated cooking and would rather have been on the stage, would toil over an ancient gas stove...

For me, the associations of a roast dinner do not evoke pangs of hunger, but received memories of oppression and an enslaved work force.

The Guardian considers the evil of the sunday roast...though I suppose it should be 'The Guardian casts off the Morlockian shackles of Stalinesque spuds and sprouts':
The Guardian may not be perfect but it is a shining light in a dark night of turds. The Australian version has been a revelation since it launched. Great journalism especially compared to the utter rubbish we are normally subjected to.
The Guardian may not be perfect but it is a shining light in a dark night of turds. The Australian version has been a revelation since it launched. Great journalism especially compared to the utter rubbish we are normally subjected to.
I slate it in the same way I slate my local anarchist pub. I expect better!
His name appears to have switched from Patrick Garety to Pádraic MacOireachtaigh. He seems quite conflicted about identity.
PC gone mad:

I fell down inside the unisex changing rooms recently at the swimming pool and got my head stuck under one of the doors. Instead of helping me up, the young 'lady' inside complained to the attendant who in turn called the police without even asking my side of the accident. By the time I got back from the police station the whole sorry episode was on YouTube.
Typically, I missed the satire in that reader's comment, and in the following:

You wouldn't see Clare Balding out in the streets at 2am, paralytic with drink squatting down with her knickers round her ankles, fag in mouth leaving a pool of urine and vomit in her wake before having unprotected intercourse with a string of men just so she can get pregnant and get a council house.
Not directly Guardian related as she said it on the Daily Politics rather than in print, but Zoe Williams today defended those who spat in the faces of people attending the Tory conference recently, including at journalists just covering it. One of those journos, Owen Bennett, took umbrage with this, and she responded with this classic:

To which the best response is, as in many occasions: