The 'I am looking forward to the Super League' thread

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Isn't that what the Champions League became anyway? This is clearly the clubs telling UEFA that they aren't sharing enough of their revenue.
I never liked the CL format either, actually. Bring back the old European Cup, Cup Winners' Cup, and UEFA Cup as far as I'm concerned (or whatever they were called in English).

That initial unhappiness that you mentioned, was that about the CL or its predecessor? If it wasn't the CL, do you have more info or a link? I'm curious what the arguments were.
I never likes the CL format either, actually. Bring back the old European Cup, Cup Winners' Cup, and UEFA Cup as far as I'm concerned (or whatever they were called in English).

That initial unhappiness that you mentioned, was that about the CL or its predecessor? If it wasn't the CL, do you have more info or a link? I'm curious what the arguments were.

Yes, I liked that 90s European set up as well.

I'm harking back to the beginnings of European competition (1950s-ish), which the FA didn't want United to partake in at all.
Yes, I liked that 90s European set up as well.

I'm harking back to the beginnings of European competition (1950s-ish), which the FA didn't want United to partake in at all.
Do you know why that was? Or was it just about United and/or UK clubs?
Do you know why that was? Or was it just about United and/or UK clubs?

Apparently the football league didn't think it was a good idea. They'd denied Chelsea the opportunity to participate before United took part in 56-57. Evidently, the FA helped United defy the league and join the competition, so I probably owe the FA an apology.
i have a feeling we will soon discover how supporting a club like everton feels like. Finishing 8 or 9 every season, hoping for something but never reaching.
I've been in America for 2 and a half years most of that in lockdown, why would that mean that being on American ground made me change my views? I think it's you that been lying to themselves thinking that football hasn't been about money since mid 2000s at least, like I've said before I made my peace with that so this isn't a shock to me, it's to be expected.

Perhaps that’s why moving there was so appealing to you then. Your values and theirs align nicely.

Of course football has been about money, it’s always been, but not to this absurd degree.

This is the breaking point.
People are angry because the media has told them to be.
I strongly reject this suggestion. People are capable of telling right from wrong on their own. Also the media for once is actually doing what it's supposed to do: holding the people in power accountable.
It'll probably take a while before they get the format right but ultimately it should be a good competition.
Why would people not give a shit about winning the super league?

For the same reason nobody gives a shut about City winning things.

It’s artificial, there’s no competition, there’s no drama or threat,, it’s completely driven by the need for owners to earn more money, it’s not football., it’s just business so no emotions involved. Games are now mere transactions.

Remove the human element from the game and what is it?
Perhaps that’s why moving there was so appealing to you then. Your values and theirs align nicely.

It was probably quite appealing to him because he was leaving a war torn country with a decade long and ongoing civil war that has seen 100's of thousands of people die.
Adds nothing to the discussion
It was probably quite appealing to him considering he was leaving a war torn country with a decade long and ongoing civil war that has seen 100's of thousands of people die.

To move to the country that enabled and directly contributed to it. Yeah.

He’s made it quite clear that he doesn’t care about other people so he wouldn’t care about his fellow Syrians cause he’s alright.

Unless he wants to show he’s a hypocrite.
Perhaps that’s why moving there was so appealing to you then. Your values and theirs align nicely.

Of course football has been about money, it’s always been, but not to this absurd degree.

This is the breaking point.
You again attack my values and make it personal, why not just accept not everyone have to agree on this? As I said and you agreed football has been about money for a long while, so why are you so surprised that a lot of us actually lost the passion for the game and are ok with seeing a change?
To move to the country that enabled and directly contributed to it. Yeah.

He’s made it quite clear that he doesn’t care about other people so he wouldn’t care about his fellow Syrians cause he’s alright.

Unless he wants to show he’s a hypocrite.

I'm not sure you're quite aware of how fecked in the head you're coming across.
To move to the country that enabled and directly contributed to it. Yeah.

He’s made it quite clear that he doesn’t care about other people so he wouldn’t care about his fellow Syrians cause he’s alright.

Unless he wants to show he’s a hypocrite.
Are you really equating football to that?
I never liked the CL format either, actually. Bring back the old European Cup, Cup Winners' Cup, and UEFA Cup as far as I'm concerned (or whatever they were called in English).

That initial unhappiness that you mentioned, was that about the CL or its predecessor? If it wasn't the CL, do you have more info or a link? I'm curious what the arguments were.

100%. At most the runners up from each major league should qualify to get in the champions league. Make the trophy have meaning again and it will have the effect of making the UEFA/Europa cup more exciting.
I'm not sure you're quite aware of how fecked in the head you're coming across.
Second that.

I think people should try and make the discussion a little less personal. I know football means a lot to many, but it's OK if it doesn't for others. It's not like we're talking about removing free health care here.
Anyone who supports this is not a real football fan and they definitely aren’t United fans. You should go and watch Basketball or some other shite sport. I wish these greedy billionaires would leave our game and club alone. Anyone trying to watch a super league game at OT needs to be stopped from entering the ground. They’ve really overstepped the mark now, There needs to be mass protest.

To move to the country that enabled and directly contributed to it. Yeah.

He’s made it quite clear that he doesn’t care about other people so he wouldn’t care about his fellow Syrians cause he’s alright.

Unless he wants to show he’s a hypocrite.

This is an unnecessarily low blow.
He said he didn’t care about other people, I’m testing that statement to see if he’s truthful or not.

He didn't care about other people's enjoyment of football compared to his own. This led to you questioning whether he cares about Syrian people dying and judging his motives for leaving a warzone.

It's proper mental stuff to be honest and shows a psychopathic lack of empathy.
He said he didn’t care about other people, I’m testing that statement to see if he’s truthful or not.
Ok I admit I was being a bit of a dick saying that I only care about my entertainment(re watching football) but you twisting it and making it about the war I've lived through is uncalled for.
Imagine a good transfer market with all that money.
-Hi, I am a founding partner and wish your player.
-175 million
-oh, let's leave it at 200 and keep the change :drool:
Insulting another member
Ok I admit I was being a bit of a dick saying that I only care about my entertainment(re watching football) but you twisting it and making it about the war I've lived through is uncalled for.

Moral of the story is, don’t be a dick, dick.

You made it quite clear you didn’t care about other people so surely you don’t care about what they say about you either. You were right before, I don’t care about you personally living though it because you made it really easy not to but I do care about the other Syrians that presumably give a shit about other people.
He didn't care about other people's enjoyment of football compared to his own. This led to you questioning whether he cares about Syrian people dying and judging his motives for leaving a warzone.

It's proper mental stuff to be honest and shows a psychopathic lack of empathy.

Game recognises game.
Moral of the story is, don’t be a dick, dick.

You made it quite clear you didn’t care about other people so surely you don’t care about what they say about you either. You were right before, I don’t care about you personally living though it because you made it really easy not to but I do care about the other Syrians that presumably give a shit about other people.
Please stop.
Revolutions tend to freak people out. Its also necessary to progress.
Is it perfect?
Will it get better?
Will united fan stay away from SL games long enough for it to matter?

Can't wait.
Does it not sadden you to think that you would never see United lift the European cup again?

The cup which is so intertwined with our history. The Busby babes, the holy trinity, Fergie’s treble winners, that night in Moscow.
They lost their lives to compete in that competition. And now we're just saying feck you to it so we can get even richer than we are.
Anything to watch the corrupt FIFA and UEFA quake in their boots
I don’t know enough about the structure of football to make a comment if this is a bad or good thing. However, one thing is for certain is the fact that this will go ahead. Way too much money involved, and where there is money, there is a way.
Honestly, the thing with banning players is ridiculous and is pretty counterproductive. If they start banning player, UEFA may actually end up encouraging nations to take a different stance in regard to the euros, potentially also moving towards a new international organization. It's all well and good making threats, but if players actually end up feeling attacked by this, it will not go well for any of the bodies making the threats. There's an easy way out of this, negotiations, being stubborn and "standing their ground' is what will cause the problems, not the clubs.
This is the slap that crooked UEFA needed for so long. First they float stuff like FFP and then they prostitute those concepts in front of the oil clubs. Most people are butthurt because this is anti establishment. And don't even get me started on that lunatic Gary Neville.
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