The men behind Man city: If you thought Qatar was a problem, wait till you get a load of Abu Dhabi


aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
Wow what bullshit is this? Qatar is ranked number 1 for GDP per capita and I assure you 99.999% of their citizens are incredibly wealthy and do not live in poverty camps ffs, what a load of shit, have you ever visited these countries, because I do regularly and go to the poor and rich areas, and believe me they are MUCH better off than the average citizen here. Majority the citizens of the Arab countries have good lives and they rank all in top 10 for GDPPC.

I'm not saying they are perfect but stop this crazy spreading of misinformation. Funny how everyone thinks they are an expert on Arab countries by reading the media and never actually visiting themselves.

Also in reply to Ducklegs, where do you think all the money from those tax cuts for the increadibly wealthy go to? All those MP expenses etc while cutting benefits to the people who need it the most and letting them starve or freeze.

(Had 1 post left, didn't realise. Have no posts left on limit to reply)
You fail to mention that plight of the immigrants in Qatar, the vast number of immigrants in Qatar and the fact it’s nearly impossible for immigrants or their off spring to gain Qatari citizenship.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
Red Bull are Austrian aren't they? How do they get around it?
Not sure. I thought in Germany the ownership rules are 51%-49% in favour of the fans
Red Bull Leipzig is a German club and Red Bull Salzurg an Austrian one, no?

I was referring to the 50+1 rule.
RasenBallsport Leipzig technically adheres to the German rule. Red Bull does not officially own the club. Its a membership club just like the rest but the votes are all controlled by Red Bull executives. You can join RasenBallsport Leipzig as a club member for around €1,000/year but its non-voting membership. Only the Red Bull German(iirc) executives own voting shares.

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
Today in RedCafe school, I learned that being completely bankrolled by a dodgy state is the same thing as having a portion of sponsorships that have ties to dodgy states. Thank you to the fans of Abu Dhabi City FC for showing me the light.


Full Member
Sep 19, 2017
Manchester City
While I am in no way defending Abu Dhabi and take the reprehensible actions stated in the article as fact think this author was really only tying in Manchester City to increase the circulation of an article mainly about the Abu Dhabi ruling class. I mean first horrible story was about the brother of sheik mansour. No connection to the club and then the author makes the point of saying sheik mansour is just a figurehead anyway so not really understanding the relevancy of including that story.


Just in case anyone missed it. I don't like Mount.
Feb 11, 2014
While I am in no way defending Abu Dhabi and take the reprehensible actions stated in the article as fact think this author was really only tying in Manchester City to increase the circulation of an article mainly about the Abu Dhabi ruling class. I mean first horrible story was about the brother of sheik mansour. No connection to the club and then the author makes the point of saying sheik mansour is just a figurehead anyway so not really understanding the relevancy of including that story.
That's because he's pointing out that the 'brother' is the one that actually bank rolls your club - so it is relevant. Your owner likes using a cattle prod on his business associates.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2015
Man City
That's because he's pointing out that the 'brother' is the one that actually bank rolls your club - so it is relevant. Your owner likes using a cattle prod on his business associates.
Which is flat our untrue because the club is owned by Mansour.


Full Member
Sep 13, 2014
Nothing new I guess. Similar types of dictatorships in these regions. A lot of western countries have a lot of busniess deals with these nations so for those reasons they will normally not speak against it. Money talks as we all know.


Just in case anyone missed it. I don't like Mount.
Feb 11, 2014
Which is flat our untrue because the club is owned by Mansour.
Says he's only a figurehead - not the one with the cash. Anyway, what's it matter, Mansour is no better than his brother.


Full Member
Sep 19, 2017
Manchester City
That's because he's pointing out that the 'brother' is the one that actually bank rolls your club - so it is relevant. Your owner likes using a cattle prod on his business associates.
No that's not what the article said the candle prod weilder is Sheikh Issa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the brother of Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The one the article said is bankrolling the project is Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2015
Man City
Says he's only a figurehead - not the one with the cash. Anyway, what's it matter, Mansour is no better than his brother.
Because if he can't get a simple thing right in his article then it means in laymans terms he's full of shite. While as I said I'm under no illusions City's owners are angels or even good people.

He starts off being all dramatic about what he thinks would be good for the "real" documentary and then goes on to spout ten minutes of shite with not a single thing to back up what he has said.

He shows an email about NYCFC that was leaked which says that people in the US may have issue with Abu Dhabi's stance on "gay, wealth, women and Israel (the most evil state in the world according to many btw)". Of all those I can guarantee the one America would have most issue with is not recognising Israel but that's another debate for another day. But those are all things well known to most before said email.

He then goes back to talking about the Sheikh's brother and trying to claim he owns City again to tie his story to something that will get him clicks.
Lets face it, had his story been "Sheikh Issa bin Zayed Al Nahyan uses cattle prod on business partner, this has nothing to do with Man City" it most certainly wouldn't be turning up on the front page of the CAF's football forum.

While I'm under no illusion Mansour is the worlds nicest guy, this guy is writing clickbait journalism by trying to create a link between the Sheikh's brother and the CFG with nothing whatsoever to go on. He does though manage to stick in a line about how stuck he is for cash to make his own documentary (some abu Dhabi like sneaky ulterior motives) right at the end.
Last edited:


Just in case anyone missed it. I don't like Mount.
Feb 11, 2014
Because if he can't get a simple thing right in his article then it means in laymans terms he's full of shite. While as I said I'm under no illusions City's owners are angels or even good people.

He starts off being all dramatic about what he thinks would be good for the "real" documentary and then goes on to spout ten minutes of shite with not a single thing to back up what he has said.

He shows an email about NYCFC that was leaked which says that people in the US may have issue with Abu Dhabi's stance on "gay, wealth, women and Israel (the most evil state in the world according to many btw)". Of all those I can guarantee the one America would have most issue with is not recognising Israel but that's another debate for another day. But those are all things well known to most before said email.

He then goes back to talking about the Sheikh's brother and trying to claim he owns City again to tie his story to something that will get him clicks.
Lets face it, had his story been "Sheikh Issa bin Zayed Al Nahyan uses cattle prod on business partner, this has nothing to do with Man City" it most certainly wouldn't be turning up on the front page of the CAF's football forum.

While I'm under no illusion Mansour is the worlds nicest guy, this guy is writing clickbait journalism by trying to create a link between the Sheikh's brother and the CFG with nothing whatsoever to go on. He does though manage to stick in a line about how stuck he is for cash to make his own documentary (some abu Dhabi like sneaky ulterior motives) right at the end.
?? What does that have to do with what your owners represent?

Notice you've conveniently neglected to comment on this Simon Pearce fellow... some damning allegations in there on how he conducts business.

In any case, it's your club, if you don't feel uneasy about the situation, then of course it's your prerogative.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2015
Man City
?? What does that have to do with what your owners represent?

Notice you've conveniently neglected to comment on this Simon Pearce fellow... some damning allegations in there on how he conducts business.

In any case, it's your club, if you don't feel uneasy about the situation, then of course it's your prerogative.
It has to do with the article posted in the OP. I know exactly what our owners represent and I've said so earlier in the thread.

Pearce of course is a shithouse doing shithouse work, but every government in the world has those type of people and thats just part and parcel of it. I don't doubt for one second he's a piece of shit, but what has anything said about him there got to do with Manchester City? yes he's on the board, yes his job is to make Abu Dhabi look good, yes he's a scumbag. Nothing there either implicates anyone involved with Man City with any wrongdoing, bar Pearce himself being a piece of shit.

What I am arguing is 99% of that article is click bait shite and nothing to do with City and or CFG other than the authors "because I typed it here". I've already said I think our owners human rights record is bad and they aren't good people but I also said I'm pretty indifferent to it as I am to Qatar, was to Berlusconi and Gadaffi or Abramhovic. If everyone stopped supporting their club because their owner is a cnut wouldn't be many clubs with fans.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
It has to do with the article posted in the OP. I know exactly what our owners represent and I've said so earlier in the thread.
Pearce of course is a shithouse doing shithouse work, but every government in the world has those type of people and thats just part and parcel of it. I don't doubt for one second he's a piece of shit, but what has anything said about him there got to do with Manchester City? yes he's on the board, yes his job is to make Abu Dhabi look good, yes he's a scumbag. Nothing there either implicates anyone involved with Man City with any wrongdoing, bar Pearce himself being a piece of shit.
What I am arguing is 99% of that article is click bait shite and nothing to do with City and or CFG other than the authors "because I typed it here". I've already said I think our owners human rights record is bad and they aren't good people but I also said I'm pretty indifferent to it as I am to Qatar, was to Berlusconi and Gadaffi or Abramhovic. If everyone stopped supporting their club because their owner is a cnut wouldn't be many clubs with fans.
That's City's job, also. The regime has taken on your club as a public relations/propaganda piece of window display. You are not even a financial investment as Utd is to the debt restructuring dollar men who own us. The Sheiks of Abu Dhabi do not care if they lose money on you. It is also true that you, de Bruyne, Jack Foden and the tealady etc are not personally implicated in wrongdoing. But if the media actually follow through with proper investigative reporting you are going to get sore fingers calling articles like this that draw attention to the financial source of your defence, midfield and attack 'clickbait shite'.

Sheikhs cattle prod

New Member
Dec 19, 2017
I've read it, twice.

Basically the author tries desperately to link our owners brother to the club then goes off on a tirade of things he's done.

I'm not saying our owners brother hasn't done those things I'm just saying its got nothing to do with our owner. I'm certainly not responsible for the things my brother has done.

He's got the first part of the story so horribly wrong you have to question the validity of the rest of it.


New Member
May 20, 2013
United States
What is it with the western mentality that "our way is the only right way and every other culture is wrong and barbaric". You guys are seriously deluding yourselves or living in a fantasy world if you think that there isn't massive corruption in the west too and shady deals going on all the time, infact it's a problem wherever money can be found.

People in the U.K are starving, dying because they can't afford heating due to benefits cuts or left to rot on the streets with homelessness, or burning in buildings because of £5000 cladding..and don't even get me started on the USA! The difference is the western countries are more smarter with their oppression and humans rights abuses, because let's be honest, how is someone working 60 hours a week on minimum wage just to feed their family, working EVERY day without ever actually living life not classified as oppression. The citizens of the Arab countries actually have good lives tbh.

Also who do you think makes these shady deals with these shady arabs, western countries ofcourse, so let's not use this holier than thou attitude. I'm not saying I agree at all with the Arabs but I hate how everyone is quick to point fingers here but not in their own pond first. I'm not saying all western countries are like this btw, as the scandinavian countries are great places!

Oppression and humans right abuses come in many forms, the only difference is if you call it "legal" for some reason we don't classify at a human rights abuse.
Yes because making it a Capital Offense to be homosexual and not providing free homes and healthcare to the homeless are entirely equal.


New Member
May 20, 2013
United States
What a horrible and blinkered generalisation. Completely oblivious to the history, complexity and Western involvement in destabilising the region over many decades.

On the specific article about Citys owners though. It concerns me that they have invested so heavily in PR. It seems to correlate with the overly positive UK media coverage they have been getting with no context (or criticism) being given to the amount of money spent over recent years or its grubby origins.
Yes the West destabilized it so badly it's the wealthiest region in the world. The Middle East has ALWAYS been destabilized because of religious tensions. Different factions in Islam have constantly fought for power through war in the area (let alone what they do to anyone else of a different religion).


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008
Today in RedCafe school, I learned that being completely bankrolled by a dodgy state is the same thing as having a portion of sponsorships that have ties to dodgy states. Thank you to the fans of Abu Dhabi City FC for showing me the light.
Yeah it's bullshit. City fans really excel in this diversionary tactics. Just wait whilst one of them brings up James Gibson in this discussion.


Just in case anyone missed it. I don't like Mount.
Feb 11, 2014
It has to do with the article posted in the OP. I know exactly what our owners represent and I've said so earlier in the thread.

Pearce of course is a shithouse doing shithouse work, but every government in the world has those type of people and thats just part and parcel of it. I don't doubt for one second he's a piece of shit, but what has anything said about him there got to do with Manchester City? yes he's on the board, yes his job is to make Abu Dhabi look good, yes he's a scumbag. Nothing there either implicates anyone involved with Man City with any wrongdoing, bar Pearce himself being a piece of shit.

What I am arguing is 99% of that article is click bait shite and nothing to do with City and or CFG other than the authors "because I typed it here". I've already said I think our owners human rights record is bad and they aren't good people but I also said I'm pretty indifferent to it as I am to Qatar, was to Berlusconi and Gadaffi or Abramhovic. If everyone stopped supporting their club because their owner is a cnut wouldn't be many clubs with fans.
Think you answered the question in the latter statement? Like it or not, he also represents your club's interest. In this instance, City is being used as a vehicle for these owners for their own nefarious reasons, and it doesn't look like it involves football.

And please don't go off on the author of this piece. There have been articles before (not as blunt as this one) that's hinted at some underhanded activities from City, but unsurprisingly, they quickly disappear, and/or, 99% of the rest of the press in this country conveniently ignore it. Simon Pearce is indeed very good at his job...


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
Yes the West destabilized it so badly it's the wealthiest region in the world. The Middle East has ALWAYS been destabilized because of religious tensions. Different factions in Islam have constantly fought for power through war in the area (let alone what they do to anyone else of a different religion).
You can't deny the West has contributed in major ways to modern destabilization in the region. The Sykes-Picot Agreement after WWI led to what set all the modern borders of the middle east which were drawn for Western benefit not any sort of logical reason or local determination. Its why you have a 100 years of problems like the Kurds spread across several different artificially created nation states and making up an oppressed minority in all of them.

"The Sykes-Picot Agreement created the modern Middle East. It represents one of the first instalments in a long line of modern European – and subsequent American – meddling in the region. And, in providing a set of unrealistic and impossible promises to the Arabs, it led directly to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The line across a map of the Middle East it drew created colonial spheres of influence that cut directly and artificially across a region that had previously been divided along ethnic, linguistic and religious lines.

Area “A” was to be under French influence and control, while “B” was to be under British influence and control. The Sykes-Picot Agreement also proposed an “international administration” for Palestine.

In 1920, the latter region was transferred to British control as “Mandatory Palestine”. It was governed under British civil administration until 1948, during which the competing Arab and Zionist nationalist movements clashed with one another.

The cause of many of these clashes were unrealistic promises made to each side by the British; promises directly related to the artificial arrangement of the modern Middle East initiated by the Sykes-Picot Agreement."

And that's just the start. While you can certainly blame the rise of radical Wahhabism for some instability you can't ignore the responsible the West has for instability as well.

Oh and their wealth results from simply sitting on the largest reserves of fossil fuel energy. That wealth is independent of anything anyone could/would have done.

Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
The City owners are disgraceful and the club is corrupt, flaunts FFP and has an unfair leg-up on the rest of the league/world (other than PSG). We knew that already. The article sheds light on some additional stuff, but fundamentally we knew this all before.

But what are City supporters, real pre-2009 supporters, supposed to do? Stop supporting their club? Start a petition? It's not like they voted the new owners in. It could have equally happened to Derby County or Stoke. If this happened at United I would be outraged but I honestly don't know what I'd do.

It is up to the Manchester council, Premier League, FA, UEFA, etc. to not allow this to happen. But they failed and now we have this. Money talks, and these oil states could always purchase a plaything and subsequent success if they wanted to. And they did.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
I've read it, twice.

Basically the author tries desperately to link our owners brother to the club then goes off on a tirade of things he's done.

I'm not saying our owners brother hasn't done those things I'm just saying its got nothing to do with our owner. I'm certainly not responsible for the things my brother has done.

He's got the first part of the story so horribly wrong you have to question the validity of the rest of it.
Yes it's likely that city's owner came about this wealth entirely above board.


New Member
May 20, 2013
United States
You can't deny the West has contributed in major ways to modern destabilization in the region. The Sykes-Picot Agreement after WWI led to what set all the modern borders of the middle east which were drawn for Western benefit not any sort of logical reason or local determination. Its why you have a 100 years of problems like the Kurds spread across several different artificially created nation states and making up an oppressed minority in all of them.

"The Sykes-Picot Agreement created the modern Middle East. It represents one of the first instalments in a long line of modern European – and subsequent American – meddling in the region. And, in providing a set of unrealistic and impossible promises to the Arabs, it led directly to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The line across a map of the Middle East it drew created colonial spheres of influence that cut directly and artificially across a region that had previously been divided along ethnic, linguistic and religious lines.

Area “A” was to be under French influence and control, while “B” was to be under British influence and control. The Sykes-Picot Agreement also proposed an “international administration” for Palestine.

In 1920, the latter region was transferred to British control as “Mandatory Palestine”. It was governed under British civil administration until 1948, during which the competing Arab and Zionist nationalist movements clashed with one another.

The cause of many of these clashes were unrealistic promises made to each side by the British; promises directly related to the artificial arrangement of the modern Middle East initiated by the Sykes-Picot Agreement."

And that's just the start. While you can certainly blame the rise of radical Wahhabism for some instability you can't ignore the responsible the West has for instability as well.

Oh and their wealth results from simply sitting on the largest reserves of fossil fuel energy. That wealth is independent of anything anyone could/would have done.
I'm sorry I don't particularly feel guilty about what people have done to the region in the past that makes it okay to still have slave labor and commit plenty of other human rights violations. No amount of meddling has anything to do with the values that a majority of people hold in the region.

Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
Today in RedCafe school, I learned that being completely bankrolled by a dodgy state is the same thing as having a portion of sponsorships that have ties to dodgy states. Thank you to the fans of Abu Dhabi City FC for showing me the light.
I agree. That sort of deflection is desperate barrel-scraping.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
The City owners are disgraceful and the club is corrupt, flaunts FFP and has an unfair leg-up on the rest of the league/world (other than PSG). We knew that already. The article sheds light on some additional stuff, but fundamentally we knew this all before.

But what are City supporters, real pre-2009 supporters, supposed to do? Stop supporting their club? Start a petition? It's not like they voted the new owners in. It could have equally happened to Derby County or Stoke. If this happened at United I would be outraged but I honestly don't know what I'd do.

It is up to the Manchester council, Premier League, FA, UEFA, etc. to not allow this to happen. But they failed and now we have this. Money talks, and these oil states could always purchase a plaything and subsequent success if they wanted to. And they did.
I agree, this isn't citys real fans fault. But some degree of balance, acceptance of reality and a semblance of humility would be welcome. City fans seem desperate to convince people that they haven't bought success, let alone speak about the entirely dubious origin of the money that did it,

For me the issue isn't City fans. Seeing the British media report that this city project is good for the British game is, without exaggeration, disgraceful journalism.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Manchester City
Yeah it's bullshit. City fans really excel in this diversionary tactics. Just wait whilst one of them brings up James Gibson in this discussion.
Come on. There’s no bullshit in pointing out that your club takes money from the same so-called dodgy states mate. It’s not diversionary tactics either as you invited us blues to offer up our comments on the article which some of us did, and despite the fact that we’ve been happy enough to take up the baton, discuss it, and admit we have our reservations about our owner that obviously isn’t enough for some of the tub thumpers on here.

As for Gibson, I’ve not mentioned him for the best part of a week ;) In any case, he’s irrelevant to this particular discussion.

And with that, I’m out as there’s nothing further to add. I’m taking a break from here (I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know lol) as I’ve spent way too much time on this forum over the past week or so and I really should be investing some of that time away from the net. Plus it’s been getting a bit too heated on various topics and rising to it every 5 minutes isn’t always the wisest thing to do.

Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
Seeing the British media report that this city project is good for the British game is, without exaggeration, disgraceful journalism.
Yes, agreed. The author of this current article does a good job of pointing the double standard out. And City investing heavily in PR has definitely helped their cause.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
Yes, agreed. The author of this current article does a good job of pointing the double standard out. And City investing heavily in PR has definitely helped their cause.
This amazon project will be the most nauseatingly cringeworthy contrived reel of horseshit ever produced, declared a masterpiece by city fans and not really watched by anybody else


I pity the poor fool who stinks like I do!
Apr 15, 2015
People need to stop being so sanctimonious.

We're all sitting here now on technology that someone, somewhere was exploited in some way as they built it.

We're wearing mass produced textiles that all but the most beautiful of us never bothered to check how it was made.

We're all Qatar. We're all Saudi Arabia. They just happen to be absolute bottom-barrel dwellers that everyone can knock. Large groups of humans coming together always ends in horrible shit. Exploitation at every turn.

Holy shit I'm high


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
People need to stop being so sanctimonious.

We're all sitting here now on technology that someone, somewhere was exploited in some way as they built it.

We're wearing mass produced textiles that all but the most beautiful of us never bothered to check how it was made.

We're all Qatar. We're all Saudi Arabia. They just happen to be absolute bottom-barrel dwellers that everyone can knock. Large groups of humans coming together always ends in horrible shit. Exploitation at every turn.

Holy shit I'm high
I believe that's what's called false equivalency. Using an iPad is not the same discussion about the sporting and moral questions raised by a below average club being bankrolled to the tune of incredibly murky billions and actively trying to project themselves as some sort of sporting good in the world, while being lauded for doing it by mainstream media. It's a very very very lazy argument to make to be honest.

Though your last line explains it


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
People need to stop being so sanctimonious.

We're all sitting here now on technology that someone, somewhere was exploited in some way as they built it.

We're wearing mass produced textiles that all but the most beautiful of us never bothered to check how it was made.

We're all Qatar. We're all Saudi Arabia. They just happen to be absolute bottom-barrel dwellers that everyone can knock. Large groups of humans coming together always ends in horrible shit. Exploitation at every turn.

Holy shit I'm high


Full Member
Feb 19, 2013
Doesn't support Barca
The City owners are disgraceful and the club is corrupt, flaunts FFP and has an unfair leg-up on the rest of the league/world (other than PSG). We knew that already. The article sheds light on some additional stuff, but fundamentally we knew this all before.

But what are City supporters, real pre-2009 supporters, supposed to do? Stop supporting their club? Start a petition? It's not like they voted the new owners in. It could have equally happened to Derby County or Stoke. If this happened at United I would be outraged but I honestly don't know what I'd do.

It is up to the Manchester council, Premier League, FA, UEFA, etc. to not allow this to happen. But they failed and now we have this. Money talks, and these oil states could always purchase a plaything and subsequent success if they wanted to. And they did.
Locally they've lost them in droves. United have lost a load too of course post Glazer. It's an inevitable result of that disconnect, part of which is relevant to this thread, between the club and it's traditional fanbase. Half my extended family are blues, and several mates that go back decades and only one still goes to the game.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
It has to do with the article posted in the OP. I know exactly what our owners represent and I've said so earlier in the thread.

Pearce of course is a shithouse doing shithouse work, but every government in the world has those type of people and thats just part and parcel of it. I don't doubt for one second he's a piece of shit, but what has anything said about him there got to do with Manchester City? yes he's on the board, yes his job is to make Abu Dhabi look good, yes he's a scumbag. Nothing there either implicates anyone involved with Man City with any wrongdoing, bar Pearce himself being a piece of shit.

What I am arguing is 99% of that article is click bait shite and nothing to do with City and or CFG other than the authors "because I typed it here". I've already said I think our owners human rights record is bad and they aren't good people but I also said I'm pretty indifferent to it as I am to Qatar, was to Berlusconi and Gadaffi or Abramhovic. If everyone stopped supporting their club because their owner is a cnut wouldn't be many clubs with fans.
I think there's more than a slight difference between an owner 'being a bit of a cnut' and sitting at the head of a state which has been described as a black hole in human rights.

And let's not pretend this is any ordinary club-ownership scenario. Man City has effectively become a satellite of the Abu Dhabi state. The experiment going on at your club is nothing more than a PR exercise to launder the reputation of the regime. By all accounts, Mansour couldn't care less about football. This is about something entirely different for him.

If you want a clearer appraisal of this beyond the OP article, I'd suggest having a look at The Billionaire's Club by James Montague.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Manchester City
I think there's more than a slight difference between an owner 'being a bit of a cnut' and sitting at the head of a state which has been described as a black hole in human rights.

And let's not pretend this is any ordinary club-ownership scenario. Man City has effectively become a satellite of the Abu Dhabi state. The experiment going on at your club is nothing more than a PR exercise to launder the reputation of the regime. By all accounts, Mansour couldn't care less about football. This is about something entirely different for him.

If you want a clearer appraisal of this beyond the OP article, I'd suggest having a look at The Billionaire's Club by James Montague.
Right, this is definitely my last post on this topic - honest!

The notion that City is the main vehicle for this PR exercise - in the UK at least - is incredibly amusing when you see that it goes a lot higher than that and goes back far longer. I think you better cancel that family day out to Buckingham Palace pronto mate:

In a speech, the Queen told the president: "Our two countries have been close friends since before the foundation of the United Arab Emirates in 1971, under the wise guidance and leadership of your late father, Sheikh Zayed."

She added: "The UAE is one of our largest trading partners in the Gulf region, and we have welcomed Emirati investments in the United Kingdom in many areas from the construction of the largest port facilities in the UK to the Emirates Skyline, the spectacular cable-car crossing over the Thames and, of course, Manchester City."

The president had earlier been treated to a welcome of pomp and military splendour.

He enjoyed a carriage procession with the Queen through Windsor to the castle where guardsmen from the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards in their scarlet tunics and bearskins formed a guard of honour.

The visit helps build on the relationship between the two countries, which have a growing partnership in defence and security

The UAE represents Britain's largest export market in the Middle East.

President Al Nahyan's state visit follows one made by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to the UAE in 2010 and a visit there by Mr Cameron in November.

The president's late father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan paid a state visit to the UK in 1989.

Annual bilateral trade between the UK and the UAE now exceeds £10bn. More than a million Britons visit the UAE each year.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
:lol: come on, queens speech being quoted, I've spoken in a lot of posts about the lengths city fans will go to to avoid just coming out saying we're run by absolute scum and are celebrating football borne off the back of money. That to take one step further is money from pretty dark origins.

:lol: queens speech, that just does it for me. Should be filed in the annals of redcafe history that post


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
I think there's more than a slight difference between an owner 'being a bit of a cnut' and sitting at the head of a state which has been described as a black hole in human rights.

And let's not pretend this is any ordinary club-ownership scenario. Man City has effectively become a satellite of the Abu Dhabi state. The experiment going on at your club is nothing more than a PR exercise to launder the reputation of the regime. By all accounts, Mansour couldn't care less about football. This is about something entirely different for him.

If you want a clearer appraisal of this beyond the OP article, I'd suggest having a look at The Billionaire's Club by James Montague.
This is just cold truth. Even abramovich seemed to have some element of the mad billionaire that loves football about him. City are a pr vehicle, a thought out project down the every detail including choice of city to buy a club in


Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Manchester City
:lol: come on, queens speech being quoted, I've spoken in a lot of posts about the lengths city fans will go to to avoid just coming out saying we're run by absolute scum and are celebrating football borne off the back of money. That to take one step further is money from pretty dark origins.

:lol: queens speech, that just does it for me. Should be filed in the annals of redcafe history that post
Oh dear - if you can't see that this so-called PR exercise doesn't go higher up than MCFC then you're blinkered beyond belief. Is the UK government not high enough up for you? That's some pedestal you're putting likkle City on there.

And let's face it sunshine - if City were nowhere near the top of the league, you wouldn't even be commenting about this would you? Back in your box and keep sucking on those lemons - have a good Christmas mate.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2008
Most people on here do not seem to realise that Abramovich isn't any better than these Arab guys as Russia is a black hole for human rights too. Russia's government is a vile dictatorship.

And City is not only a PR exercise for those guys (I don't like them at all, btw). It is a sound business project. If they sell City now, they will make profit, imo.