Film The Predator (2018 movie)


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
This was truly a piece of utter utter shite. It was worse than we all thought it would be.

I haven't been angry leaving a cinema since Independence Day 2 and with both movies I expected them to be turds.

The Bloody-Nine

Full Member
May 21, 2017
Really? I downloaded ID2 and still felt cheated. Turned that shit off 20 mins in.

I'm now morbidly fascinated with seeing this.


Full Member
Jul 6, 2009
Your Left Ventricle
I have seen it. I wish I hadn't. I'll review it, no real spoilers just a lot of complaints.

It's a mess, I don't even know where it went wrong. Like did it start out a mess they could never fix or were the reshoots the mess? It's like a weird hodge podge of concepts and none of them really stick. It's like an r-rated comedy romp that happens to have the Predator for vast swathes of the film, which I'd have been ok with, but then they switch back to ultra serious and that doesn't work because everyone is still in comedy mode or just spent an hour and a bit wise cracking. It's as unsettling as watching a grieving widower cracking jokes at the funeral while simultaneously bursting into tears.

Most of it makes no sense, like at all. You spend a lot of the film just sitting there thinking "that makes no sense and they are never going to explain it." But I was enjoying it so I let it slide, it was just a comedy action film that was doing it's thing. It kept happening though, the more it went on the less sense it made. The Predators' motivations seem to randomly shift, characters are all over the place, you can never get a handle on anyone or anything. It's got this weird thing going on with dogs, I dunno why, but it had several dog scenes which made no sense. I wouldn't even have been surprised if they started having the dogs talk. One looked like it was supposed to be edited out, it literally cuts to a shot of a dog running, then back to the action and you never see the dog again. It had already disappeared once before this. It's a sloppy mess. The only explanation I have is fecking voodoo magic, man.

The actors were all fine, the writing was the problem. Olivia Munn is a scientist, by the end of the film you wouldn't be surprised to see her in a boiler room wearing a chainmail vest having a knife fight with Arnie. They never explain her. She handles it all surprisingly well. The writing, again, was the problem.

I saw some reviews complain about the jokes "pussy jokes in 2018!" There was nothing wrong with the actual jokes, they fitted and were in line with the goofy tone of this and the jokes in the original. The real issue is the jokes that were set up so someone could deliver dialogue or lines that were either taken from the first film or sound like lines uttered in that film. They are just awkward and forced and really distracting.

All the talk of the last half hour being the main the problem was very true, that's when it falls apart and destroys any good will from the first part of the film. Because it had been stupid, sloppy and weird up until that point, but it was fun. Then it just went completely off the rails, like they all just stopped giving a feck and just filmed the first thing they could think of. People in the cinema were laughing at the very end and they weren't laughing with it.

If they are going to do another film then they should just From Dusk Til Dawn it. Make it a film about something else then about halfway through have the Predator turn up and start hunting people. Because they did not seem to have a single clue what to do with this or had several clues and couldn't pick one. I dunno, nothing makes sense. Things happen just because.
Bolded part one, meet bolded part two.

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
They managed to destroy the whole thrill and mystery behind Alien and Predator species. Alien Isolation had a proper atmosphere of despair even though it's a game, while Predator has absolutely nothing to root for these days... It's just f*ckin sad.


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
There is too much shit to catalogue in this movie
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2001
Any Arnold movies that have sequels without him in them suck.


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
Really? I downloaded ID2 and still felt cheated. Turned that shit off 20 mins in.

I'm now morbidly fascinated with seeing this.
Yes my mistake was paying to see it in the first place against all of my better judgement. Serves me right really.


Was planning to go and see this sometime in the coming week, but I am seriously having second thoughts now...will probably still go, just to see for myself. Had high hopes for this, especially after Predators.

Parma Dewol

Full Member
Dec 4, 2013
Had a feeling this movie would be awful. Yet, seeing as it has Predators in it, I couldn't help but go see it on the big screen. Should have stood by my feelings, it was just as bad as I'd feared.


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
One of the coolest Scifi franchises of all time, and they manage to absolutely butcher it in every try after Predator 2 (and AvP IMO since I like that movie, but most don't).

Fecking bellends! I grew up loving this stuff, and to see it mismanaged like this pisses me off.


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
The worst of all of the worst moments

Of all of the utter shite in the movie the crowning jewel moment of utter rage-inducing tripe was when the 'good Predator' (who was apparently trying to save the planet, yet was still killing everyone??!!?!?!?!) used the severed arm to give the thumbs up to the guy driving the truck

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
There is too much shit to catalogue in this movie
Yeah, where would you even start? The Predator itself?

I'm here to help, but first I gots to kill about 20 people, bro.

The upgraded predator?

I want your autism! This one is a warrior I'll have his! Ignoring the fact he's clearly not a warrior.

The fact they seemed to give Thomas Jane's character tourette's just so they could squeeze in the "yeesh, you're being pushy" line? Which was supposed to sound like "yeesh, you've got a big pussy" from the first film because it's comical to say things that sound similar you see. Hilarious. Him and Keegan Michael Key were actually decent, but seemed like they were in another film. That's a statement that makes no sense, but in this film it somehow does make sense.

Olivia Munn going from scientist to commando in a heartbeat? The dog?! What the feck was that?

The ending? Where the feck can they even go with that?

It destroys everything about the Predators and it makes no sense. If this suit is so good and such a Predator killer then why didn't it use it itself? It's already better than us so surely the suit would have improved it further against the new predators. Also what is one fecking suit going to do? It was a complete ass pull.

I'm more pissed now than I was after seeing it.

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
The worst of all of the worst moments

Of all of the utter shite in the movie the crowning jewel moment of utter rage-inducing tripe was when the 'good Predator' (who was apparently trying to save the planet, yet was still killing everyone??!!?!?!?!) used the severed arm to give the thumbs up to the guy driving the truck
I laughed at that bit and thought "OK so it's going to be a bit of an action comedy, fine." It's not unlike something Michael Myers would do so I went along with it. A lot of the stuff would have been ok in isolation, just moments of cringe or cheese in a better film. Here though they are just stacked on top of each other having some sort of competition to be the worst part of the film and it all culminates in that god damn ending.


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
Yeah, where would you even start? The Predator itself?

I'm here to help, but first I gots to kill about 20 people, bro.

The upgraded predator?

I want your autism! This one is a warrior I'll have his! Ignoring the fact he's clearly not a warrior.

The fact they seemed to give Thomas Jane's character tourette's just so they could squeeze in the "yeesh, you're being pushy" line? Which was supposed to sound like "yeesh, you've got a big pussy" from the first film because it's comical to say things that sound similar you see. Hilarious. Him and Keegan Michael Key were actually decent, but seemed like they were in another film. That's a statement that makes no sense, but in this film it somehow does make sense.

Olivia Munn going from scientist to commando in a heartbeat? The dog?! What the feck was that?

The ending? Where the feck can they even go with that?

It destroys everything about the Predators and it makes no sense. If this suit is so good and such a Predator killer then why didn't it use it itself? It's already better than us so surely the suit would have improved it further against the new predators. Also what is one fecking suit going to do? It was a complete ass pull.

I'm more pissed now than I was after seeing it.

The Olivia Munn shit had me laughing. From literally cowering in the corner one minute, then next second she's chasing after it (and keeping up) like a commando.

How did the main guy and his mate sneak up on the soldier standing over Munn on motorbikes? How did the khunt not hear two bikes tearing his way?

How about Gary Busey's son being one of the scientists - and was actually meant to be Gary's characters (from Predator 2) son... Yet there was no mention of it or any acknowledgement. Not that they could have made it work in any way.

The sheer ball faced audacity in having Munn say, 'you beautiful motherfecker.'

And having one guy say, 'get to the chopper.' How dare they!

The whole autism/kid shit was just pathetic. And to have the kid somehow get a job with those clowns at the end was hilarious.

There was just so much rubbish that festering and is making me angrier over time.

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland

The Olivia Munn shit had me laughing. From literally cowering in the corner one minute, then next second she's chasing after it (and keeping up) like a commando.

How did the main guy and his mate sneak up on the soldier standing over Munn on motorbikes? How did the khunt not hear two bikes tearing his way?

How about Gary Busey's son being one of the scientists - and was actually meant to be Gary's characters (from Predator 2) son... Yet there was no mention of it or any acknowledgement. Not that they could have made it work in any way.

The sheer ball faced audacity in having Munn say, 'you beautiful motherfecker.'

And having one guy say, 'get to the chopper.' How dare they!

The whole autism/kid shit was just pathetic. And to have the kid somehow get a job with those clowns at the end was hilarious.

There was just so much rubbish that festering and is making me angrier over time.
:lol: I'm remember horrific parts that I'd pushed to the back of my mind.

The running! Holy feck how did I forget that? It was so weird looking and her keeping up made it all the worse. It was also moments after they said "They're big and they're fast!"

Jake Busey said he was called Keyes and then just left it. He may as well not even been in it. The only thing that really came from the lab scenes that wasn't utter cack was Olivia Munn saying that the dreadlocks are sensory organs. Which I thought was a nice touch and could explain the predators vision.

That kid actually killed a person. Which was more than some of the soldiers.

Why was Alfie Allen there? Why was he doing a Dublin accent? Why would he be in the US army if he's Irish?

How did tree branches hold something that's 11 foot tall and built like a tank?

The Predator's tech was all over the place, it wasn't there to make sense, it was there to move the plot along.

How did the main guy swallow the cloaking thing? The size of it going in and coming out would not be fun at all. Unless you're into that sort of thing of course.



Full Member
Jun 25, 2008
comfortable and settled in my rut
As someone who doesn't really care much about the Predator series, bu was dragged to see it, I thought it was a perfectly acceptable action comedy. It made very little sense.

In a vacuum I thought i was watchable. My mate who dragged me along who loves the original movie was pretty disgusted by it.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2015
Well it's total garbage, but I very much enjoyed it.

Comfortably the second best Predator movie for me, but it's very, very silly.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
Having had a sneak peak in this thread yesterday I went in with extremely low expectations. I get all the criticisms and can't ignore the glaring plot holes or strange editing but as a mindless way to spend a couple of hours I enjoyed it for what it was.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
I think the criticism is grossly overstated. Ofcourse it's not winning any Oscars and it's crude as feck, but for what it is; mindless spectacular action it's fine. I laughed out loud several times (Yes, even when he held up the guy's thumb). Are some of the jokes in poor taste? Well sure, but who cares, humanity as a species is in poor taste. Just fecking embrace it.

And people talk about Predator like it's some important part of cinematic history and it's been butchered. The original movie, whilst fun to watch, was dumb as feck. Don't be absurd.

Also anything with Thomas Jane in it is good in my book.


New Member
Apr 16, 2014
Haven't seen it yet but why all the overreactions? You know in advance exactly what you're getting when you go see an Alien or Predator movies. No Oscar winning acting, script or directing. Just lots of action and Aliens.

Last Predator movie I watched was AVP. Was a great movie and a very fun online PC game.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2015
Haven't seen it yet but why all the overreactions? You know in advance exactly what you're getting when you go see an Alien or Predator movies. No Oscar winning acting, script or directing. Just lots of action and Aliens.

Last Predator movie I watched was AVP. Was a great movie and a very fun online PC game.
The first Alien absolutely has Oscar-worthy acting, script and direction.

Though I take your point about people taking The Predator so seriously.

The original is a pretty daft film in many respects but within that series of films it's doing it with a straight face. The same can be said of most of the other Alien and Predator films too. Despite their... uneven... quality.

This film does not play by those rules. It's very self aware. Or parts of it are at least. I'm not quite sure all the actors were approaching it from the same direction. The result is a total mess. An enjoyable mess for me, but I'm pretty much on board with all the criticism.

Predators took itself very seriously and is very highly regarded by some. I gave it a re-watch last week and was disjointedness all over again. I'm not seeing the lost masterpiece everyone else is.


Good post resistant
Jan 27, 2013
They managed to destroy the whole thrill and mystery behind Alien and Predator species. Alien Isolation had a proper atmosphere of despair even though it's a game, while Predator has absolutely nothing to root for these days... It's just f*ckin sad.
Yeah, t'was great. It really felt like the original.

I liken it to the first Walking Dead game with Lee. Them two games really captured what made the show/film so captivating to me.
One of the coolest Scifi franchises of all time, and they manage to absolutely butcher it in every try after Predator 2 (and AvP IMO since I like that movie, but most don't).

Fecking bellends! I grew up loving this stuff, and to see it mismanaged like this pisses me off.
I liked it, too! The humans were the only downside to it. They were either bad actors or just too cliché horror characters that you knew were there just for the bloodshed, and it took a bit away from the movie, imo. Like, I know the others had them types of characters as well, but you could take a liking to some of them and invest into them. Here, they were just so devoid of any worthwhile character to even care when they were ultimately killed.

For example, Bill Paxton was in both Aliens and Predator 2, and you knew he'd be a casualty in both because he's the comic relief, but, for me anyway, I was rooting for him to survive. I didn't have that with any of the humans in AvP.
Haven't seen it yet but why all the overreactions? You know in advance exactly what you're getting when you go see an Alien or Predator movies. No Oscar winning acting, script or directing. Just lots of action and Aliens.

Last Predator movie I watched was AVP. Was a great movie and a very fun online PC game.
Hey, as much as I liked Predator 1 & 2, Aliens, and AvP, you can't lump the original Alien in with them! That was an absolute masterpiece!


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Well.... I'm sold. Mindless fun? Exactly what I wanted...


New Member
Apr 16, 2014
Hey, as much as I liked Predator 1 & 2, Aliens, and AvP, you can't lump the original Alien in with them! That was an absolute masterpiece!
I didn't mean to offend any movie :lol:.

Off topic, but.. was Alien Convenient any good?


Good post resistant
Jan 27, 2013
I didn't mean to offend any movie :lol:.

Off topic, but.. was Alien Convenient any good?
Ha, I didn't take your comment as offensive so no worries! It's just, compared to every other Alien movie (that I've seen) and the Predator movies, the original Alien doesn't really have the mindless action they all do. It's all suspense, and I love it.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
I said this in a thread about Alien Covenant before I think but the question is, can a good movie be made about either the Alien or the Predator at this stage? Alien and Aliens mastered a suspenseful and an all out action take on the Xenomorphs while Predator 1 & 2 showed how that alien would adapt in a jungle and an urban setting.

As iconic and kick ass as the characters are its hard to do anything revolutionary with them because ultimately they are one dimensional killing machines.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
I said this in a thread about Alien Covenant before I think but the question is, can a good movie be made about either the Alien or the Predator at this stage? Alien and Aliens mastered a suspenseful and an all out action take on the Xenomorphs while Predator 1 & 2 showed how that alien would adapt in a jungle and an urban setting.

As iconic and kick ass as the characters are its hard to do anything revolutionary with them because ultimately they are one dimensional killing machines.
I think you can make a great movie out of virtually anything if you get the tone right.

Take the last Mission Impossible movies. They basically made the same movie 3 times, yet Fallout is the most fun I've had in a movie theater all year. Simply because the combination of over the top action, not taking itself too seriously, fast cars and pretty girls is fun to watch.

Alien: covenant and Prometheus try to be deep and clever, this newest predator movie is rather tonedeaf and unaware of the current societal climate. Make the guy that does Mission Impossible do a Predator movie, it wiould be glorious.


New Member
Apr 16, 2014
I think you can make a great movie out of virtually anything if you get the tone right.
Bingo. In an era where super hero movies have been done to death, the Dark Knight was an all time great.

Would take an amazingly creative director to bring an Alien or Predator to a box office hit status, though. Maybe they could go down an even darker road and someone like James Wan (director & producer of Saw and The Conjuring movies) could take it to new places. You're kinda limited in story lines though. As @GBBQ mentioned above that they are just ''ultimately they are one dimensional killing machines''.

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
Yeah, t'was great. It really felt like the original.

I liken it to the first Walking Dead game with Lee. Them two games really captured what made the show/film so captivating to me.
Yup. Recreating the atmosphere is the key and Telltale's understanding of source material is often valid than not.

The new Alien movies are trying to explain where Alien species came from and this is where the atmosphere getting seriously spolied. That mystery is exactly what built Alien into one of the most haunting sci-fi horror... though Fassbender nailed it as an android in new movies, hardly saved it but I can't help myself but like that character.

Looks like Predator franchise had simply less luck and sequel with Danny Glover wasn't a big success despite the movie being rated as underrated gem by many... and rightly so. The massacre in subway was such a great horror scene.