The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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CNN reporting that more sackings are on the way. Let's get that Austin Powers villian Gorka out of there asap.
Yea, but its still from the mainstream GOP. Romney might not be the last.

No, I think that's one good point. I think so far 28 Republicans have come out against Trump in the last week over the Nazi comments, and today with his General Pershing comments. The tide has most definitely turned, and the one thing we can be sure of is Trump knows every single one and he wont forget any of them. He was vicious and nasty to Lindsey Graham today the same as Mitch McConnell last week. He's not winning any friends in the Republican Party and seeing as he's fired Bannon now and it sounds like Gorka and Miller could be off too, then that's the Alt-right support up in the air too. It's hard to see where he turns because he's running out of friends fast.
I'm sure people have read the article with Bannon saying he didn't believe he'd be in the WH long term.

This feels like a win...but, then again it doesn't. Trump started pandering to white nationalists/supremacists long before Bannon came on board and he'll continue to do that.

Bannon gone, Gorka and his wife are still around and more importantly, Stephen Miller is still in the inner circle and writing his speeches.

I don't know why but in a bizarrely innocent way, Bannon's appearance does remind me of a typical dad in his 40s/50s who boozes like a madman every Friday with his old work buddies, before returning home with a cheeky kebab and barely able to get himself into the house before he falls asleep on the stairs with the kebab on his chest.
In other words, Homer Simpson.
Don't care.
His war against the "globalists" like Kushner and co will have Trump as collateral damage.
Not a Trump thing...but, still :lol:

Look at him trying to look tough - HE MEANS BUSINESS

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He's always tried to ape that Churchill pissed off look, Tony Schwartz said it pleases him to have people see that.

I didn't mean pissed off, sorry, I meant pissed like he's been hitting Vladimir's complimentary vodka. At least Churchill probably was drunk. This guy's teetotal and still looks like an idiot.
Ben Carson was busy and out of town dammit!

Tbf Trump can't help it if all the best qualified people just happen to be white.

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