Transfer Tweets - Manchester United - 2023/24

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It feels like this happens every time a club is interested in one of our players. This or a stupid low-ball offer.
I mean if Juve went for a change of name, 'Stupid, low-ball offer' would be right up there as a possible replacement.
Typical Juventus then. I guess better saving some money from than paying his full wage.

Absolutely bad deal for us.
We'll never get good at transfers again until we tell bidders with bids like this to go and feck off.
If we can get big money moves to SA for Casemiro, Varane and Sancho, we should take them for the long term rebuild. Also will get about a million a week off the payroll that can be much better reinvested.
Imagine if we get rid of Casemiro, Varane, Sancho, Maguire and Martial over the next year. Should free up plenty of funds for a new spine in this team surely.
Imagine if we get rid of Casemiro, Varane, Sancho, Maguire and Martial over the next year. Should free up plenty of funds for a new spine in this team surely.
That would be great.
But remember when we all said, imagine if we get rid of Mata, matic, lingard, pogba sanchez, ronaldo, cavani
Hopefully different this time and we dont pick up more frees, and more bloated contract types which only give us a good 4-5 months.

Casemiro was arguably our most important player last season alongside Rashford. I don't buy this argument that Cas is suddenly our biggest problem. He was left totally exposed in the earlier games due to ETH stupidly changing our midfield structure, leaving him completely isolated (any midfielder in the world would be). I thought the idea to fix midfield was to see Cas and Amrabat together, yet I don't believe we've seen them play together in midfield even once.

Even in a bad season, Cassemiro's still our 2nd top scorer, our most progressive passing midfielder per 90, our top tackler per 90 and made the 2nd most blocks per 90.

If we are genuinely looking to sell him, we better have good, well-scouted replacements lined up, because our current midfield options have been awful.
I would sell at least 85-90% of this squad to Saudi Arabian teams if they came asking.
Casemiro was arguably our most important player last season alongside Rashford. I don't buy this argument that Cas is suddenly our biggest problem. He was left totally exposed in the earlier games due to ETH stupidly changing our midfield structure, leaving him completely isolated (any midfielder in the world would be). I thought the idea to fix midfield was to see Cas and Amrabat together, yet I don't believe we've seen them play together in midfield even once.

Even in a bad season, Cassemiro's still our 2nd top scorer, our most progressive passing midfielder per 90, our top tackler per 90 and made the 2nd most blocks per 90.

If we are genuinely looking to sell him, we better have good, well-scouted replacements lined up, because our current midfield options have been awful.
I agree, with the right team set up he can be world class for us at breaking up the play and adding composure and experience to the side! He’s been badly let down by ETH’s kamikaze tactics of earlier in the season.
I agree, with the right team set up he can be world class for us at breaking up the play and adding composure and experience to the side! He’s been badly let down by ETH’s kamikaze tactics of earlier in the season.

I find this reasoning odd. He looked well off the pace, similar looked to how he looked at the start of last season and after his suspension. There's a definite pattern there. At no point did I think this is a good player being let down by a bad system.

Issue with United is there is no long term plan. If they had a high standard for transfers, then yes we might have a crap team in the interim and finish 8th for a couple of years but we’d slowly build a proper team. Instead we panic buy someone like Casemiro, quality in the interim in terms of getting top 4 (as that’s the most important thing for the club), and then they need replacing a year later. Same thing happened with Matic.
Issue with United is there is no long term plan. If they had a high standard for transfers, then yes we might have a crap team in the interim and finish 8th for a couple of years but we’d slowly build a proper team. Instead we panic buy someone like Casemiro, quality in the interim in terms of getting top 4 (as that’s the most important thing for the club), and then they need replacing a year later. Same thing happened with Matic.
What's more worrying, is people want us to sell everyone and let Mitchell have free reign, instead of a manage - which I fear will end us back in the same place, but we could make some profit on players at least.
Selling Casemiro to buy this guy would make a lot of sense long term. Might be a bit bumpy short term though. Sell Varane and bring in a younger CB as well.
Play him alongside a more physically robust, but still technically good and mobile type like...Mainoo and it could be the immediate and medium-term future
Selling Casemiro to buy this guy would make a lot of sense long term. Might be a bit bumpy short term though. Sell Varane and bring in a younger CB as well.
That’s a real catch 22 for the manager, especially the season we have had so far. Nobody seems willing to wait and build for longevity, interested instead only in getting instant gratification.
I do think selling Casemiro at this point would be a mistake, personally.
Joao Neves is exactly the type of player that will end up at Brighton and he sold for 100 mil in the next 2 seasons
You say that as if Benfica will sell him for pittance, he's going to cost £70m minimum.
Maybe to us, Nunez scored over 30 goals and went for a little over 60mil. Neves would be acquired for 45-50 for a different team with better negotiating skills.
Casemiro was arguably our most important player last season alongside Rashford. I don't buy this argument that Cas is suddenly our biggest problem. He was left totally exposed in the earlier games due to ETH stupidly changing our midfield structure, leaving him completely isolated (any midfielder in the world would be). I thought the idea to fix midfield was to see Cas and Amrabat together, yet I don't believe we've seen them play together in midfield even once.

Even in a bad season, Cassemiro's still our 2nd top scorer, our most progressive passing midfielder per 90, our top tackler per 90 and made the 2nd most blocks per 90.

If we are genuinely looking to sell him, we better have good, well-scouted replacements lined up, because our current midfield options have been awful.

Thinking about it the wrong way , which unfortunately is how United has been playing the transfer market for years. We signed Case for a heavy sum for a 30+ yo even though he seen as the best DM in the world. He then absolutely bossed the premier league and his stock has gone up more than when he first joined. Now is the time to sell and look at reinvesting. We could look to get all of that 60m back which would be nuts to turn down
Thinking about it the wrong way , which unfortunately is how United has been playing the transfer market for years. We signed Case for a heavy sum for a 30+ yo even though he seen as the best DM in the world. He then absolutely bossed the premier league and his stock has gone up more than when he first joined. Now is the time to sell and look at reinvesting. We could look to get all of that 60m back which would be nuts to turn down
No thanks. We're not Brighton. I'd rather we actually keep our best players, cheers (also not for a second do I believe any team would pay £70m+ for Casemiro).

Also, even the teams that do this, like Brighton, always have a proven replacement already signed and ready to take over. We have nobody who can replace Casemiro and even if we signed someone we'd still need to wait until they've proven they're actually good enough.
Casemiro is not the best DM in the world and has never at any point in time since he joined us been the dest DM in the world. This place is so blinkered its unreal.

Casemiro was a great defensive midfielder whose limitations were shielded in a Real Madrid side with Modric and Kroos but have been brutally exposed at Manchester united. He is also well past his peak and is on the way down the hill. If we don't sell Casemiro by the summer, we will get no return whatsoever for him for the remainder of his time here.
Tier 1 (Sami Mokbel):

Ten Hag row has hit player’s value

That's an understatement to say the least, still don't udnerstand why he wasn't sold in August if he was such a problem behind the scenes. Ill advised to wait until the window closes then start speaking publicly about his attitude and then freezing him out.
That's an understatement to say the least, still don't udnerstand why he wasn't sold in August if he was such a problem behind the scenes. Ill advised to wait until the window closes then start speaking publicly about his attitude and then freezing him out.

Sancho froze himself out by acting like a petulant child. I don't think anyone saw that reaction coming.
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