Two american tourists jailed for 21 years in Italy after killing an undercover policeman


Full Member
Aug 26, 2014
The traffic stops are a constant thing, aren't they? I got stopped the other week, gave him my documents, he disappeared for a few minutes and when he gave them back to me he said in English "'ave a nice day", which sounded rather sinister under the circumstances. They don't tell you why you've been pulled over, and it appears you don't ask, either. At the beginning of the first lockdown they were stopping pedestrians, too.

I've tried to make pals of our local Carabinieri, they have a station right in our little village. I wave to them and they wave back, we've got as far as shouting "ciao" to each other now. There's only a few guys stationed there, so you see the same officers around all the time. I have noticed that when they go into the shop, they don't have to pay!
They are apparently looking for the large numbers of uninsured drivers, but I think it also gives them something to do. There are so many police in Italy relative to the population and not that much crime in smaller towns and cities.