

Full Member
Apr 11, 2016
Fred | 2019/20 Performances
No I don't think buying players is the be all end all. Getting a manager who can make his team better than the sum of their parts like Sir Alex did or Klopp is doing now with Liverpool is how I see us challenging, not by spending hundred of millions every summer. You contradicted yourself in those paragraphs because the whole make the owners more inclined to sell is in reality hoping for Saudi's to buy us which will give us an unlimited budget. While we don't have unlimited funds, we do have a healthy amount to spend which will be less if our own fans tarnish our image with social media crusades like this.
I think that getting a manager that is up for it is not enough. A good start would be to have a club that are more interested in winning than earning(from the owners to the players), then one would set a vision("Be the best footballclub in the world on the pitch" as an example), strategy for how to come close to this vision, short term and long term goals to realize this strategy, what we need to do to reach these goals --> structure (people in charge of reaching these goals), they define a style of pla (how should we play to become the best team in the world? Park the bus, high press, possession etc), the squad composition etc. Then Appoint a manager that fits the prefered style of play most likely to make us succesful in the long term, make changes in the squad to make it suited to this style of play and give it time.

IF we keep spending money without fixing what is fundamentally wrong, then we will continue to waste funds and the gap between us and the best teams in the world will continue to increase. If we want to improve as a footballclub then it would be easier to do so under owners that wants the club to win. Making the club less profitable and thus less valuable, will make the Glazers more receptible to sell the club at a lower price, and hopefully other potential buyers that are not the Saudis.


New Member
Aug 10, 2015
First thing first. Who decides which player to keep and who to let go?

Ed or the manager?

We should stop blaming everything on the next availble thing, we blamed moyes, lvg, jose, ed, ole, and now the board. They're paying top dollars to keep martial, young, de gea, etc. Even if it's a move i disagree strongly the intention to keep us competing is there, they just havent find the fix.

It's easy for fans to say hire competent dof bla bla bla. But who is that competent dof? Do we trust him enough with 1billion for him to spend? What if he turns out to be another lvg?

And dont get me started of some fantasy transfer buy sancho wan bisaka etc. We're talking as if those players would want to join us. We're talking as if we could just poach them away with 40m or whatever the fantasy price tag is.

Real life football is not that simple.
  • How is paying top dollar to keep Young a sign of their intention to keep competing? It's either willfully negligent or plain dumb.
  • It's their job to find a competent DoF. If lesser clubs can do it, why can't a club like United?
  • If Wan Bisaka from Crystal fecking Palace is a fantasy signing, then it's a sign of how far we have fallen. We used to take the best English talent; are we not supposed to even try it anymore?

There's a fine line between having pragmatic expectations and having one's head in the sand regarding where the club is heading. There's no structure to United's recruitment; there's no vision to how the team should play; we are hoping Ole will be the answer without giving him the required environment to thrive.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
They're also the constant when we won under fergie. Nobody's complaining then.
6 years of not winning is a long time, but also not that long.

Took liverpool owner a few trial and error until they got klopp. City has a few managerial appointment before klopp. Chelsea, madrid, bayern.

These things happens. Even the best club dont always know who's the best coaches to hire. How many crap spurs employ before they find pochetinno?


Full Member
Jul 17, 2015
I would have to click follow and unfollow.

Might be better to stop buying merchandise, paying for MUTV or visiting sites with news about the club.


New Member
Aug 1, 2018
I don't follow the social media pages, as noted above, they are awful.

However I would question how something like this will have a major impact on those that it is aimed at. United were late to the social media party, and operate a website that is best described as shoddy. It all seems like an after thought.

That said, something needs to be done. I have no suggestions to offer and hope this has some form of impact that helps change the direction of the club.

Is there any way to see the correlation between social media following and club revenue/value? I guess that would provide a better insight into whether this could work.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
I don't follow the social media pages, as noted above, they are awful.

However I would question how something like this will have a major impact on those that it is aimed at. United were late to the social media party, and operate a website that is best described as shoddy. It all seems like an after thought.

That said, something needs to be done. I have no suggestions to offer and hope this has some form of impact that helps change the direction of the club.

Is there any way to see the correlation between social media following and club revenue/value? I guess that would provide a better insight into whether this could work.
They've got a new website and app that's been built with the latest tech and pretty damn good now. The content is still shit though.

Also, I think the social media followers is something Ed uses in sponsor negotiations when talking about exposer the sponsor will receive. I don't think it's going to hit us in the pocket but it's a clear message to the board that this is an attack on Ed Woodward.


New Member
May 15, 2013
6 years of not winning is a long time, but also not that long.

Took liverpool owner a few trial and error until they got klopp. City has a few managerial appointment before klopp. Chelsea, madrid, bayern.

These things happens. Even the best club dont always know who's the best coaches to hire. How many crap spurs employ before they find pochetinno?
I think you are missing the point here. Even though 6 years without a title is quite a long period of time for "one of the biggest clubs in the world", that's not the main problem. The problem is that during these 6 years we have been constantly 5th best club in the league and not only we have not improved at all since Moyes was sacked, we lagged even further behind from City and Liverpool. We have no direction, our wage structure is beyond ridiculous, we became a laughing stock and there are no signs of anything changing. It's on the board.

ti vu

Full Member
Jun 16, 2015
How will this work? Opposition fans will start following us, now.
When it comes to data, it can be sorted. Following different clubs at the same time shows on data.

Data analysists shouldn't be smart enough to look for exclusive following.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
I don't understand why anyone would want to follow the club on social media to begin with. Nothing remotely interesting to find on our social media pages.

ti vu

Full Member
Jun 16, 2015
I don't understand why anyone would want to follow the club on social media to begin with. Nothing remotely interesting to find on our social media pages.
People want to be express themselves. Following a club, brands shows part of who they are. It's not about being fed on interesting stuff on regular basis, but to be able to express opinion when interesting thing happens.


New Member
Feb 26, 2014
Unfollowed for what it's worth although I will miss taking the piss out of the clubs Twitter feed in the comments. It's just so shit.
Last edited:


The worst "V"
Jan 3, 2009
It will cause a board reacting if it makes national news and the drop off is millions of people.
Certainly. I imagine it's already going to be brought up. Could be skimmed over, or could be not. We don't know what kind of talk that spurs on. Maybe someone on the board had been thinking something and now has the opportunity to say it.


Full Member
Jun 25, 2017
Unfollowed them on both twitter and Instagram.

It was due anyway, the shite they post on there is utterly cringeworthy.


Full Member
Mar 14, 2010
i am ahead of the curve, not signed up for a tweeter or instergram. we should start one of those fireedwoodward websites in addition.


Sep 28, 2003
Why not? I’d rather not look at those posts now anyway..


Trigger Happy Priest Killer
Feb 29, 2012
Bob Lucas Stadium
For the love of god.

You want to protest the state of affairs at our club? fine, great but lets Unite.

We finish our season on sunday at home to Cardiff, walking out duringf the game will have no effect as the players are already on the beach and have been for weeks. So here is a novel idea, sing Oles name for 90 bloody minutes. Non-stop.

We love Ole here and we as fans need to get behind our manager and let the players know that we aren't going to turn on him. Lets face facts, the players have essentially downed tools for 4 different managers now so at some point we have to tell them we won't stand for it.

Martial and Pogba are the biggest offenders and they need to be the first out the door. I read today Pogba wants out, a second tantrum at United. Bye. Martial strolls around the pitch. Bye.

Yes we need to seriously rebuild but lets get behind the manager.


New Member
May 20, 2018
This is quite hilarious. Wonder what fella started this whole movement and if he actually truly believed the Glazers will give a feck.


The Gatekeeper
Jun 5, 2010
I'm stopping eating Nissin noodles and Yanmar can feck off if they think I'm buying one of their tractors.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2014
Desperate times, desperate measures. I don't think unfollowing a social media page will change anything, but something must be done. These feckers can't be allowed to drag our club through their own shit.


New Member
Aug 10, 2015
I am not sure if this will work, but to all those who are having a little chuckle about it, got any other ideas?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2016
Kami's Lookout
Ralf Rangnick.
For the love of god.

You want to protest the state of affairs at our club? fine, great but lets Unite.

We finish our season on sunday at home to Cardiff, walking out duringf the game will have no effect as the players are already on the beach and have been for weeks. So here is a novel idea, sing Oles name for 90 bloody minutes. Non-stop.

We love Ole here and we as fans need to get behind our manager and let the players know that we aren't going to turn on him. Lets face facts, the players have essentially downed tools for 4 different managers now so at some point we have to tell them we won't stand for it.

Martial and Pogba are the biggest offenders and they need to be the first out the door. I read today Pogba wants out, a second tantrum at United. Bye. Martial strolls around the pitch. Bye.

Yes we need to seriously rebuild but lets get behind the manager.
This whole mentality of not voicing our discontent is backwards. The Glazers whole business model has preyed on the fans loyalty. If we done this from the beginning, maybe things would have been different. Besides, you've got it completely wrong. Walking out has nothing to do with Ole. It's not even the players really.

It's to show the board/Woody/Glazers that we won't accept just being some businessmens collective cash cow any more. The Glazers/Woodward have no intention of rebuilding us back into the elite.

They are robbing the fans. They have done since the beginning. All that's on their minds is how can they pacify the fans in the short-term so they can continue to milk us for everything we're worth.

We're trying to throw a spanner in the works. To force them to hopefully either take their ill-gotten gains and run or invest in us properly.

Sitting there happy clapping like we have done for the past 6 years has got us where exactly? The club is crumbling before our very eyes.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Jul 19, 2009
The trickle down effect of this would take a few years to kick in. Ed doesn’t make the club money from day to day activities but rather from massive deals signed over a long time. This club is still a money making machine in the eyes of shareholders.

You don’t need to make some drop in the ocean revolution on social media to sway the tide.

Poor football = poor product = poor sentiment = profits go down = shareholders sell stocks
= value goes down = Ed has less leverage in deals

Don’t worry, big companies tend to crumble over 5-8 years with poor management. They only linger because of sentimental value (SAF) . We’re at the 6 year mark and your social media efforts are redundant. ‘Fans’ don’t matter


Full Member
Nov 24, 2002
Ehh, call me back when there is a campaign to put pressure on the sponsors.


Born a freak always a freak.
May 8, 2004
Somewhere in your mind, touching a nerve
It’s worth a shot. But I think what’s more impactful is if fans protest outside the stadium and then just don’t turn up to games. A half empty stadium will have more impact than social media.


Full Member
Aug 25, 2013
Cary, NC
I am not sure if this will work, but to all those who are having a little chuckle about it, got any other ideas?
Just hit where it hurts - don't go to the games, or buy season tickets etc. Now obviously someone else will likely buy the tickets you gave up, but then no protest will work if you can't get enough people to do it to the point where it's useful to do.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2010
I think this has a better chance than walkouts etc as the people walking out have already spent their cash. Glazers will view each and every follower as a potential customer and seeing that number drop could cause some alarm.

I will unfollow and hope it gets the job done.


Foootball hinders the adrenaline of transfers.
Jul 11, 2015
Why are people against this? Our commercial pull is what making the idiots in-charge think that on-pitch success is not necessary. We can only do so much.

I did my part.

Sterling Archer

New Member
Jun 30, 2016
Just checked twitter. Our official account is drastically losing followers.
It's working. I can only imagine how will Ed feel tomorrow during the conference call with Glazers having to explain himself why we lost 10k Twitter followers.

Looks like it dropped 17k followers over the course of the day. Will be interesting to see how much it picks up. Someone needs to translate this to all the major Asian and African countries where we have followers in incredible numbers


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
It's stupid and a case of cutting your nose off to spite your face. Why hurt your own club when we rely on boasting about our numbers to generate ad revenue?

I guarantee you if you ask 90% of those fans who gleefully #UnfollowUnited what their suggestion is to fix things, their answer would be this:

Buy: Sancho, Koulibaly, Alderweireld, Wan Bissaka, Fernandes and Felix

Where do they think the money going to come from to pay for that?
How does it hurt the club to unfollow them? You're not getting anything out of following stuff like a club besides more advertising directed at you. The club doesn't have revenue tied to the number of followers.

The campaign sounds to me like fans are getting a message across without hurting the club.