United... kids... wife.. in that order


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
I first watched United way back in the seventies, a time before Fergie was boss

I’d spend every penny on watching them play, and I really did not give a toss

Well as I’ve grown older, I’ve changed my perspective, On something I’ve loved all my life

Watching United costs more than just money, United just lost me me wife

To understand truly the depth of this story, you have to go back 30 years

I’ve followed United all over Europe, I’ve cheered them, I’ve often shed tears

Now my wife, bless her heart, just didn’t quite get it, she simply did not understand

How a bunch of young men kicking a ball could appeal to an aging old man

For years she’s put up with me going to football, a ritual I’ve done since a kid

She begged me to stop it, to go with her shopping, of course you know I never did.

But fate was to hit me right square in the bollocks one Wednesday way back in may

She’d booked us to go out for a meal with her parents. United were playing away.

United were fighting, a race to the title, a game that we just had to win

“Theres no way I’m missing this important fixture, there’s no way that I’m giving in”.

“I’m going to football, that’s the end of the story, There’s no way I’m changing my mind”

But I never expected the wifes mad reaction as she clobbered my head from behind

“WELL feck OFF TO FOOTBALL” she ranted and raved, as the lump on me nut began to rise

With that she picked up my United clock and hit me right square in the eyes.

The United logo resembles a devil, well I found that night, its not true

My wife had become the epitomy of satan, the air in the house then turned blue.

Words that came from her mouth really shocked me. I was so scared that I nearly shat

I expected to be called a self centered bastard, but a c**t.. well theres no need for that..

We argued for what seemed like half of an hour, we argued, we battled we fought

She told me to feck off, and I duly obliged her, she yelled “I WILL SEE YOU IN COURT”.

Well I left the house and went back to my mothers, the marriage completely in tatters

United had won, in a tightly fought game, we were champions, so that’s all that matters.

The day of the court case to settle divorce, came and we sat each side of the judge

She wanted the house, she wanted the car and theres no way that she’s gonna budge

Being a man I defended my corner, no way will you get the TV,

The framed shirt of Eric that sits on the dresser, well that thing is coming with me.

The judge sat there looking, as we traded insults, and clearing his throat he then said

I think we can honestly say that this marriage, is completely and utterly dead

Theres no way that you two can be reconciled, and the best thing for you is divorce

She gets the house, the car and the kids, and the framed shirt, that’s his of course

I’ve read both your statements you offer as evidence, and I’m afraid that I have to concur

In her statement she claims that you love Man United, much more than you ever loved her

I took to my feet, and turned to the judge, and I said “judge in all honesty”

“Its true I think more of Manchester United, in fact I think more of City”

I haven’t seen the ex wife in nearly nine months, I see my kids two days a week

She’s married some bloke, a banker from Stockport, a city fan, god what a cheek…

The house has been sold, she’s moved in with Bertie, I call him the sad bitter blue

He doesn’t watch football, he often goes shopping, as City fans are prone to do.

I’ve got my football, I follow United, I watch them whenever they play

I’ll go when I like, no woman to stop me, no matter if its home or away

I still love my boys, and they follow United, like me, they’re United for life.

I’m just praying they marry a girl who loves football, cos United will cost you your wife


Full Member
May 11, 2013
Took me to the 9th line to realise it was actually a poem :lol: well done.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2017
Well I left the house and went back to my mothers, the marriage completely in tatters

United had won, in a tightly fought game, we were champions, so that’s all that matters.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
Hope this isn't autobiographical.

I would love to say its true, but sadly not. Married for nearly 25 years. The arguments though are very apt given my previous years of attending football and missing out on important family occasions. None more so than missing my wedding anniversary ( 27th May ) 1999. whilst in a very drunken state returning from Barcelona. Ringing up on the morning of my anniversary and saying "sorry darling, won't be home till Friday as I am off to see the team parade the trophies " was never going to win me husband of the year award...


Full Member
Dec 25, 2017
TL: DR. Welcome to the 21st century.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
It rhymes which is nice. Not a fan of the content. I mean why enter into the commitment of a marriage with someone when they're going to be play an irrelevant part in your life relative to football.


Full Member
May 22, 2016
I would love to say its true, but sadly not. Married for nearly 25 years. The arguments though are very apt given my previous years of attending football and missing out on important family occasions. None more so than missing my wedding anniversary ( 27th May ) 1999. whilst in a very drunken state returning from Barcelona. Ringing up on the morning of my anniversary and saying "sorry darling, won't be home till Friday as I am off to see the team parade the trophies " was never going to win me husband of the year award...
I thought this was a true story! I heard you (or maybe it was someone else?) on Utd we stand podcast talking to Andy Mitten about it


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
Ten out of ten my friend.

Lots of people just don't get football or United but those who do have learnt to expect fantastic highs and depressing lows.

Brilliant poem. Much respect.