Venezuela – socialist paradise on the verge of collapse

They’re not wrong, that Maduro does need to leave, the problem being that none of the Americans saying it are saying it out of a position of any genuine care for the Venezuelan people, but rather for their own interests. Then there’s the issue of just what Guaido’s MO is. Is he going to be another dictator? A puppet of a foreign government?

Meanwhile all this is playing out and the ones suffering the most are the people. A boat with ~35 Venezuelans trying to get to Trinidad capsized over the weekend and only 9 people were found.

What is the solution to this? How does Venezuela get better?

No and no.
The only way for Venezuela to get better is to get rid of Maduro and to reverse the politics of the last 18 years.
No and no.
The only way for Venezuela to get better is to get rid of Maduro and to reverse the politics of the last 18 years.

You're aware that much of the crisis has been caused by US sanctions, that were designed explicitly to do this right?
It's started around 15 years ago when Saudi Arabia (along USA) dropped the Oil prices to the ground, with the aim to hurt Venezuela and Iran.

Ok, so the oil price from 2004 is going to show otherwise unexplainable consistent historic lows right?

Anyone got the graph of prices from 2004?
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as for more recent sanctions, just google:

The crisis in Venezuela is political, not economic.

I call Bullshit.

You said this goes back 15 years that is 2004. You said the US and Saud set the price of oil and when called on to provide the obvious evidence in the oil price you can't.

Worse than that you have now edited your post to five years which suggests you know you are full of shit.

I think that is poor form even for the internet.
Chávez's daughter has a fortune of more than 4 billion dollars. It is estimated that Diosdado Cabello is over 3.500 million.
Andrade Cedeño, firstly Chávez's bodyguard and later treasurer is in 3000.
López Bello, who was a low-ranking official is in the 1000 million.
There are more, many of them involved in money laundering and drug trafficking.
But they robbed in the name of the revolution.
I call Bullshit.

You said this goes back 15 years that is 2004. You said the US and Saud set the price of oil and when called on to provide the obvious evidence in the oil price you can't.

Worse than that you have now edited your post to five years which suggests you know you are full of shit.

I think that is poor form even for the internet.


I edited (because i mistakenly put 15 instead of 5) before your response.

Maybe don't take too long to answer next timer after quoting. :lol:
Classic post.

Admits mistake but somehow I'm wrong for taking too long to point it out.

Not somehow.

Guaidó says opposition overestimated military support for uprising.

CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó on Saturday acknowledged errors made in attempting to stir a military uprising, and did not discard a U.S. military option in Venezuela alongside domestic forces — saying he would take any such offer from Washington to a vote in the country’s National Assembly.

After a dramatic week that saw a clandestine plan to oust President Nicolás Maduro fall apart on Tuesday, Guaidó conceded that the opposition had miscalculated its support within the military.

In an exclusive interview with The Washington Post, Guaidó suggested that he expected Maduro to step down amid a groundswell of defectors within the military. Instead, Guaidó’s call for the rank and file and senior brass to abandon Maduro did not produce mass defections. Maduro’s security forces then quelled street protests and left Guaidó’s U.S.-backed opposition on its heels.
I think that it's an interrogation."This is what the government of México is validating regarding Venezuela" Calderón tweets.
Ledezma is the former major of Caracas
Maduro is an incompetent idiot but that doesn't mean that USA and others should interfere in the internal affairs of Venezuela.
If the Americans shout about Russian interfering in the US affairs then everyone else can shout about American interfering in the affairs of other countries.
The interference started before Maduro during the time of Chavez.
This is all economic and white supremacy. Chavez is indigenous. Maduro is from a working class family. They are leftists and want the economy spread to most people.
Others don't want it. Especially the Spanish descendents of the middle and upper class.
That doesn't absolve Maduro of being highly incompetent.
This is not unique to Venezuela. This clash is going on in other countries too where colonisation has taken place.
lolly. weird weird corrupt world.
so not weird at all, actually