Gaming Video games you miss

There are emulators freely available to let you play these games today.
Most of the games mentioned stole many hours. Way back on c64 it would be outrun, buggy boy and the summer and winter games multiplayer, loving a bit of ik+ as well. Then onto the amiga with civilisation, populous, xcom enemy unknown, boxing manager. Loved stronghold and city building games.
Generally from the golden age of RPG's, Chrono trigger, Kotor, Dragon age Origins, Fallout 1/2, Mass effect etc, in which case i just mod the shit out of them and replay them its not like modern gaming has anything appealing going on anyway.

Any other games you guys miss just grab emulators, you can basically play anything on a phone or PC.
I definitely miss the simplicity of the old platform scroller games, but also the old RTS games like Populous The Beginning, Age of Empires 2, Battlefield Earth, Red Alert etc. And later on Black&White
Sensible World of Soccer on the Amiga. The career mode was so ahead of its time. The amount of domestic leagues you could play in was crazy. I fire it up on an emulator now and then and I'm terrible at it now. It's so fast and the CPU just runs rings around you in a flash.

NFL Blitz was great too, much more fun than any of the proper American Football sims. Wish they'd do a new one, or at least a remaster. The best version was Blitz 2000 on the Dreamcast but I haven't found a ROM for it yet that isn't buggy and unplayable.
Not the oldest game ever but I miss the original infamous games. They were so ahead of their time and I still don’t think a better superhero game has ever released. Second son wasn’t as good but I’m amazed they have never considered making a new one.

I can’t even remember if it was a good game, but I loved Overlord when that released too. Something about the style and presentation of the game.
Bionic commando
C&C, loved it!
Championship Manager in my opinion was miles better than the football manager era.
Most of the games mentioned stole many hours. Way back on c64 it would be outrun, buggy boy and the summer and winter games multiplayer, loving a bit of ik+ as well. Then onto the amiga with civilisation, populous, xcom enemy unknown, boxing manager. Loved stronghold and city building games.
Good shouts.
Ridge Racer Type 4 and Theme Park World
They did a remake a few years ago with updated graphics I'm pretty sure, same as the updated Day of the Tentacle
If you mean Full Throttle yes they did a graphics update but Im meaning a full redo with the latest style graphics and a longer more in depth story etc. The same story, the sdame feel but looking like it had been made in 2024. Less cartoon style.
I don't think many will have played this but vagrant story was amazing.
Yep and the games are mostly shite by today's standards. Leave them in your memories folks
I've played Pirates, Speedball 2, Giana Sisters and a few more in recent years and enjoyed it. They hold up well for me. graphics isn't everything.
Played Monkey Island two years ago..still think it‘s great. Played wiith the og graphics as well and not the new ones.

those old point n click masterpieces hold up the best by far
That's because they were all about gameplay as opposed to having the best graphics as a lot of games today

Simulation and managment type games today are all about being as realistic as possible, they used to be just fun
Command And Conquer

Had it on pc and ps1. We even had the connection cable for ps1 that let you connect 2 consoles and play pvp it was absolutely epic

Must have spent thousands of hours on this franchise over the years
A couple of arcade games:
1. Spy Hunter
2. Hard Driving
3. Guardians Of The Hood
4. NBA Jam
5. Final Lap
Burnout 3 Takedown.

Best arcade racer ever made.

Fight Night 3 and Champion, best boxing games ever made, used to have a copy of both but no idea where they are. Tried Undisputed on PC and it is a janky mess in comparison.
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic . I thought we were going to get a remake/remastered version of this in today’s consoles but not heard much since? A brillaint game.

LMA Manager . Before Football Manager came around, this was the best football manager sim out there.

PES 1-7 . Not enjoyed a football game as much as these ones. So good and just when you compare the modern day FIFA to it, it’s just laughable how far behind that is in comparison of gameplay & realism to those earlier first couple Konami titles.
When I was growing up one of my favourite games was IK+

also Chambers of Shaolin on Amiga

any others? I wish they’d remake them
IK+ was absolutely fantastic. The entire vibe was just so good.

Games I miss that I wish they'd remake? Ultimate soccer manager or tactical manager - we are LONG overdue for a competitor for football manager.

Agree with all @nimic ideas too to be honest.

Cannon fodder, Dune 2, that sort of thing are all great. One game that basically did get remade was F1GP : the modern F1 games are all utterly brilliant.
The FA Premier League Stars in 2001 released by EA Sports.
Game play was thrash but it captured the atmosphere of the premier league beautifully.
Having Clive Tydesley, Andy Gray and Richard Keys all on the same commentary team was equally amazing, and the soundtrack by Ministry of Sound was the icing on the cake.
Wish current EA and Konami releases had the same level of character. With all the in-game licensing these days, one would expect the same level of specialness to translate but it just hasant.
Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain. (However you spell it)
Dino Crisis.
Parasite Eve.
Pandemonium 1 & 2.
Legend of Dragoon.
MDK 1 &2.
The V for Victory series wargames from the early mid-nineties. They were shockingly good. And Caesar 3, which was the template for all those subsequent - settle-produce-and-trade games, and better than most of them.
International Karate? Rings a bell.

I miss GoldenEye64. Best FPS experience for me so far. There was a good copy cat franchise with a woman as the protagonist but that died too.

And there was an open world Robin Hood game for the Amiga which I‘ve played for an hour at my cousin and never again. Stuck in my head.

GoldenEye was the best multiperson shooter. Mariokart N64 was brilliant too.
I need to dig my N64 out, though last time I did the controller with just one joystick felt so old and limited. Took a while to get used to again.

I played this again a few months ago. Sabrewulf has aged better.
I was a ZX Spectrum kid.

Attic Attack
3D Deathchase
The Great Escape

Plus loads more


Dragon's Lair
Sega Turbo
Double Dragon
Golden Axe
Silkworm 2 - Amiga
Speedball 2 - Amiga
Panzer Kick-boxing - Amiga
Kick off 2 - Amiga
Super Skid marks - Amiga

And Skyrim if I’ve not played it for a few months. Just can’t stay of it.
Double Dragon
Golden Axe
Silkworm 2 - Amiga
Speedball 2 - Amiga
Panzer Kick-boxing - Amiga
Kick off 2 - Amiga
Super Skid marks - Amiga

And Skyrim if I’ve not played it for a few months. Just can’t stay of it.
You made up that last one!
There are emulators freely available to let you play these games today.
Emulating Amiga games is a bit of a pain in the ass to be fair. SNES, megadrive, c64? No bother. But the Amiga is a different animal. It's still doable but there are a few more hoops to jump through.