Watchalongs - The new phenomenon. Why??


Jun 24, 2015
I've noticed that Sky have now started doing watchalongs. I can't get my head around them. I can understand watching highlights of reactions when goals are scored, not given etc. But who would actually watch somebody watching a game of football live when they can be watching the game themselves? I know that the fan channels do them quite a lot so people must be tuning in but what the hell?

Does anybody actually tune into these events? What do they get out of them? Enlighten me.
They just need something else to create some form of 'atmosphere'. It's crap obviously. I don't need a load of random fans in their living rooms on the screen.
I've noticed that Sky have now started doing watchalongs. I can't get my head around them. I can understand watching highlights of reactions when goals are scored, not given etc. But who would actually watch somebody watching a game of football live when they can be watching the game themselves? I know that the fan channels do them quite a lot so people must be tuning in but what the hell?

Does anybody actually tune into these events? What do they get out of them? Enlighten me.

With the fan channels you have the chance to interact and chat with fellow fans during the action, it's any combination of:

1) Fan interaction
2) Can't actually watch the game due to any random reason
3) Just enjoy the live commentary in the background
Don't the "yoof" these days enjoy watching other people play through video games and stuff like that?

Could be something to do with that and capture a younger audience?
YouTube is full of the reaction videos (I'll never understand those), I'm assuming that they're trying to get in on the action.
I think they're fine as long as they have interesting/funny people.

The only I've watched is AFTV's and I only tune in sporadically when Arsenal play.

A RedCafe watchalong could be interesting with some of the more prominent members such as the ones who do the podcast.
Don't the "yoof" these days enjoy watching other people play through video games and stuff like that?

Could be something to do with that and capture a younger audience?

Yeah I get that. I suppose thinking about it, not everybody has BT Sport/Sky etc. and fan channels are international now so yeah there will be people who will find them of benefit.

I probably didn't think this through very well.
Don't the "yoof" these days enjoy watching other people play through video games and stuff like that?

Could be something to do with that and capture a younger audience?
Watching people playing video games is not that much different from watching other people playing football; it's just that the gaming industry is slightly behind of a more traditional sport in terms of the development in that particular area (making playing videogames appealing to an outside spectator), but this will change very soon. The principle is the same.

Watching people watching people playing videogames (or football for that matter) is another case, there's a principal difference. Although it does sound relevantly post-modernistic.
I do that and I'm 30 :lol:

Arf, apologies... actually, no I take that back, I've just called you young... you should be happy with that!

Random aside and out of curiosity... what is the appeal of it? Wouldn't you rather just play the game yourself? Or is it jsut a way to see what the game is like... (though then you'd only watch a tiny bit I guess).
Watching people playing video games is not that much different from watching other people playing football; it's just that the gaming industry is slightly behind of a more traditional sport in terms of the development in that particular area (making playing videogames appealing to an outside spectator), but this will change very soon. The principle is the same.

Watching people watching people playing videogames (or football for that matter) is another case, there's a principal difference. Although it does sound relevantly post-modernistic.

It is in terms of e-sports.... as you're watching people who are the best at something do something you enjoy, but don't lots of people watch "personalities" who aren't even necessarily any good at that game they're playing?

We all watch professional football, but I don't think any of us would watch highlights of the Heavy Woolen Sunday League.
Sometimes I will turn commentary off for a game and have a watchalong in the background. I only really do this when there is an actual footballer on True Geordies The Kick Off because they mostly don't really talk about the game but football in general and you'll sometimes hear some interesting stuff from the footballers on there - Dyer, Johnson, Morrison etc. Just a bit different.

That's mainly because the only games I sit down and only watch football now are Everton games and finals. If I'm watching a neutral game I'll usually be playing a game and have the football on my laptop which I can glance at.
Don't the "yoof" these days enjoy watching other people play through video games and stuff like that?

Could be something to do with that and capture a younger audience?

That’s been a thing for years, I remember doing it about 10yrs ago.

The watch along’s with the football are a lot more recent, I’ll watch them occasionally from a fan channel more so lately with there being no crowds but I’ll have it on in the background while I’m watching the actual game. I think there’s clearly a market for it though with the success of shows like Gogglebox, people just like watching people watch stuff I guess. :lol:
Arf, apologies... actually, no I take that back, I've just called you young... you should be happy with that!

Random aside and out of curiosity... what is the appeal of it? Wouldn't you rather just play the game yourself? Or is it jsut a way to see what the game is like... (though then you'd only watch a tiny bit I guess).

Cheers ;)

To be fair, I only watch people I know somewhat personally. I'm part of a community of 20 or so people who met through online gaming (think it was Battlefield 3) and started a streaming channel. It's mostly a good way to keep up with people - the game just being something for the background. It's basically a forum at this point, except more real-time and with some light entertainment to laugh at (nobody takes it seriously).

Granted I don't get the appeal of Twitch or YouTube which are less personal. Some like to watch speedrunners though, which is understandable.

Also, didn't Sky kinda start this about 20 years ago with those fancams where they had two fellas sitting in a room doing commentary?
Don't get it either. I think it is super boring. I have seen it on Sky Germany for a while now, they do it during the CL for example as well. It is just super weird to me in a way. If someone told me that 5 or 10 years ago it would be a popular format, i would have laughed my ass off. I thought a lot of younger people nowadays needed more action and thrilling stuff to keep them entertained.
I like the advert with Dion Dublin showing up to watch the Villa games with fans on webcam, knowing that Villa haven’t won a game since lockdown makes it hilariously depressing. The joy of having an ex-Villa player turn up to watch must soon dissipate once the game starts.
Arf, apologies... actually, no I take that back, I've just called you young... you should be happy with that!

Random aside and out of curiosity... what is the appeal of it? Wouldn't you rather just play the game yourself? Or is it jsut a way to see what the game is like... (though then you'd only watch a tiny bit I guess).

Think of it like a podcast but with moving pictures. You form a bond with the caster as you would with DJ's in radio, you login to listen to the caster as much as watching them play the game. The game is just a bonus from my perspective. I often listen to them while i'm working.

You generally join someones stream to watch a game they're playing but stick around because of the caster (if they're good).
I remember reading an article about Soccer Saturday almost never happening because the Sky execs couldn't imagine anyone ever being interested in watching Jeff Stelling and his mates watching football. On paper, it sounds ridiculous, as does this watchalong thing, but then again how many people watch YouTube videos of people playing computer games when they could be playing them themselves.

People are weird
Arf, apologies... actually, no I take that back, I've just called you young... you should be happy with that!

Random aside and out of curiosity... what is the appeal of it? Wouldn't you rather just play the game yourself? Or is it jsut a way to see what the game is like... (though then you'd only watch a tiny bit I guess).
What is the appeal of watching football? Wouldn't you rather just play it yourself?

There's plenty of reasons why you'd watch someone else playing a game:

- I sure as hell cannot attain a level anywhere near that of, say, a Starcraft pro. The quality of play is just incredible - much like seeing Messi at his best.
- The streamer/youtuber might be very funny or could offer interesting insight/analysis.
- They do ridiculous challenge runs, like beating Dark Souls with voice commands, or any% speedruns where you spend half the time out of bounds. I personally love these.
I remember reading an article about Soccer Saturday almost never happening because the Sky execs couldn't imagine anyone ever being interested in watching Jeff Stelling and his mates watching football. On paper, it sounds ridiculous, as does this watchalong thing, but then again how many people watch YouTube videos of people playing computer games when they could be playing them themselves.

People are weird

The Soccer Saturday thing makes sense due to the 3pm blackout and it's ideal for lower leagues. I can also understand the gaming thing. My main question was about watching a watchalong of a LIVE game. Who would have been watching the Arsenal watchalong for example, when the game was on SkySports anyway. And there's still watchalongs when games are shown on BBC/Amazon Prime for free. That's what I don't understand.
Watchalongs and video games playthroughs are something that are very big with kids these days. Reactions too. No idea why but hey-ho, different generation I suppose.
What is the appeal of watching football? Wouldn't you rather just play it yourself?

There's plenty of reasons why you'd watch someone else playing a game:

- I sure as hell cannot attain a level anywhere near that of, say, a Starcraft pro. The quality of play is just incredible - much like seeing Messi at his best.
- The streamer/youtuber might be very funny or could offer interesting insight/analysis.
- They do ridiculous challenge runs, like beating Dark Souls with voice commands, or any% speedruns where you spend half the time out of bounds. I personally love these.

Well like I said, you watch football that's played at the highest level - or close to it... you don't watch highlights of your local Sunday league team. Which is why I get the e-sports thing / speedruns / challenges etc, but don't a lot of people watch gamers - who aren't necessarily very good at the game they're playing - play through them? The middle reason you gave does makes sense to do that though.

Think of it like a podcast but with moving pictures. You form a bond with the caster as you would with DJ's in radio, you login to listen to the caster as much as watching them play the game. The game is just a bonus from my perspective. I often listen to them while i'm working.

You generally join someones stream to watch a game they're playing but stick around because of the caster (if they're good).

That makes sense... but who still listens to the radio?!
I do that and I'm 30 :lol:
I'm 36 and quite often do it. :nervous:

Arf, apologies... actually, no I take that back, I've just called you young... you should be happy with that!

Random aside and out of curiosity... what is the appeal of it? Wouldn't you rather just play the game yourself? Or is it jsut a way to see what the game is like... (though then you'd only watch a tiny bit I guess).
For me it's mostly a combination of a few things. Firstly, I'll have the stream going on my second monitor while I'm doing something else on my main. For instance I'll often have a stream going while I'm on redcafe, and switch attention back and forth depending on when something interesting is happening in the stream. Or I might be eating something and just chilling while watching it, the same way many people would watch tv (which I very rarely watch). Alternatively it might be a new game that I'm interested in, or somebody who is very good at a game that I play so I can watch for tips and ideas.

I personally don't watch people play games that they aren't good at. But those that do are watching it more because they are being entertained by the person streaming. They might be funny, interesting or otherwise engaging. Or in some cases, they're simply very attractive. :lol:
Sky did some very good watchalongs during the lockdown period where they had players & coaches looking back and commenting on iconic sporting matches they were happening which I thought were extremely insightful and enjoyable.
I'm guessing viewing figures were good for these and so they decided to try to carry it on with the live action as well however I agree that I don't think it translates very well as you lose the insight part which in my opinion is what made it so good. Listening to how the players felt at certain moments was extremely interesting. Watching some other people watching a game that you are also watching doesn't really excite me but at least there are other options available and we can just watch it on TV as normal instead!
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Well like I said, you watch football that's played at the highest level - or close to it... you don't watch highlights of your local Sunday league team. Which is why I get the e-sports thing / speedruns / challenges etc, but don't a lot of people watch gamers - who aren't necessarily very good at the game they're playing - play through them? The middle reason you gave does makes sense to do that though.

That makes sense... but who still listens to the radio?!
I'm sure some people do!

And yeah, even if someone isn't very good at the game, it can still be entertaining. Again, the Souls games are good examples: someone playing any of them for the very first time can be utterly hilarious if you're an experienced player. And nostalgic, too, because you probably also did the same stupid stuff when you first played it.
For me it's mostly a combination of a few things. Firstly, I'll have the stream going on my second monitor while I'm doing something else on my main. For instance I'll often have a stream going while I'm on redcafe, and switch attention back and forth depending on when something interesting is happening in the stream. Or I might be eating something and just chilling while watching it, the same way many people would watch tv (which I very rarely watch). Alternatively it might be a new game that I'm interested in, or somebody who is very good at a game that I play so I can watch for tips and ideas.

I personally don't watch people play games that they aren't good at. But those that do are watching it more because they are being entertained by the person streaming. They might be funny, interesting or otherwise engaging. Or in some cases, they're simply very attractive. :lol:

Ah so its gaming porn, now it all makes sense!

But yeah, thanks for the explanation - its all just different forms of entertainment I guess.

Jokes aside, I went to Uni with one such person (who does gaming videos, not porn). I once tried to hit on them at a SU night... I didn't get far.
I used to consider this kind of thing as 'kids these days' thing too, but when I actually started to watch reaction videos, I think I understand why. It's basically seeking validation on our own opinion, finding people who have the same passionate reaction to what you experience yourself and kinda spiritually bond over that. Even better when you have reactors who are genuine, entertaining, and/or insightful about the things they're reacting to.

It's actually something I really enjoy as an Old Person, because I have much less time and like-minded people to physically watch something together these days (especially with current situation...). Don't be too overly suspicious of this New Era stuff, you guys, just give it a shot and you may actually have some fun.
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The Soccer Saturday thing makes sense due to the 3pm blackout and it's ideal for lower leagues. I can also understand the gaming thing. My main question was about watching a watchalong of a LIVE game. Who would have been watching the Arsenal watchalong for example, when the game was on SkySports anyway. And there's still watchalongs when games are shown on BBC/Amazon Prime for free. That's what I don't understand.

I don't understand it either. I couldn't ever conceive of watching people watch a game that I could watch myself, but people seem to want a lot of different things these days. I still don't understand people posting in the matchday threads during a game. I've never read one, but hear that they are usually a trainwreck.
Top streamers have one of two things:

- Good amount of skill
- Good Boobs

I can't think of a single person who's found success by being average at a game and wasn't an attractive girl.

Regarding Watch-alongs- I like the idea. I'd never watch a United game on watch-along but I did watch the Liverpool v Everton game as it's interesting to see what other fans are saying at the time (Akinfenwa and Bellew was on I think). I'd much prefer to see a watch a long with people with deep tactical knowledge and not celebrities.
Top streamers have one of two things:

- Good amount of skill
- Good Boobs

I can't think of a single person who's found success by being average at a game and wasn't an attractive girl.

Regarding Watch-alongs- I like the idea. I'd never watch a United game on watch-along but I did watch the Liverpool v Everton game as it's interesting to see what other fans are saying at the time (Akinfenwa and Bellew was on I think). I'd much prefer to see a watch a long with people with deep tactical knowledge and not celebrities.
You missed out great sense of humour. I watch some streamers that just make me laugh.
Why would you watch sex? It's not you humping
Watching a video of yourself humping just seems disturbing to me but hey as long as your not hurting anybody else whatever floats your boat.

Just for clarification I'm not talking about you watching videos of yourself just the concept in general.
I used to consider this kind of thing as 'kids these days' thing too, but when I actually started to watch reaction videos, I think I understand why. It's basically seeking validation on our own opinion, finding people who have the same passionate reaction to what you experience yourself and kinda spiritually bond over that. Even better when you have reactors who are genuine, entertaining, and/or insightful about the things they're reacting to.

It's actually something I really enjoy as an Old Person, because I have much less time and like-minded people to physically watch something together these days (especially with current situation...). Don't be too overly suspicious of this New Era stuff, you guys, just give it a shot and you may actually have some fun.

Spot on.

90s hip hop was a big thing for me growing up. I love watching reaction videos on youtube to kids listening to some of the OGs for the first time.