When making new threads/posts about van Gaal being sacked/replaced


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Seen a spate of threads and posts recently. I know some are excited and hoping to see the news asap and share it, but just take a couple of mins to check and be sure before posting stuff.

Earlier someone was saying Duncan Castles confirmed Mourinho is replacing van Gaal in next 48 hours.

https://twitter.com/duncan_castles - NOT Duncan Castles

If in doubt, a glance at the follower count and number of tweets is usually a good indicator.

Last night someone said they saw on twitter that Mourinho turned down move to Roma and is having talks with United, with Sky Italy attributed as a source. Look at Sky Italia's twitter account or somethng rather than trusting any United twitter page who is looking purely to boost their follower count.

And before posting new threads with web links in, make sure it's what you think it is rather than just a 42 second radio interview with an ex-pro offering their thoughts on who should be new manager.

Don't post stuff from a United blog (like someone posted from something called Unitedpages last night) treating it as fact either. If anything happens it'll most likely be on BBC/Sky or manutd.com first

Big Ben Foster

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Mar 19, 2008
BR -> MI -> TX
Also support Vasco da Gama
This should really go without saying. Can't believe some people are so gullible.