When will Glazers sell Man Utd?| Glazers sell some shares to Fund Manager


New Member
Mar 19, 2014
The united stand phone in a few days ago said it best, by the time the owners and Jose fight over a few million for perisic city would have rebuilt a new team, and that is exactly how it went down in the summer


DUX' bumchum
May 10, 2009
I don't think we need an investment, we just need an owner who doesn't care about the profit and push our transfer spending to its full potential amount of money we can spend in the transfer window.

Taking from Ycharts source about United's operating cost is $640m (£475m) that include transfer windows spending and loan payment instalments, that's 79% spending ratio to our total revenue, the likes of City/PSG have a limit due to the FFP rules, they're at 99%, we're at 79% if we had to choose to be at 99% operating, we would have outspent PSG and City by at least extra £125m net so Suadi owner don't have to worry about making investment to fund club like United but at least they can push us to its full limit and probably sponsors their companies on United's seleves for 50m or whatever how much they want to pay for it, that's little investment, they don't have to invest hevily unlike PSG and City those owners invested heavily in first few season and sponer them with many companies that related to the owners because they don't have a strong finiancal like us and need to strengthen their finiancal to comply with FFP

If we have Suadi owner, it's all over for every big club, nobody would be complete with us in financial for the transfer window.

United have a few connection to the Saudi government, especially recently agreement - United is helping general sports authority of Saudi Arabia to help develop football industry in the country. I hope it is hinted that Saudi might be interested in buying United.
The Saudi's, Qatari's and the like are all about image, if they were to buy us they'd be flashing the cash.


Full Member
Jan 19, 2017
We do need a more pro-active and largely self-funded set of owners. I'm not sure the Saudis could actually buy us. We are valued as the most expensive club, IIRC. Which means the comparable pittance it cost to buy city or PSG is not where United will be priced. The best we could hope for is the Glazers will sell off more shares thus forcing some rules where they must have float most of the company or something equally unlikely. But back to the Saudis, their oil reserves/production is thought to be dwindling fast and maybe they are not the powerhouse they once were on the global stage. Having been over-reliant on the black gold and little else for so long.
Other Arab nations have stolen a march on them in the global markets so while I would hope there something positive in and that im totally wrong. But looking at the success of city and PSG, one would think they would have moved before now. I'm sure the wonderful informed on this site will soon inform u of my errors in this but that's as best as I can recall without a load of needless research on it.

So we are overpriced and the Saudis are effectively broke to make it a likely takeover.

Hey, I cracked it. The players and Jose have got wind of this supposed takeover and are now doing their best to make it happen.

Merlin 1975-78

New Member
Oct 16, 2006
Lomdon Borough of Bromley
United are unlike smaller clubs that were bought and invested into so as to make them big. Basically you cannot play football manager with us with the goal of winning the champions league as we are already that succesful. From football perspective it will give more satisfaction to buy a club at cheap level and then pump money into it so as to make it the best club and then make your name with it. Like Roman,abu dabhi group etc, there isnt the same thrill with united.

Unless an investor is either a united fan or believes he can milk the money from this asset(which would be worse) no one in their right minds would want to buy us as an investment.
People/families who can buy united (2.80 billion Pounds) and invest in us(1 billion in 5 years) needs to be fecking loaded. Buying city/everton /chelsea for peanuts and investing 500m-1 billion is one thing, buying an asset for 2.80 billion and then investing is another.

I can only see following that i know of having any money close to it-
  • House of saud (1.4 trillion dollars)
  • Top 15 richest men on earth.
  • Carlos slim (he owns a club in mexico and might have an interest)
Apart from these i do not think any one would part from their wealth just to own a football club.

Saudi's because well abu dhabhi have one and qatari;s have one so why not the richest family on earth should have one
Top richest men only cause they can afford a 3 billion dollar plaything.
They are all very valid points you have made there & we could just imagine how devasted the jealous abu's would be if the Saudi's took-over & cleared us of all of our debts in one go & pumped absolute £BILLIONS of pounds into our club & whilst myself & loads of other reds have been reluctant too go down that particular road, we have no choice but too abandon our stubborn principle on this matter because if we don't then then the alternative don't bare thinking about because we would end-up being left behind whilst every dam joke club in this country would all have some form of rich owner & we have too ask ourselves how concerned we would be if goodness forbid some load of rich arabs were too pump money into a certain scouse club because the thought of them getting back on their perch should be enough too make all of us want too abandon that particular principle & go & get ourselves a Saudi owner as that would completely blow man cITEH out of the water & of cause it would make all the jealous abu clowns fly into the biggest temper tantrums of their lives & it would be worth doing it just too see the looks on their jealous & extreamly bitter faces!


New Member
May 19, 2017
The Saudi's, Qatari's and the like are all about image, if they were to buy us they'd be flashing the cash.

Yeah, true. Saudi might care about flashing the cash, can you imagine them flashing out cash on top of our revenue $810m, that would be crazy. With Saudi, we could spend 250m net or more from revenues and other money from Saudi investment and sponership to flash out huge cash like UAE did with City and Qatar with PSG, we'd make PSG and City looking like a poor team, they cannot spend more than what they actually have due to FFP rules, given their revenue, they have a limit. That would mean they won't able to compete with us in the transfer window.


Mar 17, 2010
Keep a clean shit tomorrow, United is my final bus
In other threads people talk about the Saudi's with hatred due to their links with terrorism. In the football forum we're bending over for their money.

How much money do we need exactly? We spend a hell of a lot as it is, certainly enough to compete.