Who here wants us to lose to Chelsea?

Ibnu Ramli

Sep 19, 2004
I do, as long as it'll get LVG out.

If we lose 5-0, maybe he'll resign by himself :lol:.
No. I want us to win this game and the next games, keep LVG in power and win the title this season or next.

Hey, it can happen!
I don't. We will need every fecking point we can get to somehow get the top 4 spot, with or without van Gaal. Even if we lose, is there a guarantee he will be gone? I am afraid to say i am worried. He could resign, but feck me, we look without an actual plan. Giggsy taking over doesnt sound like a good plan currently.
Nah, I want us to win. I'd snap call if you offered a defeat in exchange for VG getting sacked, though.

It needs to happen to have any chance of top 4.
Honestly anyone who says yes can feck off.

It's a nice notion but many people will want this, and it's the clubs fault for backing them into a corner with the stuff they're leaking to the press, they're almost encouraging this thought process amongst fans.
It's near impossible for me to want United to lose. However, should we lose I probably won't be gutted as he will surely be sacked. I think without LVG we will be better off for the rest of the season.
It's a nice notion but many people will want this, and it's the clubs fault for backing them into a corner with the stuff they're leaking to the press, they're almost encouraging this thought process amongst fans.
This is very true
Reality is that there are United supporters who want to lose tomorrow just to see LVG depart from the back door. My message to them : 'Shame on you. Seriously.

Imagine the founding fathers of this club reading this.
If you ever want United to lose, you aren't a fan.

I speak for the near entirety of our fanbase in saying that if you want us to lose you can feck off and support someone else.
It's a nice notion but many people will want this, and it's the clubs fault for backing them into a corner with the stuff they're leaking to the press, they're almost encouraging this thought process amongst fans.
No match going fan will be hoping to lose at home to renties.
This is very true

Yeah it is true, I really wanted us to beat Stoke on Boxing Day yet I found myself not actually caring too much that we lost as I thought it'd have the inevitable outcome (LvG gone) , the same applies tomorrow for me.
The best case scenario is we win and then he leaves. That is however unlikely if it's true we're trying to convince him to stay.

I think the next best option for us to salvage our season is with a new man in charge. So regrettably if it was a straight exchange - a loss as the final nail in the coffin then it's a blessing in disguise to me.
I never want United to lose, ever. I just wish that LVG leaves because we've had 18 months of this tumescent shite he calls football, and any players who aren't giving their all for the team because they're upset by some of his attitudes in training etc can feck off with him. There's a difference.
Just like the "who wants us to lose to Stoke thread". I want us to win no matter what. I want LVG gone but the board obviously are not sacking him based on the results of the Stoke game alone, nor will they sack him based on the results of the Chelsea game alone. I'm sure the decision has been made and talks have taken place. Given the short amount of time between the matches and it being a weekend and all it's probably for the best to wait until after the match tomorrow. The club hasn't released a statement which is highly unusual for any club given the results, the media hype, and the reactions of the match day fans. Sacking a few days before Christmas would be madness. Sacking between Stoke and Chelsea then appointing Jose to take control would be setting him up for an unreasonable expectation against his former club just weeks after being sacked from said club. Let LVG take the fall, it can't get any worse for him. Jose will come in and rejuvenate the players for the rest of the season.
No match going fan will be hoping to lose at home to renties.

Maybe not lose, but I'd bet you the level of disappointment at a loss won't be the same as usual if it has the outcome we all expect.

Bottom line is we all want to win, but we also all want this current mess to be brought to an end, win and resign is the best outcome if that is possible.
Two options for me:
1) We win and he resigns.
2) We win and we "turn it around", win any of the Premier League, FA Cup (+ top 4) or Europa League.
Whilst I never want my team to lose it isn't hard to see why some would. In a situation like this fans may feel it will benefit the team more to lose one game and get a new manager in who will do better over the remainder of the season. Isn't anywhere near as bad as some make it out to be.
If you want united to lose then you are pathetic in my book. I know Arsenal fans who have publicly wished for their team to lose and they have looked like huge tarts.
:lol: This is beyond stupid. We need every win we can muster to get top 4!
From my point of view we will not get top 4 if Van Gaal stays in charge. What will determine our position is how long it takes before he's gone and replaced which sadly may have to be influenced by tomorrow's match.
Close this thread please, this is just embarrassing. If anyone wants us to lose tomorrow then they must be a closet Chelsea fan, no other reason for it. Worrying that any proper United fan would even consider wanting us to lose.
No, I don't want us to lose at all, I'd love to see us win convincingly, I just don't think there's much chance of it happening.
Numpties, Chelsea aren't Stoke, this'll be an easy game.
I don't. Every point matters.
And we'll continue to drop points if LVG keeps his job because we fluke a win tomorrow.

If it was that simple: Win/draw and he stays, lose and he goes, then I must say I'd take another defeat for the benefit of the club's future.
Another question - what would you guys rather happen from these two (realistic) scenarios?

1. Win tomorrow, LvG leads us to a 5th place finish, 1 point off 4th
2. Lose tomorrow, Jose is appointed the following day, leads us to a 4th place finish