Who you REALLY want for new owner?

Something like the Bayern model would be ace — except, extrapolated over 100% because fans owning a substantial amount of United stocks is not realistic any more considering the club's outrageous valuation. 25% of that club is split between Adidas, Allianz and Audi with Deutsche Telekom being another strategic partner...



United could have a 100% split between a handful of co-owners and strategic partners who are investing for the long term (as well as advertisement opportunities) and will mostly leave the day-to-day running of the club to footballing experts. The club doesn't even need vast injections of their money; just let it operate on its own and don't drag it through the mud like the current owners.

The ideal would probably be something like 33% for Foxconn (revenues of $170 billion per year and also own a majority stake in SHARP :drool:), 33% for Government Pension Fund Global (total assets of more than $1 trillion), 33% for Tata Group (revenues of $190 billion per year), and Ørsted with a token holding of 1% as a strategic partner — enterprises that are spread out, with incalculable and sustainable collective wealth so they have no need for United's puny revenues; and crucially, are at a safe working distance from Manchester (which minimizes the scope for micro-management in the sporting sector).
Bayern would struggle to get top 6 in the epl with that model.

This model only works if everyone else in the league is also following it.

I hear he's loaded and we can get the entire west to fund our transfers every summer.

Massive PR win to go with it.

I hear he's loaded and we can get the entire west to fund our transfers every summer.

Massive PR win to go with it.
He will post a video shaming fans who don't buy any merchandise. He will call all free streamers, monsters and villains.
"Americans" is quite vague and a bit of a bollocks option if we're honest. Glazers have been awful, but it's ridiculous to just assume that all American owners would be awful. Look at Liverpool's owners for example, no one could say they haven't improved that club.

FSG is not a good owner, the Scouse has been complaining lately. They just lucked out with Klopp and the right purchases at the right time. It's all downhill now
I doubt I'd really like anyone, but that's not the important thing. The important thing is to have an owner who will run the club properly with football people in the hierarchy and invest heavily in the football project, structure, team, facilities, etc. and manage+reduce the debt. Also the money put in should not be illegal. Beyond that, I really don't have much of an opinion except to think they're all probably snakes of varying varieties.
Bayern would struggle to get top 6 in the epl with that model.

This model only works if everyone else in the league is also following it.

Based on what? It's never been tested, really.

If United were rid of the Glazers, high incomes would go into our own pockets, and no debt to be paid, leaving more funds for players and of course the sponsors. Of course it'll not be unlimited funds like an oil-state, but the majority of fans doesn't want an owner like that too, so it's about looking at the best possible alternative.
Same as I've always wanted, someone to give us no debt and improve/renovate the stadium. Let the manager run the team and continue to allow us to spend what money we make.

If it's another oil club type scenario it'd make me physically sick
I would love to hear honest answers. Without any explanation. Only votes.
Mods can we have a poll;
A) Americans (some random american billionaire like Kroenke, Boehly, Glazers...)
B) Oil money
C) Jim Ratcliffe and co
D) Elon Musk

In order:

1. Radcliffe/Ineos
2. Other Americans
3. Oil money
4. Keep the Glazers
5. Vladimir Putin
6. Cristiano Ronaldo who then starts himself every game
7. Elon Musk
Anyone but the Saudis. Not opposed to the UAE or other oil states, but would not feel comfortable supporting a team funded by Saudi Arabia.
Elon Musk is a mad man and dont think he is interested. Given how Radcliffe has run the french football team I wouldnt want him at all.
Bezos maybe?
Are Dubai ahead of the Qatari’s/Saudi’s with their human rights? If so how far ahead?
I don’t know. The Glazer’s have been awful owners, there is no doubt, but when they are seeking £5-9Bn who can realistically afford that? In an ideal world we want no sport washers, no freeloaders and reduced debt. How likely is that given the price tag?

I hope it’s not a case of the better the devil you know, but at a time where I should be excited I have a horrible sinking feeling..
Radcliffe but I don't think it's happening

a bunch of potential buyers with deeper pockets will want us, and I don't think anyone here is gonna be happy with them

but that's the situation we're in, we'll probably end up with more money as a club but cnut owners using us for PR

I also think the investment banker thing is a complete non-starter, there is no value left the Glazers sucked us dry
We need a ego maniac who has a lot of billions and his only focus needs to be bringing United back on top and fight for every trophy with great desire to compete with clubs like City and PSG.

I don't care about morals etc, if we get someone like the City owners or the PSG one's the club will be back on top of the food chain for a year or two.
There were rumours around a while ago that Dubai were looking to buy a top club, so you would imagine that if Manchester United is up for sale then they would likely be sniffing around. However, would they buy United considering Abu Dhabi own City? I know football will not be as tribal there as it is here, but it could risk putting a slight strain on their relationship if both are competing with each other. They would certainly have the money to buy the club, clear the debt, renovate the infrastructure, etc.

An American consortium, or several, will no doubt be eyeing us up too. It's almost inevitable there will be interest from the States. It depends on the model to be adopted, and how gung-ho the potential buyers would be. Could have anothert Glazer arrangement, or even a Todd Bohely style where they come in and take a more hands on role.

I'm not sure if Qatar or Saudi could buy us. Not from a financial point of view, but surely the same owners can't own multiple clubs in the same league or playing in Europe against each other. I'm fairly certain there are rules/laws against that, so it may rule them out.

Sir Jim is a bit of a dream. United fan, Manchester lad. I wonder whether he has the money that would be needed. I think he'd have to come with other parties involved for the finance needed.
There were rumours around a while ago that Dubai were looking to buy a top club, so you would imagine that if Manchester United is up for sale then they would likely be sniffing around. However, would they buy United considering Abu Dhabi own City? I know football will not be as tribal there as it is here, but it could risk putting a slight strain on their relationship if both are competing with each other. They would certainly have the money to buy the club, clear the debt, renovate the infrastructure, etc.

An American consortium, or several, will no doubt be eyeing us up too. It's almost inevitable there will be interest from the States. It depends on the model to be adopted, and how gung-ho the potential buyers would be. Could have anothert Glazer arrangement, or even a Todd Bohely style where they come in and take a more hands on role.

I'm not sure if Qatar or Saudi could buy us. Not from a financial point of view, but surely the same owners can't own multiple clubs in the same league or playing in Europe against each other. I'm fairly certain there are rules/laws against that, so it may rule them out.

Sir Jim is a bit of a dream. United fan, Manchester lad. I wonder whether he has the money that would be needed. I think he'd have to come with other parties involved for the finance needed.

Dubai and Abu Dhabi are completely different, theres a different Ruler, I think its just builds more of an image for the UAE.

My preference is:
1. UAE / Dubai
2. Saudi
3. Fan owned
4. Musk
5. American Owners
You have to ask 2 questions.

Why would an interested party want to buy Utd and for what purpose?

Where would the money come from?

Most prospective purchasers would without doubt, be looking at making money out of their ownership.
Either through a regular return, out of increased asset value, or a combination of both.
At £5b to £10b there’s going to be little or no prospect of the asset value increasing for a very very long time, if ever.

Apart from the oil states, none of those mentioned will have the money stuffed down the back of the sofa, or cash in hand.
Their wealth is the estimated value of all their assets. Not actual money in the bank.
They will have to borrow the money from somewhere and someone has to take on that debt.
It’s unlikely they’d risk their own money either.
Characters like Jim Ratcliffe, or fantastically wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk won’t have more than tens or a couple of hundred million available, if that.
They’d have to raise the funds from somewhere, either by selling assets, bringing in partners or borrowing.
Even partners will have to raise the money from somewhere for their stake.
Will the borrowed money put more debt on Utd, or will it be put on a holding company?
Either way, that debt will have to be serviced. Who pays?

+1 for Norway

More realistically, any owners with decent human rights records and who aren't leeches (that is realistic, right? :nervous:)
+1 for Norway

More realistically, any owners with decent human rights records and who aren't leeches (that is realistic, right? :nervous:)

Depends how far back in history you want to go, every country has terrible human rights records, I mean being UK owned we basically colonised the world.
Ratcliffe is the obvious choice. Richest man in England, a Manchester guy.

I do not want oil money. I do not want to be owned by far-right Musk. I do not want to be owned by unethical, exploitative Bezos.

Bill Gates - make a bid. Now.
Ratcliffe is the obvious choice. Richest man in England, a Manchester guy.

I do not want oil money. I do not want to be owned by far-right Musk. I do not want to be owned by unethical, exploitative Bezos.

Bill Gates - make a bid. Now.

Ratcliffe will still have to get the money from somewhere. He won’t have that sort of money in the bank.
His wealth is in the asset value of all his holdings, not cash.

Musk is NOT far-right. He’s a libertarian and trolls the stupidity and hypocrisy of the far left.
He’d be too disruptive though and Would want to change too much.

Be so is no different from the others, in that he won’t just be throwing money away, just to own a football club.

Dubai and Abu Dhabi are completely different, theres a different Ruler, I think its just builds more of an image for the UAE.

My preference is:
1. UAE / Dubai
2. Saudi
3. Fan owned
4. Musk
5. American Owners

Musk would be a disaster. Why would you want such a pathetic person owning United? I’m walking if that ever happens.
Ratcliffe i guess but the available options leave a lot to be desired.

The best bet to success is some oil country but do we really want that? After all our polemics against city and the like?

An outside chance would be someone's like Musk who has the money but he in particular would be so cringe so I don't if I want that either.
Someone who can afford to buy us, and still have money to invest in the team. Also someone that isn’t morally reprehensible. So yeah, narrow pool.
All of you that wouldn't mind blood money coming in and United becoming one of those sportswashing projects like PSG, Newcastle and Man. City...you are all pathetic as shit.
All of you that wouldn't mind blood money coming in and United becoming one of those sportswashing projects like PSG, Newcastle and Man. City...you are all pathetic as shit.
Sportwash my arsehole daddy.
Imagine genuinely wanting Elon Musk after getting a real time feed of how he runs things. Even if he wasn’t that shit, you can tell he would interfere constantly. Not what you want in an owner.